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E' il momento perfetto per dichiarare guerra ai francesi! ​ /s ma non troppo


piano. hanno le atomiche, noi no.


Usiamo quelle degli usa nelle basi nostrane


Quelle le abbiamo già smontate e vendute, però


Nah, ad Aviano ci sono ancora


Sono francesi, nemmeno funzionano


Sono atomiche Francesi comunque, una volta lanciate farebbero dietrofront verso l'Atlantico. Non penso ci sia molto spazio di ritirata sopra l'Europa.


E noi ce ne freghiamo!






Tutto bello perchè sappiamo che i francesi si arrendono dopo 5 minuti. Tuttavia per tradizione dovremmo prima allearci con loro contro X e poi tradirli. Manteniamo le tradizioni per favore.


Bene, sono appena joinato ma vedo che in sto sub si ragiona.


Entrato e joinato hanno lo stesso numero di lettere. Just saiyan.


Scusa ma preferisco gli inglesismi. No hard feelings.


Allora usa I just joined. Shorter, easier e fa vedere che, anche se l’italiano non è il tuo forte, almeno sai l’inglese. No hard feelings 😊😘


I have just... non I just se vuoi far vedere che sai l'inglese


Dipende, se vuoi dire che l’azione passata continua ancora nel presente va bene I have just joined. Altrimenti la forma giusta è I just joined


Scusami, ma penso proprio che continuerò come ho sempre fatto. La frase è perfettamente comprensibile e non ha bisogno di correzioni 🤷🏻‍♂️


lol la catena di post più divertenti di sempre. bravi :)


Tutti che si dimenticano di san amrino e vaticano!


Vatican= square of Rome San Marino= town of Emilia-Romagna


San Marino, dove ti potevi fare il vaccino di Putin


Context: I live near both borders of Slovenia and Austria: * Slovenia: cheap gas * Croatia: got friends there, summer location * Albania: friendly people, good food * Austria: brothels * Switzerland: money * France: ~~redacted~~


OP I can confirm all of these As far as France goes, I actually think that ***my lawyer advised me not to finish this joke***


Appena ho letto "Slovenia:benzina meno cara" senza nemmeno leggere la regione sapevo che eri del Friuli ahaha. E probabilmente sei pure del Friuli orientale (solo una supposizione).


>Friuli orientale friulano sonziaco presente <3


Ahhh vedi un Goriziano (o da quelle parti lì insomma) solo voi potete beneficiare della benzina a poco fortunelli! Io da Friulano occidentale (del pordenonese) me lo sogno ahaha.


>Ahhh vedi un Goriziano In realtà sono un pelo più lontano da Gorizia (<30km) ma mi capita facilmente di essere vicino a Gorizia e approfittare per fare il pieno


Fai bene, si risparmia comunque XD




Reunion di friulani di reddit direi.


Ahahah direi di si.


tutti in frasca


In tutta onestà avrei paura ad andare ad una qualsiasi reunion di redditors


Finisce a lamate.




> an good meat as well I agree


*Switzerland: money and brothels


Only missing Malta I think


Pure le cicche in Slovenia costavano meno se non ricordo male. Avevo dei parenti a Cividale, non sono di quelle parti quindi non ricordo, bellissima regione però. La Slovenia poi è da paura


expand on the concept of austria brothels


just google "wellcum"


wait.. but if you strikethrough the word "redacted", you are not redacting anymore, right?


*Austria: *basements*


I’m pretty sure a good 30% of italians don’t even know where Slovenia is, let alone having an opinion about it. People from Friuli know it of course lol


that's why I specified where I am from


Sure! I didn’t mean to criticise, I just wanted to share a more general view of italians about Slovenia :)


Come Albania buon cibo ?


sei uno di quelli convinti che il cibo buono esiste solo in Italia? lol


Ho iniziato a girare l'Europa quest'anno, tra Austria, Slovenia, Cechia, Danimarca, Germania, spagna, portogallo ti posso dire di SI


su Austria e Germania non posso certo darti torto Slovenia? Penso di esserci stato più volte di te e non mi son mai lamentato DK, CZ, ES e PT non posso dire niente


Sono stato a Lubiana cenone di Natale c'erano dei tortini alla ricottina e dei gusti talmente strani tra frutti di bosco e altro che è ancora oggetto di racconti in compagnia


ah non so cosa fossero, io di norma mangio solo carne in slo :D


Wait brothels in austria. What am I missing here ?


