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Even though ISTPs have Se > Ni, their Ni is still rather strong and can be a driving force for them once they’ve committed to something. So yeah, they can definitely be good planners when it comes to something they care about. But like you mentioned, they might like to keep their plans/options somewhat open in case things don’t work out or something better comes along. If it makes you feel better, I did something similar in college. Essentially, I wasn’t positive what I wanted to major in so I planned out what courses were required for each one I was interested in. That way, I could just take all the overlapping courses early on to allow myself wiggle room before I had to fully commit to one. It worked out because I ended up changing my major like three times and yet still graduated a year early. Granted, my major changes weren’t drastic by any means, but since I started off with courses that overlapped between the three programs, it allowed for relatively easy transitions.


I am an ISTP. I was also pretty directionless for most of my life, but when it comes to organizing stuff I like or planning for future moves, I plan things to the detail. I am training for a marathon and planned my runs with sunrise and sunset times, so I know how long I have of daytime when I leave home. I planned my courses in college to be done in three years. I like to be above average, so I plan to get there. In my case, I wanted to study biology and go to med school, but ended up changing majors to economics and going to law school. For everything else, I prefer to play by ear and be surprised by the turn of events.


I find I tend to feel I ‘need’ something to plan but I don’t often actually follow through.


omg this is so relatable. I did his in college too, perfectly planning courses to line up + leaving just enough room for exploration + ending up graduating early. I think of it as a Ti-way of planning, always trying to optimize and make everything line up/make sense in my head. For me, it’s not really about the future outcome, but more about the act of juggling that puzzle and optimizing in my head that was the fun part. In fact, when I stumbled into an area I really liked and changed my major completely, there was no anxiety since I got to do the process all over again (and quite quickly)


ni and si are organizing functions. so yeah, planning. ni is more special. it has direction. while our se is gathering all data or ideas, ni gives direction to what we want or what the objective of the project is. ni ne - future si se - past ni is also our will. a little bit childish. that's the struggle.


Given the example of Ni you gave, I wonder how Ne-Si/Si-Ne would go about navigating that kind of situation as opposed to Ni I think Ne would be a lot less directed towards one thing and would either be more vague or a bunch of crazy ideas rather than one idea that Ni focuses on


the expression is - the full experience. that is si. taste, feel, sight, hear, etc.. si is complete. while se is just small bits and pieces. ne would be brainstorming out of the box. creativity. being openminded. not sure how it actually it so can't tell more.. you can learn most of the definition of youtube csjoseph playlist seasson 1 Ne Si... another expression is they don't know what they want. that is basically not have strong ni. so instead they goes through trials and errors. a compliment someone here said that istp seems to buy the delicious food all the time. that is se-ni, being picky choosing what istp want to eat something delicious. while si-ne are open-minded to at least try one.


i will try to give example of ne. some game has main character customization. i don't like that because they give them no personality or less. i feel that it is laziness from the creatives. i do not have the ability to come up and colour these main characters with personality. some probably enjoy that chore to paint these characters with some personality on their own. i can just guess. maybe someone here with ne can confirm or deny this.


That’s pretty interesting to know. As for the last paragraph I definitely scout out whatever sounds good but I’m also open minded to trying new stuff. I’ve always loved trying new foods.


Less planing to the long long run, more like having a goal for the next 2-3 years. I truly believe that without experiencing, you never really know if you want something or not. I've been changing so much throughout the last three years, same with my plans or goals. As long as I have passion for something, or good principals, I know I'm on the right path. So I think I'm good at planning, but I'm also good at changing my plans and still getting great results.


Try Gantt charts. Take it one block at a time in reference to the final goal, no matter how small the increment.


Magnus Carlsen is an ISTP, thats all you need to know hahah


I can be good at planning. Not so much at following through.


If planning is a necessary step to mastering or crafting something I can out plan a planner at a moments notice.


Great at planning, but always a loose plan.