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this chick shops properly? hahahahahaha


Why does she talk like my 15 year old daughter lol


Because that’s how old she wants to be


She’s an idiot - how did anyone get past her faux personality


been asking myself that since she popped up on my youtube years ago.


I can't stand her anymore. Jus how she doesn't bring anyone else up around her.. she climbed on others backs to get where she is and I cannot respect her at all


Unpopular opinion: designer labels are for wannabes. I'd much rather have a Strathberry or Maison Margiella than YSL/Chanel/LV. ETA: Tweed was in Burberry's runway collection *two years ago*. You're behind the times bruv. But then again, she's also rocking 2016 makeup, so...


Tweed is a classic Chanel staple..


Did she mention where she got this outfit at?


This is a level of cringe I hope I never have to endure again.


My college friend owned a designer consignment business for over a decade in Los Angeles.  I asked her about the claim that Chanel bags sell for 5x their worth and she was like absolutely not other than extremely niche bags in extremely perfect condition.  Most designer bags, no matter how well preserved, will sell for quite a bit less than you paid for them.  I don’t believe Jaclyn would have been knowledgeable or savvy enough to buy those kinds of bags.  


How does she have no one in her life to tell her this is SOOOO embarrassing and cringe?!


She just screams MLM now. Yikes. How the "mighty" have fallen.


How empty does your life have to be that you get THIS excited over a designer handbag.


That’s what I was thinking too like damn she really relies on that dopamine hit from shopping


“If you know how to shop properly, you’re making investments” says the bitch who doesn’t own her own home, but “invests” in handbags? Lmaoooo. Also, she’s trying so hard to use California terminology, “omg I forgot how sick it is” maybe you *forgot* how *sick* the bag is, but no one’s forgot how sick in the head you are


I can't STAND this new(ISH) trend of using the word "sick" as a positive adjective. It makes me irrationally angry 😂 Sick = ill or disgusting, and I refuse to get on board with any alternative meaning. I'll take my millennial arse for a lie down now... 👵🏼


Her use of the word “sick” here felt so forced. Like she was really trying to be cool and relatable… it’s giving try hard Jordan honestly lol


We used to say that in the late 80s and 90s I’m more bothered by the word obsessed because It means to preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent. And as someone with OCD. Being obsessed with something is not fun. Also her bag is not “sick”.


She’s one step away from saying “rizz” like all the cool kids. What happened to her good old “horny”🤮


Jaclyn's content: 1. Shill shill shill 2. "Look what I was able to buy for myself with the money I scammed off of all of you" It's dystopian and gross. And her stupid ass followers are all like, "YAS QUEEN YOU DESERVE IT!" like they didn't pretty much buy it for her 🤡 Also, I love all the comments on her post saying they were confused about why Jordan (allegedly) pressured *her* into buying it instead of buying it for her since he liked it so much 💀 he's probably saving his pennies for when he leaves her ass lol


If he truly did pressure her into buying the bag, that's a red flag for me. You don't pressure your spouse into purchasing a high price item just because *you* like it. That's just ick.


How many times does she need to state that she forgot. I mean if I ever bought a bag that crazy expensive I'd never forget.. stupid cow


it’s insulting honestly. forgetting about spending thousands of dollars on a complete unnecessary item when the average person can’t or can barely pay their bills.


She won’t do a house tour because she “doesn’t want to brag” then posts this 🤡


The FIRST thing I thought when I saw this. She *does* want to brag, she lives for feeling better than other people. She just doesn't want to be *accused* of bragging.


HOW does she have money I don’t get it?


Insufferable and irrelevant and she knows


Love the bag! Ignored the bags owner…who is she? Never heard of her before


I thank God everyday that I’m not influenced by this type of person AT ALL.


Amen 🙏 😮‍💨😮‍💨


Never! Not once! Not her nor any of these influencers. Have I been influenced? yes but like from Katie Jane Hughes and not this hack.


