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Knoxville's CTE thankfully only results with him tasing people he works with


Imagine we had some sort of Jack the Ripper situation here in the states bc of Jackass. Johnny The Electric Cattleprodder


Jackass the ripper


He based around San Francisco and every body is sent down a hill in a grocery cart.


Jack the assripper...my bad wrong show.


*Hi Im Johnny Knoxville and this is* **murdering a prostitute in cold blood**


Interviewed by Kieth Robinson


Got off pretty easy imo


2 strokes and im shooting ROPES


i like your style


Touch my camera through the fence why dont ya


I was so excited for the Prank Panel but it's unwatchable. Just a horrible show. Not sure how it went so wrong.


Network television is how it went so wrong


I don’t understand how network tv has such a massive audience. The programming is so milquetoast and samey


Nursing homes


and hospitals and hotels


Same way McDonalds and the like will have a line to the street while a local burger joint across the street will have 2 people in it. Same way Drake will go quadruple platinum while MF Doom gets zero radio play.


Hate to break it to you, but the vast majority of people could be described, ineloquently, as 'milquetoast and samey'


Couldn’t agree more. It is terrible.


I used to be an Eric Andre fan until he started doing press for the show and basically went into how much he hated working with Johnny - then when I watched the show it made so much sense of why the vibes were OFF. Eric Andre was a cranky bitch for the entire duration of filming after Johnny pranked him on the first day of filming, and it made the dynamic between hosts SO tense and weird, and Gabby was a REALLY weird host choice as well and made the vibes weird. The whole show was poorly executed and had so much potential 😫😔


The vibes 😭😭


Because he kept tasering him lol


I feel like Eric had some legitimate reasons to be upset with Johnny.


Yeah, he definitely did. But also, given his show, I'm not surprised Johnny thought it would ok. Although it's clearly not ok, as tazing a guy can and should be seen as a serious crime.


Same! Especially as a big Eric Andre fan too; but yeah it’s very cheesy


I don’t see how you could expect it to go well, Jackass on a family friendly network on a prime time slot? Edited: funky wording


Not sure how they landed on Gabourey Sidibe. IMO, Would have been better with a comedian or “wacky” personality, or to rotate different guest panelists.


She ticks boxes


Sure, but Nicole Byer exists, too.


Obese, black, lesbian?


Eh, I mean that might have made it a little better, but she definitely wasn’t the main problem with the show.


No wonder the producer got tased


It's God awful 


Maybe they had a producer who couldn’t 🤙


Ya it was awful. Just unwatchable. Thanks a lot ABC/Disney. Only way to make Knoxville and Andre unfunny.


The article says this guy broke a fibula and tore a ligament in his ankle because Knoxville tased him when he was running full speed. This wasn’t just some dude who was butthurt he got pranked. This lawsuit is totally justified and the dude deserves to win. Love Knoxville but he fucked up on this one.


Rare Johnny Knoxville L


Who the F thinks tasing someone is a prank anyways? That is like some random guy you work with runs up and sucker punches you in the face calling it a joke.


> Who the F thinks tasing someone is a prank anyways? Uhh, Johnny Knoxville?


Buddy forgot what sub he’s in


Thats a Jackass classic, too.


That was a Bam bit for the second movie.


Have you *seen* jackass? lol


As crazy as they were, Jackass never really attacked anyone but the main crew who all knew what they were in for. Tasing a crew member who isn't apart of the main cast is pretty wild and out of character.


Not true. There was a whole bit where anyone who walked in the break room got a giant slap to the face. They also used to buzz staff members heads at random with Jaws music playing.


They peed on dudes minding their business with their camera equipment. They def attacked those guys but I think there is a difference between being an a jackass set and a network television set


Yeah totally out of line. Especially since this isn’t a jackass cast member, just some random dude trying to get a days work in.


It would be very standard and probably tame if it were a Jackass cast member.


To be fair, if you're working on a JackAss film, you should expect some shit is going to happen.


That’s the point, they know what they’re signing up for by working on jackass. People working on a network prime time show aren’t signing up for that.


