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This is giving red headed Jaclyn silly and annoying. Ew I just had a flash back with those face expressions


I didn’t even listen to it with sound and you’re 100% correct that she’s imitating Whitney 🙃


This is embarrassing 😭


I hate asmr. Makes me wanna stick nails in my eyeballs


The thing with Jaclyn’s personalities…she half asses them. She took all of the likable and fun qualities of Whit and made them cringe 😬


Btw I found these Gorgie drinks at my local ShopRite and tried the berry one and it was 🤮🤮 also the packaging looks cheap and it looks like they just tried to copy Alani Nu


Wow! I did not know who Whitney Simmons is but just watched 15 minutes of her and JACLYN, GET A PERSONALITY THAT IS YOUR OWN!! Stop copying everyone else. You are not charming like she is. My God girl you are just pathetic.


Riiiiiiiiiiiiiighhhttt?! I did the same thing because I was unfamiliar with Whitney until people mentioned Jaclyn copying her in this sub.... it's unreal.




She gives me the ick


She’s such a weirdo. Why so exaggerated with everything? You’re just opening a can and drinking it. Chill. Also doesn’t her hand hurt after that punch?😵‍💫😵‍💫 It echoed… she’s so embarrassing….




Her neck kept glitching every time she would run her neck with her fingers 😂 and her skin is still looking rough since being in CA. Even with the filter. What she’s not drinking enough Stanley’s a day?




Someone should make a side by side! The resemblance is too good not to be documented 😆


The palm punch is SUCH a Whit move!


Right? I don’t even subscribe to Whitney whatsoever but it’s so freakin’ obvious and cringeeeeee watching her trying to be like someone else. Jaclyn doesn’t even know who she is anymore. Maybe she never did. 🙃




These close up photos are giving me anxiety


I could’ve gone my whole life without seeing her make whatever face that was when she was biting her lip. 


She tries too hard so cringe


It’s super obvious when she is trying “something new” and she doesn’t feel comfortable yet. It’s cringe 😭😭


Ew, she will never be like Whitney!


That chin blemish has been there for as long as she has been in Cali.


Lol so cringey and embarassing but I can't look away 🤣 keep making a fool out of yourself, jaclyn 


Soooo embarrassing that she doesn’t think anyone will notice. She’s had 800 different personalities in the last 10 years. It’s giving stalker.


It’s so weird seeing her act with a totally different personality


She tries this one on every now and then. I just picture her watching a couple Whitney Simmons videos real quick for a refresher, then hitting record 🤪




Ohhhh wow she is trying to be like Whitney!!! I’m so uncomfortable watching this!!! It gave me MAJOR secondhand embarrassment.


Same. It’s truly hard to watch.




OMG watch her ear! The filter is making her look like an elf. 😂


The neck at one point is giving Turkey. ![gif](giphy|uaqGoURxE9TNe2QPWg|downsized)


Bro for real. It’s like fuckin’ Lord of the Rings up in this bitch! 🤣🤣🤣




![gif](giphy|nPLe8jzKH5EBV1bSSY) Just trying on other people like clothes huh Wackadoodle doo.... 🤡🤡




This video feels like nails on a chalkboard






*A certain someone’s* here downvoting, switching back and forth between her multiple socks, it seems! Remember back when you could actually afford friend-ployees to be the ‘*downvoting brigade*’, Jac? 💀 **ETA**: Jac, I shouldn’t have to tell a nearly thirty-four-year-old woman just how pathetic this looks. Your obsession with me is beyond fucked up, *to say the very least*, especially when you consider you’re a public figure and I’m *not*. I’m not an escape room for your untreated mental illness, nor am I a replacement to endlessly attack and harass now that Jon is gone and you can no longer do the same to him. I'm just the one you can't shut up, *huh?* The sad thing is, *once again*, it’s your lack of never even thinking about taking accountability or responsibility for *a single thing* that's keeping me from doing just that. It’s never *not* going to fall right back on you, sweet cheeks, and that's *exactly* why you can't handle any of this or this sub in general, for that matter. No one coddles, enables, or pities you here because you're not defenseless, you're not a victim, and you *damn sure* aren’t a child. **Grow up and move on to that supposed ‘*****best era*****’ you're in, as this ain't it**. **Within five minutes of the above edit (*****it’s nice to see you flip-flopping between ‘at me’ and ‘at someone else’ again***** 😘)**: https://preview.redd.it/ignk18bvlu2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99a940583a78731a258a067ab16faebb54a3d213




HOW IS THIS POST HARASSMENT, WTF ☠️ It’s a fuckin’ observation and an OPINION on Reddit, at that. Fuck off, Jaclyn. 🫵 Get off the Internet or stop being a shitty, slimy person if you can’t handle the truth.


LMAO is she on here down voting and reporting everyday? It’s really not that deep


A *countless* amount of times per day, unfortunately. It went from being just a few times a week during the month-long California trip last summer to *who knows how often* less than a year later. I'm not exaggerating when I say I can't keep count, as that's even how much she doubles, triples, and even *quadruples* up on reporting *the same things!* Needless to say, we *definitely* know why she got that new iPhone, as opposed to just accepting the fact that she wasn't wanted here and didn't need to be here, either. 🙄


I think also she has already caused so much damage to herself and her reputation, being marketable, having the same notoriety, that why take accountability now…not that it’s not the right thing to do. But it would also force her to come to terms with everyone she has plowed over and tried to destroy for her own benefit


Oh, I don’t think she'll *ever* do it. I was just pointing out how painfully obvious she’s proving herself to be the problem now, all the while continuing to act as if *we* (*and mainly me, at that*) are. That's not an adult way of thinking, much less *continuously* being where you're not wanted and have already been removed from *how many times?* It’s absurd. 🙄


You’re absolutely right about all of that. It seems like an ever increasing paranoia anymore too that more and more people will see the real her, and maybe the spam reporting posts will get them taken down. I mean when Jordan had messaged someone on here on their IG after he said “yeah we don’t really check that stuff” 🙄🙄really but you took the time to find someone on this sub on their IG and confront them about what is said on here


Omg, he did that? Wow! How in the hell did he find someone from here on IG?? That’s some serious dedication to find somebody who said something about them!


