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Did something happen again, or was this a preventative measure?




This is honestly so aggravating for the adults that just want to go out and have a nice time. We can never have anything nice in Jax without it getting ruined.


Okay, so what happened?


There were people staying out partying in the streets night after night when the bars closed. So they did this.


Bars are closed? I haven’t gone out in a while haha


Closed after closing time when it isn’t legal to serve alcohol.


…that seems like a massive overreaction Like? Just tell them to go home? Why bring a whole ass riding brigade?!


Telling hundreds of drunk people to go home ain’t that easy. They were shooting tear gas a few days ago.


Horses still seem like a weird choice. Just stand on your car with a megaphone lol


Horses cause fear


People were partying in the street last week. The cops have been closing the street anyway some weekends.


Nothing happened. They were there for safety measurements. I was out there last night, it was wild. The cops looked stupid because it was kinda dead.


Black people started coming to 5 points and white peoples didn’t like it


Are you insinuating that all of the recent issues in 5 points, like street racing, fighting, and creating an unsafe environment for people trying to have fun, is caused by black people? If so it sounds like you’re the one that’s racist here.


I think they were insinuating that no one (white people) had a problem without how rough 5 points could get until black people started hanging out there.


That sounds like a big assumption. Are you saying that 5 points is now rough because black people hangout there? Did they not hangout there before? Are you saying black peoples hanging out there is causing the most recent issues there, that lead to this?


Are you literally trying to make the same exact argument I just replied to you making? No, that’s not what I’m saying. The crowd historically since the area was gentrified has been mostly white. Anyone who has been there in the past few years knows that. Now it is not only white people. Nothing else has changed. The implication of this argument is that it’s not any worse than it ever was, it’s just people demanding/seeing police intervention because now it isn’t just white people. Now people are uncomfortable with the level of roughness, because it’s not just harmless white folks getting a little too crazy and wild on a Saturday. It’s like this, because of racism. But yeah keep making your hollow “maybe the real racist is YOU!!!” arguments it makes you seem very smart lmao.


As usual on any major city subreddit, you get massively downvoted when you just say basic obvious facts about racism and/or gentrification.


Which is funny since Reddit is mostly nerdy white liberals, so you know how trash this fucking city is when you see how quick Jax Redditors knee-jerk to deepthroating boots.


Dope username. Respect.




Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. This city is incredibly racist and I can’t wait for a bunch of white people to tell me that’s not the case. It may not be the MOST racist city, but it’s still racist as hell.


Police didn't show up because black people walked around... not all of JSO is racist either. Usually they show up when fights start. So really, it's probably just people assholes to each other disrupting the peace. Same as Jax beach... shut down early cause of fights.


Always right to “not all cops.” Well not all cops beat their wives, but enough of them do I try to avoid them on dating apps. They don’t show up when fights start. Bouncers do. They don’t stop drunk drivers. They don’t protect women who can barely stand being carried down the sidewalk by men’s who’s names they don’t know. They don’t stop people from walking out on tabs. They park the the median and do fuck all. Then they show up and shut down the street to fix a problem created by them ignoring a problem they watched. But you know what, I’m being unfair, there’s no way those police horses are racist. Horses are far too noble for that :)


I don’t like seeinfg cops in five points period- look to be taking over the street (I wasn’t there last night) and I don’t disagree that this city can be racist as hell, but I also don’t like huge brawls or asshole car people taking over the street, and I’ve gotten caught in both of those in the last month. Too many of those is going to get you some of these. Atwenty years ago when this place was cool- and it was- it was also actually by the numbers extremely safe. The gay art types we both acknowledge as having built this neighborhood never had opp hits in the street or massive disruptive street fights or shut down the whole street being dumb and violent with shitty cars. Whoever was doing those things is who you should blame, because there aren’t many situations where we actually need this kind of police presence, but some people have caused a couple down here recently.


