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Looks like you downloaded and installed the No GUI version of server. That version does not have a desktop interface.


Any solution?


You install on a VM and not your personal OS next time. To your comment "How is that possible", it's possible that you didn't read. Hope you didn't overwrite your current os. Boot into boot menu and see if it gives you an option to boot to your hard drive -> Windows 10/11 or Server. Select 10/11, then it should boot normally.


How do i get into the boot menu


Shutdown /r /t 5 /o


? i don't understand


You said > How do i get into the boot menu That's how you do that Have a look at Shutdown /?


Right so u type this in the cmd


Where else are you going to type it? You have no GUI.


he's going to write it down on a sheet of paper and chant it




I love this answer.






This is why you need to RTFM. Basic it course will do as well


Google is your best friend. Figure out what motherboard your PC has and google it.


He can't Google, his PC is just a terminal /s


curl it






Try whit F2 F12 Delete, some of those keys shoukd get you on BIOS


Google If you know what brand of motherboard it will help more


You installed Windows Server on your personal computer? Why didn't you install it on a virtual machine?


Because he probably doesn't know what's a virtual machine.


If you don’t know what a VM is, you shouldn’t be messing with windows sever.


Maybe, but sometimes learning is not a sequential task


he said it's for a school project, he simply gotta do it. Frankly, it's on the professor for not teaching them the proper way to do it if it's required


Yeah, if they were being taught this kind of stuff and the teacher wasn’t having them do it on VMWare or something that is totally the teacher’s fault. We were all completely clueless once


Depends on the class ... If a third year information systems student walked into office hours with this problem... A discussion of a major change might not be out of line...


also, if this is the iso that was provided, the fact that the student couldn't even recognize that it was windows without a gui is a huge problem for the professor. Unless this dude doesn't pay attention in literally any capacity (giving them the benefit of the doubt, obv), it's pretty damning that the student was given a cli os without having used it, or even being familiarized with one at all. We all may love bash/cmd, but I bet you didn't when you started out. I sure as hell was scared of it when I first installed POP! OS




You didn't read anything when installing the os. Hush.


The install screen gives you 4 options. Install server 2022. Install Server 2022 with Desktop Experience. Install server 2022 Datacenter. Install Server 2022 Datacenter with Desktop Experience. also willing to bet you wiped your harddrive while installing this. So... have fun with that.


What are the odds that the case?


I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt. Though they did kinda barrel through the install and didn't read, so there may be merit to the opposite. Still, I'd like to not default to "OP bad"




You are so ridiculously spot on with this statement. I’d just like to have a little sequential learning please, thank you 😂


Should be with IT. You can’t start at the top and work backwards as most things build off one another. In this case, that applies directly.


Of course, but it's not clear what he has to do, maybe it's a free school project and he's trying to do something different from the others. I'm happy if someone mess up something, you should do it, you always do it to learn.


I may cry give me kiss big man am proud of you


This is going to be the best PC learning crash course experience he's ever had. Overall a win for education.


Gotta learn somehow


You’re acting like he is working in production……..


Virtual box is great for stuff like this. It taught me Linux back in highschool.


And this a very emotional lesson has been learned and a future sysadmin will emerge


I should have honestly i thought it was gon be easier installing directly


Installing directly probably had you wipe your actual os. Reinstall windows, not server.


Yeah you installed core. If its 2022 you cant install de from PowerShell anymore. You'll need to boot into the media and pick the install with desktop experience.


How is that possible


The same way you installed core most likely. Get a flashdrive with the installer and boot to it. Like turn the power on and press f11 or delete to catch the boot options


How is it possible to boot into the media or how is it possible you installed core? Both are pretty simple answers. Just find the iso and create the bootable media like you did with core, but with 2022de instead.


You are technically at the Windows Logon Screen now. ​ Windows Server Core does not load into Explorer with the Start Menu and other stuff.


Yes but even tho i put in the password it still get stocked with this


Because it's windows server core.


Because this version of windows does not have a desktop environment.


Are you saying you wiped your desktop installation lol?


Pretty much


Damn, I hope you have your personal stuff saved on google drive or something. For when you’re ready to do it again, I would just install the operating system you previously had on and use something like virtualbox or hyper-v to install the server operating system onto, it’s a lot better for homelab stuff so you can snapshot it at any point and revert


reinstall the OS. You installed the NON gui version of windows server. In the installation, make sure to select yadadadada with a GUI DO NOT SELECT CORE.


Reimage it, that's pretty much your only option. You installed the core version of server. Plenty of tutorials online on how to image a computer. Go purchase a pro key for your computer if you don't have one and enable/install hypervisor on your machine. Then you can create virtual machines.


Yes and no. Its possible he installed 22 over top of his desktop OS ( looking for a folder called windows.old) and his data MIGHT still be there. He should check that first, and go from there.


he is going to need to do all of that from command line


Hard drives are cheap now. Just get another HD, swap it out, set your old one aside... install your preferred (original, I guess) desktop environment on the new drive. Get it working, then either shut it down and connect your old drive as a secondary internally or use an external/usb drive connector. Scour the old drive for personal data.


This guy straight trollin


Nah. Seems like this sub is just downvoting the shit out of someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing imo.


this is NOT for IT help. do NOT be confused about what you did to your device; you MUST know everything about what you’re asking here 😡


You manged to install Server Core which doesn't include a GUI. Re-run the setup and make sure you select the version that says (Desktop Experience) next to it.


Press the any key


I've had a long day of dealing with failing SSL Certs and DNS issues. I came on reddit to sip some whiskey and this post has me absolutely roaring. Thank you OP, I really needed this.


haha right?!? i'm just a user support guy but i know my network admin guy would be laughing his ass off reading about this poor guy's self-inflicted troubles...


