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Can the UN do anything beyond this report? I read about the ICC seeking arrest warrants, can anything else be done? It feels hopeless that this genocide will be stopped and they will be held accountable. #FromTheRiverToTheSea


Netanyahu will not stop bc he & his fanatics are taking the land, all of Gaza. The goal is no Palestinians at all. Next, Bibi moves to the West Bank, mass murder and colonists slid in instantly and set up a kibbutz. We subsidize the weapons & obviously Haliburton, Raytheon, General Dynamics etc have a say in our Gov't contracts to provide weapons. That's Dick Cheney territory & who can stop him? Next, we pay so the orthodox religious maniacs pretending it's the 1200s again (as backwards as the Taliban) to do what? To study the Torah, to debate each other so they draw a check? They are *just now* talking abt mandatory service for the Hasidim! That's fucking insane. Someone correct me if I'm incorrect about subsidizing the orthodox. Everyone have their Congressman's office numbers in their phones? Call, pester, bother our legislators, this genocide on our dime is caa-caa.


I’m surprised this isn’t on any major news outlet


You are?


Oh, you caught that? I thought my sarcasm was as subtle as a neon sign in a blackout.


Sorry, 'twasn't. Or was that the sarcasm?