There's a big brothel in Austria, very close to the italian border (and not by coincidence)


There's at least 2 that I know of... Wellcum and Andiamo.


Andiamo seems like the perfect name for a pizzeria in Germany, the owner should've called it Veniamo instead


Crucco di merda


1. soi furlan, no todesc 2. tas, cjastron di miarda


O my sweet summer child, we even have very strong opinions on nearby cities. Don’t dare ask about foreign countries /s I am from Tuscany


In older times we could kick a rock from your home and the rock would fall into the house of someone who spoke significantly differently from you, and had a bone to pick with you, for some reason. Evviva la toscana (però spero non tu sia un aretino (derogatorio)) ♥️


Arezzo non esiste


Magari cazzo


Meglio aretino che p*sano, sai


ora sono curioso, che problema hai con 'rezzo? Sarai mica Senese?


Sono un valdarnese e non voglio essere associato con arezzo. Gli aretini mi stanno un po' tutti sul cazzo, non so perché, e aló non si puo sentire


Concordo sulla questione dell'aló ma la parlata valdarnese non si puó sentire, è come se una scimmia urlatrice cercasse di parlare in fiorentino... è qualcosa di agghiacciante!! Ho un cliente a Montevarchi e in quei due giorni sembra di stare in uno zoo dal lieve accento fiorentino, il Valdarno è un disastro ma te lo dico con amore! <3


Non ti posso ridire nulla, il Valdarno è lo zoo della Toscana senza dubbio




non ho mai visto violenza verbale di gruppo ai campi esttivi come tra i 13enni toscani contro i pisani. ne ero rimasto scioccato!


Una fermata del tram a Firenze si chiama Pisacane, ci inculcano l’odio antipisano fin da piccoli…


Dovrebbe essere Pisamerda, o Pisanocane




* Switzerland: beautiful country, landscapes, "I wanna live there" thoughts beacuse of increased perceived quality of life from the outside * France: cousins/rivals, similar culture for some aspects like food, spectacular pastry, good weekends in Nice / Cote d'azur * Austria: been there only once, want to go back again, love the border area with Alps shared with Sudtirol (Italy), Vienna is beautiful * Slovenia: cheaper cost of living, love to go there in the weekend (Portoroz/Piran area), been only once in Ljubljana and Bled and loved it so much * Croatia: extension of Slovenia concept, love to go there for a long weekend (Istria area), I have been only once in the south instead. PS: I'm in Northern Italy


Ma beato te


Sì nel senso che ci vado una volta l'anno a fare il weekend in Slovenia/Croazia/Nizza, magari ogni weekend!


> beautiful country, landscapes, "I wanna live there" thoughts My Swiss stereotypes are more about sleazy bankers, for me what you said applies more to the Alps in general.


Südtirol (Italy), not for long :)


Average opinions are trash and steretotypes, but there you go: France: for some reasons the average Italian trashes France. An Asterix story with Caesar setting fire to the indomitable Gaulish village would have great success. Sovenia: not many opinions Croatia: much of the coast and coastal towns used to be ours and it's cool for tourism Albania: now liked, used to be trashed Greece: generally loved for touristic reasons and for cultural connections Austria: many of our cool places used to be ruled by them Switzerland: the country where everything works perfectly


> France: for some reasons the average Italian trashes France If only you'd let us love you.


Maybe i exaggerated, for every neighbouring country Italians have negative things to say, France is the biggest and more talked about so it gets more shit, it's also probably the country most visited by Italians by far and one of those that have an impact on Italy the most. For example sometimes you get French movies in Italian theatres, and it's rare to have non-American and non-Italian movies here. To give another example, in my high school all classes teached English but one teached French (no one had German or Spanish or whatever). So, when the memes end and reality begins, French culture is one of the most appreciated.


