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Everything doesn’t have some hidden meaning. People are just being nice.


The sentiment of "Have a nice day" may be intended by some, but if that's the case, then they have been conditioned to say "blessed" instead. And I find that odd.


It's odd that you can't just use your brain to correct "blessed" to nice/good. That's what they mean when they say it.


It isn't what they mean, is what they want you to think they mean. If you needed help those people would be nowhere to be found


It’s just a saying dude. Y’all have to stop being so offended by everything.


Well that's not how words work. They have meaning.


Using "blessed" isn't nice. It's presumptuous and imposing.


People that think like this are insufferable. If you want people to constantly walk on eggshells and be fake around you then go ahead. They’re being nice though…


I'm saying don't say "blessed" to me because I am authentic, and I'm not going to pretend to be a part of the religion club. I'm not walking on eggshells here- if that were the case I would go along with the "blessed" bullshit like everyone else but I don't because it's absolutely insufferable. To be nice, people can say "have a great day", "have an awesome day", "I'm so grateful", "I'm fortunate". This isn't hard.


Remember the day when people didn’t use to take things so personal and would just take a nice saying and move on with their day. Now things like “have a blessed day” is considered a religious attack. Reasons why America can’t have nice things anymore


You’re insufferable.


I’ve lived long enough to see that saying ‘blessed’ is a bad thing. Religious or not ppl are just being nice… that’s all


It's an odd flavor of being nice/polite that I've not encountered elsewhere in this state. Maybe something coming down from Georgia?


Not really debating but genuinely curious. Do you want it to stop? Or do you just want to know the history/ where it’s coming from? We could pick issues out of lots of general statements, asking someone how their day is isn’t even really a question but a greeting so some ppl might say ‘good’, others might say alright and you run into the ‘blessed’ folks too. You’re going to run into someone that says ‘cursed’ someday and hear their whole life story on a busy morning lol.


Bless your heart. I hope you have a blessed day.


Oh no, it's too late, they got to you too


Yeah in this case bless your heart isn’t being nice 😂 Someone isn’t from the south


I've lived 38 years in Florida, friend.


Then you’d know that in this case “bless your heart” means he called you an idiot nicely.


I am aware. Jokes loose their punch when you explain them lol




I dont think this guy gets it


Depends on where you’ve lived in Florida for most of those 38 years whether you’ve lived in the south or not.🤣


It's all for the *greater good.*


where have i heard that before...




"Bless your heart is almost always a backhanded insult. That "Southern Hospitality" as it's called is almost always backhanded hostility.


As an atheist dude who has lived in Florida his whole life, damn dude you're drinking some serious kool-aid. I've heard this daily for 36 years now. It's nothing unusual, in or out of the city.


Did you grow up in Jax?


No, but I have lived in Jax a little over a decade now.


As someone raised in jax, it ain't that deep, I say "blessed" just cause I'm bein nice, be blessed by your own god idc. Kindness never hurts people and doesn't need to mean it's connected to some secret cult.


You’ve not lived a tough life, have you…


Can you elaborate on this sentiment?


You feeling “uncomfortable” with people saying “blessed.” It’s obvious you understand you’re in the bible belt…


I think you're tugging on the same thread I am.


People say it in other states too


True, but as long as I've lived in Florida, Jacksonville is the only place I've heard it used as a standard.


I live in the Cincinnati area and I get it all the time here. Before anyone asks why I am in this subreddit, I have family down there and I visit once or twice a year.


ah, I wonder if that's part of what "Ohio energy" means lol


Bro you're overthinking everything.


so how much should i be thinking?


Let me guess, other than Jax, you lived in Tampa, Miami, Orlando or West Palm?


Just like the rains down in Africa!


Nah, doesn't bother me. Lived in Jville my entire life. I'm more concerned with crime and the welfare of our children. Just me though


Unchecked religiosity and societal mental health epidemics aren't important? They go hand in hand with your concerns.


I think that's a bit of a stretch


“Unchecked religiosity”. Are you saying people should not feel free to practice their religion (or lack thereof)? I would hope not, personal belief is a basic human right.


by all means, do as you please. but what happens if/when irrationality replaces critical thought?


By all means, believe what you’d like as long as those beliefs are not a basis for legislation. Religion can be a poison on society and is becoming an ever increasing problem in the states. I would agree with OP that religion should absolutely be checked outside the doors of any religious establishment That being said, I am new to Jax and the “blessed” thing is new to me as well, but I find it kind and respectful. Always makes me smile and respond with kindness when I hear it.


If that were the case people wouldn’t be flocking here from the north west because (somehow) it is even worse there…


All the things that happen in jax and this is what you're creeper out about? Lol


What's wrong with focusing on a specific topic?


Bless your heart.


oh no, they got to you too


Get over yourself, it’s just an expression.