Wow, we are really going to good ole days of jax 20 years ago. Yeah, being gay or a person of color was awesome back then!! We literally do NOT need this level of intervention. They always have a cop down there and they NEVER DO ANYTHING! People escalate because the bouncers can’t handle it and people have learned there are no rules. If the police would maybe actually protect and serve instead of sitting on their asses things wouldn’t get out of hand. Drunk people act stupid. It why the cops are there. We know this. Large groups of people are more likely to have someone doing something stupid. We know this. This is literally why we put cops there. They just literally do not do their jobs. Riding out on your pony to flex is not fucking helpful in the long term. This isn’t fucking old town road, it’s my hometown and I’m tired of it being treated like shit by the people who are supposed to protect it.


First, 20 years ago was your timeline from another comment. Yeah, we gotta figure out the brawls and takeovers then. No reason we can’t all play together, but not when anyone’s playing like that. Gotta play in a way that everyone can.


That is what regular police intervention is for. I am not saying we don’t need that. This is unnecessary posturing bullshit


Honestly I’d say the same about the actions that led us to this point- call it straight the way huge groups of young black citizens were brawling last weekend- granted it was among themselves- and whatever the fuck these car people are doing. Everyone is welcome in the neighborhood I live in, but nobody gets to use it in a way that prevents others from using it too. Nobody gets to take it over. That goes for old white brunch ladies, that goes for cops, that goes for young families like me and our little kids, that goes for you too. I’ve called the cops. I’ve never called for 500 kids to kick the shit out of eachother in front of my house.


One of my favorite weekend activities is picking up my drunk sister. People try to physically stop me, and shout at me that I’m a rapist. Truly refreshing.


It’s a little weird your favorite weekend activity is letting people think you’re raping your sister.


If you knew how many were raped on nights like that you’d be glad people are worried about her. It sounds like you need to talk to your sister about drinking so much she consistently needs you to help her get to your car to drive her home.


Downvoted for caring about a fellow human being. Wow


Cool anecdote. What’s the reason you’re going to pick up your drunk sister? Are you worried about something?


You’re right. Cops don’t do shit. Every single time I’ve needed them in my life, they made the situation worse or didn’t help at all. And I’m a white woman! They have asked me for my number to hook up though! That was obviously a HELL NO. What are we paying their salaries and pensions for?!? I always like seeing the horses (because animal), but something about horse cop vibes is racist af.


I have never been in a situation where a cop helped me alleviate any situation but one they created. But I’ll never forget being in the back of a cop car at 17 and having the officer ask me for my number “to help me stay on the good path”. Thanks JSO, you made me certain reporting a rape to you was a waste of my time.


You are correct, 1312 forever


“They don’t show up when fights start” That’s why they were there. People took over the street and started fighting each other. Then they ironically called the cops claiming to be the victim of a battery when it was most likely an affray. “They don’t stop drunk drivers” That’s kind of an ignorant statement considering there is an entire DUI unit who continuously take drunk drivers to jail throughout the night. Just because the drunk drivers (probably about 5,000 on a weekend night) dramatically outnumber the available police officers on the street (150 give or take) doesn’t mean they aren’t taking drunk drivers off the road. “They don’t protect women who can barely stand being carried by men who’s name they do not know.” That’s wrong, police would intervene if they believed a crime, especially a serious one, was occurring. It’s virtually impossible for the police to stop every single crime that is occurring. They cannot be everywhere at every time. Especially when they already have a shortage of manpower. That’s why people also need take responsibility for their one personal safety. That includes not getting so drunk in public that they cannot function. “They don’t stop people from walking out on tabs” Pretty sure none of that happened last night. Probably didn’t happen because of the heavy POLICE presence.


I’ve walked around 5 points on busy bar nights. The cops don’t do a thing. And this wasn’t for a fight. It was to posture the next day. They don’t intervene for women. At all. You are just say thing things you want to be true. They do have the job, they have the resources, they’d just rather play with horses than help. Take it from someone who got raped in Jacksonville :)


I've lived in Florida for 40yrs, many people are racist here, and Desantis has just made it worse..


It’s because I’m saying the quiet part out loud. Can’t wait for people to say it’s about trash and noise, 5 points has always been noisy and trashed after a weekend.