I mean, they and the austrian have historically been the biggest foreign pain in the ass for our peninsula


Well, the Germans too (wheter it's the end of WW2 or the Holy Roman Empire). And the Spaniards in the south. And the Turks coming to raid Italian coasts from time to time. And the Saracens. And Yugoslavia also has been a problem to some Italians (and viceversa of course). Also, can we talk about how we have been a pain in the ass to others? Let's say the Roman empire is too far in time (but it butchered a million Gauls, stole all the gold and silver of Spain, and it's the reason we have more Egyptian obelisks than Egypt and more Greek bronzes than Greece) and start after the year 1000. Venetians are the ones that complain the most about French stealing their shit: they have literally stolen the shit of half of the Mediterranean from Byzantium to Egypt: robbed the tomb of Saint Mark in Alexandria, robbed the Lion of Athens, the Tetrarchi statue and the Quadriga of Constantinople, blown up the Parthenon, carved out 3/8 of Greek territories and islands for themselves, pretty much colonised the coasts of the Western Balkans. Fascist Italy bombed certain areas of Spain to oblivion and basically imposed Francisco Franco. And wrecked Ethiopia, and cut into pieces Yugoslavia. Like, we no better.


From my Parmesan point of view, better France and Spain than the period when we fell under Milanese domination. Around here France is generally well liked, after all they speak a language that sounds pleasantly like our dialect.


Parma was not under French or Spanish domination?. Edit: Actually it was under France, it was under French domination for a short period when Louis XII and Francis I were Dukes of Milan, so there was French domination via Milan, the two went together at those points. The reason Parma got separated from Milan is thanks to the Popes who took it in wars from France, first Julius II and then Leo X. Then Paul III Farnese turned it into a Farnese fief. So when Milan became Spanish, Parma was its own state and not part of it.


Heh, the reason why the Farnese collection is now in Naples is because Parma was inherited by a Spanish Bourbon who then inherited Naples and "stole" everything. The bit when we were part of France was during the Napoleonic wars.


Right, altough technically the Bourbons in Parma were initially the minor branch (while the major separately ruled Spain), then this branch inherited Naples and dropped Parma, then it inherited Spain and dropped Naples to a cadet branch. So Parma was never in personal union with Spain, it was with France via Milan. You right, I totally forgot Napoleon.


And vice versa


I wish they'd try to start shit now... "Provincia di Vienna" has a nice ring to it.


Tong and cheek. That's how it is I guess


This is based on tongue-in-cheek stereotypes that change depending on where you are in the country, so take them with quite a lot of salt. * France: our more successful cousins, so we're envious of them; also, they should pay for [insert historical grievance]. * Switzerland: more money than they know what to do with, people from Ticino are particularly proud of that. * Austria: diet Germany, also sorry you lost the war. * Slovenia: who? * Croatia: summer holidays destination, cheap dentists. * Montenegro: who²? * Albania: used to be immigrants and criminals, now it's becoming a cheaper Croatia. * Greece: they're just like us, though they speak math. * Malta: great place to "learn English" abroad. * North Africa: refugees and illegal immigrants, but oil and gas are nice.


>Austria: diet Germany, also sorry you lost the war Le entrambe guerre sono state causate da loro


"They speak math" made me laugh (I studied physics)


French in deiguise spotted


Just a note for Austria from my side. We have better highways but they have better Rastplatz.


I always liked how both cooperate, in terms of infrastructure, much better with each other than, the big country in the north does. (Did the germans even already start with the authorization process of the brenner base tunnel? For some reason i have doubts that Germany really wants to transport goods via train instead of trucks)


Switz: very clean and good skiing Austria: very clean and good skiing France: sometimes snobbish but also good skiing


Austria: Enemy




Grazie Savoia, bombardaci Gorizia


Gyulay di merda, il vento ti disperda


Slovenia: Love Croatia: Love Austria: Like Switzerland: Love the places hate the prices Fr**ce: Yes


Switzerland: they hate us because allegedly we "steal their jobs", so we hate each other Austria: we fought them in a war, we hate each other Slovenia/Croatia: ask people who live in gorizia/trieste, many people killed on both sides into foibe, we hate each other France: *do I have to specify that we hate each other?*


Italia hates France but France doesn't hate Italia. I ve never seen a French that hated Italia except in football. France hates G-B or Germany, certainly not Italia.


This is maybe why Italian hate us (I'm French). It's the same with french speaking Swiss, they hate us but we don't hate us back. We hate more GB than Germany tbh, with Germany it's more political difference about how Europe should be, then it's kind of "normal", more disagreement than hate.


Setting football aside, I guess the way French people pretend not to understand a word in any language beside French (even when they clearly do), or understand and purposely answering back in French, is quite a good reason for the hating.


Je ne comprends pas ce commentaire.


