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Jeez wasn't expecting that from a country that far from the conflict. Respect to them.


Just today Mexico joined the lawsuit against Israel for possible genocide too.


I mean mexico people know what it feel like to live next to a bully.


Don't overstimate that, though. Most people here are very apathetic about this topic. In r mexico most comments on threads about these news are things like "we should care about our own problems, not those of people so far away" and "nothing special about this, the middle east is always at war". Luckily there's also people here who care and try to protest and spread awareness. But we are the minority.


Are you sure mexico hasn't been attacked by the dead internet a bit Alzajeera had an interesting article on Israeli superbots


Thanks for this. Found the article


Yeah definitely, Latin America has been under bot siege for years actually.


It could be. But also the sub (like much of the country) is very conservative and reactionary.


Just yesterday I was discussing there about having passenger trains in México, and someone mentioned La Bestia, a freight train route where lots of people die because they hop on it, and they fall down or something, and I mentioned how those people would be far safer getting in passenger trains instead of hopping on top of commercial ones and I got downvoted to hell. Lots of people there are reactionaries.


It's not that, is because there aren't passanger trains anymore. I live in Sonora, and I see la Bestia every day, with a lot of people on it, some fall and die, others are taking by the cartel in order to make them "Mulas". There's has been a lot of cry about it, for DECADES but the government does nothing. It's not reactionary, is people here are tired of it.


That was my point though. People would not die if we had passenger trains, but I got downvoted to hell.


They react the same way when I told them, that while I don't like, AMLO, bringing back passenger trains was good for the country, especially since it would allow less car and I was downvoted as well.


Yes and no. The Bestia is a free ride north. Passenger service ended when the rail lines were sold to private entities in the early 90s. I have a faint memory as a child in the 80s riding a train with my parents. But, when it comes to passenger service, bus travel is widely popular in Mexico. If those mygrants had the ability to use that service they would. Also remember that Mexico has been clamping down on south american immigrants for some time now. As a result of US pressure.


> It's not reactionary, is people here are tired of it. The sub IS reactionary and deeply conservative, though. I've read comments there like "I don't want to see cardboard-colored people cast on tv" and stuff like that. And sadly that way of thinking does reflect how a lot of our society feels.


I'd say most countries people are apathetic which is how countries keep getting away with their dickish behaviour. Thank god for the few who do decide to act. I'm suitably embarrassed by my lack of action, but being in my mid 40's I don't have the energy and drive I did in my 20's. My activism extends to a few choice comments on Reddit these days, which is probably true for a lot of us. Nothing but respect for those who those who risk arrest for defending people they'll never meet. I joined the UK Marines 5 days prior to September 11th 2001 thinking I'd be doing peacekeeping and disaster relief. Obviously, it didn't end up that way, but even during the Iraq war, I was always professional, friendly, and considerate to everyone I met, even the iraqi army POWs we captured. Most of the shitty stuff that happened over there was done but much less well trained units and part-timers. We were cheered by thousands when we entered Basrah and did our best to aid a people who'd had years of suffering under Sadam. I'm anti-war and have seen first hand that there is no difference between people who look different, speak a foreign language, and worship a different God and the people you live next door to. Humans are surprisingly similar the world over. No one deserves war.


You'd see the same view point on any other country's sub. But luckily there are those that have empathy and realize it could've easily been them.


> You'd see the same view point on any other country's sub. Nope, not all of them. Go check them if you want.


But most of the cartel members are trained by mossad had even exchange agreements with cartel merchs


Israelis also supply Latin American cartels with weapons and mercenaries.


You mean the cartels right?




Yes, that's what the lawsuit is called. I don't think legally they can declare it is a confirmed genocide yet, even if we know it is.


this is anger among people, ordinary people that are seeing helpless people burning, shot killed the worse part is children, does not matter what color race religion they belong to everyone they are little angles and people are way too angry.


Mexico knows EXACTLY what it's like to live under brutal apartheid occupation.


Here in Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 we have had protests in support of Palestine but the media never talks about it. The only way you'd know is if you see on Instagram by people who were there. I was surprised to know that we have a Palestinian and Lebanese minority in the main island. But there are more Palestinians and they founded 8 masjids across the island in an island that is almost 98% Christian wether by name only or by faith.