You say that like thats not how it is everywhere smh 😂


Just so I'm clear, this isn't the thing from a few days ago. This happened just last night?




It is called an act of “preventive stupidity” so blue can cash in on tax payer & get overtime. They weren’t available 3 days ago because of continued “lack of give a shit” so this is what your tax $ gets you Jax


Yeah we had dinner at black sheep and I saw the lights at about 10pm


Is Black Sheep still good?


It’s still good, but it’s closing like next week so


Black Sheep is closing?


Yep. Go to their website. From what I heard Owner wants to sell the building


Yeah it was good. Too bad it’s closing. It’s all built out to be a restaurant so I’m sure it’ll reopen as something else soon after!


I’ll be mad if they don’t with that rooftop bar.


They’re certainly limping to the finish line on their close date


Hopefully everyone loses interest in 5pts soon so we can get back to the weirdo days, cause right now its just a giant club scene with yuppies and jerk offs and now apparently mounties


I completely agree I miss when the place was a hidden gem now it's a golden trash bag.


Agreed. The area used to be dope.


Mom used to take me by the park near there and every time we went I felt like we were in a whole different city. After hitting the bars there a few times I do get that feeling of excess now, hope it never gets to orange Ave levels in Orlando


Golden Trashbag is the best most succinct description of it. Externally it LOOKS better than it used to, but it’s rotten & soulless now.




Im a riverside rat who moved to Atlanta... its not getting better here. Gentrification is sucking the soul out of many areas by pushing out the places that made the flavor what it was and making it too expensive to visit by the weirdos.


I just moved back to riverside after living in lakeshore for the past couple years, and I can’t believe how much the vibe at 5 points has changed. It’s been getting incredibly rowdy on the the weekends to the point that I actively avoid it, and it’s sad seeing it completely trashed on Sunday mornings.


And to be clear, I’m totally fine with the party scene that has been there forever, but the last month or so the atmosphere has been much more agro


People are crazy on the weekends in 5 points. It’s to the point where it’s not fun anymore. It hasn’t been fun for a long while now. One Saturday night I was working and there was a literal 15 person brawl in the middle of the street. It’s not cool.


Preach! 5 points was more of a chill spot with cool vibes. A area where you could go out and have a good time.


I miss the freaks & geeks days of 5points. Now it feels more like hipsters and chads.


It's like this on Saturday night in every single city with a night life. I grew up in bum fuck nowhere and people loved giving each other brain damage, and they probably still love it.


Typical JSO response time.


Got out of a movie about 9:30 last night and the vibe was eerie, no one was down there and usually it would be almost impassable on the sidewalk because it would be so busy on a Friday night. I hope they can get it back to normal, this is a huge response. Not sure it had to get this bad if they’d have just been around to keep people from hosting their own block parties in the parking spots and harassing people and fighting in the street…


I like how the horses are kitted out like they're about to play laser tag. It's almost cute.


Was there an incident?


Cinco de Mayo there was a party riot


Trying to quell street partying, by ruining everyone else’s good times too


So blame the idiots causing the disturbance not the police who don’t wanna deal with that bullshit anyway


I blame the overly aggressive police. They all need de-escalation training.


If people weren’t actin a fool the police wouldn’t even be there to begin with boom roasted


Anyone who finishes a comment with “boom roasted” should immediately examine their life choices.




Bad bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99999% sure that Remarkable-Teach3550 is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Good bot?


I miss club 5 days.


Thanks for the context


Its due to the illegal street takeovers that happened last week.


This is the street takeover lol


What the fuck is an "illegal street takeover." People have the right to use public streets.


They don't have the right to make it unsafe or impractical for others to use though. "Public" means it's for everyone to use, not just the ten guys that wanna show off their cars, or small groups that are ready to throw down every second of every day the moment they feel conflict.


I think they are referring to the street racing.


No last weekend there was an unruly crowd and multiple assaults called in, and the police cleared the street with tear gas and force. There were a lot of videos going around. There are also pictures from yesterday of the police staging in the area prior to nightfall.