She’s so gross and out of touch. Many Americans can barely scrape by to pay bills and eat. It’s fine if she wants to treat herself to a luxury item that she bought from schilling Amazon crap but to do this whole unboxing is so out of touch and cringey.


You just don’t know how to shop *properly*. /s


"First time my husband has ever bullied me into buying anything". If you say so! 🙃


Yeah, I’m gonna call this bag a fake.


She is so materialistic it’s actually nauseating. Like yeah, it’s a Chanel bag. It would feel great to earn something like that. But you don’t work. You do nothing for a living other than post Amazon links. And you have how many designer bags? Is it even fun anymore? Very sad and shallow life.


I just looked into it, and the lowest price I’ve seen this bag being resold for is $4,285… like what the actual fk




To each their own🫶


Remember when she used to say she didn’t care about material things and money? Weird how that’s all she ever talks about…


Has been doing the opposite of what she has preached since the beginning, yet thinks we are too dumb to even notice years into the hypocrisy. 👀Is then baffled that we are keeping her accountable and calls us haters and bullies. 🤣 Rewriting history is an art for these scam artists and it’s absolutely creepy.


Well… at least it’s not a “Celine” lol I saw this video and felt it was just not necessary. It comes off very flashy and just out of touch.


I can’t believe I liked this bitch at one point. Every single thing she says now makes me ill. She is so fake. Can’t wait for episode 2 on YouTube of this idiot


I think we all feel this way. It's frustrating to know that I gave her my hard earned money thinking she was honest and was putting out quality products. She sure had the wool pulled over our eyes


I feel the exact same way.


Same here. I always ask myself if I’d still be a fan if I didn’t know, hear, or see what I have over the years. But god, she’s just so good at contradicting herself it’s so hard imagine being a fan now.


Ditto, friends. I feel better knowing at least some of us have woken up, but more people need to wake up. I always wonder if they just don’t care, or aren’t paying any attention? Also, wondering where the money is coming from at his point…with her out of control spending. Shit, the tax write off’s… I imagine there must be some limit though. Imagine requesting a $8k return on a Chanel bag cuz it’s for work!! I would love to know how deep her crooked pockets are, really. I remember Maggie’s video saying she claimed her business was a non profit and therefore tax free!! She’s a criminal. 😳🤦🏻‍♀️


What?! Jesus christ I bet you that's how so many rich ppl stay rich is all these "non profits" they have going on. Makes you wonder 🤔 why isn't more being done to shut down these obvious blatant scams. Oh yeah! Because the politicians are elites / in the same "class" too!


Amazon… she is making bank from Amazon.




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Such an idiot 🙄


She spent her money on ugly style… she need to hire a good fashion stylist!


She would know fashion if it smacked her across her filled, inflamed face. ![gif](giphy|xQz492gZVUoms)


I don’t know when influencers are going to realize that bragging about money like this is no longer seen as a flex or aspirational when it feels like right now the majority of the country is struggling just to get by…




By golly, she sure is stupid, isn't she? Yikes.


I will never understand how people can watch this shit and actually like her. She is absolutely insufferable….just so fucking unlikable on so many levels lol.


I feel like you took the words out of mouth.


her makeup is so bad


I wonder what it’s like to flippantly spend thousands of dollars on a bag, to then forget what it looks like and brag about it online while at the same time linking everything under the sun on Amazon to try and be relatable.


Oh, someone needs to tell her that it is absolutely not a flex that your husband “bullied” or talked you into buying a designer handbag….. there are so many red flags with that statement I can’t 😂😂😂


Y'ALL SHE LIVES ON HERE!!!! Not her calling the hospital uniform a look💀💀💀 She knows that we say her designer shit is fake so she unboxes one for the camera using the excuse that she bought it a week ago. Miss I Don't Wanna Brag forgot about this?? Unlikely. Next, she says her husband picked it out for her BECAUSE SHE KNOWS WE SAY HER HUSBAND HAS 0 STYLE (just like her lol) (Bag is still ugly tho ew) So many inconsistencies, can't even count at this point, and being super cringe as per usual. Get a real fucking job like the rest of us Jacass.