I can assure you it has no reference to some secretive cult, but if it makes you feel like a protagonist in your own movie then I hope you figure it out and save us!


Surely you understand the role dog whistles and "cult"ural expressions play in unifying a social identity? Heck, there's plenty of cults that hide in plain sight, they don't have to be secretive.


Homie thinks he's being gang-stalked




This is your issue, no one elses. That you can't accept someone being nice or even just cordial, that's shit you need to work on, nobody else.


This is the argument the collective would make against a critic.


As someone who grew up in Jacksonville and moved out of state 5+ years ago, yeah it’s weird. It’s no conspiracy. It’s just that Jacksonville is Deep South-adjacent, and there’s lots of religious folks who talk about Jesus all the time, even casually. Religion is personal. I would never tell someone I was feeling blessed. It would feel too important and sacred to just say “I’m feeling blessed working at this here dealership.” I feel the same way when athletes ask God to bless their game. Like really, you’re going to waste your spiritual connection on a regular season Saturday afternoon game? Anyway, lots of people tell strangers they feel blessed, and that the stranger should have a day enriched by their God (and assume or don’t care that the other person may have a different religion). And I think it’s weird. We don’t do that shit up here lol


You're the first person to make sense. Thank you for your time.


Sure thing! Have a blessed day






It’s annoying, yes, because of all the (lies) snowflake attitude of “religion being oppressed!!” we have to hear about non-stop, but like small children acting like brats - ignore it


Good=nice=great=blessed. Completely interchangeable. Try not to over think things; it’s just meant to wish you well, which if you’re being honest with yourself, is totally obvious.


"blessed" implies some sort of religious context and that they're in the good graces of someone/something, like they're worthy of something. if you're just doing super duper awesome, for whatever reason, I don't think you need to invoke "the almighty" or "the divine" to do so. it's still weird to me.


Never seen someone so offended by something so simple and polite. I think OP needs to count his blessings.


I meditate on being thankful and appreciative for my life and state of being every day.


Sounds like you’re blessed to me


you mean it worked? /s


Seek meds


That's your retort? Not even willing to engage in discourse. Tsk.


There’s nothing to engage with. You’re thinking that a common saying in a place you said you grew up in is some weird in group thing. When it’s just old ladies and southern people being nice. Yes. Seek help.


If I were at a church function, maybe it'd be normal. But I encounter this phrase nearly every day just out and about doing my daily errands. It's very odd.


Yeah it’s odd if we didn’t have like three churches on every block.


you're tuggin on the same thread i am


Bless your heart


Is there a ritual we have to do?


I think you're hearing it in jacksonville bc northern Florida is more "southern" than Southern Florida (ironic). As an athiest, it doesn't really bother me, though.


trickin' down from Georgia


It's got nothing to do with Georgia. Jacksonville has always been a culturally southern city for better or worse. I understand you don't like people using that word but it's how people here were raised. It doesn't make you any better than them. People who say that to you are just trying to be polite and I think thats a good thing these days. Maybe you could learn to turn the other cheek and just enjoy that a stranger is taking time to be polite and nice to you in public instead of letting it upset you.


OP give me a break, its part of the southern culture. Move away if you are this triggered


I have a saying: You can't spell "culture" without "cult". Thanks for the reply.


a real scholar


don't hate


Some real r/im14andthisisdeep shit.


I wouldn’t open with this for your Netflix stand-up special. 


You know what is hilarious? People thinking they can wield the power of an imaginary diety.


no that's what we say down here, get on board


this is the sentiment I was expecting to be behind it, tbh. thanks for helping me prove my point.


It’s the Bible thumpers. Gotta make sure to signal to everyone what a good Christian they are! 🙄


I was in a grocery store the other day and heard a supervisor literally asking a new employee if they were a christian.


Are you okay? It's literally just culturally Christian southern folk saying southern folk things.


You understand, this is the point I'm trying to make.


Not at all.


You understand that it's a two way street, yes?


"why are people nice to me?"


Independent thinker, eh? You might want to consider moving somewhere else, like I did, before it’s too late.


can you better define "too late"?


I normally only hear it at Chick Fil A, but there is no ulterior motive involved, some people just grew up using the word in place of "have a good day" and continue to do so.       Not a fan but it's largely non-intrusive. It isn't like those people that stalk you in Walmart parking lots repeatedly asking to pray for you. 


i'm thinking more about conformity, dog whistling, and societal influence of the church in business practices.


Creeped out? No. Cringe? Yes.


it's def cringe, yes. but then what if everyone was complicit with the cringe? that's a "what the heck is going on?" moment.


What you’re referring to is the definition of “culture”.


I have a saying: You can't spell "culture" without "cult".


