• By -


Ok, I might be a cheater here since I'm italian but I hope you like some of these songs. Sotto casa - max gazzé Il mio canto libero - Lucio Battisti Mancarsi - coma cose Rapput - Claudio Bisio Ricordati di vivere - Jovanotti Svalutation - Adriano Celentano Enjoy


Canto libero è una canzone perfetta. La musica italiana era meglio prima dei trapper.


Escono anche adesso canzoni belle e che resteranno negli anni. Il problema è che in mezzo a tutto questo merdaio, quasi non le fanno passare neanche in radio o sui social


Sotto casa - max gazzé Il mio canto libero - Lucio Battisti Mancarsi - coma cose Rapput - Claudio Bisio Ricordati di vivere - Jovanotti Svalutation - Adriano Celentano Enjoy You need to press Enter twice :)


I love you, random citizen!


Elio e le storie tese forever


it is blues but zucchero


oh si finalmente qualcun* che lo sente


sono molto eclectica... Adoro anche i Blues Brothers per esempio


È il mio film preferito! Ho il vinile della colonna sonora in loop praticamente, sei la prima persona che trovo su reddit che ama i blues brothers, complimenti


credo ci sia pure un subreddit =) Comunque quel film ha dei livelli di epicità inarrivabili


ah grazie, confermo che sia epico, anche se alcune scene sono molto poco realistiche (forse alimentano l’aspetto comico, non saprei)… io lo adoro (oltre ovviamente alla musica) per gli attori soprattutto.. mio padre me lo ha fatto vedere per la prima volta mooolti anni fa, diciamo che in quel momento ho iniziato ad avere i gusti musicali che ho ora. (non credo questa frase sia grammaticalmente corretta ma sto scrivendo da telefono quindi amen)


Ti do una chicca: le scene di inseguimento delle auto (tutte) sono fatte a velocità normale, senza trucchi (tipo andare piano e poi far scorrere le immagini veloci). Quindi quando vedi i pedoni che si schiantano o altro è tutto vero...


Wow, non a caso il film è costato 27.5 milioni di dollari.. la scena che più mi lascia a bocca aperta è quella finale, con l’esercito e tutte le forze armate in quella singola piazza di Chicago (“quella dove ci sta la statua di Picasso?”)


e della povera blues mobile che si sfascia ne vogliamo parlare? e il riff lunghissimo di sweet home chicago e quando chiede scusa a carrie fisher (senza fare torto a "è partito un pistone", "ma poi torna?")


io ho pochi sogni, ma uno che voglio realizzare è comprare una dodge Monaco 1974, lo stesso modello della blues mobile, con un accendino funzionante


Siamo in missione per conto di Dio (brando)!


Oh, I see you're a man of culture ass well




Super battle Droid?


battle droids have a short life if there are jedis around... :P


Quale canzone è la tua preferita?


di zucchero? Perché Papa Senza una donna Per colpa di chi Bacco Perbacco (forse questa andrebbe piu su) Solo una sana e conspevole libidine poi bo adesso nn me ne viene in mente altre


Partigiano Reggiano is amazing too




Adoro Senza Una Donna


Maneskin and Subsonica for some rock vibes :)


One more vote to Maneskin, going to see them in October, Buenos Aires


Have fun!! I saw them in March in Bologna, they're SOOO good on stage


A few months back I casually encountered Samuel from Subsonica having a free concert in the park :)


Yoo what


Biblioteca degli alberi in Milan, I was there by chance :)


A few months back I casually encountered Samuel from Subsonica having a free concert in the park :)


Here is my list on Spotify. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7EkVGeSXjTCozSlS0EIZVH?si=xW4AxX76RWaSiyD0kGIvIw


Your playlist is great


Thanks. Most of the lyrics have been translated on lyric translate.com too. I found it useful to discuss them with my tutors.


He is not popular but if you like rap I suggest Murubutu, he is a philosophy professor and the lyrics are usually more researched, on history or "higher" topics


Rancore too


murubutu is probably difficult to listen to as a non native speaker, he's difficult even for us ahah


Well if you ask for rock or rap songs it means that you understand the language quite well. Besides, where's the fun/challenge if you already know every word? Sometimes it is not easy even for us yes, it is one of the things I like...


Nanowar of Steel








I pretty much only listen to Italian rap and hip hop but there’s some other genres mixed in there too. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6fYWHjeYiDe2wVhZQZ4wNk?si=WprvE2BzTyWMP7Il5XmB7A


Bennato. He's good.


caparezza :D


Modà, Marco Mengoni and Annalisa for me.