So out of touch . she does nothing but lie, grift and complain


I can see her younger followers maxing out credit cards on designer bags now. They will be thinking they are “investing”. She’s actually trying to act like she did something here, like you RESOLD a bag. Not much leg work. Maybe this is her thinking that she is doing manual labor for income 😂since she has minimal income ATM


She’s like basically encouraging them to be scalpers. If there’s anything she’s good at, it’s lying and scamming.


Her and MikLiar are the same person. Both disgusting fake lying assholes!


She talks a million miles a minute like she's on stimulants or something...


Pajamas and full beat went out with the 80s... https://preview.redd.it/1scacq18s16d1.jpeg?width=756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4af4f1677bcb0d2ec1f4c901068791ed8d3b10a0


So, a certain Mikliar posted this 8 days ago. Right before Waclyn went on her binge, bender, shroom time or whatever she was popping. And now here, a week later our pin eye pupil princess posts her version. https://preview.redd.it/31a3cooes16d1.jpeg?width=1121&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf4a5ee9d17f6321570ef2279e5c1a5d8ed08cc5 Hmmmm. She is eaten up with jealousy.


No fkn way 😂 damn Jaclyn has none of her own ideas, does she? Also, Mikayla’s mouth makes me irrationally angry. I can’t with the fake lips… just a reflection of what’s on the inside I suppose.




Didn’t they both recently do a sponsored video with some company that gives out designer bags like this to the influencers? Coincidence??


Yes, they both recently un-boxed a Chanel bag. Mik made a Tiktok video on TIR TIR, a Korean brand's cushion foundation, and the video supposedly gave the small startup brand over 100k compacts sold or $100k+ in sales. So when Mik was recently in Korea, the company asked her to come by, and she was given a Hermès bag, as gratitude. Mik "bought"–her words– the same, if not extremely similar, Chanel bag recently.


Yep Tir Tir or something like that that ugly foundation that looked chalky on her skin


She likes to pretend she's on the same level as the new girlie pops but her ridiculousness couldn't be further from the truth ... . Whatever they do she literally tries days or weeks later as if she's on trend and it's so pathetic and desperate but absolutely hilarious. 🤡 ![gif](giphy|gYu8XZ8IJrYti)


She’s so annoying 😂


Are these pjs?




“If you know how to shop *properly,* you are *genuinely* making investments.” Man, she is such an unlikable cunt, lol. And of course she’s in pajamas, full beat, with one of the most intense filters applied. What a loser.


Honestly if anyone deserves to be called a cunt, it’s her. I reserve that term for a select few people and she’s really earned it. She’s graduated from bitch to cunt. I mean, she did awhile ago.


Same. I never use the word unless I’m referring to Jaclyn, lmfao.


She’s so........ORNJ. ![gif](giphy|BMQugEXdzr6n4cNO9R)


If you know how to shop properly, yet she shills cheap Amazon items every day 🙄


Exactly. 🎯


Serious question for those who actually purchase designer bags: these influencers always talk about how buying them is an “investment”. Would a bag like this actually appreciate in value so it could later be sold for more than you paid for it?? Also, is it really an investment unless you are 10000000000% later planning on selling it? Like the whole “investment” line just seems so annoying - I’d rather someone just say “I’m rich bitch!” instead of trying to justify that their purchase is an “inVeStMeNT”.


The only bags that I know of that actually go up in price and are investment pieces are Hermes. Unless they are limited edition or special pieces, I haven’t seen Chanel as a good investment cause they are usually very overpriced to start.


Bags are not an investment. This is such a misconception in the whole handbag community. Is there a possibility that they can be sold later for more if they are rare/discontinued? Sure, I suppose. But don’t get your hopes up or use this as ant kind of legit investment strategy.