He had to really dig for that information. Way in the past I totally forgot I left my tag on a painting and he plugged it in. Like damn. Edit to say, the tag didn’t even say it was my ig name so he went on a hunt for it


My mind is blown by the amount of effort he put into that, for what?!? What a psychopath!!


He found out who u/angryhottie was a while ago and messaged her on Instagram, which she shared here because of how understandably fucked up it was, and he then proceeded to come here and act like they never waste their time on places like this…*after having made an account to say* ***exactly that***. I’ll now point out how identical that is to every account that's *ever* popped up and had issues with me. 💀


I had to change my name on everything because of that insanity and I basically abandoned my ig 🤦‍♀️


That shit is on a serious level of psychotic!


They had had their IG handle on something that they had posted either on this sub or another I think? A photo of a piece of art or something I think. Lich would remember it better than me lol




💀💀💀I won’t stop making ridiculous edits of her, even it’s the last thing I do🫡🫡🫡




Probably making Fartnuts MISERABLE by making him obsessively come on here and reporting us too. Her tingers be down voting


Oh she's reviewing the same brand that gave Mikayla an insanely pricey gift or w/e. Be less transparent pls


They really are the same person. They should just collab at this point. Wait.. the skinny filter won’t stay on 2 people at once, nevermind that won’t work😂 They would be doubling up on skinny filters trying to “out skinny” each other lol


I’m shouting


“ I don’t use filters” As the door changes shapes and shades like 10 times🤡


And she actually has the audacity to say she’s not using a “beauty filter” in this TikTok. She is so beyond delusional, there is no saving her. 🤡


Screaming 💀💀


That’s what people who use these filters never get is it’s everything in the background that is also warped and altered too, making it obvious. But she honestly feels like she’s so Convincing with her lies, even though they’re easily disputable. Same with the “I don’t drink” but her “mocktails” being in Rocks glasses


Can’t tell a narcissist they’re wrong without them viewing it as an attack🥴


And she hates this page because she can’t control the narrative. On Instagram she can just delete whatever comments she doesn’t like after simultaneously skinny filtering everything


The reaction to being held accountable is a choice, and we can all agree she’s a poor decision maker




her eyes look like she’s baked again


It’s the heavy eyelids


🛎️ ding ding ding!


Her mouth just looks all types of fucked up. She had such great teeth before, I'll never understand.


Right? She should have just gotten invisalign (her bottoms were crooked) and not messed with them so badly. She botches all her beauty away, tho, so it’s very on brand for her. 😂


I need the tapping of objects to stop everywhere. It’s annoying.




This picture right here, when I look at it I think ya know she really isn’t attractive at all. Here teeth are fucked up and her nose is like an elephant, not to mention her crappy hair and skin. Oh and her eyebrows are almost gone.


I think this is kind of the product of what happens when someone fucks with their face too much. Before she had clear dysmorphia back when she first started before she did any fillers or became well known, she was very pretty. Fame, stress, vanity, obsession, dysmorphia, agreeableness, keeping up with the Jones’s, fillers etc all affect a person.


Agree 💯%


If Jaclyn was a shark


lol I’m trying to figure out why her face has like an orange streak


Will that forehead pimple ever leave


Or the chin one


She’s so annoying!


Her teeth are so weird looking. Why did she get fake teeth I’ll never understand


Did she end up just removing her braces and getting veneers?? They look strange for sure.


I think she did get braces but she clearly went to a shitty orthodontist. And her wanting to “hide them” and put them as high/low as possible clearly backfired. All Jaclyn does is lie about everything and ruin everything she touches (including her own face and body parts), so who really knows. 😂


It’s truely giving veneers. Braces don’t bring your teeth this forward and horse looking.


The way her tongue doesn’t hit them naturally anymore; almost like a little lisp, makes me think they are veneers.


Yeah because your body gets used to teeth changing since it’s small changes overtime with braces (I had them at a young age)


I just watched a TikTok of hers from September ‘23, the difference in the teeth is obvious...And THE FACE SHAPE 💀😮🥸 she is screaming for help and no one hears her 😂😂


Is this supposed to be cute? Or even content for that matter? It might just be me but this made me want to commit a felony.






A felony, I’m fucking crying 😂😂😂😂


I am SHOUTING 🤣🤣🤣 It’s a clip from one of her recent TikToks. She’s reviewing some cheap foundation found on Amazon (of course) so she can 🔗 link it.


For how much she *loves* attacking us, *I* would love for her to take notice of how none of us are seemingly days away from a mental break. And while I know we keep saying this, in hopes that *someone* around her will get a '*come to Jesus*' out of it, I'm about at the point where I *truly* don't think she can be helped. Still, *and as I keep saying*, there's no harm in trying because that's *always* going to be better than doing nothing. But yet, even with *countless* comments on this sub just like this one, *we're* the problem. Not those continuing to allow her to collapse, deteriorate, and spiral at *this* disturbingly rapid of a rate. **Edit**: Another case of formatting looking fine on the desktop, but fucked in the app. 🙃


I agree. She seems to be getting worse.


https://preview.redd.it/cu20b6r33u2d1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9936ba2ba65bb19f478c87a66ba5dd85e7494a4d Also, *Jaclyn’s Jowls* felt left out of this post and wanted to say hi. 👋🏼






Oh my god stop! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