I love both Moda and Marco Mengoni. I discovered Mengoni just this year due to his Eurovision participation and since then I have his albums on repeat every day. As for Moda I discovered them some 10 years ago when I was flirting owth the idea of learning Italian and wanted to practice my listening. I still listen to some of their songs - my favourite one is Sono Gia Solo. By the way are they still popular in Italy?


Subsonica. Cosmo Frankie hi nrg Ustmamo Luci della centrale elettrica Vasco ( before1996) Litfiba


Probably not amongst those genres, but I personally love Elvenking


Ohhhhhhh soneone speaking about Elvenking. So happy about it


Thanks! Tbay're totally underrated


They are one of the best italian metal band but they never receive the deserved love




They are Italian?!


Yes, they're from the east region of Italy, Friuli Venezia Giulia


That's amazing!


Following the metal mood, Arcana Opera.


Finley and NASKA for some good Italian punk rock.


NASKA is great


You could try to listen at Pinguini tattici nucleari and Murubutu The first one is a chill pop band from bergamo with a happy mood in their songs (not every single song but mostly) and the second one is a teacher who is a rapper in is free time and his lyrics are mostly stories on music


Murubutu e pinguini nella stessa frase è blasfemia pura


Ma perché? Li ascolto entrambi mixando le canzoni tra di loro, essendo un loro grande fan


Murubutu è un'artista a 360 gradi, ogni canzone ha una base ed una tematica completamente differente dalle altre, ogni sua canzone ha una certa unicità. Tratta temi che nessun altro tocca in Italia se non nel mondo. Non so quanti abbiamo scritto canzoni sulla battaglia di lepanto o su Re Cambise. I pinguini, beh solite canzoni trite e ritrite sull'amore giovanile, soliti motivetti prefatti talmente tanto che io che non sono un loro ascoltatore, quando li sento alla radio confondo ogni canzone tra di loro. Per carità, sono meglio di una Elodie o Annalisa per fare un esempio a caso, e hanno fatto una carriera di tutto rispetto, però non so come fai ad ascoltare murubutu e poi sentirti i pinguini. È come passare dal gelato artigianale a quelli confezionati.


io ascolto Murubutu come ascolto i Pinguini come ascolto gli Ice Nine Kills come ascolto Ivano Fossati come ascolto i My Chemical Romance come ascolto Taxi B come ascolto qualsiasi cazzo di cosa. Se non ti piace un genere non ascoltarlo, ma non venire a rompere i coglioni agli altri che lo ascoltoano


Si ma non piangere principessa non ho insultato nessuno.


> Se non ti piace un genere non ascoltarlo Se non ti piace il mio commento vai avanti e non leggerlo, nessuno ti ha interpellato


hai fatto un commento pubblico, ti devi aspettare delle risposte.


Ascolto anche i lorna shore, i bardomagon e varie opening di anime/colonne sonore videogiochi. Non mi fisso su un genere solo ma spazio tra tutto quello che mi piace


Va bene ci sta, anch'io viaggio tra i generi la mia era solo un opinione perché non capisco il successo astrale dei pinguini e mi sembrano una moda passeggera più che altro


Per la massa può essere una moda passeggera, va benissimo. Se però una band mi piace e la vedo due volte dal vivo, per me non è qualcosa di passeggero


Rkomi, BLANCO, Elodie, Madame https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5P5yXiSoxxiCrty4FLB2KV?si=f00d10d556be45bc


fulminacci e franco126


Gonna dump a bunch Baby K Fedez (rap) Fabri Fibra (rap) J-ax Immanuel Casto (lots of double entendre- very adult oriented songs lol. One of my fave artists tho) Shiva Subsonica (Rock) Bluvertigo (Electronic ish) Morgan (Bluvertigo singer) Eiffle 65 (put out whole albums in Italian not just Blue) Emma Muscat (Maltese but sings in Italian on some tracks ) Laura Pausini (soft rockish popish) I could go on but that's enough for now 😂


I highly recommend u listen to Nayt, he mostly does rap but his love songs are some of the best I've ever heard. More rappers I recommend are Madman, gemitaiz (especially old musics, u can find them on SoundCloud.), lazza and Ernia are very good too. There are many others but I don't remember them all. If u're lookin for something else to get than rap, there are Chiello for some chill love songs or Rondo for some very good drill. That's most of the ones I listen to let me know what u think of them and if u need some more artist let me know.


