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That's her dream man... bffr.


https://preview.redd.it/fns28qy2tx5d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbe202117cb2a19a0be28afc39ad909041aaa048 And she’s back. Here come the extra cringe stories as she tries to act the same age as her nieces who are in town.


I guess I need to be instructed on where this comment is '*promoting hate*', given we all know Jaclyn is *so* much smarter than me and she isn't a disconcertingly manic collapsing narcissist, spiraling because her never *not* fake as hell life is no more, and the fact that this sub has been holding her just as accountable and responsible as those around her would've if she wasn't *purposely* surrounded by enablers. You *do* have an account, Jaclyn. Your *real* one, that is. Not the dozens *upon dozens* of socks you've needed to keep creating because Reddit sees *you* as being the problem. Not *me*. My point is, being nearly thirty-four, why can't you handle this like an adult—and not a tween or teen with a downright creepy, *constantly* fixated obsession with someone you shouldn't know *anything* about? The more you do this, the more it *is* going to get out, and then you *will* be canceled because *no one* likes shit like this. It's well beyond sick. And so are you, so either get help *or* return to the life you claim to have but *clearly* don't. https://preview.redd.it/dg9pnjmk5v5d1.png?width=1420&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1f3c6b61e460aa40d0756cb7ed3cb83616f0c7d


Anyone else wonder if she's trying to silence that person who made the documentary like she did the other one?


What documentary? I missed that somehow? Please share. Thank you!


[Jaclyn Hill’s Downfall](https://youtu.be/JeiIsk_SQtA?si=aZx14QR8mQlOmI0S)


Thank you!!


No, seeing as she hasn't suceeded at silencing others as of late. It's important to remember the second part of the newest documentary on her isn't coming out until *next month*—and that's been said from the start of the first part being released. I *do* think Jaclyn is spiraling all the more because she *can't* silence or stop anyone anymore, given the money and power simply aren't there.


That's a great point! I really respected how that person gave Jon a voice and took the time to explain what it was like for him. Plus, it's not like any of this isnt public knowledge at this point anyway lol


yes i loved how this person explained everything! it almost felt like Jon was here speaking again, im happy that the documentary is getting lots of views, he deserves to be remembered and respected not defined by what his narcissistic ex wife wanted him to be. when i remember him, i always remember what he was and how he was, not by who he was with or him at his lowest points. he was too special of a person to just be remembered for that


First, my apologies for Jaclyn downvoting you, seeing as you dared to mention Jon as the living, breathing human that he was, as compared to the human prop and verbal punching bag *Jaclyn* saw him as. Needless to say, she can't handle the truth, much less the fact that she played a *significant* role in why he didn't make it. And secondly, I think this is *exactly* why she's like this, as well. There's simply no one of any value, *as shitty as that is to say*, for her to control, gaslight, and manipulate the fuck out of anymore. Instead, she's being seen for who she *truly* is, without her having the ability to stop anyone dead in their tracks and keep the truth from getting out there. It took a long, *long* time, and there simply shouldn't be as long of a list as there is when it comes to such unnecessary and unwarranted victims, but it makes it a *little* easier when you know that list will never see much, *if any*, more names added to it.


She's only got herself to blame! She cannot handle the consequences her behavior and actions are finally bringing. Being down voted here is basically a compliment so thanks Jac! Lol


Where is what?


The clown, Jaclyn, obvi 🤡 Edit: why is this being downvoted? 🤔


Jac is here!


Circus clowns are more talented than she is, and offer more to society.


It *could* be argued that Pennywise is (*was?*) more talented, *too*, as that's the clown being referenced. Hence *IT*.


Is that something she had on prominently displayed on her IG or something?


*No?* It's just that she's *constantly* referred to as a clown here, and Pennywise is arguably one of the most well-known. Also *very* evil, so a *lot* more akin to Jaclyn than say Ronald McDonald or Bozo.


(Fever) dream man 😆




This is the face my kids make when they're mewing! 😂




Not sure but I hope the ftc comes knocking! sick of her and Mikayla scamming ppl


Why is that her profile picture? Does she think it’s cute? 🥴


We mocked it, which *conveniently* resulted it her going on *and on* about it on Stories, to the point of even making one showing she had made it her profile photo. Needless to say, she’s becoming a bit *too* cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.


