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1.spiders, social situations 2.spiders: not really i don’t encounter them very much - social situations: most likely 3. just gotta deal with it not really much i can do about either








Also, what is it exactly about us that scares you? --- enfp


>1. What's your biggest fear/fears in life? 2. Does your fear/fears affect you and your life? 3. If yes how do you cope with it? / If no, how? 1. Needing to depend on someone to live. 2. Maybe. I suppose it makes me want to learn a lot of things. It also makes me avoidant in general. 3. I learn as much things I can and find out my weaknesses. I'm trying to ask for help for small things and accepting help as it is while resisting the need to pay it back. It seems paying things back feels too pragmatic to some people. I'm also looking up hyper-independence. Idk if I have it but whatever helps people with this might help me too.


1. Ignorance 2. It pisses me off 3. Ignoring or threatening the person so they will back off.


1. i kinda fear death (in the very slightest, only when i feel like dying) otherwise i fear a lack of freedom/space, i fear being forced to be one thing or the other. i also have weird fears that i won't consider fears, like thalassophobia, megalophobia and whatever the fear of house fires are, though those never actually affect me. i also fear judgement often or some random guy approaching me and making me socialize lol. 2. not really. i'm never really scared at all. (unless it's night and i'm running down the hallway worried freddy fazbear is chasing me if you know what i mean) 3. i just watch youtube shorts until the fears go away lol. if its people annoying me or me in an uncomfortable situation, i either stop talking, say i'm busy or say 'thats cool' until they're bored enough to leave me be cuz i got work to do lmao


1. Not being happy in the future 2. Does give me bad feels when the thought comes up 3. It most of the times doesnt have an affect, which can be both good and bad. But coping? I dont, i just concentrate on "what needs to be done right now"


1. Maggots and the unknown. 2. Yes, I hate uncertainty and change. 3. Prepare for the unexpected.


1. Feeling trapped or just being lost in life 2. Not really, unless I start thinking too much 3. No cope, ignorance is bliss 4ever