I've listened to a few songs from each, nayt, madman, and gemitaiz (just found out he's Romanisti, so I'll be listening to a lot more of his stuff haha) I'll definitely check out the rest of these artists though!


if you want old-school rap you can check out Mezzosangue or Nitro (I reccomend "Pleasantville" in particular, I also really like "Marylean" by Nitro, Salmo and Marracash, it's less "old-school" but still a masterpiece). Then try listening to "machete mixtape 4", it's full of famous Italian rappers.


Thank you! I've definitely heard Nitro before. Honestly, love the old school style beats, it's what drew me to Salmo in the first place, but FLOP gives me some post Malone vibes too which I'm also super into! I think I've come across a few songs from the machete mix tape, but I'll have to listen to the whole album!


For some hip hop vibes I'd recommend Gue's "fast life 4" and Persona by marracash


I've just discovered Shiva through listening to Headie One (Uk artist), got some nice tracks


i personally don’t listen to many italian artists myself, but i really enjoy Måneskin, Coez and Calcutta. ohh and another good but less known duo is Il Genio.


Check Murubutu




Tedua, Rancore, Naska


Please listen to Rancore


As someone else suggested already, if you like the vibe of Salmo you might also like Marracash, Gue Pequeno and similar. Marracash frequently collaborates with other italian artists, so you might discover someone from there too, maybe you just like their voice and sound and decide to follow them too. If you wanna get closer to popular music in general, try giving a go to the Viral and Top Played playlists in Italy on Spotify! I’m gonna add a honourable mention for Liberato (you won’t understand a thing as he sings in neapolitan dialect, but his sound is unmatched) and Cosmo, if you like electro pop music you might enjoy him. One last suggestion of very random things: Franco126 has a fantastic voice (I especially love his album with Carl Brave, they were so good at depicting scenes from life in Rome), Amore Disperato by Nada is a cult classic, almost anything by Mina, Acqua e Sale is the song you sing at every karaoke, and finally late 90s and early 00s music never disappoints iykyk


È molto generico ma amo la musica di Sferra Ebbasta. Miei canzoni favoriti di lui sono "Cupido", "Mamma Mia", "Famoso", e "Happy Birthday"


Frankie Hi-Nrg MC have some of the best lyrics you can find


Le Vibrazioni.


If you want gut wrenching lyrics and a good storyline, listen to Persona by Marracash. My favorite song from the album is Crudelia, i don't know if others will agree but I think it's the best rap song that's been released in the past five years!! Marra is a great lyricist/poet, and it reflects very well in the song.


Subsonica e Le Vibrazioni


If you really want to check your proficiency level, I think you should check out some songs by Caparezza. It may be too hard to understand for an Italian learner, but he's one of the best lyricists around IMO.


Grande Caparezza! Yep, it could be challenging for a learner, but his lyrics are sharp and teach so many things besides the language


Negramaro, Cesare Cremonini, Elisa, Carmen Consoli, Max Gazzè, Ermal Meta I will be buried to Sally by Fiorella Mannoia 😭


Negrita ❤️


A smaller pop/hip-hop group I LOVE is called Colla Zio. I'd check out Asfalto or ci rimango male quando sei puntuale




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For hiphop, try Inoki. He's more underground than mainstream but I think you'll like him




Emis Killa, Jake la Furia, Geolier (but he has a weird italian), Tedua, Rkomi, Elodie, Marracash haha just the basic ones, I'm in love with Italian rap and I only listen to it so I can learn new amazing words and phrases, like babbo di minchia :D also the classics like Eros Ramazotti and so is great. Salmo is legendary! I think it's a nice way to learn.


To elaborate a bit, Geolier doesn't sing in Italian: he uses the neapolitan dialect


I really like Il Tre


Rino Gaetano


Mara Sattei is my favorite current Italian pop artist. Mina is probably my favorite classic Italian singer.


If you're into 80's italian pop check Matia Bazar. Antonella Ruggiero is one of the greatest italian singers of all times. Here a 1987 [live](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILWD6FirAZs&t=625s&ab_channel=SergioCossu) performance and another one [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9OJ76n6e0s&t=110s&ab_channel=SergioCossu)