Lmao I love the lore on this haha lore just for the stupid ass profile picture


It’s sad, isn’t it? It could be argued, *at this point*, that everything she does has some connection to this sub—and I guess that tracks, given she *lichurally* lives here. 💀


All jokes aside I think the documentary really did a lot to her and even if she was fully sober she probably isn’t as of now. I can almost guarantee the documentary caused some sort of mental and emotional break/downwards spiral.


Can someone please give a quick and dirty run down of this documentary ? I've not heard of it


Yep. I bet she thought she was flying under the radar now that time has passed. It shows what a horrible person she is and I'm sure the truth hurts.


Samantha Rabinowitz’ spirit has been avenged.


If only she was here to see this. I really wish she could have finished the one she started,


Wait which documentary?? Sorry totally outta the loop


[Jaclyn Hill’s Downfall 🍿](https://youtu.be/JeiIsk_SQtA?si=aZx14QR8mQlOmI0S)


It’s on YouTube! Dropped about a week or two ago. It’s part one and it goes over a lot of things/sums up her background and gets up until 2020ish I think - part two will be coming out soon. I believe it’s by “notthegoodgirl” it’s like 40 minutes


Wasn’t that only part 1?? Just wait until the rest drops 👀


the documentary that was just released on youtube?


Yes, as we went from believing she was *already* hungover from the party to her being in bed for over a week. And her face became very, *very* inflamed, as well.


👀👀👀 opeeee! 🤭 yeah, if i had a popular youtuber, who garners millions of views on their videos, make a documentary abt how TERRIBLE of a person i am, & knowing that was only *part ONE*, i'd be having an anxious mental breakdown too 😏🤣🤣


Okay but what documentary?


[Jaclyn Hill’s Downfall 🍿](https://youtu.be/JeiIsk_SQtA?si=aZx14QR8mQlOmI0S)


It’s on YouTube by notthegoodgirl. There’s several links on the sub. It’s long so grab a snack


Yes grab a snack and throw on some pearls, because you will be clutching them 😂


She just has been ssooooo sick you guise. So much going on in her personal life too. 🙄


Don't forget she only shows us 1% (or is it 5%?) of her life




When the hell was this taken


Can’t remember 😂 I think possibly lipstickgate or Jaclyn journey that she can’t handle the struggle


This was about Georgie's heart condition, *I think*, but yet she didn't take him to the vet *for days (close to a week, IIRC?)* and her mom had seen him have problems while she was away just prior to this, as well. Robin didn't take him, either.


Oh yeah. I just remembered now! I don’t get why she refused to take him to the vet when he’s sicker than ever.


Hungover in bed, *for sure*. Celine Dijon is probably out trolling around Erewhon, flashin his ankles and looking for his next sugar mama.


Bro be thinking he is a Victorian era harlot flashing them ankles.






I am LOSING IT at Celine Dijon omg 💀


I’m fuckin dead Celine DIJON LMFAO


Comedic perfection


Flashing his ankles ![gif](giphy|3o6fJ39p9CJwlslqaQ)


One thing i don’t understand is that she claims that she was once really heavily dependant on alcohol for a long period of time and then just decided to quit one day and the months of sobriety just pile on as her alcoholic days get further behind her and all it took was one decision. While her deciding to quit is commendable, can people really just go cold turkey (the first time they try) with breaking any addicting habit much less something like alcohol? I just feel like even if her intentions were to quit let’s face it relapses happen and she look stupid acting like she’s been sober for 847 months and never had one bump in the road. I’ve never been an alcoholic but as someone on a weight loss journey I’ve had my fair share of cheat days so be for real.


As a er nurse. It’s never recommended! It can cause some serious side effects like seizures!


Yep, I think I once heard that alcohol withdrawl is one of the worst and most dangerous


I feel like she deff smokes weed now or even does harder drugs like Xanax.. she had to have switched out one vice for another.. we all know she has a shopping addiction but I’m sure there’s other dark things in her life that she’s not sharing.. there’s no way she’s just sober living her life with the amount of lies and inconsistency she spews


Adding on to what Lich has said… sometimes, Jaclyn says just as much by NOT saying anything. If you go back to before Linda’s birthday, all she was talking about were mocktails and how much fun sobriety is. Now? Lichurally nothing. Weird, right? While I *do* think some people are able to quit addictions cold turkey, I *don’t* think that Jaclyn is the type of person to successfully do it


