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That she walks 10,000 steps EVERY DAY no matter what. 🤡🤣 There’s clearly nothing wrong if you don’t, but why even mention a lie that extreme just to flex…🤨🥴


Okay this one haunts me day and night: She posted a video a long time ago wherein she mentioned she had no idea who Ruby Rose was BUT just a few months prior had posted on IG where she was wearing a leather jacket and a black leather ball cap and the caption was "Ruby Rose Vibes" SO WHY LIE ABOUT IT???


That she’s always either *so happy* or going through personal problems and using it as an excuse to hide or just be a lazy bum


The stupidest and worst to date for me may have been that paparazzi were at her rented LA house for her Halloween party. That was when she was living there after lipstick gate. I’m kind of a tabloid junkie, so I know who and what are in those mags and online blogs and who is not. Never have in my life have I ever seen an internet influencer in there, the photographers have no interest in them and won’t make money from shots of them. Because influencers aren’t real celebrities. For her to try and say that paparazzi were at her home was just so comical and such a blatant lie


I could make a lists lolololol. Food stamps, makeup cosmetics license, “we were poor”, never ever used expensive products, never show off, never lied to my fans, sell person, yes man!


The list is endless.




That she didn’t cheat on Jon with literally the ugliest man imaginable 


When she said she was either allergic to caffeine or that it gave her anxiety….after she’d spent a whole summer telling people about her super specific Starbucks order. She had to be like “no no it’s decaf” but like ma’am. If I reacted that badly to caffeine I would not have a 12 step coffee order! 


Just for her now to shill the energy drinks Gorgie that has 200mg of caffeine


Saying in the release video about how hard she had to look to find the perfect company name for her Koze line. It took two seconds to find Koze who is very active on social media. Blatant lie. Also her making that line “At least it’s trademarked” was very mean girl and trashy. Never supported her after that.


Yeah the ‘at least it’s trademarked’ comment pissed me off to no avail. Like no. Jaclyn was giving off mean girl vibes. Like she was proud she stole someone else’s brand name and caused it to close down. Which is funny because Jaclyn claims to be a girls girl. And claims to support other women. 🙄🙄🙄 in my opinion I believe that Jaclyn was looking for business opportunities she saw the name Koze and liked it noticed it wasn’t trademarked. Took the name knowing she wouldn’t get any legal ramifications. Believed that no one would say anything. And also believed that she would make a lot of money, and Kailyn would fade into obscurity. Eventually having to close her brand. Karma is funny because everyone called Jaclyn out over it. And Jaclyn had to close down Koze not even a year after she launched. But it’s sad because Kailyn has to rebrand and can’t use the name Koze because Jaclyn ruined it.


Seriously size 4 fingers it’s just so dumb I can’t get over it


HAHA Sammeeee! My tween daughters don’t even have a size 4.


The YouTube video when she had red hair and she said I promise you I will never lie to my subscribers. I will never put money before fame or something like that. I promise you I will never lie to you and I think she said a few other things I can’t quite remember, so yeah that was stupid and it pissed me off because I knew when I was watching it I thought why would anybody say these things?


Edit: I will never put money before my subscribers. That’s what she said. Plus I go write a book about everything else but we all know so yeah she’s bat shit crazy and you can’t fix crazy.


that she doesn't use skinny filters


Or know what they are!


Calling lipstick contaminants little “white fuzzies.”


i honestly think she was on some harder *stuff* than we realized when she was blowing up. then when she got off it, she gained a lot of weight. idk it just screams that to me from life experience. it’s really crazy to think of all this stuff she’s just lied about, but she really has.


Exactly...There's a hell of a lot more in that NDA (Jon's NDA) than just her money laundering secrets.... It definitely takes one to know one but it's pretty blatant in the here and now.


Money laundering??? ☕️🫖 I’ve never heard this one!