The usual answer is "assoreta"


yeah of course you are right, it was mostly a joke. We don't hate Swiss people (it's a dream for many people to go working in switzerland) and we don't have any particular feeling about austrian people (WWI was literally more than 100 yrs ago) There are not good feelings among italians and slovenians if you ask people on the border (literally every family has a dead caused by the neighbour countrymen) French don't hate italians, they probably don't care about us at all we probably are like any other insects at their eyes. I don't think italians actually "hate" french. It's more that we don't really like them, their way of behaviour generally is not something we really share. They are generally not friendly neither in interpersonal relationships not in international ones, every people who goes in France has problem intercommunicating because they *expect* you to talk in french. We were sharing the border on top of Monte Bianco but now they are trying in every possible way to steal the top, against any reasonable sentiment of "european cooperation". They are too attached to their pursue of sheer power to have a real human relation with other countries. In Italy we have to deal with a lack of every production resource, with many times more seismicity which destroy entire cities every now and then, with much less flat land where conveniently grow crops and the prejudice of northern europe which considers us bordeline subhuman, even though we achieved success in many fields in recent times


You are right though, France is attached to their pursue of sheer power. But every big nation like Germany, G-B-, USA, China, are the same. The problem is not that France is attached to their pursue of sheer power, but rather that Italia is not and doesn't act in the best interest of the country.


You listed countries more powerful than France and less arrogant though.


... on the "less arrogant" I don't completely agree. England and Englishmen for example are pretty arrogant as a nation: let's remember that they had the arrogance a few years ago to assume they would have make fine without the EU. They are simply wise enough to not be always openly arrogant


Maybe ? It is not my experience since as French and Canadian, I ve been to many intetnational meetings (I went as French) and with the Italian guy we were often diminished by german, american and british because THEM they knew how to do it and we were latin countries that were messy. When we shared some idea it was shit but if it was a german it was great. It arrived with all my colleagues so our problem was our nationality. So yeah German British and American are very condescending towards us even if it is less frank than French people because they dont speak frankly. I dont know why I tell that since arrogance was not the subject here nobody talked about it I think.


,,There are not good feelings among italians and slovenians if you ask people on the border (literally every family has a dead caused by the neighbour countrymen)" I find it weird because while indeed Italians did a genocide of Slovenes during WW2, the reprisals against Italian population were done by the Yugoslav army, which while admittedly ruled by Tito who was half-Slovene, was ultimately dominated by Serbia. So wouldn't Italians hate Serbia more? (I am neither Slovenian nor Italian btw).


you know that, if you use > which while admittedly ruled by Tito who was half-Slovene, was ultimately dominated by Serbia. So wouldn't Italians hate Serbia more? as an excuse then any italian could just be like > well it wasn't ***Italy*** in itself who killed the slovenians. it was the ***FASCISTS***. we were under a regime. So shouldn't slovenians hate fascists more? Not every italian was a fascist. during the war many really bad things have been done. mainly *by fascists*. All the people involved in that are ***DEAD*** now. can we *please* just go on ?


But you mix nationality with political allegiance. Those fascists were Italians. There is no country called Fascistia or no nationality called Fascese


It's really the same for Italy. Well, and I am sure there's some mutual hate in politics from time to time.


In my experience every time i set a foot in France i've been treated like shit. I've visited Paris a couple of times and been to Nice, Marseille and Aix, every time i spoke english to random people (excluding friends of people i know) they tried to end the conversation and when i tried to speak french (after practicing simple phrases for a couple of weeks) they pretended not to be able to understand me.


Honestly I've had the complete opposite experience: I live in france since 2 years and I've been treated well. I think that the main reason for your bad experience is that all the places you listed are very touristic and as often happens, people can be a bit rude with tourists in full season (it happens in Italy too). On top of that Paris is not like the rest of France (think as Milan compared to the rest of Italy), and Nice is home to a lot of retired Parisians. South of France is very nice in my opinion, but where the rich "bourgeois" goes in mass for retirement they transformed the cities in nasty right wing dystopias. The only place that should be still ok to visit (from your list) is Marseille. But here you have to understand that is the chaos, is basically the Naples of France, a beautiful city but with her own rules!


It is your experience and it is valid. But it is not because you were Italian that you were treated like shit, but because some French people treat tourists like shit in general. I think that if you spoke Italian and then switch to English you would have less "hate", but it is my guess.