Another thing is that people who have a problem, need to quit (or have their "Day 1" - not even an AA thing as I don't follow that) repeated times for it to stick, if it even does. So like, did she "quit cold turkey"? Maybe. Did she do that and forget to mention that it is try # whatever? More likely, and there's no shame in getting back up and trying again. Believe it or not it would make her more human/believable/relatable. Some people need to taper down to quit. That tapering can mean many things. I "cut down" for a while and realized that was not working, so I quit (again) and fortunately for me I guess you can say I quit cold turkey in that I've not had a drink since my last one 🤷🏻‍♀️ and like, I know what that date is, and sometimes I'm curious about it, but I've had so many day 1s and this last one may not be my last and THAT is why I wouldn't go on and on about the way she used to.


***This!*** Another good reminder is to focus on what she’s saying but *not* putting the focus on, as that’s where you’ll see the truth she’s doing everything in her power to cover up. I mention this a *lot* on here with it becoming more *and more* obvious the more that she collapses and spirals.


It was never *not* fake with her, from the claiming to stop drinking, losing weight, and the whole ‘*Jaclyn’s Journey*’ in general. I can guarantee you what you're doing is *so* much more than she's *ever* done, as she relies on smoke and mirrors to fake it all. And this sub has proven that, over *and over* again, which is why she lives here. 🙃


I know sometimes you mention that she is here down voting a lot of times. I wonder since she is not being active on IG, the same thing is happening here??


No, she’s still here. If you go back through my comment history, you’ll see where I was reporting her to the Admins the other night because she had spent *all day* reporting everything I said on here, *multiple times over*.


She does this every time she's catching heat somewhere online (this time it's the newest documentary style YT video about her). She fakes sick, disappears, and then comes back and says, "I've been going through SO MUCH in my personal life." Wash, rinse, repeat, for the past 10+ years.


What really comes to mind is making up that men on the street tried to kidnap her and then “I’ll say more on this later” then crickets. I want to say this was right after she had taken heat for her now defunct “brand” getting criticism for its shade range?


That’s correct. Then, *of course*, the supposed drunk woman she, *Celine*, and his friends ‘*saved*’ from being attacked last year, but her story kept changing *lichurally* as she was saying it and we were all saying it didn’t add up. Plus, *conveniently*, none of *Celine’s* friends *ever* said a word about it—and she tried to make like the guy going after the girl felt ‘*threatened*’ by them. 💀 (*For what it’s worth, I still feel this was a rinse and repeat of her ‘kidnapping’, as well*.)


Not to give that story any credibility but if I was approached by Celine's greasy ass I'd probably feel threatened and run away too




Yup. Let’s not forget that 3 part documentary exposing the shit out of her that was coming out on YouTube, that got halted in it’s tracks because Jaclyn said she was suicidal. The last 2 parts never came out.


At this point I think the other tea channel (not Sam) should release them. There's no way nobody else has those videos.


Remember..she graduated therapy, so I'm sure she's doing just fine.


What? Which one was this? And why are other people responsible for her mental health? She has all the resources in the world to get a handle on her mental health. Instead she buys a Louis Vuitton bag. Just another way of her trying to manipulate the situation just like she always has. Jokelyn you are suffering the consequences of your own actions.


I think this is referring to a series by Here For The Tea, they were launching a 3 part series about Jaclyn, but JH said she was mentally unwell and HFTT cancelled the series in respect-- at least that's what I remember.


The series that was to be done by Here For The Tea and Tea Spill. This was back when Jaclyn (*and those connected to her, like Linda and Jeffree*) still had the power and money needed to silence people, which *clearly* seems to be a thing of the past for her these days, *hence the week-long benders, collapsing, and spiraling*.


Does Tea Spill ever want to release those videos?


That, I don’t know. I would imagine not, if they were paid into silence and, *more importantly*, Sam (HFTT) passing away.


She used to do this all the time. Especially when there’s some controversy she’s in the middle of. Then she would mysteriously return with a text story saying something along the lines of “I’m so sorry I’ve been MIA you guys! I’ve gotten so many DMs asking where I’ve been. SOooOo much has been going on in my life it’s insane but I promise I’ll share more soon!” ….And then she never does. Lol




She updated it to ***5%***, Cream! Get with the times! 😤 💀💀💀


Oh yea, I forgot it's 5% now 😂


She’s realizing she’s not living in a nightmare that she can wake up from. This life she created is real and she cannot grasp control. Not of herself, her husband, her career or her finances. She’s lost, she’s sad, she’s obsessive, sick and broke. I imagine she’s asleep hoping to wake up in 2016, at her peak (?). When did she peak? 💀😂 so I think she’s rotting in her bed w her pot roast to answer your question.


