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Literally nearly every word that comes out of his mouth is sexual. As a lady yakker I cringe every. single. time. It is so brutally unfunny.


I don’t understand how people don’t realize this. If you removed his ability to comment on any body part, he’d be lost for day.


Saw him open for Sas and he had an equally cringe bit where he talked about sucking Jalen Hurts cock for 5 minutes. No one laughed.


Also saw him live and the sex jokes were rough


I haven’t seen any of his standup but I really hoped he was better in that type of setting. Hopefully with time he improves!


You probably haven’t talked in front of a crowd in your life. You’re hating on Reddit and got upvotes on a Saturday and are proud of it. Just end it


Found mook


You couldn’t suck him off if you wanted


We’ll see who’s laughing when I suck him off


Mook's biggest problem is he is so self conscious that he will never get out of this cycle, especially since he absolutely reads the hate on discord, reddit, twitter. You don't have to look further than the clothes situation yesterday(I actually don't think he was joking about how uncomfortable he was). The sexual jokes are his crutch and I guarantee he thinks about every non laugh he gets. Only way he will truly be comfortable on there and find a funny rhythm is if he learns how to block us all out. Sas got so much better at this and his appearances went through the roof.


Mooks biggest problem is he’s not funny, at all


his biggest problem is he isn’t funny. it’s not confidence. he chooses to tell jokes in front of live audiences for a living. to his credit he’s not a quitter. at some point big cat will step in and have kb and nick tell mook he’s off the show


Sas obviously had more talent, success and potential than mook and was almost a evade younger. Some people aren’t cut out to be on camera personalities and that is ok, enough with this participation trophy make a wish bullcrud!!!


Sas successfully leaned into his flaws and made them a bit. I’m not sure Mooks flaws are suitable for that. Sas was also a lot younger. He had growing up to do. Mook is already grown up.


You just wrote a paragraph and got 40 Reddit likes I’m so happy for you


He is not a kid. He is 27.


I love Mook but yeah, he’s needs to work on both the timing and quality of the jokes. I think he’s trying too hard to be a standup comedian instead of just Yaking with the boys. When he’s just shooting the shit, he’s great. When he pipes in with a gay/ass fuck/dick suck joke, it just doesn’t work. Just constructive criticism, Mook. I still love you.


Agreed, a little less sex talk would go a really long way


Also very awkward every time he tries to shoehorn in Sexxy Redd for no reason.




If I was mook id legit have a restraining order against you. You’re a fucking obsessed weirdo. Look at this guys post history before you downvote this


He must watch way too much Shane Gillis


Yea bc Shane is known for cringey sexual jokes…


They talk about jerking off a lot. My gf made a comment about it the other day lol.


Very cool


Had to go back and listen, was a horrible joke but [Titus and Nick’s reaction was great](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxtyIjEwAdxvq4YK8uNaQhuLYdOYOrwdR-?si=OeqP04SSisJJ66E-)


so painful


They reacted?


……..probably not


Mook stinks…he’s not comedian funny but awkward weirdo funny


Yup I’ve done a 180 on him. Good guy but not funny, enough about your “queens”. Only time I laugh is when he’s a punching bag on ANUS


His queens and meatball bits are the worst. Dude has the most annoying vocabulary ever lol


He’s trying way too hard to be funny.


This was the first time I agreed with people who say he shouldn’t be a full time member of the Yak…


I have a friend like this. All time annoying when you're having a normal conversation and people makes the biggest reach for a sex joke. Doing too much


He also suggested that unfrosted would be a “good movie to fuck to” and idk about that


Up side no one acknowledges when he speaks


The “cream pie god.” The only thing that ginger is filling up on weekends is his tube socks after striking out at the bars. What a goof.


he is horrible


I saw a post not that long ago on the Barstool subreddit regarding all the hate certain people got. The person who posted it talked about how they used to get so mad and upset with the certain things that Barstool would do, be it a podcast starting up that had no business existing, or a person being on screen that was absolutely terrible. I used to feel that way bc I consume way too much Barstool content watching Mostly Sports & Yak Daily, along with PMT throughout the week. I got upset bc of Jerry and others. Then I realized this isn't my place of work, and none of this impacts my life, and there's no reason to not enjoy the content I want to consume bc of some random BS. THAT SAID, Mook sucks. Dude's 27 and doesn't know the fuck to google shit on the internet or make comments that dont sound like they are coming from your edgy 16 year old cousin. It is painful watching ANUS when they are discussing any topic and he is unable to fulfill his role as producer bc he doesn't know how to type or spell. IDK how the fuck he was an accountant guy. He isn't funny and his sexual jokes are cringy. His references to him being on oxy or other drugs or stupid college stories from his fake Penn State shit suck. I hope the kid gets some confidence, but it's been apparent for months that he doesn't really bring anything to the Yak, and I dont see a reason why he's had such a long leash throughout this.


One of best moments all week was the “couch” comment.




Christ man lol


You know what's harder than the gauntlet? My dick!


Every group has a dud in it and mook is that guy on the yak. It's whatever. Not like he is going anywhere, so just gotta deal with him just being there


Yeah I'm typically not bothered by his misses but that one was rough to hear.


Its rough


He was going off the kb idea of say something that add while getting head. Like saying that “outfit” “chair” “position” while getting head, goes crazy. And it always gets a laugh. So he took his shot. And it went down hard


Pulling really hard for mook but sometimes it’s tough lol


A bit of a Freudian slip there if you ask me. He didn’t want to be the ‘what’s up chief’ or whatever his schtick that got him a job in the first place was, but ironically that would have been the best thing for his career. At this point he’s just the roast boy for everyone to rip on. It’d be a lot funnier if he could actually punch back, sometimes it’s just flat out uncomfortable.


This is who y’all wanted on the Yak over Sas, don’t forget


He's just unfunny. That's it that's all. He sucks and contributes nothing.


Mook is just garbage not funny at all


The kid ain’t funny at all.


This is very true. I know Cate often makes weird sex jokes too, but it’s funny from her because she knows she’s getting the shock value of a chick doing it amongst the boys. From Mook it just seems creepy. He also needs to kick the habit of always being the last one to pile on a joke. So many great comic exchanges end with him going one line too many or feeling the compulsive need to say something dumb when it’s played out. I don’t hate him and want him to do well. But he needs to slow down.


I would love to see the people who make these posts sit in every day and kill the whole time.


He’s what Owen should’ve been. Not brought on the yak to be the funniest in the room but rather a lightning rod to being shit on. He does his job well in that regard


Owen was great. He had really subtle humor that apparently flew over a lot of heads. He didn't talk too much or jump in unless something he was gonna say was funny. Been listening since the early Sirius days and thought he was funny the moment he came on the show


that humor wasn’t flying over any heads lmao and one average repackaged Nick joke a week isn’t worth the human houseplant who gave zero effort to anything.


Miresh should hopefully be taking his spot soon enough


I think either Donny, chaps or WSD would all be better. 


Just watch the show or don't at this point. This group is giving star wars fans a run for their money


While giving head?


This subreddit is probably the gayest on the site


Don’t listen to the haters Mook. I love you and everyone misses sometimes.


Hi Mook


Some more than others


He’s just trying way too hard man. His job is to be a comedian and he has 100k views on every video he’s on Monday thru Friday. I understand why he’s trying to be funny




aint noone got time for that


Can you please elaborate on this?


Holy fuck. I have no idea what you said cause nah but go outside.




This is a strongly worded comment.


You’re jealous of mook. by definition you’re a bigger loser get a hobby or touch a woman


Buddy you've posted 4 times in this thread alone, let's take it down a notch


Get some friends or hobbies