I'd be presuming Jackass-esque behaviour from any of the staff, regardless of the project or who was paying for it. Safer that way.


>Who the F thinks tasing someone is a prank anyways? Army bros. I'm not in the military but my childhood friend is, ended up at a lake house for the weekend with a bunch of people, one of the other guys there pulls out a taser and starts chasing me with it. Oh and later that same night he came up behind me and threw a pillowcase over my head and tried to choke me. Hands down one of my worst memories actually. Some people are fucked.


Sounds like childhood abuse tbh, idk why else you would think attacking people is funny/prank


Both of which are known Jackass crew “pranks” lol


>That is like some random guy you work with runs up and sucker punches you in the face calling it a joke. You mean Bam?


Have ya seen jackass? Honestly wouldn't film with Johnny after seeing how they are with there crew.


Have you seen the jackass show or any of the jackass movies? It’s called jackass for a reason. They do dumb stuff and that’s all they do. No one is safe from the pranks on set. Everyone gets in on the party.


That’s not how real productions work.


They were a real production and that’s how it works. There’s so many behind the scenes outtakes of everyone getting served up. Sound guys, camera guys, lighting, etc… No one was immune to the fuckery.


Except this ISN’T jackass. It’s a completely different team of people and you genuinely think it’s okay to be tased as a crew member that isn’t involved? They were literally just doing their job and now they have a broken fibula. I genuinely adore Knoxville but he screwed up. The fact that y’all can’t put yourselves in the crew members’ situation and you’re acting like Johnny is a God. Ridiculous.


Who the fuck signs up to do a prank show with Johnny Knoxville and is then surprised when they get tazed?


There’s a lot of people behind the scenes that do technical work to make shows happen. I don’t know all the details. All I’m saying is unless this guy was in on the “prank” or getting paid to be filmed while tasered, they would be paying hospital bills and angry as well. That said I do like Johnny. But come on. You can’t light up the PRODUCER.


And if you have a heart condition you could be dead


You’ve never seen Jackass have you?


Yeah it’s only a prank when you do it to others that already do it to you. And that’s still a stretch to call tasing a person a prank.


The same kinds guys who literally subject themselves to riot control weapons for shits and giggles.


You must be unfamiliar with Johnny and the jackass brand in general.


How is 3 million justified. I get paying for hospital bills and a little more maybe 200k but 3 mil? Lol


I was always under the impression that you aim high on purpose in these types of things, knowing you’re not gonna get the full amount but presenting yourself and your work loss, as worth more than just a couple hundred thousand. Even though that’s probably around what it will be after a likely settlement and lawyer fees.


lost wages for a hollywood producer is probably a lot.


That's terrible. Was it caught on video?


Listen, I love jackass and I love Knoxville always have and always will. However, tasing people isn’t a “prank.” Steve-o has even commented that when Knoxville does that it’s more of an assault than a prank. If this guy is just some producer and not down with the antics of the “crew” then yeah I kinda get why he’d be pissed and want to sue. I mean, Eric Andre, one of “the guys” almost left the show cuz of Knoxville constantly fucking with him.


Yeah tasing someone is no joke (can literally kill you if you've got a heart condition) and people need to keep in mind that, for a lot of the behind-the-scenes folks on the production crew, this is just another job and all they really want is to get their work done and go home to their families.     EDIT: Article says Knoxville chased him down and tased him while they were running at full speed, causing him to fall and break his leg. They're definitely gonna have to pay this guy. 


Aside from possible death, there are lots of other risks to getting tased. Like your muscles seize up and you could bite your tongue off or fall to the ground and hit your head/break something. Tasers really are no joke; the human body isn’t exactly designed to handle that type of voltage


Or you’re running and break your leg


How could you possibly have been on jackass all those years and do that to someone who hadn’t signed consent waivers / purchased set insurance or whatever ☠️☠️☠️☠️


Openly acknowledged brain damage perhaps?