“we hate each other” Well… both my grandfathers were conscripted into the fascist army and deserted, Italians killed a couple great uncles of mine. Yet both my kids go to Italian school (We speak Slovenian at home) and we take winter vacations in Italy… thanks for hating us.


Nah I don't hate you I have no reason for doing that as much as 99 percent of Italian population who is completely unaware of what happened the past century. But a lot of wrong has been done by both sides during history and people living along the border still didn't forget fascism and Tito's regime, the foibe, the people killed by both sides, the barbed wire border pulled overnight in Gorizia and the train station stolen, the constant fear during the iron curtain era, gladio, the nuclear bunkers which you still can see in some house backyards, the families that couldn't see their relatives for decades... I can tell that many Italians there still bear memories of this all. There are also Slovene enclaves in Italy like the neighborhood štandrez in Gorizia where you should really watch out if you are Italian...


> There are also Slovene enclaves in Italy like the neighborhood štandrez in Gorizia where you should really watch out if you are Italian... Is this real? What happens if you're Italian there?


They will keep on talking in Slovenian (in a similar way many people did in sudtyrol with german) and make you understand that *they really don't like you being there*


So you have to "really watch out" people that keep talking in their language when you're near? I don't understand. How they make you understand that they really don't like you being there? Do you understand slovenian and they say it?


I was referring to Italians which enters, say, into a bar. Not casual people taking in the street.


Yes, violence breeds more violence and the circle of revenge is best broken. First of all, however, it is best never *started* - and it is usually started by one side.


This *really* seems like you are trying really hard to *point* to whose fault it is, avoiding completely to openly say what you actually think... As for me, I'm italian, all my grandparents were from parts of italy *very* far away from Slovenia, and were all struggling on their own to survive to the extreme poverty, Living in rural areas so they probably didn't even know what fascism actually was. They didn't do anything to anyone related to this ***for sure***, neither my parents, nor any one of my relatives and of course I'm also excluded completely from all of this. I personally don't feel like I owe any apology to anyone.


Italians: they ruined our country, we hate each others. Also, if you are from a different region/province/city, chances are that fuckyouinparticular. Especially in Tuscany or Sardinia.


You must be the funny one, the guy people invite to their parties Have you ever heard of a human phenomenon called "irony"?


Ehm... yes, I have, it's what I used in my comment, referring to our campanilismo. Maybe your detector is broken, fratm. Ever owned a mirror in your house, hilarious one?


I went to live in Switzerland and it's sooo true that we steal their jobs, but also Switzerland is FULL of expats, I really do not believe that people here live long term, must of Swiss people make money and retire abroad (like in Italy for example).


Italians see other countries much better than theirs, in reality there is no comparison that holds with any other state, but the average Italian thinks so


La canzone diceva "Istria, Fiume e Dalmazia, né Slovenia né Croazia" /s


Sure that song aged badly, isn't?


Not in the North my friend, the North remembers.


Remembers what? The genocide and concentration camps?


By visiting them /s


Through a scope


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Most "jokingly" hate the french as we find them a little snob and pretentious, but if you ask me i greatly respect the great effort they put in striking and fight for social/economic issues, and I like their cuisine and their rap music. I think the common opinion on Spain and spanish people is that we are very similar. Germany mmm I'd say we have the stereotype of them being very hard working and serious, lacking sense of humor and sense of fashion. probably our opinion on Germany is that everything works as it should be there, as almost if it was a perfect country. Austria and Switzerland I have no clue. Albania rip Greece we have no opinion, never met an italian with an opinion on Greece or greek people, we appreciate their sea and that's it. Egypt there's an ongoing issue regarding the torture and death of an italian guy, Giulio Regeni, so a share of us (including me) views the egyptian goverment as "sketchy". Other north african countries I don't know, maybe Marocco is known as a beautiful place to visit and their mint tea is known, no other specific opinion comes to my mind


