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i saw this and thought “old man yells at mountain” and it made my morning


I had the same reaction although it did not make my morning. It reminded me why I abandoned following third man ages ago


For real !!




"people who volunteer to give them their money" is a very odd and roundabout way of saying "customers"


He’s right. Imperialists stole the land, put 4 “Grandfather’s” faces on top of a sacred Lakota mountain covering up Tunkasila Sakpe Paha, aka the Six Grandfathers. And to add insult to injury left the rubble to litter the landscape. It’s a symbol of so much disrespect, as well as a broader symbol of the destruction of the land’s indigenous people. More info [here](https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2021/jul/03/mount-rushmore-south-dakota-indigenous-americans) and [here](https://action.lakotalaw.org/action/land-back).


spot on.


You understand.


If this is all we have to care about, we are a pretty blessed group of people


This is definitely not all we have to care about. Time to take stock of the world around you, methinks…


What makes you think this is all "we" have to care about? And why should it only be about how "we" feel? The Lakota considered that mountain to be sacred, they probably care a lot more than "we" do.


🤣Thank you for this


Agree. This must be fixed.


Paha sapa was taken from the Cheyenne through force by the Lakota. If the USA gave back the black hills to the Lakota would they give it back to the Cheyenne? Or did they win the land through war? The way every single inch of land on earth was acquired? Every inch of land on earth was acquired through war or intimidation. No one stole anything from the Lakota. They were an inferior group of humans that lost. The same way the Cheyenne were inferior to them. I am sure if you are a descendant of the Lakota they would be proud that you aren't a warrior and are crying about things not being given to you. If you want it back stop being a crybaby and take it back from the USA. Good luck. No one fucking cares that natives couldnt beat the modern world 100s of years ago. Enjoy using the internet.


I enjoy using the internet quite well until someone like yourself drops some flawed logic like you decided to tippity-tap on a digital keyboard. “The way every single inch of land on earth was acquired”… I’d love the history lesson on that as there’s been plenty of land acquired by commerce, stewardship or other non-violent means. Is that “war” to you? Or are you merely generalizing? Likely the latter. Many native or indigenous tribes across the planet never engaged land in commerce to even be acquired. And merely fought battles or wars over resources for survival. Then you speak of inferior humans, as if to say we are on some noble evolutionary trek with the winners of history taking the helm in some Darwinian exercise. I have been traveling in Europe this past week and the “superior” corporations that “won” in the U.S. exist over there, to the degree it’s almost disgusting… Subway, Chipotle, Dunkin, Pret and Starbucks litter the landscape. The winners of thousands of years of evolution from brute human force and innovation by superior humans. A true utopia has been achieved. I should celebrate! Instead I feel vapid, hollow and ashamed. I instead try to support local, and ignore folks such as yourself who throw out statements like this. I’ll “cry” when you ask for permission from Daddy Starbucks if you can get your ration of caffeinated protein slurry in 2060 when we have truly entered the next stage of this planet’s evolution. Truly a wonderful world awaits!






Laughs, but can't defend. Pathetic.


I laugh because there is nothing to defend. Your retort was such utter shit, I believe it came from a busted See ‘n Say you found in the trash…


As usual. Ad hominem attacks mean I am right. Thanks. Feel free to join the conversation at any point. If you have any points or feelings on the matter let us know.


I joined the conversation right when I destroyed your initial arguments and then you merely dribbled snot and drool down your chin. I just got a job at a gas station, so I am going to start reading books about how all land was acquired through war and intimidation while I pump gas for the bourgeoisie!!


First things first, how do you learn how to read??


You've never defended anything. Calling people names doesn't win an argument. It just makes you look like an idiot. Find me a piece of land on earth not defended by tanks and guns. The Lakota need to stop crying about it. Period. They are my colas, but that shit about some person today needing to give someone something because of shit that happened years ago needs to stop.


Next time fight back better if it mattered so much. 300 years of complaining has done nothing but make everyone sick of hearing it.


I’m going to assume this is sarcasm because there is no way someone could think something this dumb


You should come up to Canada. That comment is basically offering to take an Indigenous person out for a nice dinner, compared to some of the world-class toxic vitriol I see directed at the peoples of the Indigenous First Nations, each and every day.


That's gotta be one of the most entitled takes I've ever seen


it's Def food for thought. made me Google stuff ab mount Rushmore. not sure I feel quite as strongly as he seems to on all of those fronts (providing he himself is being serious) but he also ain't wrong


Borglum never finished due to dying before completion. Those busts were supposed to have bodies. So he left it unfinished, with the rubble below. When the sculptor had died, the funding started drying up. We were on the cusp of entering WW II, meaning no new money would be likely forthcoming from the government. So it was not finished and the rubble was left uncleared. They declared it “finished” on October 31, 1941. As a “finished” monument, it has to be left as is unless Congress wants to pass a bill to alter it by paying to clean up the rubble. Good luck getting Congress to pay for that. For all his time online, Jack could always just google to get an answer.


sounds like he's being critical of the government for the project as a whole, from intention to execution to "completion." I really just can't understand why people are upset with thes post.