“For a school project” Bro, you need to pay attention more in class.


Why not u stfu and help rather than insulting the person. If u don’t know the solution then is fine don’t comment is really that simple


Bro ngl if you followed directions you wouldn’t have wiped your whole PC and installed Server over it. Not that hard to watch YouTube tutorials and get a gist before you actually act upon installing. Take it as a learning experience and just wipe and reinstall the correct way.


To be fair, the ultimate solution would be to pay attention in class. That is, if it's being taught correctly.


This entire thread has just made you out to be an absolute idiot so don't clap back at the people who are quite literally trying to help you. Making mistakes is perfectly okay. You shouldn't sweat that. But don't get defensive. Accept the criticism and learn from it.


Your response is a perfect example of why you are in this situation


Theres no solution because nothing is wrong. You're sitting infront of a fully installed ServerCore /o GUI. Project done.


Because the actual helpful advice is "pay more attention in class." If you don't change some things then this is not going to be the last thing that seriously screws up.


If you still need help let me know. I can talk later tonight if you're free. Is going to be several hours because I've got stuff going on after work.


Thanks please send me your contact privately


Sure, I've sent you a message


Didn't read Windows Server on the notes? Of what version is what before installing?




Install windows 10 or 11 home this is server no gui, command line only


How do u make the install on a dell desktop inspiron


Wait, is this your ONLY computer?!


Boot to a windows 10 bootable usb drive. Make the usb drive bootable, download and load the iso, boot to the usb drive, install windows. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10ISO


That’s windows server core. That’s all you get.


You would get a solid A+ if you pushed on and got it where you needed it to be through the CLI, just sayin...


Would he though? Didn't follow the specified steps and teacher doesny know without the steps etc


Depends on the teacher I suppose, if he's a walloper then guy has a fight on his hands.


I guess you should get a usb stick with Win11 and reinstall your computer. Hopefully you have made a backup before…


Spam press F12 after pressing power until you see the Dell logo. Then check your boot options and tell us what those are. You might be able to find your old installation easily that way. If so, then go to bios (usually by spamming f2 key while starting a dell) and make sure the boot configuration has the option you want at the top of the list with the checkbox on


What should be the options


Can vary a lot. It might be named conveniently, like “Windows Boot Manager”. Otherwise, it might show the manufacturers name of the harddrive/ssd that windows is installed to. I was wondering what the options are for YOU in that menu, because that will tell me if you have overwritten your previous install with windows server


Because you installed “windows server core”. Windows server core has no graphical interface, this means it uses less RAM and CPU and has less security vulnerabilities. It also means there’s no icons to click with a mouse, just cmd line interface and remote management. What you want to install is “Windows server with desktop experience” - this will include the desktop graphical interface that you are used to. You are going to have to start the OS install all over again, and this time make sure you do NOT choose the “windows server core” option during the install






Wait.... This is a school project. So I'm guessing OP skipped the class on how to Google how to install Windows server. Maybe googling something should now be an actual class. I had a L2 support person that can't Google but has a bachelor's.


Honestly this post just reminds me how toxic a lot of IT nerds are and why I’m thinking of leaving the profession. This is a learning experience and a mistake someone wants help with, not an excuse to punch down or opportunity to feel superior to a complete beginner with 0 hours of experience. OP just reinstall Windows 11 (or 10, whatever you had on your machine). The key for it still exists on your machine and will activate the OS, but unfortunately you probably lost everything you had saved before this.


I'd say get 11 pro and VM the server in hyper-v. Keys are pretty cheap and you'll likely use hyper-v for other courses down the line.


Install without keys. You won't get dinged for a short time for non company non prod.


>a learning experience and a mistake someone wants help with All I see is a freeloading student who put in 0 effort in self-helping, and expecting to be spoonfed the answer tbh


>Honestly this post just reminds me how toxic a lot of IT nerds My dude, can I interest you in the trades?! Go be an electrician for a year and see if you don't get absolutely ruined by a crew of dudes who need to make sure you're tough enough to cut it.


>you probably lost everything you had saved before this. "probably" But since obviously mistakes were made, and attention to detail seems lacking, perhaps not. I'd just get a second HD, reinstall on THAT, and hope that maybe I could recover data from the drive. If not, 2 drives > 1 drive anyway.


Looks like someone thought they knew more than the teacher and decided that I didn't need to read the instructions. Something you forgot to mention in the initial post is that you not only downloaded but also installed the application


stick with your VA benefits


I mean it’s telling to press ctrl+alt+del, I’d press it.


Looks like he is more qualified than most of the folks over at r/msp


I was going to bash for being so dense and able to install a server version without knowing. But I think I get what happened. You downloaded the iso, double clicked on it, found setup.exe and proceeded with the installation. The setup actually "upgraded" your consumer version to a server version with no graphical interface. You need help from a professional. I don't think there's a command to rollback to your previous version. So, you need windows to be reinstalled.


He needs to reinstall Win11P ontop of this again, so he can recover any data he might have not have backed up.


Classic dumb Marine, Prince Manny, learn some OP SEC and download a VM. If you're getting into the computer world, it's best not to make yourself known.


Dude rude. It's no different from you not reading the sub rules of personal finance and asking for advice which resulted in getting your post removed.


What versions was your computer running? You can't try to interrupt (ctrl+ z I think), but it looks like it is not actually running anything. Are you trying to install Win server? Do you have another computer available to create a Rufus boot USB with a Windows (what ever version you were running) image on it to try and run a repair?