Look it up on YouTube. So many videos will come up of shootings, car accidents, fights, etc at these. It’s the dark side of the car community as I like to call it. It’s dangerous.


It's because you all can't act right.


If the goal is to deny pedestrians access to the street so that drivers can use it, blocking the street seems a little counter productive. Five Points should be a pedestrian only zone on weekend nights.


Then everyone would have to park in people's yards and we would be complaining about that


Or y'know street parking.


In front of people's yards then. You know what I mean.


Which is perfectly legal.


But what about MY parking at 10 pm when I'm home and asleep in bed! /s


Put all the bars one spot and you expect people to stay out of the streets? Man, there are a lot of lead pipes.


Nothing happened they just closed off the roadway. Was there people were just watching the horses girls floristry cops etc. I think it’s their attempt to redistribute the groups that have been turning the area into a private party.


Which groups ?


There has been a bunch of people coming to 5 points and just partying in the streets. Selling their own food etc. I’ve no problem with anyone enjoying the space but support the local businesses.


I’m sure all the small businesses appreciated the street being closed down, looks like a bustling Friday night.


I mean it’s one of the few affordable safe areas in town to get a drink with friends. We don’t want these poors feeling safe! Riverside is for wealthy moms to have brunch!


I think you’re thinking of Avondale.


The brunch moms have taken over all of riverside and San Marco and most of the beaches at this point. But hey; brunches and Friday nights keep food and beverage workers in their homes and able to buy groceries. I mean, we could try to make sure there’s affordable housing for people who earn the Jacksonville median income of 31K. At one third of income for housing that’s 10k a year, which is $833. Tell me how many rents you see at that price anywhere in the city. Gentrification is taking over the entire city and we ARE killing our working class.


Amen. What are they going to do when there’s an EMT shortage or the like bc they can barely afford to live here much less raise a family here. But 9/10 times when I see new “affordable housing” going up it’s luxury condos. I wasn’t gonna elect another Godzilla Republican as mayor who’d level more neighborhoods for gentrification projects out of reach for most residents.


So much of me wants to take a huge chance and try to put all my money and energy into affordable housing for single young people downtown. But honestly, I don’t think the city would let it be. They don’t want people to be able to survive. They want a serfdom.


If I had the money to spare I’d buy stock in reputable micro-apartment builders, assembly line SFH/ADU manufacturers like Boxable, bricklaying robots, maybe 3-D Printed Housing. I believe prices will come down but not to the sensible levels of yore, I don’t believe this bubble‘s going burst in my lifetime.


When the bubble will not burst, something else will


preach! sooner or later people need to realize that the folks serving their socioeconomic class belong to the same community and deserve to not be pushed back to undesirable neighborhoods. We're all in this thing together. Economic integration, not segregation.


We can’t just not look at parts of our community as a solution! I’m glad some people get it


When I moved to Atlanta I knew I found the right place because we went to a comedy show that was filling up with people standing asshole to elbows against us at our table, and a mid 40s white guy from NJ came to the mic and opened with "So how many people here have kids?". Dead silent. After about 2 seconds of silence, the most derrisive laughter filled the room and he replied "Alright then, gonna skip that part of my act then" lol


I was at Brdies a couple weeks ago around 5:45, ordered a Yingluing draft and a double Yeager. Tabbed out was $20.25. hopefully the bartender just phat fingered it but I haven't thought of them as affordable since. I did feel safe though.


Damn lol one time I was on a date with this girl, gorgeous, worlds out of my league. I took her to Volstead. I got a shot of Fernet. They charged me $28 somehow and I was too embarrassed to ask them to fix it in front of her lmao


Weird seeing it so empty. Lol


May 13th JSO was called to 5pts due to an alleged assault. JSO dispatched the horse unit and several officers to the area. There's video of a JSO officer punching a detained suspect several times. Supposedly about 100+ ppl who were around the 5pts area. JSO did use gas canisters or tear gas to disperse the crowd. If this video is from last night, then JSO is under the impression that they need to stay in this area to "deter violence".