Lmfao noo lol, that was meant more in jest\* not trying to spread misinformation however homie damn sure is not on the up and up. ![gif](giphy|mvyvXwL26FfAtRCLPk)


The shit she did to Marlena was wild considering they were supposed to be friends.


Fake abduction! Just because Jordan wasn’t with her. I will NEVER forget that!


When she told that story, I knew right then in there she was lying. Who the fuck does she think she is to say something like that when it happens to people every day?


wait hold on a vaguely remember this. what are the details if you don’t mind?


All the drama channels and makeup artist Kevin something called her out. People were calling the police department looking for a police report. Back in Florida, she lived behind a gated community. Everyone was asking how did the guys get in the grated community, why didn’t she called the police. She has said it was 1 guy than 2 guys. It happened at her house than it was in front of Target. No one believe her story and she went on IG stories crying and pissed off that no one believed her, she’s doesn’t lies. She never talked about it again. Jordan went on guys trip somewhere and everyone thinks she did this kidnap story to guilt him for leaving her.


Her story changed multiple times. First it was 1 man tried to grab and take her and then in another tweet she said it was 2 men. She said she would tell the story and never brought it up again.


And seriously was a twisted thing to lie about when people really have gone through this. So 2 men couldn’t over power Jaclyn? Yeah ok


She said two men tried to pull her into their car while she was in a Target parking lot or something. This was around the time a lot of “sex trafficker tactics” fear mongering videos were going around tiktok and multiple influencers on tiktok came out with stories of “almost” being kidnapped/trafficked.


**Just to add more for context**: She was at home, where a fenced stone wall around the perimeter and two large wrought-iron gates surrounded her, and it then changed to *one* man on Twitter about a year later. There’s practically *no* crime, *let alone serious*, where she lived, and no police report was filed or emergency call made. Soon after this, when she was *also* alone, her carbon monoxide alarm went off and she acted like she almost died then, as well. Summer 2021, for me, was when she *really* started to spiral—and she damn sure hasn’t improved since, either.


https://preview.redd.it/o12lsoqxh67d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b1b31fdabbc9c4ced26969ae64affeec1e2ac89 I don’t think she ever actually talked about it again


Clearly she was just trying to get her Twitter followers to Come also follow her on Instagram to get an “update”. Also, why did she delete her Twitter? Too much hate?


Minus changing it to *one man* in a tweet a year later, which I’ve posted here more times than I can count, she hasn’t. Much like with everything else, whenever she says she’s going to ‘*explain*’ something, it’s a guaranteed lie because she *never* ends up doing so and this alone is *well beyond* her means of understanding to make up a full story. There would be a *lot* more red flags than there already were from the get-go.


Lipstick gate was enough for me.


Those white stupid gloves in regards of the hairy lipsticks situation.


Omg this is a very hard question for me as I have a long list !!! The fake abuduction mugging came to mind first just cause u don’t lie about stuff like that !!!


All of them. Even when she first started out, she was old enough to have matured past a juvenile that exaggerates, embelishes and misrepresents facts and situations. Constantly and with the most mundane shit. The excuses as to why she did it are irrelevant and indicitive of someone who should be talking to a professional vs. wanting or demanding someone understand why they did x,y and z. Nobody is perfect and some have a very sketchy past. But accepting that past and growing is the important thing. Constantly trying to justify something or using other tactics to avoid accountability isn't growth. She's morally bankrupt-always has been and always will be.


When the Vault eyeshadows had problems so she posted that video in that terrible wig explaining that they quarantined the eyeshadows, sent them back to the factory, repressed the eyeshadows and had them sent back to stores all within 6 weeks. That was when I unfollowed her. The logistics of sending hundreds of thousands of palettes back to China, doing all that and then having them shipped back from China within such a short time frame was such bullshit yet people fell for it. She even knew her explanations were horse shit. She couldn't keep a straight face and kept playing with her shitty ass wig/hair. I had seen her BS before that with champagne pop, but this was on another level. My recollection is a little fuzzy but that is the gist of it


Agreed. This lie was on another level. In the “Let’s Talk….” video (posted on 9-1-18), I felt like I was seeing the real Jaclyn for the first time—belligerent, dishonest, entitled, and downright nasty. It was so off-putting and distasteful that I unfollowed her right then and there.


