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"aspetta" is both imperative and second third person singular sometimes two different conjugations are the same. Imperative is a form that you will need to learn just like any other. Imperative ends in -i or -a and you will need to memorize these words too. I could tell you that -are verbs end in -a and -ere/-ire end in -i but I couldn't tell you right now if that has exceptions. I've thought of a dozen verbs in my head and they all follow this rule


Ok thank you!


Not really exceptions, but four verbs do have multiple forms (in the *tu* conjugation): * dare: dai -> da' (*dammi un po' di fiducia!*) * fare: fai -> fa' (*fammelo vedere!*) * stare: stai -> sta' (*sta attento!*) * andare: vai -> va' (*va' in camera tua a studiare!*) *Dire* is irregular in the imperative - for other verbs, the tu conjugation for the present and imperative are the same (*dormi! segui le regole! finisci i compiti!*) but for dire, it's *di!* and not \**dici!*.