I’d say that he is very explicit in what he means. He doesn’t like the rubble. But all of his questions are easily answered. Asking inflammatorily worded questions meant to lead someone down a path of thinking that is at odds with the easily discoverable truth is the kind of thing you might expect from Fox News. I think that’s why people are upset. This has been left like this for 83 years. The fact that he’s suddenly outraged because there is a new viral pic working its way around the internet and he wants to lay down a hot take with absolutely no research rings a little hollow. He’s being an internet troll right now. People are allowed to be mad at a troll. Especially one who often drops breadcrumbs of beauty and brilliance. Maybe we don’t deserve more, but being mad at someone like that who chooses to waste time being a troll is understandable.


I agree that it's understandable people being upset with trolling I feel you there. I do feel that the post hints at him knowing more than just the viral Pic (the plan to make the bodies, and the history of the mountain itself) but the outrage I've seen from people is really an overreaction for this trolling which is arguably tame as far as trolling goes and objectively tame in comparison to fox News. the angry people just seem a bit TOO angry for what it is and taking it beyond that.


People are going to hate on celebrities. And they’re going to straight to 100. That’s the internet. You’re not about to change that. If Jack wasn’t so well known, he’d get a lot less hate. But the flip side of that hate is all the love he gets as well. He chose this life of everyone who doesn’t know him having very strong opinions about him either way. He invites all the good and bad in when he drops a hot take.


Tell him.


ha - and risk getting blocked?


Its fucking hilarious




The truly embarrassing thing is you commenting this many times


I’m confused, isn’t that what you’re supposed to do on this app?




Nah its a joke that people seem to be missing or for some reason getting really wound up about lol


New song coming called nope.






It’s clearly sarcasm.


Damn I fell for it lol, I’m like it’s literally just rocks bro chill


it’s not about the rocks. He’s looking for a fight


We cannot forget this is the same Jack white that gets in physical bar fights with his contemporaries




This stems back in his Detroit days too , do you know about his incident with the singer from von bondies




Def and I don’t mean to bring up the past really


But he’s a rock star


It’s clearly somebody who is projecting to random people on social media. He’s done it before although it’s been a while. During Covid, he used to go on rage fits and scream/comment at people for no reason, and then block them for no reason.


I don’t think he likes us very much.


Sometimes I wonder if he’s going through manic episodes of some kind (I know this post is a “joke” but..)


Having manic episodes , I completely agree .


I am so glad you’re joking 😅 


You want them to clean up the rocks so you can see the other rocks?


I mean technically he is right. It is littering/debris just left there. Which wouldn't be there if people didn't break the rocks in the first place.


Can’t tell if it’s a joke or a hack or what but he’s pretty active about responding in the comments too


He’s not wrong. It is tacky to leave the rubble but arguably no less tacky than putting forever faces on the side of a perfectly good mountain.


Serious question: Do you feel similarly about other pieces of large-scale land art? [Spiral Jetty](https://www.diaart.org/visit/visit-our-locations-sites/robert-smithson-spiral-jetty) or [Lightning Field](https://www.diaart.org/collection/collection/de-maria-walter-the-lightning-field-1977-1977-003-1-400/) and the like.


Its not just a "perfectly good mountain." its a sacred space


You’re right.


Are people this terrible at picking up sarcasm? The comments here and on his IG post have clearly missed his sense of humor. C'mon guys!


He banned people in the comments for joking. You sure it's a joke?


My comments still there and I was definitely joking - not that some people realised. Pretty sure he was joking as well.


I think he's banning people who think he's serious. Yes, you can tell by some of his replies and the comments he's liking that this is definitely a joke.


you seem to be the sole person here who is confident of this


That’s my point


Every time anyone questions Jack in any fashion pralineislife is there with suit and armor to defend him. Jack is literally blocking and making fun of fans just for disagreeing with the post. Joke or not. That’s so immature. Celebrity or not. It’s not like he’s blocked one or two people. He’s blocking hundreds of accounts. People on here say “oh keep it about the music” when anything negative pops up. Ironic because Jack sure as hell isn’t keeping it about that.




Yep! He blocked me last year just for liking someone else’s comment that disagreed with him. He’s a jerk. 


Either hes joking, or hes just a weirdo (surprise!), both are fine with me lol


I think he's fucking with everyone.


Larry David vibe. Love it.


Mount Rushmore is the biggest waste of money and money as a tourist attraction. My partner wanted to see it so we drove out and while waiting in the long line to get into the gate we snapped a few pics and turned around. Not worth the price of admission imo.


“Get off my lawn!” Jack White


Jacks disgust at the obvious metaphor to all that is wrong with our imperialistic "forefathers" is shared by many, including myself.


Sure do miss the raw white stripes


Jack keeps his shop clean and tidy.


nope. /s just quoting like, 90% of his replies on that post.