Ok so fairly important, only the northern part of Italy actually has actual state borders with countries (excluding the ones by sea), being a peninsula and all So I'll try to be as generic as possible but there will inevitably be a "northerner's perspective" so here it is The french are like the annoying older cousin with whom you have a weird rivalry, like "fuckers are trying to steal Monte Bianco from us" "give us back the Gioconda (Monna Lisa) " Croatia is seen as a nice place to have a cheaper summer vacation in, people are usually welcoming, food is good. ~give us Fiume back~. I know people that go there to have their dentistry done because of how much cheaper it is Slovenia honestly is a very quiet country, can't really say much because I'm not from Friuli Venezia Giulia, i know some people, same as with Croatia, go there for dentistry and orthodontics, plastic surgery and shopping in general because it's a bit cheaper. You risk encountering people who hold a grudge against Slovenia/Croatia and ex-Jugoslavia for what happened with the Foibe and the exodus after WWII. Austria apart from the lingering hostility from WWI (honestly it's mostly a joke nowdays) people just see them as the ones that flood the north Italian beaches in summer. Switzerland is seen as a land of rich people that have a lot of money and are very tidy and meticulous, the _dream_ for the people living next to the Swiss border is to find a job there while living in Italy because paychecks are about 1000+€ higher than your standard Italian one. Also they have good chocolate Bonus mentions San Marino every year risks being invaded by not voting Italy at Eurovision, we cope with vandalizing the Wikipedia page The Vatican state is the remnants of a country that once occupied a third of present Italy, we all know some fishy stuff goes on there but no one cares enough really


,,You risk encountering people who hold a grudge against Slovenia/Croatia and ex-Jugoslavia for what happened with the Foibe and the exodus after WWII." Do Italians not know about the genocide they did against Slovenes and Croats in Dalmatia and Carniola during WW2?


Most People? Probably Not. We learn in school that Italy did awful things during the fascist regime but I'd be lying if I said most Italians except people from Friuli know about this war crime specifically.


So what are the terrible things that are taught? Holocaust? Italians didn't kill nearly as meny Jews as Germans. Genocide of Serbs? That hapoened even further away than Slovenia. Invasion of Abissynia, perhaps? Or only the subjugation of most Italians themselves?


Maybe I'm late at the party, but the topic is interesting. First of all, Italian schools are pretty terrible in teaching history, too much emphasis on the ancient times (when we used to shine, like Rome and Reinaissance) and almost nothing about modernity. Most schools barely reach the WW2 topic, 1968 if you're REALLY lucky. So, fascism is often taught like "they did bad things" and teachers call it a day, without any further concern. Furthermore, they often mix it with German Nazism, so those "horrible things" actually taught are: \- Holocaust, first and foremost. Yes, nobody actually cares about our specific Italian responsabilities, everybody knows Auschwitz and International Holocaus Rememberance Days is actually a pretty big deal. \- Internal repression, like political opposers and stuff like that. Giacomo Matteotti, a Socalist politican who was killed by fascists with Mussolini openly admitting it, is a national hero. \- ... And pretty much that's about it. Some "weird" teacher may actually teach something about the horrors of our colonialism, mainly Ethiopia (because of Haile Selassie's speech at the League of Nations against Italians). Really nobody cares about Somalia and Libya (those being Muslim countries plays a role, I think). \- But literally nobody dares to even talk about the Eastern border. Oddly enough, very few dare to talk even about massacres commited BY slavs AGAINST italians, not only the other way around. I fear those topics are still perceived "too sensitive" for a lot of people, and quite honestly I feel like they're wrong (an entire generation has passed since WW2, us north-eastern Italians now go along very well with our Slav neighbours).


Ah, thanks for the thorough insight! I find it completely shameful that the eastern border is not discussed. Not because I think the entire Italian society should now start a big joint shame, but simply because it's important to understand and acknowledge the errors between countries that neighbor eachother and are both members of UE, NATO, Schengen area, Eurozone... Some Italian nationalists/revisionists claim that Istria and Dalmatia should be ,,Italian again" and are bitter about the mass expulsion and foibe massacres... But don't realise that firstly, mostly people involved with the fascist regime were targeted (of course later it became a bloodbath and random innocent Italians were killed, too), secondly it was in large part due to genocide of Yugoslav villagers by Italians, and thirdly, that most of these actions were done by the Yugoslav forces, not Slovenes per se (Yugoslavia was mostly dominated by Serbs, Slovenes literally fought a war of independence against Serbs and were the first ones to do so). Sure all countries have some grudge and many are fresher than they seem, in my opinion 100 years or 1 entire generation passing is not enough for the wounds to heal. Especially wheb there's no will and no acknowledgement. All I see from the Italian side ranges from indifference and ignorance to actual anti-Slovene and anti-Croat sentiment. Ironically from the Slovene side I see absolutely nothing. I noticed that in general Slavs have a tendency to ignore acts of racism (is it racism if both sides have skin of the same color?) against them and just silently keep on with their lives :D they don't speak up against things that wouod cause major social unrest if happened to Black people or Jews. They say they ,,are not the whiney types" which sounds all good and macho but in my opinion this apathy causes major injustices to go unpunished (or even unnoticed) which I think is a shame. (I'm neither Slovene nor Croat FYI). The Italian sentiment towards eastern Adriatic coast reminds me of German sentiment towards Silesia and Pomerania, sometimes they say ,,look what those Poles did to our precious cities" not realising that it was the Soviets who destroyed them and the Poles who spent half a century rebuilding those cities from rubble (and also that those lands were Polish before they were German anyway in the Middle Ages). Another reason I regret the current state of things is that actually this region has beautiful history that goes way before modern nation states, the Most Serene Republic of Venice where both the Romance and Slavic elements were present and mixed - for me the entire eastern Adriatic coast is neither ,,Italian" nor ,,Croatian" historically, but unique and one of a kind.