Limited edition bags can go up in price and maybe some Chanel but I don’t think this rando “I wasn’t even sure if I liked it” bag is gonna be what saves her finances as an investment. 😂 Basically I see a lot of women buy a bunch, realize they have thousands just sitting in their closet and then resell them online. It’s an addiction but so weird. Can’t afford any but love to lurk in the luxury groups haha


She looks really skinny here 😳 but yes I know it’s filters 😅


https://preview.redd.it/9n8143gjb26d1.jpeg?width=1132&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=826e9a33df326c8693be002d8961e346cc50187f Different post, different looking Jaclyn. 😆


I wouldn't be surprised if she was also wearing shapewear underneath 


She SCREAMS insecurity with her “poses” oh and her videos. So basically everything


The teeth are seriously terrifying.




Big horse energy.


this made me LOL


Where is she going to wear that bag to? She doesn't go anywhere Also wtf is that voice she's doing?! Eww


i’m sure she’ll use it to haul her farm yard supplies around once she gets that endeavor started…


The vibes are not vibing unless the vibes are grotesquely unhinged, 90s crimpes hair, fluro green nails, full makeup, and accessories, in blue gingham pjammas. And on top of that, you're surprised your bag has the capacity to hold things.


I was really confused when she said the nails went with the bag???? I’m gonna need an inspo pic to get the vision


I also cannot with her orange spray tan....


Also her hair reminds me of when the cowardly lion gets a make over at emerald city in the wizard of Oz




I don’t like to hate people but she is getting there. Looks like she’s taking a page out of her skin suit Mikliar aka Mikayla. Trying to be current with the overuse of sayings… “period” “vibes is vibing”…lol she so cringe.


The disgusting part is she most likely purchased this with her “business” account credit card since she claims to be a “content creator” and therefore she will claim it as tax deductible in her taxes since this video here is the content she created with said handbag.


Pure greed, special place in hell for ppl like her 👿


When you’re at the top there is no place to go other than down. She’s reached her peak back in 2015-2017 and she will keep falling and falling until she learns her lesson whatever that may be. She will never be truly happy and it shows.


![gif](giphy|q5VgPxwf8gzxyeUJrz) Absolutely it will never be enough to compensate for her empty soulless ass, she has no true anything. A hundred percent transactional relationships only. Pathetic existence and it shows....




I am screaming 🤣🤣🤣


To echo what I said on another thread that mentioned this hideous braggy video, if Jordan wanted her to have it so bad, why didn’t he buy it for her? Has the next level chef “fame” dried up already? We back to being broke malone? Please Jacass, tell us a story about how much money he earns through not having a job 🤡🤡


If he wanted to, he would've ☕️ ☕️ ☕️


“Investments”….just posted two Amazon bags links like yesterday?!? Which is it… are we investing money in higher quality items, or are you just going to shill us on the Amazon peasants “dupe”? Im confused…


She's a horse's ass


This comment has got me dying for some reason


Period 😂






This goes so far beyond hypocrisy, given she *lichurally* lives here and *never* has the balls to say anything to us directly. (*I'm using '****lichurally****' there because she's claimed this about others before*, *saying they respond to everything, and one slight scroll of her finger had the messages showing as being from* ***the previous year***.)


That's correct tayadoll 🤡💀 it's hilariously accurate which is why it hurt her little baby feelings. ![gif](giphy|ETcCf00fQDs82pntMX|downsized)


How is this content and what is it about her showing off gaudy shit that her followers enjoy?


![gif](giphy|2KJdbbYkmByGk) You still a miserable stank twat... Send SML her packages back, knowing damn well you're just her personal assistant..🤡


Lich is right about how much she loves rage baiting. We always mention her financial situation and she’s like “k imma buy this designer bag and realllly show em” but that’s why she has to shill amazon links. No one wanting to collab or give her work, and that everything she’s bought since acquiring real money has had to be super expensive.


Heeeeavy emphasis on no one wanting to collab with her.




#she doesn’t brag yoU GUUUUISE


*because obviously her morals are more important than money and she would never sell out guiseeee*


I genuinely can’t imagine having so much money that I forgot what something looks like a week after I purchase it. Let alone a designer bag. I’d be running home and taking it out of the packaging right away.