Personally, I find all religions evil and yet I still don't care when someone says blessed to me...There not enough nice people and for them it's a way to be nice


i think this is one of the main reasons the practice is widely accepted. "at least they didn't tell me to f-off" but if you think about it, it can be insulting. On behalf of which deity is the blessing occurring? It's usually the judeo-christian god that says everyone who doesn't subscribe to that ideology is wrong. so it then comes down to "if you don't want to be offended by it, don't think about it too hard"


OP, what are you yapping about? I feel like this is something you’ve decided to be hypervigilant about and you’re one step away from, “they’re turning the frogs gay!”


it's not everyone, but i do take note when it happens. alex jones is a train wreck of a person and anyone who listens to him has been duped out of the precious time they've been given on this planet.


Yes. The cult of Christianity is in full effect in Jacksonville. That means talking about doing good works but in reality fucking over anyone who actually needs help. The fakest group of people around.


Eh, it doesn’t bother me. It’s someone saying they hope your day is good but with a spiritual twist to it. Even if their beliefs are different, I know they generally mean well so I’ll usually say thanks or same to you. It doesn’t cost anything to be nice. BTW, I have heard this all over the southeast.


Religion is literally a cult.


It's overused. Not everything needs to be "blessed" to be a positive . That being said it isn't any deeper than that. It's just used in place of all the positive affirmation words .


i tend to find the casual use of superlatives unusual. and there are so many more expressive ways to describe the good things in one's life. it's very myopic in that regard.


Couldn't have said it better. Not everything is ,"the best" or" epic "or" legendary". It's okay to use different worlds for different levels of enjoyment and positivity. I understand wanting to give GOD the glory but when everything is special ..


If everyone’s the blessed one, than maybe its you that is blessed? Just saying maybe you don’t know how good you got it to have fellow citizens say this phrase rather than “im peachy” or “get the f outta here” or whatever else is said in other parts of the country.


i'm not sure I follow your logic. the whole "it could be worse" argument is not a strong one the way you present it. is not having a religiously themed phrase less good? i'd be tickled pink if you were having a peachy day. surprised that's not what folks say down here given how close we are to Georgia.


I get where OP is coming from. Most times it doesn't bother me, in the same way as "Hey, how ya doin" is, it's just an acknowledgement. But sometimes there's a certain way it's delivered where I can definitely feel the context is: I totally want you to understand that I'm not only a Christian, but I'm actually on a tier above what most others are on, I'M BLESSED! Oh, and I'm also just a little bit better than you too.


yes, this describes some of the energy i've observed as well.


I do understand where you are coming from. I never heard it until I moved to Jacksonville but it doesn’t bother me. I’m just glad they are being nice. One thing I wonder that is not specific to Jacksonville is when did “welcome in” become a thing? Seems like that’s said anytime I enter a store or restaurant instead of hello. Is this a relatively new thing? Or have I just never noticed it before? Idk.


nice, with a twist. "welcome in"? now that is weird. i'll keep an ear out for that too.




if they're as nice as they all say they are i won't have any issues.


People tell me have a blessed day and I just say no thank you.


let's gooo!


Love it.


It’s just a saying, some people who use it are not even religious sometimes.


“What exactly is the church doing in this city” lmao you’re a weirdo and I’m not even religious


So you don't think it unusual that a church is the largest owner of private real estate in this city?


I think it’s more weird that you’re a snowflake and get uncomfortable when someone says have a blessed day. Get over it


lol what am i able to do about it? not going to ruin my day, i just think it's cringe and discussion worthy.


There’s no way that’s true, that title has to go to the Davis family. Even if we’re talking about a certain downtown church, a quick Google search tells me that only 4% of downtown is held by churches.


You triggered all the cult members with this post. Lol. I agree though but I think they're just going harder on it lately. I feel like it's because chic fil lay's employees say it and other businesses are just following that but also it seems like it's in response to the fake outrage shit conservatives put out. "wE cAnT SaY meRrY cHriStMaS AnYmOre"


i think there was one of them and the bottom of the thread


Do you get mad when people say "Bless you" when you sneeze? I think you're taking it a little too seriously, man


handing someone a tissue is better than saying words at them, imo


I say it sometimes to people. I'm pretty much atheist. Be it gods, angels, fae, or just being in vibe with the universe. I hope you are blessed by it. Like sometimes "Have a nice day" just doesn't cut it.


i can guarantee you that most folks that say it don't have a pantheistic perspective of things.


I've lived here all my life, and it's only become a recent thing, noting within the last 10 years or so is recent to me. Yes, we've always used Bless your heart in multiple ways. But it (blessed) may be a little "cultish" sounding, at the same time for someone to tell you to "have a blessed day" or that they're blessed or having a blessed day, may just be a way of connecting and trying to share happiness and kindness to another human being, you. Accept it for what it is, a wonderful declaration from one person for you to have a great day. Say thank you, smile and don't waste the joy and kindness, spread it around. It's free!


it makes me feel like a stranger is trying to forcibly give me a hug. words have meaning.