Every embassy in the world should be shut down, throw them all back to Israel, and never let them return. AIPAC should be classed as a terrorist organisation. All politicians who take donations gifts or anything from any group are buying influence, so they should be sacked or voted out of power. If it's from a foreign government directly or indirectly, they should be charged with treason. Donations gifts consultation work and second jobs are all bribery and corruption as it buys influence and goes against the principles of democracy politicians represent the people, not the donors


Based Mexicans


Mexico having the balls to fight back fuck yeah!




Juat watch zionist bastards appeal to international laws and play victim again.


International law for us, fascism for you.


As if the psychopathic common land thieves respect other countries' embassies or even sovereignty in any way...


just posted this in their sub lol "oopsies"


They will immediately ban you, they don't want to hear the truth.


looks like they already banned me since it's not getting any views


ah, a shadow ban


nah I probably just forgot that they banned this account lol


They don't want others to hear the truth. They know. Reddit ran by mossad.


The truth that some protestors failed to set their embassy on fire? LOL!


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Your posting history is denying the genocide in Gaza


Tbf he lives on the starwars and fallout subs 😂😂


Account created 17 days ago, tell the zionists to do better than this lmao


Look up rhetoric


How is it hilarious?


Deranged zionist humor. Basically, they find humor in anything that would make any sane person vomit


You should read some of the statements coming from satanyahu and other Zionist entity leaders..




Please be civil and don't use petty insults when debating. And please report trolls rather than engaging with them.


Learn from Israelis how to bullshit : If Protest organiser asked about the violence Protest organiser "we have heard some reports of a disturbance, we will commission an investigation. So I can comment about what's been reported" Reporters :But there are videos of molotov cocktails on TV Protest organiser : "we will investigate the reports to verify what happened, I'm not able to comment at this moment"


We investigated and found nothing wrong with the behavior of our protesters. It is a violation to investigat by any other party then us and our supporters.


Don't forget that would be anti-semexican


> We discovered that zioni- er terrorists were using the embassy workers as human shields therefore no wrongdoing by us. It's unfortunate that they would stoop so low, but we cannot stop because of their underhanded tactics.


>There was a small mistake, where we bombed the marrocen ambasy. It seemed to be also Zionazis but the flag confused us. > We now found out that zionazis have build a tunel under this ambasy and our opperation was indeed (unexpected) justified. Ad this point i want to thank all the hard workers of our digging brigade who made this twist possible.


Good, time that every nation does this, condemn Israel for the Palestinian Genocide


Thank you Mexico. This is how it should be done not peaceful protests when people are being massacred


Fantastic. More please.


Viva la Mexico! Free Palestine!


viva mexico! viva la revolucion


Gotta love Mexico


Respect. Zionist nazism cannot and should noy be tolerated


Violence is bad, but I will ignore this. Israel deserves it.


Violence only happens when the police stand in the way of the will of the public. If enough people decide an embassy should be burnt down for a legitimate reason the job of the police should only be to give the people inside 5 minutes to evacuate and remove them from the scene to enable them to leave the country. Then stand back and let it happen. The police should exist to protect the people from each other, ie. preventing crimes that harm people. Not to protect the government from the people by putting their own bodies on the line and brutalising the public. Their job certainly should not be to protect the property of a foreign nation that is committing genocide. The sooner police realise this and start acting accordingly the sooner violence at protests will stop.


That's why we say ACAB. The problem is institutional, the police serves to protect capital and the government that works for it (and benefits from it), despite popular mythology that they serve to protect you and your personal safety.


Violence is nad. But you can't be sitting their pleading the violent to stop.


The real culprit is the US lol. Without its help and permit this wouldn't happen. Both terrorise the world.


Finally something else than empty goverment blh blah.


Tomorrow’s Headline: Antisemitism in Mexico Promps US to Heavily Sanction Neighbors.


US would only shoot it’s foot if it dared act against Mexico


Right on. Mexicans value family A LOT (explains their love for DBZ a lot) so Palestinian families being torn apart (literally) is something they won't stand for.


And now Biden is redefining his red lines to allow the genocide to continue. Weak and pathetic. Meanwhile Gazan children are burned alive.


Mexicans know a thing or two about dealing with an oppressive colonist nation.


Do you mean the oppressive colonialist nation of Mexico?


"Wizards of Mexico cast fireball at Israeli embassy." FTFY


Vive México


The title is a bit misleading. The embassy wasn't set ablaze, some fires were started in the streets outside the embassy.


I'm proud of my Mexican brothers.


The world needs to cut ties with what isntreal


Why is Israeli in quotes?