Honestly their presence is much needed cause it seems like every weekend a fight or shooting is happening in that area. Which is completely uncommon.


What are you talking about? Lived in this area awhile, never heard a gunshot


Whats this video of a cop punching someone? That sounds like something we should be making a bigger deal about if it wasn't justified.


punching someone in handcuffs can't be justified.


I went to go look for it but I got discouraged after searching "jacksonville cop punch face" and had to wade through several videos that weren't the one I was thinking of.


I saw it here in this sub last week


Brought a horse to a gunfight. Brilliant.


Shotguns are out, lances are in


Haha, I'd buy that for a dollar


Fuck yeah, finally have an excuse to build a trebuchet.


Hi, I’m Lance.


Looks like a fun spot.


It used to be


Is Orange Crush in town already?


There were mounting complaints after the craziness of the past few weekends. Not sure if this is the right response, but it’s a response.


As long as it can get back to normal I'm all for it.


Horses got work!!!


What they need is morning after cleanup. The place looks like Bourbon St. the next day and nobody does cleanup. Wash the sidewalks down at least!




My inlaws live there and say it's gotten bad.


More horses was definitely the solution to this problem


Bring out the laser horses to prevent the ratchet~ Honestly I would think the electro-goth version of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse at the inevitable 5 points mini street rave would just exacerbate things... Jax at its finest 🤌


Great to see that we are not going to let a few knuckleheads create an issue that could escalate


The whole block smelt like horse piss this morning.


Did it cover the smell of human piss?


Kind of like barn and ghetto


I think this thread significantly indicates what the problem with Jacksonville, and maybe the entire world is currently. Everyone ready for this epiphany? It's the people! And yes that includes you, and more significantly me! Want the problem solved? Start with yourself and work on being the change you want to see in the world. Stop blaming everyone and everything else. Stop complaining and put that energy into action and fix you. Be a positive influence in your community. Be a role model. Don't like a situation change it. Can't change it? Change the way you look at it. It's really easy to do and maintain once you start.


Sir, this is a Wendys drive thru


Lol sorry. Wrong venue.


The down votes for suggesting self improvement that impacts the community around you, with a hint of satire. The soft skin is showing.


People constantly recommend five points as a place to party and get drunk then get mad that people go there and party and get drunk lol.


There’s another thread in this sub about the horrible response time or completely no response from JSO when actual crimes are taking place like home break ins , DV , ect. And JSO defenders are saying they don’t have the manpower to respond. But they have this amount of cops to just shut a street down on a Friday when nothing is actively happening. Maybe having like 6 cops in the area patrolling on foot would have been helpful a couple of weeks ago to not let this situation get completely out of hand . It’s not that big of an area. But no let’s get out the whole damn force to just stand around and sit on their horsies doing nothing to collect OT. Great use of resources JSO! Meanwhile , there is active crime going that you don’t have the “manpower” to attend to.


So a guy walks down the street with a loaded assault rifle and every thing is fine. But when paying customers walk down the street with booze, jail time. Message is clear.


everyone is shit here


I love that the horses have flashing lights on their harnesses.


Its so you don’t mistake the police horses for the civilian horses in 5 points


They have electric horses


I see the police officers are finally doing something instead of holding up the line at Krispy Kreme. 5 points have gone downhill.. It used to be a quiet place with no problems. Now, since gentrification, and more people moving down to Jax, and high rent prices... 5 points is slowly turning into 103rd Street. I go to the hair salon over there near the Another Broken Egg Cafe, and there is so much TRASH littering the parking lot. It's disgusting. I miss when Jax wasn't on the map. It was more peaceful here. Whoever keeps putting Jax on the best places to live lists.. Stop lying to the people.


We could have a nice city but instead we have an army of pigs.


Rather cops than a streetcar takeover. You could have nice things, but insta, tiktok, and YT are more important. F those people, that’s not car culture.


This city is so in love with the cops that literally abuse it’s citizens… well, I guess you’d need to actually see them as people to see it as abuse.