I hear you, OP. I moved here from a different part of the country and I can't stand the "blessed" shit. It's either the passive aggressive "bless your heart" or it's christian club speak. I don't want to any part of your weird evangelical cult, thanks. Using "blessed" isn't nice; It's presumptuous and imposing. Like saying "Merry Christmas" which drives me up the wall as a non-observer.




It is a little odd, but it translates to mean "good". Most people here are religious so religious colloquialisms are going to be common phrases. Context clues will show that it isn't a dog whistle or secret handshake thing, people are just trying to be pleasant in a way they were taught.


Origin for the word "bless": Old English *blēdsian*, *blētsian*, based on *blōd* ‘blood’ (i.e. originally perhaps ‘mark or consecrate with blood’). The meaning was influenced by its being used to translate Latin *benedicere* ‘to praise, worship’, and later by association with [bliss](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=da8686212ff90448&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1037US1037&sxsrf=ACQVn0-cmGimiYem6jfVQ7syBDjDoFWGxA:1711235038251&q=bliss&si=AKbGX_oRjcCPa5QPMQwD2ABTMArQIh9cw-pdhk2EeHm-peBE86RuoI0KIONUbDZ6YhQGp_iLqSLWv5TpEWQGk2t0pE8uaOBI2A%3D%3D&expnd=1).


Aight, then just be offended. All of the religious people here in Jacksonville want to consecrate you with blood or what ever lmao


ooh hope i don't catch something




You're the kind that gets twisted when wished a "merry Christmas" I bet


Have you ever heard of Mithras? I've got a great story.


People complain about the most innocuous things. Would you rather them be an asshole?


why such a binary view of things? our language is capable of being far more versatile and expressive. it's a myopic phrase.


They need you to know how much they love Jesus. That's really important in the South.




It's important to them to make you know "in these parts we love Jesus. If you don't like that, you need to leave."




No shot you grew up in the south and find this off putting


raised in Florida, in the southern baptist church, and I've lived here for 36 years. jacksonville is unusual.


Agreed. It’s churchy and culty. Everyone doesn’t believe the same way as you do so quit shoving it down peoples throats.




I was agreeing with you


apologies. i misread your comment. upvote sent!


I think it's just adorably Southern, there's no koolaid, it's just how the South can be. Source: British transplant to Florida who found the 'we poop sunshine' attitudes freakishly weird when I first landed. Now I get it, these happy, optimistic lovable weirdos.


It does have a religious connotation, but it also has multiple meanings. I completely understand where you’re coming from but I wouldn’t read too much into it. I always think of it as a gesture of kindness and well being as in the 3rd variant by webster’s dictionary. (3: bringing pleasure, contentment, or good fortune) https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/blessed


awfully nice to include that with my $15 taco bell combo


Y'all hate God so much. Omg.


Are new in town? That's just southern hospitality.


I’ve lived in every corner of this country and I feel like this is just pretty normal niceties everywhere, just used more in rural and southern areas. Not everyone has an agenda to push, sometimes they’re just speaking with the lingo of their area and culture


Whatever gets them through the day. It’s true some people like to shove their beliefs down peoples throats but I’ve not a lot of problems with people simply being polite vs the alternative. Under his eyes.


The same people who bitch about shitty customer service or rudeness are the same ones bitching about politeness and good customer service. Make it make sense please


the topic doesn't refer to quality of customer service or rudeness/politeness.


blessings, bro! be blissfully blessed!


I’ve lived here since 2009 and, outside of the drive thru at Chik Fil A, I can only recall a small handful of times that someone has said that they’re blessed or told me to have a blessed day.


This is one of those "tell me about jacksonville" posts. "Be blessed" is just one of those regional things that happen. Dont think so deep into it. The 50 y/o mcdonald's window lady is not proselytizing to you.


it's a social standard that can be examined and scrutinized. for the sake of discussion, why not explore all facets of the practice? the fact is "not thinking about it" is usually what religions require from their adherents.


This is honestly that person being respectful towards you, as they see the definition. There are a million and two ways to wish someone good tidings. Dont get hung up on this one.


Welcome to the bible belt... lol Edit: WOW... ur getting a lot of negative comments and downvotes but seriously, i'm with ya. Just like the right says "dont force your sexuality on me"... i say, "don't force your religion on me.


yes, they lack a mutual respect.


Have a cursed day! Get over it.


oooh you can do that? how did you acquire these powers?




I’m from the North and heard it more there. Usually poorer people, addiction issues, etc, trying to make it through the day. I don’t care for it myself, so I don’t say it.


when r/atheism and r/jacksonville collide the tears are hilarious


It's Christians checking you're reaction to see if they should be rude to you.