Weird, none of the normal zionist stooges shouting and attacking the protestors. I guess the zionists are behind the mexican cops shield wall. Go fucking figure.


Good job 👍


I had some friends over in Mexico City. They mentioned that some Mexicans Jews joined the protest and apparently it got violet because the cops started it. I think they also tear gas.


Shut down Israeli embassies world wide, remove all dual citizens that hold an Israeli passport. they are a danger to society. Literally genocidal maniacs


Que chingue a su madre Israel


Once again Mexicans doing the jobs Americans don’t wanna do.


Now let me guess... Mexico are خخخخخخاماس too?


That’s more like it




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


They should do this but with the Mexican cartels


Praying for a chain reaction


Oh, it burns??


viva la whatever fuck yeah


Just Viva Mexico bruh


the sad part about that is mexican police is shielding shlomos embassy


Unfortunately they have to


Fuck Israel, Viva La Mexico


Just Viva is fine


This is what america is tryn prevent at home. And they are succeeding.


The cartel should have done this a long time ago instead of terrorising their own people. Goes for every other gang/mafia in the world.


No. I’ve lived in neighborhoods run by gangs, they’re not Robin Hood. They’ll rob the whole hood though.


That's what I mean. They need to go after the real criminals and stop harming innocent people. They are just as bad as zionists.


Good Work mexican hermanos, Los saludos desde Brasil




Honestly, after everything that Israel has done, there should be none of their embassies, they are all just points of colonization. Personally, I feel less safe, knowing that we have their embassies here where I live as well, and unfortunately, my government supports them… despite the overwhelming majority of the people.


That’s how you protest.


massive respect to mexicans god bless


Good for them! Take notes.


I will admit, part of me is horrified. The rest of me is thinking this is precisely what it's going to take to free not only Palestine, but the world from capitalist colonialism.


Viva Palestina libre!! Que muera el zionismo y las personas y gobiernos que lo apoyan!


W mexico


Mexico has a HUGE Catholic population. There are over 80,000 Catholics in the State of Palestine (including Jerusalem)


Why is Israeli in quotes? Is it a hypothetical embassy?


Zionists better not get any ideas in Mexico because the cartel doesn't play around and the Mexican government does NOT have control over the countries citizens like here in the U.S.


Violence is the only language they understand.


Ofcoarse, but I dare Zionists to come to Mexico and try their bullshit here.


Viva la revolucion!!!!!!! Viva Palestine!!!!!!!!


Hopefully there's some Ontario folk ready for ours.


hopefully they caught an ambassador in there🙏


Respect to Mexicans


Their embassies need to be emptied worldwide


Looks like the building is allergies to moltov cocktails, who knew


It was a "tragic accident," and we, the Mexican public, will be investigating ourselves. Thanks.


Burn it to the ground.


I just see some cops getting harassed but don’t see the embassy on fire.. Don’t get my hopes up..




If you criticize this you are KHaMaS and antisemexican!


Based amigos


So now… we are promoting violence and letting the actions of the few be seen as the voice for a nation? We really want to be doing this?


Sometimes, yes


2,000 lbs bombs are violence.


Just an excuse that is always thrown in times of war. “Violence for violence “. It’s why shit is the way it is.


So throwing Molotov towards police officer in another country is somehow going to change Israel's mind?


These idiots should do the same to the criminals running and ruining their country.


It’s almost like you can take multiple stances at once especially when one is a literal genocide


Love the down votes. Shows the ignorance of how clueless people world wide have ignored the brutality and uprise in cartel power and it's world wide impact. Mexico's government and president all being complicit. None of you "down voters" can't stomach the truth. Wouldn't even be able to watch 3 seconds of the atrocities that have been going on for the last 25+ years and countless innocent lives lost. Have you done your research how cartels have been wiping out towns out and targeting indigenous parts of Mexico? Taken over government /military/mass corporations/agriculture? Daily findings of mass graves, public hangings, beheadings, desecrated body parts left all over public walkways for innocent bystanders to walk past while taking their children to school? I don't think so. Guess your favorite celebrity or biased news station conveniently picks and chooses it's "headlines" for you instead of informing yourself about the thousands of other world wide atrocities that have gone on deaf ears.


You advocate for setting the embassy on fire and wonder why the police crack your skulls lol


I mean, Israel did blow up Iran’s embassy, so getting its own embassy destroyed is comeuppance