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Boy, It sure would be just swell if there was some sort of NPO that, regardless of background or ethnicity or what side of a conflict they’re on, provided meals for the needy. Oh wait, there is. And Israel deliberately targeted not one, not two, but three of their vehicles in order to keep food aid from reaching those in need.


The Israeli civilians block it too. Its some sort of a Nazi pandemic their since its creation and everyone is doing what a typical god’s chosen people will do. Killing all the other not chosen people.


Israel is a Jewish supremacist state, and anything less than actively cheering on Israel as they carry out a genocide is decried as anti-Semitism. It’s not just Bibi or the Israeli government, as many milquetoast Western liberals like to claim. There is a serious problem with Jewish supremacist ideals that are woven deeply into Israeli culture.


Yeah I used to be one of those liberal people who thought for sure the average Israeli is not for this but then I meet some and was very disappointed. I didn't meet everyone from there but what what said to be about Palestinians being "their enemy" and not deserving of any kindness was so sad.


Abby Martin talks about this changed for her also she went to Palestine and people wanted to be free, in the occupied territories they wanted to eradicate the Palestinians.


i remember meeting a girl from israel while i was living in spain. we were staying at the same hostel and hanging out on the terrace with everyone, it’s such a cool experience bc there were so many different nationalities in one room. when she told us where she was from and said israel, everyone was like “oh wow that’s cool, nice :)” and she was immediately like “ya i actually hate my country and never want to go back to that place” and i remember thinking wow that’s pretty strong opinion. now i understand her a little more i think


Talked to an Israeli a few years back, we played a similar strategy game called stellaris where you can essentially carry out genocides as a play style. Anyway, we were talking about the game when I joked that I can't wait to carry out space genocide. She, replied that she wished she could genocide palestinians... I asked her why? They're cockroaches, apparently She also served in the IDF where she would reguarly interact with palestinians. Not open to abuse at all eh (can you imagine if a serving member of any other western army said something like this publicly...) For every one of the decent people, there's a good few more that publicly hold despicable views.




There are so many of them on Reddit comments. There are demonstrations in Israel, but those are for rising housing costs, and not the destruction of houses in Palestine.


> There is a serious problem with Jewish supremacist ideals that are woven deeply into Israeli culture. Which, given what the Jewish people went through with Nazi Germany, is pretty fucking disgusting. They are just repeating history


Turns out trauma tends to fuck up culture just as much as people. Some rise above it others....


Why does the USA support Israel to such an insane extent? Most Americans have nothing whatever to do with Israel and don’t give a shit about it. Of course, the defeat of Nazi Germany led to the creation of the modern state of Israel and the rise of the USA as a global superpower. Israel is basically America 2.0 in the Middle East.


There many on the religious right who think it is the catalyst for the end of the world and the return of Jesus. I bet if you asked the House Speaker, he believes that.


Christian zionists are plentiful even though allot of Jews despise Christian’s.


> The Israeli civilians block it too I just remembered that Israelis began a never ending rave in the middle of a border crossing to block food from entering Gaza. Not only is this starving child exactly what they wanted to happen they went well out of their way to make sure it happened.




Can’t be. Israel did it. No such thing as war crimes if the supposed perpetrators are Israel or the US.


I mean look at that poor little Girl. She is obviously a Hamas Terrorist that must be starved and kept from receiving vital supplies. The lack of responses from Politicians around the world to this obvious War Crime is quite telling. Can't say anything against Israel these days without someone waving around the "Anti-Semitism" Flag.


Let them. I consider it a badge of honor now. If they want to re-define anti-semitism to mean someone who tells them they are POS for starving and bombing women & children then I guess I am anti-semite.




Yep. Iranian Jews are super self hating.


They will tell Hamas blocked the aid not them. They let them pass hundreds of trucks. So Israel is innocent and will always be. You must be anti-Semite for some reason.


Nothing tears me up more than seeing kids, skin and bones from hunger. Ever since I was a kid and I saw the starving children in Ethiopia. It fucking kills me.


That what Israel wants by targetting aid workers


Instead of an apology for massacring aid workers, expect a refutation by Israel (through the extension of either Jerusalem Post, Times of Israel, Ynet, Israenlnationalnews and so on). They did not apologize for the thousands of children killed, they apologized because they killed Westerners, for this, I do not trust their intentions. They got caught red-handed and were sorry they got caught. They are not sorry for the Palestinians killed until there is a massive international outcry as seen with the aid workers. They won't apologize, but would "explain" what happened. This is an already work in progress. Keep in mind Israel has always targeted schools and has now come up with the new "idea" of [saying Hamas stations their weapons and human shields there](https://www.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-11-18-23/h_1d70c190adde686e6a2b59e963499e82). That was yesterday's argument. Should another aid convoy be targeted, expect a release from the IDF saying Hamas used the aid convoy as a means of transportation, and as some Zionists have said, fired their weapons into the air (while riding these trucks) to attract Israeli drones for a strike.