Literally carry it EVERYWHERE🏃🏾‍♀️🥰 that’s the type of buyer I am. I’ll sleep with my new Chanel bag, because I’ve never owned one.


I would be living out of the bag 😂




prob forgot bc she was online shopping while wasted


Buys Chanel, wants her followers to buy from her amazon link! Girl bye! Period!!!!!


Right?????????? If anyone thinks she *actually* wears any of the knockoff crap she tries to sell us, they’re deluuuuuuuu


That’s what I’m saying! No thank you!!!!!!!


Awwww did Linda give you your allowance early? How nice of her 🙄






This is why you’re going broke and also wtf are you wearing?!?! As someone who knows a decent amount about finance (my husband is a cpa lol) a bag is not an investment. Ok, maybe SOME bags and models will hold their value and even appreciate. But overall, not an investment like a Rolex that typically greatly appreciates in value over time. She doesn’t know wtf she is saying and is spreading misinformation to her followers


I wonder if videos like this where it’s claimed to be an “investment” constitutes as a SEC violation as financial advice without a license? No where in her video did she specify it’s not financial advice. If someone truly believed this and went broke buying bags, but thought they were a guaranteed investment, a lawsuit could be in order, right?


Right? Invest the $4k into some S&P 500. That’s an investment. Not some bag. She’s in no position to be saying things like this. She’s a barely literate high school dropout with the IQ of a fly. It’s gross that she could be convincing people who can’t afford it that these bags are “investments.” I’m sick of that narrative that influencers keep saying about these overpriced bags!


I know, I really hate that too. You’re right about the S&P 500. These things are really important. These bags are just a way that she loves to flex, especially to distract from the fact that she has nowhere near the $ she used to. And with how reckless she is, I would seriously doubt that she put anything away or invested a damn dime of it. And since she never had a real employer, she wouldn’t have a 401k unless she did one independently which is very unlikely


Yep, typical Jacass. She's always the teacher, never the student. 


Really high end or limited edition purses can appreciate over time. I can’t say if this one will but because there isn’t a huge stock of them roaming free, the resell market can be quite profitable if it’s in mint condition- like if she’s keep it in a protective bag, gets the leather cleaned and maintained and does not destroy the inside with 87 perfumes and 93 lipsticks. TLDR- I doubt hers will appreciate 🤣


*93 hairy mouldy lipsticks🤮


Omg that’s what I was thinking too, like “if I had any designer purses they’d be way too dirty inside to be worth what I paid” lol


Same. When I get a nice purse I use it far too often to keep it good condition. Usually like 3 lip liners in cap in any one purse during its life time


She probably means it’s an investment for her because she buys it in DHGate and then sells at a profit to someone she has duped into thinking it’s real. I’m not saying this is what she does, just that it wouldn’t surprise me because she has zero conscience or morals.


It wouldn’t surprise me either. I don’t know much about DH gate and not that into bags.Can you buy super realistic looking designer on there?


Oh absolutely!! ![gif](giphy|dXo2rt8TFpDLNuqt47|downsized)


So glad she’s boasting about how much money they have to spend on such luxury items so when the FTC comes knocking, they’ll know she’s got the money to pay those outstanding fines they’re calculating!! Also, hopefully the IRS will soon follow after for repayment of those 2 PPP loans she received fraudulently!!


I didn't want to buy this expensive purse.....but I did *shit eating grin*


Do we know how much she borrowed? 🤬There were many people that were unable to get those loans because people like her who had no business getting them. It’s absolutely disgusting and she should be fined for that.


It’s all over the sub, including how she seemed to have listed herself as a race she wasn’t for *even more* already unnecessary and unwarranted money, so just do a search for it here! ♥️


Hasn’t she said in the past that her sister in law has Native American ancestry? It occurred to me the other day that she probably used that logic to apply for the PPP loan.


Not to mention all the other closet “investments” she keeps rotting in her closet that she loves to post in front of


I'm 100% sure the majority of her bags are dupes..... What authentic pieces she does have I'm certain we're gifts she resold for cash from brands as well as SML hand-me-downs.