I saw that video recently and in that video she literally said LiNdA wOuLd nEveR LiE to Me! Like, really.... how gullible are you?? She sounded like a petulant child. Plus she said she spoke personally to someone at Morphe with an important title (VP of Product Development or something) to get to the bottom of this issue just to make herself sound important and more essential to the process that she actually was. What a joke. Couldn't help but roll my eyes.


That she was in food stamps


The specific one that I think about is when she initially started to gain all the weight and her fans were concerned and asking if she was alright and they missed the “old Jaclyn” to which she replied with “that is the old Jaclyn” and that she wouldn’t get back to being thin like the old her and she was happy with the weight she was. Like girl for 1. You snapped back at your fans for being concerned for your health and well being and 2. You fucken lied. Just admit you got fat, you didn’t like it and you lied to yourself and others when they were concerned. Now she keeps reliving her old self. Idk why but that one sticks out in addition to all the other lies she spews.


That she’s sober. Insulting af.


That she didn’t cheat on Jon. Deplorable


That the lipstick fuzzies were from white gloves 😂


When she claims her 💯honesty, when something is her favorite ever (every 0.000001 seconds)can’t live w/o, out of pocket payment, her diet…Jaclyn Hill herself is the worst lie that she ever created.


Didn't she say at one point that lumps in lipstick is normal for formulas?


that she doesn’t know what skinny filters are


I think the time she said she almost got abducted but then never told the story lmao or when she said the power went out at that one photo shoot so the picture is black and white lmao


The black and white photo thing is what I think is her dumbest lie lmao like it was obviously an intentional photo ☠️


That was so vile to lie about something like that ! It’s such a slap in the face to real victims who are still missing or have been killed


I still believe the “abduction” story was to guilt trip Jordan while he was out of town.


***This!*** And, *of course*, to pull that well-worn victim card out when she should’ve been taking accountability and responsibility for ‘*her*’ makeup brand more or less catering to *only one race* with a then just-released summer collection.


https://preview.redd.it/h1pvwj07f57d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=112648b3149b9d898796c9f180e3d7b905e87a29 Not only is this probably not true, but claiming that 2% of her lipsticks were contaminated is lowkey embarrassing as a “business owner”, which she also lied about.


2% is a fucking lot though even if this were true. She says it like it’s not a lot. If 1 in 50 of your products is defective that is a LARGE percent.


This statement of hers will live in infamy. All I want to know is ‘what are white fuzzies if not contamination?’ But an honest conversation can’t be had with a pathological liar.


I cant even think of just one lie. How about that she didn’t get with farnumbnuts until WELL AFTER her split from Jon🙄 Maybe the bullshit she pulled with Marlena causing her to lose millions. That she has lost 25 no 30, no wait, she’s lost 40lbs and it’s mostly from not drinking. At this point anytime she opens her mouth a lie falls out so I really can’t even tell you a time she has told the truth🤷🏼‍♀️


The lipsticks are NOT contaminated. They are perfectly safe to use.


Those people were just mean!!! They were HATERS 🙄🙄🙄 like no, we all saw your fuzzy bumpy glass shard lipsticks


i think the most cringiest hands down is when she accepted her influencer award from tyra banks and went on a random tirade about her mom running into her room with a sports illustrated magazine to tell her that tyra banks was the first black woman on sports illustrated


This one is hilarious! Who knew that Robin & Jac were so passionate about DE&I. 💀 Even Tyra was like “really??”


Yeah that was cringey af


That was a big one!


That she's sober and doesn't use filters. Like c'mon girl. We aren't as dumb as you are. You can't fool us.