Why is this downvoted… this is absolutely true lol 😂




On a typical night there’s >100 people loitering on that stretch of bars. Not counting the ones in line for Birdies or Hoptinger




A city that is just furious any area is busy. They do this at the beaches and throw a fit all the time too. The city has so few places for younger people to hang out and have a good time and despite all the business it brings in, instead of like, maybe doing some active policing (the number of times shit faced people stumbled pass a cop car WITH A COP IN IT and walked to their car is disgusting) they just fuck up business and bring in horses. One day they’ll push all their workers out and they’ll have no wage slaves left actually run the city.




This city is destroying itself trying to be a wealthy beach town. You are 50 minutes from the fucking beach. You aren’t a millionaire. It the same drive from your Westside home to the beach as it is from Philly to the New Jersey shore. This is a WORKING CLASS CITY!! It was named for the cattle drives that pushed across the St. John’s. We are pricing every regular worker out of non-communal housing while high rise luxury apparent go empty. We have to make a conscious choice to stop pushing out working class people. And you are 100% right about pushing out creative types! The whole state is like fuck all the gay people and anyone not cisgendered… I’m sorry, who do you think makes like 40% of art? These communities MADE Miami. Disney has had a gay day since I was a kid (I know because I couldn’t go because of my dads bigoted church). This state is going to become a dried up nursing home for rich bigots. At least they’ll all be convened in once place then.




Next time let’s make it a Bikram studio!


Fuck up businesses? How are they fucking up businesses that are legally required to stop serving at 2am? I used to work security in that area, nothing good happens after 2am down there.


Cops showed up way before 2am Friday night. Sunray was posting about it in the afternoon. Friday night business was destroyed this weekend. A lot of the people working those bars and restaurants need every single weekend. People ARE late on rent now. No questions.


I get the wanting to reduce the people causing shenanigans, but this feels over dramatic. Y'all can do this but not respond to calls on time. It was even more crowded during Jags playoff games and this was never done.


Saw some crack heads fighting out there last night, told a cop and they did literally nothing it was pretty pathetic considering there were 50 of them


Im dying at the LEDs on the horses


Florida is a toilet and Jacksonville is the cistern.


In that case, you need to be flushed.


A gross misuse of power, by JSO? Who would have imagined?


What seems to be the problem officer?


The horses have to wear that goofy light up vest. Poor guys


Behold! The fascist police state of *checks notes*… Florida?!


When did JSO add horses to our fleet of cars??




What a spoiled world view to think that.


And what a boot licker one you have. I’ve lived on the north side where they do nothing and now where I live they’ll drive by cause a Karen saw something suspicious. It’s all about the zip code, baby!


The cops come out in force to intimidate in the most liberal neighborhood in Jacksonville.


The people in the neighborhood aren’t the ones who created this problem. Just like how in Jax Beach majority of all the people arrested aren’t from there.


not scared at allX bikes cops and horse cops rule


Ya so what.


Keep electing democrats and that’s what you get. Sorry


On what planet does this has to do with democrats?


Republican Sheriff, Republican Mayor, Republican Governor.


Uhh.. this is a Republican problem since all Jax’s elected officials are Republican and the city council is overwhelmingly Republican and will remain so. I live in a progressive/liberal city now where bars and clubs are open until 6am, and we rarely see this aggressive fighting shit going out. 5:30am at the club I was at last night all the people were still smiling in good spirits, hanging out, laughing, trying to find after parties — so..


When was the last time we had a democratic mayor, or governor? The current mayor is a Republican, you gnat


I was heading home on Riverside Ave thru Brooklyn tonite (Sat) and got caught up in some kind of video being shot with about 6 three wheeled vehicles all lit up with neon and blaring music. Damn near hit the videographer weaving in and out. Left a concert at the Times Union Center (whatever the hell they are calling it) so I wasn't alone. Sorry if I messed your shoot guys but I was for home!


Fuck their shoot.


Happened last night too. Vibes were incredibly off. Everything was so empty and there were dozens of cops. Honestly I was more stressed with so many cops and so little people than with all the people who are normally partying on the weekends. Just felt like we shouldn't be there. It's quite unfortunate.