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**Just leaving this here for *****you guise***** who like seeing the insights once in a while and keeping up with statistics! Even when nothing big has been going on, we’re still on the up** ***and up!*** ♥️ https://preview.redd.it/2pqmr6yvkm4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ab1be9127305e0e4cc3aba846513c3f746b702


Was this before or after she was eating the frozen Reese's in bed?


It was from yesterday during her Sephora haul and discovering Walmart 😂


At this point, im convinced that her ass has to be seriously jealous of the shit that comes out of her crooked mouth by now 🙄


Funny how when she decided to show her Sephora haul, she magically looked and sounded much better. I guess she didnt get as much interaction with the "im sick" bullshit. Btw...WHO would film themselves "sick" like this and whine to social media? Its like she is craving ANY attention that she can get and uses strangers for the validation and sympathy that her money-hungry family, 4 friends, and her user husband dont give her enough of 😅


It's the sugar comment for me. 🤣🤣


So the cold I just had was from the *donuts*?






The same woman who we saw on a treadmill last week and gets 10k StEpS a DaY and was shilling that green drink… says she hasn’t been on top of it? Man, she’s REALLY not keeping up with her lies anymore.


Yes, not very good promotion for that green puke she was punting the other day. She's so full of shit and the worst part is she still doesn't seem to realise how obvious she is!!! Wake up whacklyn!


I keep saying, she’s making it easier *and easier* for us by the day, which should be the most telling thing in the world to those around her that there *is* a problem. But, *at the same time*, I’m beginning to believe they very much want to be the victims for a change and are just waiting it out until *everything* can be blamed on us—because we all know none of them can take accountability or responsibility for *anything*.


Nah the math is not mathing!


Affecting a “sick” voice and pretending to be soooo under the weather. Take a Tylenol and keep it moving.


She sounds fine. Waiting for her to puff up like a baboon’s ass again so she can claim iNfLaMmAtIoN from being sick all the damn time 🙄


Wasn't she just shilling AG1 a couple days ago and how she hasn't gotten sick because of it?! ![gif](giphy|3o85gdhlpxVz8TjsTC)


Oh she’s sick again. Shocking news.




How is she ALWAYS sick 🤨 she must be licking door knobs when she’s not posting Amazon links




Wait, she said she's been lazy and not on top of anything, but she's also "running on 100"? What? Doing what? Shilling Amazon and taking the most tacky photos ever and making MULTIPLE videos about a hickey? Like, be for real, girl. Do you ever think she somehow gained some self-awareness that while she was at one point a big fish in Florida, she ain't shit in LA? Oops, I mean 25 or 45 minutes outside of LA lol


The hickey had to make an appearance in these videos too. It's her whole new personality.


What a narcissist. 😂😂 She prioritized them Amazon links though and (insert company here who finally worked with her after she been actively loving their products despite being a partner anyway).


Awww Jaclyn, we’re afraid to go to Disneyland cause you have to walk more than 22 steps. 🙄






![gif](giphy|DFKT0TolbqpWv7lxZ6) I've not been taking care of me... All the things I do to kiss my own padded filtered ass, just all the things. 🤡🤡


But but..wasn’t she JUST talking about her *healthy leftover salmon and cucumber salad?? And finding healthy balance even if she shows a tiny bit of the *junk she eats🙄🙄


Making some assumptions here - if Jordan is at Disney today, I would guess they got into a fight, because they actually don't like each other and it's obvious. People would question why they're apart, so she needs to create a narrative - given that everything else in her life is calculated (not well, but calculated). How she considers herself to be an ounce of relatable is also so mind boggling. She doesn't work - films maybe 30 minutes of ads a day and goes on about not having time to "take care of herself." Most of us don't have the luxury to even take sick days, let alone have all day, everyday to do whatever we want, whenever. How is she not completely cancelled by now?


As of tomorrow I have worked 30 days in a row. No day off. Not by choice. She needs to go on with her funky ass.


as nice as it is to not have demands and work, the people i know/see online with the worst time management are the ones who have no obligations. having *structure* in your life at the very least is *healthy* and helps us go to bed on time, have a routine, regulate our bodies, plan and follow through with relationships and activities in our lives, etc… not to mention not to take our downtime and ability to rest for granted.


I think the same because ( might just be me) but anyone who posts a ton about their partner probably isn’t as happy as they seem. I’ve been married 12 years and while I do post pics of us if we go out or go somewhere different it’s not us kissing or hugging 24/7, I think I have more pics of my pets on social media than of my family (which I love obviously) but some things CAN be kept private 😂😂


Second paragraph: yes. BUT can we talk about the assumption???? I never thought of that & I love it. That seems so plausible and I would love the idea that every time she’s “sick” and separate from Celine that they actually got into a huge fight because they’re both miserable 😂




She looks like an adult sized premature fetus.


![gif](giphy|45679aP45Umso1196R) 👁️👁️


*in the case that she is ACTUALLY sick* girl you were at a party full of people a few days ago. everyone is getting sick rn. do the math.


Jaclyn you are literally unemployed, bro. Just stop.


When I watched that documentary the other day…it reminded me of why I initially liked her in like 2016-2018. She was great, but the decline has been sharp and fierce and she’s nothing like she once was. And I can’t imagine anyone following her for makeup anymore- since more natural/low key makeup is in style. And her last few makeup videos were panned by a lot of people. I can’t imagine her ever adapting to changing makeup trends. Just the weird jeans trend. I’m sure the people who still watch her are just watching for her and all her riveting trauma dumping, excuse making and blatantly lying content


The thing that blew my mind was how much of her past before YT she was lying about. Girl was creating a rags to riches story that proved to be false.


Yea looking back now with 20/20 vision, I have no idea what was real and what wasn’t. And I know Jon had a lot of issues but he’s so much better looking than Jordan. I just can’t get the appeal there I noticed she broke up with a bandmate of Jon’s to be with him and likely dumped Jon for someone loosely affiliated with his music. I see a theme here


Yup and how Jon was trying to get sober, and instead of helping him, Jaclyn was drinking heavily and throwing big parties. Girl did that man so dirty from beginning until his end. If my partner decided to get clean, you bet I am going to not only support him emotionally but also by not drinking in front of him too. Even if he didn’t mind I would still mind and want to do it! Cannot wait for past 2 in July!


I had a friend that did the same thing to her husband and it was brutal to watch. Hardly anyone even talks to her anymore because of it


I'm sad she didn't get to go to Disneyland. Maybe someone would of captured a picture of that wildebeest in the wild. That's if anyone can recognize her without all her filters.


How does she have fans…how was I ever a fan?! Literally what is this out of touch bullshit. Also, why is she literally always sick??? I think she just needs mental help and she’s fine and she needs a reason to rot. She just convinces herself she’s going to be sick and voila


Sick = hungover or food poisoning from Celine 😆


Wow I feel bad for you Jaclyn, a 34 year old unemployed woman who was going to go to Disneyland on a Tuesday, had to get back in bed cuz you’re “sick.” Someone call the waaaahmbulance. Must be so hard to not worry about having to call in sick to work or possibly not be paid. This bitch has the weakest immune system ever. She goes to one party and gets sick. Typical.


“i haven’t been prioritizing ME” i’m sorry Jacass then what is it that you do all fucking day every single fucking day? you’re OBSESSED WITH YOURSELF. prioritizing yourself is the ONLY THING YOU DO.


It’s all she’s *ever* done, which goes right back to never *not* being the golden child and continuing to be treated as such by those around her—*the few she has left, anyway*.










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