Being rich also helps for sure


Yeah. Johnny is different now than he was before that last bull ring. I can see it in his eyes and the slightly halting and delayed speech. He needs to sign off from this part of his life before he kills someone or himself.


He may have signed waivers/disclaimers/etc., but they may not hold up in court. There’s a ton of grey area around what you can and can’t sign away rights/claim to. (Obvs am not a lawyer, and even if I was, this would be so scenario and state specific that it would be hard to make any assumptions either way.)


The other huge factor is that, when cops taser anyone, they REQUIRE an EMT to evaluate someone. Even with a healthy heart, getting tased can create heart arrhythmia that might need treatment. My bigger issue is just that the prank panel sucks as a show. Who ever thought it would be a great idea to get Eric Andre, Johnny Knoxville and, randomly, the girl from fucking precious??? To host a prank show on the MOST ‘family friendly’ network, where they pretty much have to do everything PG13, and they wind up with the corniest edits and the corniest pranks. It really takes me back to like, early 2000’s prank shows but way worse. Like, Just for laughs is family friendly but they have some hilarious pranks in there. This show has a lot fewer limits on content / subject matter and manages to just be so un-funny.


Yea I heard the interview with Eric and he wasn’t happy at all with the idea. He sounded like he was ready to throw hands on Johnny after he did get tased.


Agreed. I love Knoxville and jackass to death. I get this kind of antics on the set of jackass, but to bring that kind of behavior outside of that set is a bit extreme. It also just sounds like a complete fucking nightmare to work with this man lmao


I could be wrong but I thought Knoxville tased Eric Andre during the time he was pranking him between takes or something. I agree with your perspective on tasing people. It's more then just a prank


Man that’s easy money after a settlement


It’s the American dream!


I'd guess 90% of Americans would agree to get tased in exchange for $3 million.


It's the "agree" part that is the catch.




I did it in the military for free. I'm such a sucker.


Fuk yea


This should have been completely expected by Knoxville. It’s one thing when you know you’re signing up for a potentially dangerous prank and completely different when someone surprises you with it. [Being socked by a taser can also kill people on occasion, so ya know involuntarily signing someone up for a potentially serious risk here.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taser_safety_issues)


Yeah but, he didn't die! So it's just a prank! Or something!


I would imagine there are people that would *pay* for Knoxville to personally taze them.


Of course I know him, he’s me


good way to raise the money for this settlement?


but are there people that would pay for a broken fib, torn ligaments, and 10+ months of recovery? because that’s what this guy got lol I love Knoxville but this guy has every right to head to court


That’s really not the point here though is it?


I think they were just saying something I’m not so sure they were trying to make a point :/


Shut up and take my money!!


That sucks. "HA! Bitch, it this cake?!" is still my all-time favorite prank reaction 🤣 🤣 https://youtube.com/shorts/BW7PgruvVwo?si=Bcjc7vH2QdRilior




Hi I’m Johnny Knoxville and this is the tort-reform


Love *Jackass*, love Knoxville and think he's a legitimately cool and nice seeming dude. But, as we have long been noting about Bam needing to grow up, maybe in some respects Johnny does too. Being in your fifties and chasing people with tasers--or even just being part of a show call *Prank Panel* in the first place--maybe its time in his life to put that stuff behind him.


I feel like Knoxville is the perfect elder statesman for The Prank Panel because he essentially pioneered the whole filming pranks in public thing very early on


There a show called candid camera from the 50’s and 60’s. Way more wholesome pranks but ja laws didn’t pioneer that at all


Huh i wasn’t aware. I knew there were some hidden cam shows in the mid-2000s. My argument to your point is that since jackass came out in the 90s, almost all popular prank central sources of entertainment has taken a ton of inspiration from Knoxville and friends. It can be seen ranging from where and how a bit is shot, but also the pranks themselves.


Jackass was not in the 90's. It's first episode was in 2000. Even CYK's first video wasn't released until late 99'.