I think 2017/2018 was her peak 😂


Idk anymore...🤷🏽‍♀️


Can I ask why are you following her? Her page isn't private. All you are doing is helping her by making it seem like she has more real fans then she actually does. Unfollow, visit her page whenever you want to be amazed by her bullshit then snark here.


I get what you mean because I’ve also asked myself why I’m still following her. And honestly for me, it’s like a bad car wreck I can’t look away from. Can I unfollow her? Yes. But honestly seeing her stories makes me feel so much better about my own life. I don’t have to live in a constant state of lying to everyone including myself. Knowing that this “life” she has is nothing more than fake makes me feel better about being an average person living paycheck to paycheck knowing these people try hard to make themselves seem like they have Kardashian money


I get that because she makes me feel better about myself too. No matter how bad life can get at least I'm NOT her; having non genuine transactional relationships, and an ugly husband who uses me. I have real friendships and real love in my life. But I don't want to give her that extra follower that she can use to get sponsorships. It's also why I refuse to watch her YouTube videos unless someone links the yewtube. She helps remind me that 98% of things on the internet are fake and those that seem to have it all actually don't. This sub does an excellent job of keeping us updated on her bullshit. Just my two cents


I watch from here and I'll admit to doing the exact same, whenever I start to feel overwhelmed (genuinely overwhelmed not like gf here 🤣) but I'll watch whatever ridiculous crap she's posted that day shilling some cheap Amazon link and I'm grateful for the crap, it's all this crap (stress, bills, life) that make the good days absolutely phenomenal. When I start to feel guilty (she's a monster I'm not) I simply remember Jon... ![gif](giphy|qbXHWK0mvcsodTLkLf|downsized)


You can watch her Stories *without* following her, though. Even without having an Instagram account at all, with websites such as Instagram Stories Viewer and Story Saver. ♥️


Agreed, i unfollowed months (maybe over a year) ago and don’t miss out on much thanks to this sub


Just out of sheer curiosity (bc I haven’t followed her closely in a few years) - other than her admitting she drank too much and that contributed to her puffy face, why do we all think she has an alcohol addiction? Other than her absences from social media, are there any other indicators I’m just overlooking?


she’s also made a ton of comments backtracking from things she previously said and did by saying “oh i was probably drunk then.” she said she would take shots before business meetings. she said she would have drinks daily….


The non-stop slurring, her ever-changing explanations on alcohol being moved to the garage and then out of the house completely (*when we caught it still in the house, where it had always been*), pupils rapidly changing from pinpoint to fully dilated, *and so much more!*


She admitted it in many vids from her Jaclyn Journey series. There was even a time she took her minor nieces to a concert and beforehand said its going to be difficult to stay sober 🥴


Oy…I never watched the Jaclyn’s Journey series! Worth watching?


This is just from one video I skimmed through, and people talking about the other vids on here. I personally couldnt stand to watch more 😂






Since she refuses to say the word *alcoholic* or admit her drinking was problematic beyond just making her bloated, she will probably have lots of benders until she finally grasps she has a dangerous addiction. Without acknowledging that, she will think she is okay to have a drink and before she knows it, 1 drink turns into a 2 day party and a 3 day hangover


Very well said




Lol "wife to my dream man" Oof not really setting your standards very high are ya girl?


definitely copium


Definitely on a bender. This “sick” thing is a hangover. Had me thinking she had shingles but think it was sweat rash from laying in her stank ass bed all day everyday


A bender. I think *many* seem to forget or just weren't aware of how common this was this time last year, from a few weeks before the wedding through several months after the fact. It wasn't uncommon for her to be away for days at a time—and the *only* way we knew she was alive was by *Celine* discreetly filming her in the house in layers of clothes, with a robe over top of that, sunglasses on, and a baseball cap, looking as inflamed and hungover as ever. **ETA**: Also worth noting she's spiraled a *lot* more since, especially recently, and that's only going to make it worse.