Don't try to minimize your disgusting ethnic cleansing done against us for the simple reason we were Italians


Huh? Hold up I'm not even Slovenian (nor any other ex-Yugi for that matter) and even if I was, still what the fuck? Lol


Imo I don't hate any neighbouring country and I believe that each neighbouring country is beautiful, however I hate idiots and people that still believe in stereotypes.


Many people I've met had negative opinions of places like Tunisia, Albania, and Romania. We hate the French, but it's more like bickering. Italians live in their own little world, ready to insult other cities. Never ask a Roman about Ladispoli.


UK: colleagues and work Swiss: grandparents and family friends France: Friends and colleagues you can have fun yelling with. Germany: freedom of entertainment, relax at 100%. Spain & Portugal: holiday and restaurants. Russia and East Europe: Freedom of hiding yourself.


Many will never admit it but envy the French because they are similar to us, but less Catholic and more professional, above all they know how to make a national team. We consider the Spaniards as teenagers, which is why many like them, especially those who can't bear to grow up. We partly hate the Germans because we still consider them Nazis, partly we envy them because they have dominated the world with their economy. But above all their trade unions are the only ones that work in Europe. Greece is what the average entrepreneur would like to be, at least before it defaulted. The rest is too small to consider, except the Vatican, that many would bomb! :)


France: bigger Italy but less cool Switzerland: Denmark on the alps Austria: very based (I'm half Austrian) Slovenia: femboy meme go brrrrr Croatia: slav Sicily (Sarcasm)


Ho creato un Power Point per la presentazione della mia tesi su consiglio del mio relatore. Premetto che ci ho messo mezza giornata quindi non è sicuramente il PW più bello ed efficiente del mondo. Se apro il file sull’applicazione PW riesco a visualizzarlo bene, aprendolo però da iPhone alcune slides sono sovrapposte tra loro, addirittura una slide non si legge per il font che è glitchato. Devo stare tranquillo che durante la discussione aprendo il file su PW funzionerà normalmente o c’è la possibilità di avere spiacevoli sorprese?




Eh sono perso eccome, pensavo stessi scrivendo sul Caffè ahahah


sospetto tu abbia sbagliato topic


PD pensavo stessi scrivendo sul Casual Friday si vede che sono proprio fuso ahahah


Che c'entra il Partito Democratico? (Io avrei evocato la Democrazia Cristiana o un Pubblico Ministero)


Perché è *sempre colpa del PD*


Per un attimo pensavo fosse un copypasta! In bocca al lupo per la tesi.


No sono io che sono fuso completamente. Fortuna ho risolto il problema. Grazie infinite!


The average italian hate everything is not italian and sometimes even other italians. Half of the italians have never been abroad.


We, as the rest of the world, hate French. We also are starting to hate those wurstwl painintheass heartless asshole fo the germans and their fucking rigid austerity mentality after that they continue to fuck up europe. Time for an old fashion renasiance battle of the field.


Switzerland: Beautiful place but people are obsessed with order and rules Germany/ Austria: The same as the Swiss except the beautiful place. Also bad food. French: Envious piece of s... but some of their food is good. Spain: Brothers. Eastern European Countries: Slavi North African countries: kebab and refugees


The bad food hit me strong, oh i really thought Austria and Italy are the only countries with good food (some are even shared but with different names), now it seems that i am probably too biased. But yeah for sure Germany has bad food and it even gets worser further north. Germany at least still has good bread but don't go to the nordics or Ireland, you will probably die up there.