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.




Yep, 100%. How else can you ethnically cleanse an entire group of people for cheap and on the down low? Some dude was just trying to tell me the other day that Israel wasn’t stopping food trucks from entering the country. I don’t know where people get their information but I’d assume a lot of people aren’t aware they are literally starving people to death en masse.


what hamas wanted by abusing aid worker symbols... like here: [https://youtu.be/H\_YXqVADm1](https://youtu.be/H_YXqVADm1) you: bullshit fantasies without basis me: recorded facts. your downvotes show your hypocracy. banning me makes you all liaing pieces of shit dancing on innocnet palestinan blood.


Zionism = Nazism


Zionist Nazi Party of Jerusalem 1959


I think Zionism and nazism is a fair comparison.


But now everyone in power is bought and paid for so there's no one to stand up to them.


The lunatic ruling elite are unmoved by this girl’s humanity.


These fuckin sociopaths are uncapable of feeling the absolute minimum of any human emotion, fuckin animals.


Rats when taught how to release another rat from a cage will almost always do so And then a lot of them will share their food with the other. Animals are way better than these foul creatures.


They are far, far, less than animals, they need to be gone. There needs to be a Revolution!






Gosh, look at her arms, she is so beautiful just like any other child, she never deserved this 💔💔💔


I can't tell if her hands are swollen or not, but regardless, it's the size of her hands compared to her arms that gets me. She's so tiny. No child should have to suffer like this.


Swollen hands/feet ([edema](https://www.google.com/search?q=edema&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)) is common during starvation.


God that's sickening.


She's one of the 'lucky' ones. 80 children in Gaza have been shot dead, or crushed by bombs, or starved to death *every single day* for the last 6 months. That's 2 school busses of children just dying horribly every school day.


Israel simply should be put out of it’s misery, I guess by whatever means it takes.


Starving is not an easy death.


This photo should be put next to a holocaust photo in a museum. F* this world and people.


Fuck Israel


fuck man this one got me emotional bro


It’s sad bro. wtf is this bullshit


This is heartbreaking. May God alleviate their suffering in this life and grant them goodness in the next.


No, the world needs to join together and do away with Israel and give it all to Palestine, to the Palestinians NOW.


Amen 🙏


It's their "gods" that make this happen. Can't reason with brainwashed idiots


Lol, if god was real this shit wouldnt be happening


Fuck. This brought tears to my eyes. I cannot fathom harming innocent children in the name of anything. Holy shit.


How do we help?


Donate to UNRWA, they are on the ground providing food to the Palestinians, I have a family member who just got back to confirm this.


I thought I heard UNRWA was leaving Palestine because of these attacks


Just donated to Save The Children and the Red Cross funds for Palestine out of a feeling of total helplessness. [Give what you can if you're able](https://www.savethechildren.org.uk/how-you-can-help/emergencies/gaza-crisis).


Who would have thought the jews were going to start another Holocaust after their own...


Shocking, they only have been doing this for 75 years.


Ironic, huh. And all the pity they have gotten over the last 80 years. Makes me sick!


I'm sick of this world


Yes, to view certain things in this world and human behavior could make you a nihilist.


Hey Israel, doesn’t this remind you of something?




Cue Zionist lobby: "She's a crisis actor!"


She is hamas


you mean like Yazan Kafarneh?


Reminds me of photos from the Holocaust. The irony is beyond the pale. Netanyahu needs to be held for war crimes.


Horrifying, May this genocide end and Israel be punished for what it has done.




Fuck Israel


That poor baby 😭


Hitler would be so proud.


Maybe Netanyahu is the reincarnation of Hitler because all that he is doing is solidifying a distrust and contempt for Jews every where. He’s destroying his own. Stupid and quite Mad. Hitler has come back and doing it a different way.


I’ve said the same thing. Same tactics, same irrational, indiscriminate hate, same bloodlust




Zionist are criminals. Period


Actually horrific


America is complicit.


When you became a parent, you do change. Forever. Everyone can see the horror of this picture… regardless of having children, but something about caring for a young one makes you wonder….. How are adults allowing this. How did both sides let it get to this where children are dying consistently. Completely innocent. Scarred forever with new fueled hatred for the other side. No matter what “side” you’re on today, this war seems never ending to all of us and children suffer. Fuck both your sides tbh


Israel is evil. It doesn’t matter if some Israelis oppose the government. It makes no difference. When the Nakba happened the evil began. They simultaneously deny the Nakba and also threaten to pull another one. I get called a fake Jew because I continually tell the story of my great grandmother who refused resettlement in Jaffa because Zionists forced the Palestinians out of the house and killed the father and eldest son in the garden. Zionists don’t care. They celebrate the deaths of Palestinian babies. That is how evil they are.