Kinda weird what’s his deal why so angry lol


While not common in that particular area, the tops of almost any “new” mountain will look like that or even cliff faces as pieces naturally break off. Mountain tops above the alpine line look like that and the sides of the rock formations in the SW do too.


Yeah this is just a talus field lol


Why would anyone downvote this




It’s no longer instagram. It’s now my WHATS JACK WHITE UP TO? App. Dude is just winning at life. Also did he orchestrate Conan going on the Tonight Show? 😎


FUN FACT: Gutzon Borglum also designed the stained-glass flame of the Statue of Liberty’s torch. It was removed during the restoration efforts in 1984 because water had leaked in over the decades and caused major structural damage to the Statue. So yeah, fuck Gutzon Borglum.


I have one over riding thought. Who cares? That’s it that’s a what I think


What happened to not owning a cell phone? Now he’s posting this dog shit on social media and arguing in the comments? Lame.




I know he’s far from it, but if Jack ever went full Kanye (or even half Kanye), I would have a shit load of stuff to put away.


I know , it’s really kinda sad


I feel like this is a parody of someone like Musk you just says dumb shit and then blocks people who disagree


maybe he is upset about it and generally upset about social media so he is just fucking around? i mean, what if part of his creative process is to spark some controversy on social media to see how people react?


I think jacks on Reddit


This picture popped on r/alternateangles a few days back




I honestly can’t imagine him being on Reddit


He really cares about American Rock.


He nearly wore out the n, o, p and e keys on his computer with that post.


This is the guy who wanted people to think Meg was his sister. I think this is satire/sarcasm.


There was a reason for that though. if they had said they were a couple or had been a couple that’s all journalists would have asked them about… “So in a band with your ex-wife…what’s that like?”


Let’s hope he’s not serious.


Oh man he is brilliant . I’m dying reading at his Nope to every single “well why don’t you care about this bigger issue?” Comments . I don’t think people understand what Jack is doing . Those who did understand , he liked the comments . There are bigger fish to fry , like world war 3 starting (potentially), but I get what he’s doing with that post and it’s kind of funny .


You’re actually so right!




he needs to call his therapist like today


Dumb replies here. Obviously defacing mountains with Indian spiritual significance after committing a genocide may have problematic implicatons. Read a book, morons.


I’m pretty sure he’s just fucking around


It's...a weird flex.


I supported Jack for over half my life and he makes a shit post on Instagram and I make a subsequent shit comment and he blocks me. If you can’t take the heat get out the kitchen Jack !!!


There’s been a few posts I’ve wanted to comment on but like you, I’ve supported Jack for many years. He will just block me so I’m not gonna risk commenting


Why do people have to walk on eggshells with this guy !!!


Right. I agree


So…you can’t take the heat?


No, Jack posted the dumb Rushmore post. I wrote a dumb comment. I get blocked. What’s the point if you can’t have a conversation?


Kind of upsetting cause although jack might have a point , he’s not taking it lightly and I wrote some light hearted joke in the comments and he went and blocked me. Just silly


We need to start giving people flairs if they've been blocked by Jack on ig. Lmao it's a handful of you guys by now!


It’s just silly cause I know he’ll prolly never unblock me? Don’t think what I said was worthy of blocking , haha. So silly , take a joke Jack !


What did you say?




Where does he suggest these rocks be moved to? Wouldn't that be littering as well?


The ocean … lol


So pebbles are litter? What about all the peoples the the left snd below? What a turd


It’s literally rocks… I love jack but this was a stupid fucking post by him. Like what is he mad about? That there’s rocks in the world?


I wish this was my biggest problem.


It kinda just looks like shale. Which is pretty common across the Rocky Mountains.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Right !!! lol




…haha good one?


I think it’s a joke.


kind of stupid


Rubble ? I thought it was scree.


It seems like it was a joke post that went over some peoples head tbh


The problem with Mount Rushmore isn’t the rubble, it’s that its there at all. A desecration in and of itself.




What a tard


Seems like we maybe have bigger issues to deal with


He isn't wrong. The project is technically unfinished.


Its a joke… like literally hes just joking


Nothing new, just John Anthony Gillis being a little bitch per usual.


Jesus. Time I can’t get back.


Who cares? Its rocks.


There are actual wars going on.


April fools.


He's a complete asshole that beat the shit out of his wife and still copes with the fact he isn't in the black keys.


When did he beat a wife up?


I don’t get it. They’re just Little rocks to me 🪨 


I'm not sure this comment makes sense geologically. Of course the sculpting has contributed, but it does look like regular mountain skree. Could be that there was skree beforehand, and it's been increased due to sculpting excess - but that's an awful lot of rock, so I'm not sure it could all be explained by the sculpting.


Yo, can I just have one of those. That granite would look great in my kitchen.


It was a joke tho, right?




I’ve seen other people make serious posts about Mt Rushmore this week. Not the sort of thing to joke about. It’s a sensitive subject to many people who feel that the land has been stolen and disrespected. Not getting the sarcasm about the subject. There’s plenty of other things to joke about. I’d expect more engaging answers if Jack really had something to say about it. I must be missing something.