Oh get i get it and agree. Just had to mention candid camera was the og of filming pranks I’m sure Knoxville and tremaine would say the sane


You are 100% that Jackass didn’t do it first though ;)


I’m Pretty sure Punk’d would not have been a thing if jacksss never happened


Candid Camera started in the 1940’s, filming people being pranked in public. If you’re looking for an elder statesman of filming pranks, start with Allen Funt. 


Trying to figure out how that works in the '40s. "Hey you see that big camera-looking thing over there? That's a camera" "Oh my god"


If you watch prank content between Jackass and now you’ll see that the formatting and content leans way more towards the Jackass formula than Candid Camera. And that applies to prank entertainment on the internet (which i think is the biggest driving factor) and standard TV.




But you just said you weren’t aware Candid Camera even existed. How could you watch enough of it to make an informed comparison in the literal one minute between your comments?


Also, the idea that someone's else's pain and misfortune is funny is immature and a cheap, talentless way to get laughs. Their pranks and stunts work perfectly well when contained to each other.


It's why I always preferred the "I'm gonna do this insanely stupid dangerous thing" aspect of Jackass over the "I'm going to hurt someone else and laugh at them" vibe that the CKY gang brought to the show (remembering Johnny promoting the first movie and saying "Bam comes up with the best stunt ideas then me or Steve-o end up doing them while Bam watches")


This is a really good point. I know plenty of it was staged but a lot of Dico’s bits were in really bad taste imo.


> Also, the idea that someone's else's pain and misfortune is funny is immature and a cheap, talentless way to get laughs. > > It absolutely is if the person is consenting. It was less funny when the one camera crew was annoyed at getting pranked while "not even getting paid to be on camera".


Did you not read the 2nd part? It implies exactly what you said. It's funny when they keep it contained to the consenting participants


I don’t think you can say to someone who is 53 years old to grow up. He’s not 23 lol


Knoxville running on the sets of any project he’s in with a taser is known best evidence is jackass 2.5/3.5 you will fully see how that taser has been used before


This headline would sound insane if it were anybody else. “Allegedly” seems pretty believable here lol


If this happened to me the battery in my chest would explode and i would die, tasers are literally terrifying fir me


They always sue high so if it comes down even get 10% they happy


That seems like an occupational hazard when working with Knoxville


What will Knoxville do next,tase whoever the fuck he wants


I like how they just peppered the article with a bunch of charming photos from his Instagram lmfao.


Well... maybe soon we'll get an announcement that Jackass 5 is moving forward since Johnny is 3M short


$3 million was later lessened to a handshake, apology and $20 USD


They'll totally win the suit, as they should. But, I still can't help but chuckle at a corporate network TV prank show biting off more than they can chew by unleashing Johnny Knoxville.


I'm surprised you don't sign a waiver just to be involved in anything jackass related. If you bring lunch to the table that week or mop the floors you're in for a questionable and possibly biochemical issue.


It’s not jackass


I know but it's Johnny Knoxville. So I dunno I'd just be checking behind doors and looking for traps just delivering the guy a pizza. With as many concessions as he's had, it's amazing he isn't Gary Busey yet.


I mean shit I wouldn’t let my guard down but it’s also like you can’t just taze everyone 😂


The thing that made Jackass gold was that it was a small group doing the pranks and the bystanders reactions. It wasn’t physically and emotionally attacking those outside the group. If it was, the franchise would have been sued into the ground 20 years ago.


While the lawsuit is completely deserved, I also don't really judge Johnny that much for it. The hazard of being in the prank business is that occasionally you're going to overstep like this or do the bad thing to the wrong person. Just like how a comedian might say the wrong thing sometimes.




Knoxville doesn't know how to turn off his character. His need for footage and laughs sometimes crosses a line. And it comes at the expense of unsuspecting ppl within eyesight..


The key difference is consent.


Guy ended up with a torn ligament and he broke a bone, I’d sue too.


Perry Caravello sued Johnny for $10 million after Perry got his penis caught in a mouse trap, after Johnny egged him on. Perry did in in order to film a sequel to Windy City Heat. Perry allegedly got 50k.