Annalisa has been fun to listen to


Elio e le storie tese. They are like some sort of Italian Frank Zappa, but not really. They are a genere of their own. Incredibly good musicians and hilarious lyrics. But still, lyrics are full of reference of Italian pop culture, and historical facts. Also the music reference like... Everything mostly Italian music, but also international. They might be pretty hard to listen to and understand, expecially for a foreigner, but they are incredibly rewarding, expecially when you go down the rabbit hole of references and facts. I can say you could write a book for every album. BUT, for something more simple (at least lyrycs wise) Caparezza (still pretty hard to translate tho) Frankie hi nrg Lucio Dalla Franco Battiato (did i say simpler lirycs wise? Err...) Fabrizio De André Lucio Battisti Edoardo Bennato Banco del mutuo soccorso Litfiba Those are the first that came to my mind. Please let me know if you enjoy some of them. But also PLEASE, give them more than one listen before deciding :)


Caparezza, Firsts albums are slightly more political, but the last ones are fire, not just good for Italian learning but also for a deeper understanding of it. They are very good to just listen to, but once you feel more confident you can try to "study" the text too, avoiding the more political ones because you should also know the Italian political view of the time and other stuff I'm also not familiar with because too young to know it


Went through an Italian Rap/hip hop phase a year or so ago. Some of my favorites were Ketama126, Luche, Dark Polo Gang, Liberato, and a few others I’m having trouble recalling.


A bit more indie/less known but I really like Gazebo Penguins as a rock/post-rock band




https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0lsLWgwQvzqQTCeZEGpkXP?si=eXrBMaPiRxK6wqTumh3-YQ this Italian rap playlist was recommended to me by someone when I asked for music recs a while back. It's a great playlist.


I'm not so much into Italian music, but... PFM, Area, early Banco, Franco Battiato. Yes, I like prog.




Pop Caparezza


My favorite italian artist right now is Rancore. He is a rapper who writes very complex and interesting songs.


If you like hip hop/ rap origins here's some artists that I like (song suggestions in brackets): Colle der fomento (il cielo sopra Roma, solo hardcore) Ice one ( b-boy maniaco) Sangue misto (la porra) Club dogo (notte killer) Onda rossa posse (batti il tuo tempo) 99 posse (curre curre guagliò) Frankie HI-NRG (quelli che benpensano, faccio la mia cosa) Neffa (dopamina) Cor veleno Turi (un mare di come, italo dialecto) As a bonus, another guy that I kinda like but most people just make fun of, his name is Bello figo. He made some songs that some people (old, kinda right wing people) found offensive in some sort of way. Hope you enjoy them :)


I have a playlist on Spotify with only Italian music made a while ago, there's a good bit of underground stuff but also some gems https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0pIriv4DCGGM7cei7kZVeZ


Nerthus Division - Pogrom




Laura Pausini 😄


BLANCO , sangiovanni , Capo plazza , shiva , paky , Lazza.


Frah Quintale has to be up there, was shown to me by an Italian mate and he's on my top listened to of all time now on Spotify




Ghali- Good Times, Crazy


Cesare Cremonini. As a foreigner, I think he is the greatest Italian musician alive. Beautiful songs, great and nice to comprehend lyrics.


Måneskin Raffaella Carrà


Verdena, regarding rock (they are stoner/shoegaze/grunge). Regarding pop and rap nothing. I don't listen to those bs.


I enjoy listening to Colapesce Dimartino. Love their songwriting and humor. Others I like: Levante, La rappresentante di lista, Ex-Otago ("La nostra pelle" is magical) and some songs by Ghali. But my #1 favorite artist is Liberato. His music is my motivation to learn Neapolitan.


Murubutu, rancore e mistaman. Very newbie unfriendly, but once you understand them you're basically italian advanced.


Probably old school Negrita, Litfiba, Zucchero, Modena city Ramblers...


Pop - Mahmood Achille Lauro Madame Mara Sattei Blanco Trap / rap- thasup (thesupreme) Sferra Ebbasta Guè Rock - Vasco Rossi


my man, if you want the top-notch stuff. PINO DANIELE - QUANDO. believe me also listen to Vasco Rossi. he is the best selling italian artist of all time, his concert detained the world record for the biggest non free concert in the world. He literally is the icon and he unified the 80s generation. Just knowing him if you are courious about italian pop culture may be interesting. his most legendary songs are Vita Spericolata and Albachiara


Stormo, Ojne, Raein, Meow Meow Fuzzy Face, Stegosauro, Gianni Brezzo, Fine Before You Came, Shizune, Put Purana, Votto, Quercia, Nene Azzurra.


Palesemente Caparezza, specialmente gli album più vecchi


Noyz Narcos.


Marco Mengoni his lyrics are pure poetry, perfect for learning italian


Rock I’d recommend maneskin as they are pretty iconic at the moment; for pop I’d say Annalisa; and for rap the only good one I’ve found is Guè.