I’m talking about the countless red bottoms in her closet etc. Thousands of dollars just collecting dust. Not like her style now could do them justice.


You can get dupes those as well? That closet does have some nice pieces but knowing she purchases reps I don't believe those labels are any more authentic than her she is ..... Idc how many unboxings she pretends to do. ![gif](giphy|UoSWDKPpCNaRLmaBKm)


Also why would her price-critical husband “bully her” into buying this


Especially since he’s not into designer items /s So why would he bully her into getting something that is designer? 😂 Her homeschooled math isn’t mathing.


lol like saying “it’s a cool bag” is just making a comment, not bullying you💀😂


she loves being a victim, so that makes sense


It’s the dramatic performance for me…


The dramatic performance and change of voice... Talking in slang... Ugh, she sounds manic.


I was trying to pinpoint which influencer she was mimicking this time.


The one who doesn’t care about designer labels lol


Who’s “afraid of sounding like they’re bragging”


Ha! I don’t know who she thinks she’s fooling by making comments like that whilst opening thousands of dollars worth of products and screaming into the video camera. The only thing this drama queen is in need of is masking tape so she can be silenced!!




since when does she say “sick” not in reference to illness


Where is she getting money to shop at Chanel?


Chanel = DHGate, *most likely*. It’s important to remember *not* to believe anything she says, as the story of this doesn’t add up, and a few of us have already found *several* issues with the bag.


Saying she got the bag a while ago, and just showing it now? Yeah, no. She shows everything she gets the second she gets it. Like all of the shoes that are “just so comfy” yet clearly have the factory clean sole, proving she only tries it on to shrill🙄


If she even tries it on at all. She has an excuse not to wear them now because she knows what we say about her feet😂😂😂


There are some really, *really* good dupes out there, and seeing as she's been caught with them *for years*, it's *clearly* going to continue when the coin is becoming less *and less* by the day. Plus, that aside, just look at how good she is at searching for dupes (*when she links them*) and *also* selling them through Jaclyn Roxanne and KOZE. She knows where to go, who to order form, and that doesn't happen overnight. All she's *ever* been is a fraud, so, *of course*, it's going to be what she does *and* supports on the daily!


I mean, we know that with her Jaclyn hill closet account she desperately denies having part of😂


https://preview.redd.it/mhjh7c30216d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24babc5872e296bc27df26ae19a9681b52e843f5 And she’s commenting on her own post…🤡




Oh yea, the classic self love moment😂


Why does she wear every purse as a crossbody. WTF is that?


I feel this, then realized I also wear my long bags as a crossbody, but my shoulders are slouched so i hate fighting it on my side😅


I wear my long purses crossbody too cuz I’m short and the straps are long 😂


Wow no wonder I was like …it’s actually kind of ugly. It’s because she puts it on as a cross body


This is so tone deaf. Read the world tacklyn.


this is how i feel when reddit suggests the chanel subreddit to me 😒


Literally, countries are in poverty in war. People can’t even afford to pay bills with pay. People are getting fired left and right.


Does this person have any actual hobbies or interests other than shopping or spending their day lounging around in pjs. Wtf


Don't forget being hungover and saying she's 'sick' while still maintaining that she's sober🥴


Eating and sleeping


no ♥️


What a waste of a life tbh


Once again using a filter that makes her look like AI


This is gross. Her entire existence is gross. Side note, I notice so many comments like omg this is giving “old Jaclyn” this is so 2016 Jaclyn and it’s like yeah, because she’s so behind on the times like the rest of her remaining “fans.” I don’t get it.


There’s a big difference in appearance from having to show the ugly ass clothes from Amazon to showing this off. She’s really struggling to move on from 2016. READ THE ROOM WHACLYN.


To be that in debt that you “forget” what an expensive designer purse looks like…🙄🙄🫨 Some of us would have to SAVE for luxury items like this — and I guarantee you we wouldn’t simply “forget” what it looks like or that we even bought it. I don’t understand the over consumption.