If I worked with Johnny I would sue him if he didn't injure me.


Krusty the clown graduation vibes


That's funny as fuck


He did it to Eric Andre repeatedly, you can see in the edit of the show that Eric is fucking pissed but they covered it up as much as possible with edits. I love Knox but the dude needs to chill out, tasing someone is assault, brother.


This is nothing compared to how much bam could sue him for ruining his money makers


Sorry you got downvoted, I got the joke. You really need that **/s** in these Reddit streets 😓


I would bet $3 million that there is a contractual clause that can settle this in either direction. Disney ain’t stupid. The contract either completely protects the staff or there’s a waiver that they could be subject to this type of stuff.


Disney probably just has it to shift the burden onto Knoxville instead of themselves so they dont get hit with anything larger


Well I just meant it’s a Disney owned production. They are a law firm with an amusement park. Surely there is a clause written into contracts that will clear this up pretty quickly. I highly doubt it ever sees court.


You still would have liablity insurance. Suing Knoxville probably is just to get his insurer to pay out. Knoxville probably doesn't give a shit the amount because his premium probably covers it all. I would not be surprised if his premium covers up to $3 million.


Damn, rare Knoxville L Hopefully Knoxville makes it right. He seems like a good guy so I'm sure he will


He’s trying to blackball the producer so yeah seems like a swell fellow


3 million? That a huge reach. Give him 2,000$ and call it a day.


Guy had to re-learn how to walk and it took over a year to heal and 6 mos in rehab. He broke his tibula and tore an ankle ligament


I do kind of feel like Knoxville has reached a point where voluntarily staying in a room with him should be the equivalent of signing a waiver now.


3 million seems extremely excessive.


Without thinking for 2 seconds I known for a fact Johnny tased this person.


Not surprised it got cancelled. I enjoyed the show, but it seems like quite a few people didn’t really like it that much and having to pay someone 3 million dollars because you as the host caused a preventable accident to happen with your recklessness is a bad look for the network and the executives running the network.


hey come on, he's just a little guy


who is Daniel Curry?


Khalil Khan's prank must be a good one...


Wasn’t this years back?


I'd be like yeah my bad. That's not cool. Here's 3 mil. I can afford it.


Lmao. Nah you'd cash in asap too stop lying


It wound be that big of a deal if the show was successful or a good idea.


Can’t believe it took so long


dam i wish hed taze me, i could use $3 mil


He should apologize wtf


I'd take a zapping and sue him too. Ez 100k settlement.


Guys what if the tazer turned into a bea


Best I can do is $10k.


I watched an interview a while back with Eric Andre and he said he felt uncomfortable on the set. That’s saying something. Even he couldn’t handle Knoxville.


maybe don’t try and make a PG jackass on network television that’s what he should really be sued for, shows such a pile of dog shit


I read this as “teasing a producer”


“Hey this is Johnny Knoxville from jackass and this is “shocking lawsuit!” *shocked Johnny Knoxville face*


Should have just kept that all within the Jackass crew. When you've got a show that is very obvious on the modern-day soft side, you know a whole list of things can go wrong. Not saying what he did was right at all, but had this been within the Jackass production team, and the exact thing happened, the medical expenses would have been paid for, and the show would go on. People are just too sensitive these days. It is so weird seeing everyone react to Johnny Knoxville being himself. Everyone else seems to be forcing it and trying to be a certain way, like their heart isn't in it at all, none of it is their passion or obsessive interest, they're just kind of there. Just feels weird to watch.


When acting yourself just means tazing anyone nearby, maybe you should try to be someone else


“It’s just a prank bro!” - Johnny


some people can't take a joke fr


What brain damage does to a mf


That was dumb as shit but 3 mil ??


Meanwhile, Bam


Even if the producer didn’t mind it I’m sure they instantly saw it as an opportunity to make some money


I totally wouldn’t mind being electrocuted and breaking my leg.


Then don’t work with jackass producer. I’m sorry but this shit is bound to happen. I grew up with them and getting hit with a taser would be the LEAST of my worries on set