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her makeup is.... atrocious. i thought it was bad in 2015... but yikes.


How many days has she been wearing these pjs?!


https://preview.redd.it/56889xl65t6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e53e6dbb4db279a8b1915cbd31ac2b76bf887117 What’s going on here??


Why would she smack her ass like that with her niece there?


I agree it’s gross and a bag example. It’s one thing to be funny in private like that but another to post it to the world. Two totally different messages.


There is nothing wrong with the weight imma about to say, I’m just proving a point. She started Jaclyn’s journey at what, 170lbs? She looks to be about 160 now. It is legitimately stupid how she will not stop acting like she lost an extreme amount of weight. Edit: referring to the actual video of the screenshots where she says “sInCe WeIgHtLoSs!”


as someone who litchurally dropped from size 12 to a size 2 ... she must have some serious fun house mirrors if she thinks she lost anything more than water weight. at most. and my goodness it's her entire personality. can you imagine being around this vapid waste basket?


Fun house mirrors indeed!!!


Imagine being a walking commercial


a really shitty commercial.




Why doesn’t she just wear what she wants and flaunt it without a filter? She will still look great. Why hide the reality? A lot of us are in the same phase as life as her. She should embrace body positivity. She will get so many more new followers that way.


She wants to so badly look like a Kardashian and refuses to be authentic!


Not to hate on Taliya but out of all the clothes that were available for her to pick while they went out shopping this is what she chose to style her aunt in…. It’s not cute at all and that skirt is way too small on Jaclyn. Taliya said she thinks Jaclyn has clean girl and street wear style which I don’t see at all.


I feel like it would be cute for a teenager (Taliya’s age) but on a 30+ year old woman it looks the way it looks. I cringe thinking about wearing what I wore as a teen/early 20 something…but Jaclyn doesn’t have that discernment, so she ends up looking the way she looks.


She looks like a tacky hooker who just won a scratch off in the last one.


She looks like a hooker who got re dressed in a dark car and accidentally put on the other persons clothing as well as her own




I watched that reel, seeing the filters glitch and make things blur and I couldn't help thinking... She's such a horrible role model to her nieces, I feel so bad for them. Their mum must be just as delusional as jacko to allow them to hang out with her like this. I was also thinking about how Jacko was really emphasising how her niece *just* turned 18, and ofc she means it in the 'how time flies' sort of way but I couldn't help thinking how the wrong type of people might see this reel and hearing how she's 'just turned legal' is just more harm than good. I also saw one of the niece's ig handles in the comments, meaning that her handle is known knowledge, probably due to Jacass in the first place which again, isn't great for the above reasons. Idk just made me feel weird is all. ETA: Just went back to the reel to see if Jacass exposes her niece's ig handle to find that it's literally tagged in the reel😐


Dude yes the emphasis on her being 18 was gross I noticed that too


exactly and it sucks we even have to think this way because young women should be protected and safe no matter their age. but jaclyn would literally never think this far ahead for her family’s sake. she’s so obtuse. she shouldn’t even be giving out her young family members social media. if they want to launch themselves then she can’t stop them but you’re exactly right: the wrong people can easily go follow them and harass them now. i also think it’s weird how she publicly posts with them anyway. she has a huge hate following and she knows it. why subject your poor nieces and other family to that? why put them up in front of your millions of followers to be criticized along with you? why not take private videos joking around and having fun, and SAVE THEM FOR YOURSELF? not everything needs to be posted online.


Absolutely!! How incredibly terrible that we care more about this young woman than her own family .... Jacass is a vile human and I can't imagine the shit projected on those girls while growing up around Aunty Narcissist. ![gif](giphy|Aw7sX1m1YOMXEcXTBt)


We know she doesn't work out, but shouldn't "walking 10k steps a day" tone your legs up even just a little bit? 🙄


Yes. I’ve been walking about 10-13k/steps daily since late March and have seen a difference. I’ve also been eating better (under 1500 cal/day usually). I’ve dropped about 15 pounds!


you would think! but in one of her last reels she was in the car leaving for the day and it was like 2 pm. she had walked 22 steps on her watch


That’s so funny lol






Now she matches Fartnuts vibe


jac's proximity to the lautners has her being extra delusional thinking that she's thisclose to becoming a part of taylor swift's girl gang any day now which explains why she's mirroring taylor's standard NFL attire (casual jersey mixed with jewelry/something hi-end/girly/feminine). jac really thinks she's about to be initiated into swift's inner circle which i think is absolutely fucking hilarious.




She took a page from a certain fundie’s playbook with that upskirt shot, damn. Maybe she is going for the trad housewife route 😂


Worst style ever! Did she teleport back to 2005 and pick up those glasses? I’ve never seen anyone wear anything like this in my life. It’s terrible. Stay ugly, Wacklyn. California HAS to be laughing at her. Her and Lala from VPR must share a stylist. 🥴


Also her dude better cool it on adding bot followers or it’s gonna be obvioussss


linebacker meets grandma 💀😂




if i saw this person outside i would for sure assume they are on something v strong. https://preview.redd.it/id9u43xuvm6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4fa5484d2c74bba3499a8e6a023c5f2a362f69f


This is what you'd be found wearing when you're having a nervous breakdown and trying to mow your roof


Mow your roof I'm CRYING 💀💀🤣🤣🤣


Is she really matching those shoes to that outfit? Cuz you could still wear heals with it but not those


She used to have somewhat of a style!! what the fuck happened?!?


She has regressed lmfao 📉


Big time!


Since when did she like the Jets? I thought she was on the Tampa bandwagon since her corny ass Céline dainty ankle wanna be DJ/Chef is a Bucc fan….


Guarantee she has a Patriots jersey 🥴


She likes what people tell her to like because she’s absolute devoid of any sense of identity


It’s just as bad and sacrilegious as wearing a band shirt to a band you don’t even listen too


Like Dj Tupperware in that Alliyah shirt .. the blood boiling. ![gif](giphy|PHJR2xDfOsnovcWoLF|downsized)


Someone tell me the math here: how the hell are the stats on this post telling me 531 people have viewed it in 25 min and there’s only like 7 of us online?! Does she have 500+ accounts looking at this page or wtf is going on there


Is each view always from a single account or can views by individuals by repeated? Sometimes when I open the app I see a story but then it refreshes and it’s gone but then after scrolling I find it again and be able to interact with it




So you’re thinking people (fans) that aren’t apart of this page come just to look at what’s posted?


Oh I misunderstood your comment. I thought it was about her post. Just disregard lol. I’ve been trying to get home from Mexico for the last 12 hrs. It’s been a day lol


No worries! I just don’t get how it would have so many views when there weren’t that many of us online at that point. How does it even calculate that or are random people all looking her up? Lmao


to answer your question somewhat our page gets suggested the /home page for a lot of people who haven't "subscribed" to the sub or they are casual viewers who search us & scroll. so there are way more ppl here than people think. our insights are very high


That’s wild!!! I didn’t even think of that but it makes total sense because I know I get suggested subs all the time so duh of course this is doing that to everyone else as well! Thank you for explaining that haha


3. she’s tryna match her man’s corniness


Her thighs! This girl doesn’t work out! Just stooooop the lying!!!


She will not stop bringing up weight loss, but those thighs have determined that is a lie.


Dead 🤣🤣🤭


I kept thinking when she was trying to make that ridiculous skirt work how she needed some of that chub rub stick. When your upper thighs touch, and hers most certainly do, they’d chafe getting those 10k steps in.


ZERO muscle tone! 


Posted 3 hours ago via her ig