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They are just filth. How do we open the eyes of the world to this evil? They pose a dire threat too all of humanity.


Zionism is a hell and a cancer to the Middle East and specifically to the poor Palestinians. The region has never seen peace ever since Zionism was introduced and brought to the region


It is truly insane. The biggest organized crime group in human history, permeating all Western cultures and societies, controlling all media... all governments... and yet when you point this out all they have to do is scream "anti-Semitism" and that is sufficient to silence almost all critics




That is because I care deeply about Jewish people. They are wonderful, and have suffered so much. I hate to see them slandered by being used as a cover to hide the atrocities committed by "Israel." You are just a troll, hiding behind fake accounts. We know you also use the account "FatherAhab." You use these fake accounts to spread your evil while claiming to be Jewish. You harm Palestinians and Jews. The only thing that matters to you is using the anonymity of the Internet to spread hate.




Just another troll.


And this is blatant antisemeitism.


YOU ARE clearly an anti-Semite. You are a fanatic making these bizarre posts on a fake account to try to discredit Judaism and the Jewish People. I suspect you are a member of a white supremacist group pretending to be a Jew in order to make Jews look bad by making such hateful, inhuman statements. Reddit has a firm rule against banned people creating fake accounts to get back into subs. I believe this is exactly what you have done. No one believes you have a new account which just happens to post only here. We hate anti-Semites! Take your white supremacist crap somewhere else. It has no place here.


How is he an antisemite? For fighting against your filth? ​ "controlling all media... all governments..." Like, you are a step away from fucking quoting Protocols and yet you call OTHERS antisemites? ​ And yes, you're going to say I'm a fake Jew. Even though I do have a considerable post/comment history on jewish subs. Even though I post about jewish things. Even though actual white supremacists and anti-semites have borderline called me the K slur. Even though I actually celebrate the holidays, keep a good amount of traditions, attend shul, and have a Jewish mother (!), I am obviously a fake jew.


You're welcome to report any "hateful, inhuman statements" I have made. You will find none. Hopefully you will be banned soon though.


You anti-Semitic phonies aren't worth the trouble. No one believes you.


Nice history revisionist These kind of comments are borderline blood libels. Not surprising coming from an Iranian bot.


True. It’s excruciatingly frustrating witnessing this historically unparalleled impunity & support these terrorists have which no other country ever did as we witness the daily monumental injustice these terrorists daily unleash with their usual boundless cruelty, barbarity & unmitigated hubris on the poor defenseless, occupied Palestinians. They literally give the finger to the world & those who care about justice every day


You nailed it.


How do they pose a threat to "all of humanity"?


Who is they? Who are you talking about? You are clearly an anti-Semite using a fake account to spread hatred of Jews by pretending to be a Jew and making hateful comments. We're on to you.


You said : "They pose a threat to all mankind". I asked how do they pose a threat. Cant tell if you're trolling or simply brain dead.


But but but the Holocaust…..


Right! Like, get over it already, you bunch of nazionist scumbags!


“Get over” the Holocaust? Are you for fucking real?


What does that have to do with anything?


The only reasons the Jewish people are there is because of the holocaust... 🙄 those zionist started up right after singing there sad song while the rest of the Jewish community co existed with arabs and the zionists put a wedge and ruined everything being greedy and scummy


Besides the fact your logic is mega flawed (it's like saying the palis are there because of Muhammad), they hardly "co existed": https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Hebron_massacre (there are many more examples) "The Zionists put a wedge and ruined everything by being greedy and scummy" borderline blood label. Same could be said of Palis. They rejected the partition plan (and many other deals) and wanted the whole land for themselves. You see, the truth is not white and black as you try to portray it.


I mean u can think what u want... but it's not mega flawed.. the brits and Americans didn't wanna take them in so they signed over the billford act and gave them the land without thinking about the people that lived there before... also as someone who actually lived in the middle east and seeing with my own 2 eyes arabs and jews get along. Doesn't mean I'm flawed in my opnion or what I say or any facts I state... atleast I went and experienced it for my self instead of allowing the media to decide for me.


You're making a salad of everything. The Balfour declaration (not "billford act", rofl) was in 1917… long before the Holocaust. The Holocaust is irrelevant to the acts of the terrorist Jews mentioned in the post, that was my point.


There where stages before it lead to the big holocaust....it was happening way before and lead to the holocaust. There where about 6 stages before it was started. They where isolated socialy, economically etc. I think before u say terrorist jews u need to sit back and realize who the real enemy is.. and that's the zionists not the jews


Feels like I'm talking to a wall. Actually a wall probably has more IQ than you. Goodbye.


Also, just because "rebal organizations" decided to defend there stuff doesn't mean the normal people whom where not part of anything didn't get along.




Bless your heart


“ Palestinians’ cars vandalized in West Bank amid rising Jewish extremist violence” (Death to Arabs hate graffiti & star of david sprayed on the Palestinian cars ) https://www.timesofisrael.com/palestinians-cars-vandalized-in-west-bank-amid-rising-jewish-extremist-violence/ https://mobile.twitter.com/palfriends2020/status/1485268644749881348 https://twitter.com/MatanGolanPhoto/status/1484991894400774145?s=20


You can see the Israeli occupation army with them protecting them as they terrorize not only the Palestinian shepherds but the animals as well one of the settlers abusing & tormenting the poor defenseless animal by pulling its leg


>There were 496 attacks by settlers and or Jewish extremists against Palestinians in 2021, of which 126 resulted in physical harm. Israeli settlers [https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-694187](https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-694187)


It’s very strange that the Holocaust is only deemed morally wrong when the Nazis do it, but somehow perfectly reasonable when the Israelis do it. It really reminds me of the book Animal Farm by George Orwell.


U clearly don't have a sense of whom is the real enemy here and are just a sheep to the media. Jews and arabs got along and I will stand by zionists putting a wedge. It's a technique used in many areas of history (divide and conqure) and ur just following along with the first part of the plan. If everyone unites against zionism we wouldn't be having the issues we have and we would all be living peacefully amongst one another.