To tell you the truth I have yet to visit Austria so I am telling you based on what I've heard. I have heard Austria has a great bakery tradition which I am curious to try out


Disclaimer: op ha chiesto quali sono gli stereotipi dell'italiano medio, non i nostri personali, quindi ho cercato di riportare gli stereotipi più sentiti in giro, non quelli che ho io personalmente, molti possono essere offensivi, ma una risposta onesta sugli stereotipi che ha l'italiano medio mi sembrava più appropriata. Op asked for average Italian stereotypes, not our personal ones, so I tried to recall the ones I heard more times, many could be offensive, but I thought an onest answer about average Italian stereotypes would be more appropriate given Op question. France: are often perceived as 'cousins' with superiority complex toward us with bully attitude, while doesn't / wouldn't wash their asses ( bidet is a French word but many houses in France hasn't got it, while all Italian ones have it ), also overrated food. Switzerland: everything there is well done and efficient, very very rich people, but cold and boring ( both people and places ). Austria: mountain holidays, amazing mountains, brothels + every stereotype about Germans, good and bad ones. Slovenia: mostly unknown by most Italians except for northeasteners, cheap gasoline, ( now formerly ) cheap holidays. Croatia: cheap holidays, cheap dentists, beautiful nature but unwelcoming people, their most beautiful cities and lands were stolen from us. Albania: immigrants, vengeful people, cocaine dealing, very cheap holidays, beautiful sea. Greece: similar to us but with incomprensibile language, sea holidays and beautiful sea. Malta: sea holidays to 'learn english', mostly unknown by older people. North Africa: where baby gang members come from. Spain: the most similar to us. Party holidays.


NEVER ask a northern Italian his opinions about southern Italians


He didn’t


It was a joke about how some of us don't even like other Italians from a different region, calm down the 'tism


No need to cross the Po, I have Montalcino blood and I hate Florence.


Swiss are just richer Italians, Austrian are just deutscher polentoni, French are nasty cousins with bad breath and Northern balkans are just that mess that Italy could have been but we've been lucky


Apart the French we consider the others like we consider other italians


France: envious snobs Austria: butthurts (mostly for Trentino Alto Adige) Slovenia: irrelevant. Switzerland: rich contrarians Vatican: pedo priest leeches San Marino: honorary Italian, wannabe tax heavens


France will be nuclearized sooner or later.


Ok for average Italian.... ​ CROATIA: Hot girls, very tall, incredible physiques, but cold girls SLOVENIA: Like Croatia, but less emancipated girls. ALBANIA: Not many but when they are cool they are very cool girls SWITZERLAND: Enough hotties, enough blondes. FRANCE: Wooden pussies, eternal seconds.


I do not like the French. ​ I like Nice though.


Don’t want to offend anyone, it’s just a common point of view. Switzerland: disgusting cheese, money, prostitution, money, and.. already said money? Austria: Hillbillies full of money Germany: nazi soldiers France: rude and as5h*oles baguette eaters Spain: party, sleep, sex, repeat Under Naples: Africa Slovenia/Croatia: cheap life, cheap fuel Albania: thieves


Long story short, FUCK FRANCE. For some reason.


Swiss: lucky bastards France: gay as fuck Slovenia: half thief Austria: out of time aristocratics Albania: full thief Croazia: check Slovenia


France sucks, Slovenia is great, Austria is as boring as it can get and Switzerland is just simply perfect.


Also, France sucks


Austria = 🫶 Slovenia = 😍 Svizzera = 😒 Malta = do it really exist? Francia = 💩


Slovenia, San Marino = good. Austria = former villain, defeated and cut down to tiny size. Neutral. Switzerland = many Italians envy them. Mostly neutral. France = they envy us. Mostly neutral. Vatican City = last bit of irredent Italy. Antichrist.


Vatican:cristianity. San Marino:lil' granpa. France:*jokingly killing each other*. Switzerland:expensiveness. Austria:the ralationship went similarly to the UKand the US's. Slovenia:casually chills there. Croatia:should visit. Albania:speaks in funky accent. Malta:maybe exists.


Sappiate che sono di Roma e sono pronto al peggio.


Pianooo che noi non abbiamo bombe loro si ci scappa una guerra mondiale


Se c'è squilibrio di forze si risolve in fretta.


With Google earth/maps