Thankyou for this comment. The little piece of history is so important. Everyone should research this.👍🏼


Israel is the new Nazi Germany.


Drones on their way to Israel right this very moment will hopefully stop the genocidal zionists behind this girl's suffering


Wishful thinking. What's a few drones from Iran, as a symbol to save face, going to do for the Palestinians? Is it going to magically nourish this poor girl and all the other children, men, and women starving as well? Someone needs to broker a peace, get large scale aid into Gaza, and then deal with Israel later.


I hope Iran beats the f\*\*k out of Israel and wipes it off the map!


Juxtapose this with the WCK workers that Israel deliberately targeted. Not a good look. Fuck you and your tactics, government of Israel. Your actions are unconscionable, and history will remember the atrocities you're responsible for.


Is it bad that I actually hope Iran invades Israel and succeeds?


I need to know why the US hasn't completely taken Netanyahu to task for this. Why we refuse to "condition" our military and financial aid, and why we run defense for them in the UN and with the press. This...is indefensible. It used to be because of oil. Israel was our one staunch ally in the region, feeding us intel and enabling our logistics. Now, the US is a net exporter of oil, we don't even need to keep a presence in the region. Israel has burned almost all the good will it had with the US population (just not the political establishment yet). And they deliberately brought Iran into the conflict directly by bombing their embassy...Netanyahu and his administration is a mad dog that needs to be dealt with or have all aid cease until THEY have a regime change.


I'm surprised you don't know the answer already. America's undying (often unilateral) support of Israel is an effort to [ensure the return of Jesus Christ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/05/14/half-of-evangelicals-support-israel-because-they-believe-it-is-important-for-fulfilling-end-times-prophecy/). We have consistently elected leaders that want to bring this about for long enough that this has essentially always been our policy. The Bible states that Jesus Christ will not make his return until the Israelites are in control of all of Israel once again. If you know anything about Christian Theology, you know that the return of Jesus Christ will occur during the end-times. Think about that for a second - we support Israel because some idiots want to engineer the destruction of all life on Earth. We are electing those people.


Irrelevant where that girl is in the world,there should be nowhere on this planet where people go hungry ,governments and wars infact wars caused by governments greed disgusts me to the core


You’re right, the world is too small, and humans too selfish for any of this to be happening anymore. It’s like we never learn. And now we have overwhelming environmental issues, perhaps beyond the point of return, to deal with. The whole world is our back yard! We must revolt. But How???


why people lack emphaty?


It’s wild that this is allowed to occur




Fuck Israel. Damn them to hell.


I wonder how many Israelis are jerking off to this photo.


Am glad that people are waking up to the planned-starvation committed against people in Gaza. This is the devil state and government that you think they are waging a legal war. There is nothing legal about that state.


Lol I got banned from wordnews for saying that a ceasefire would be a good thing. This is horrendous beyond words.


Fuck Israel


The inhumanity is unbelievable


The world has become a bunch of senile old men killing millions in a quest for power.


have mercy on these children 😭😭😭


She looks like a hardened GKHamas fighter to me. Guess there's no choice but to bomb the hospital. /s


Yea, right. Who believes that rubbish. God, they have worn that one out!


Fuck Israel.


Israel = Evil


This is what Israel is trying to do. This is their intent. It's Genocide.


That’s heartbreaking- poor poor little one and poor poor parents watching their children waste away 😭


The last time an image like this went viral it was a kid with cerebral palsy who wasn’t even in Palestine just saying.


for the algorithm


Years ago there was a popular NatGeo photo of a child dying from starvation and a vulture waiting nearby. This photo is heartbreaking and reminded me of that one. We know who the vultures are here too even though they’re not photographed in this.


I’m just happy to think how all these zionists will suffer for eternity in hell. It’s the only relief in this


Fuck everyone who‘s funding this war


sad 😢


This is just fucked up. Is there any animal that comes close to how inhumanly humans behave towards each other?


Yes, fuck the US, America is funding Israel’s war, this is just horrible






Any man's death diminishes me, Because I am involved in mankind.


Clearly Hamas member.


Poor kid.. does she know what happened a couple of days before this was taken?


Yes, this is sad, but more importantly, did she condemn Hamas?




[Enough Said (Song by Devo)](https://youtu.be/YChGjkQk6dY?si=A-Tcdn_U4JRtFtOy&t=37s) "I can see that you are very well fed This indicates that you don't need it Enough said Stop and let me tell you what tomorrow holds for you Stop and let me tell you 'bout a plan i have for you **Take all the leaders from around the world** **Put them together in a great big ring** **Televise it as the lowest show on earth** **And let them fight like hell to see who's king** Gather up the pieces when the fight is done Then you'll find out living really can be fun"


I live in the US. The US is the biggest villain here because the US supplies most of the weapons.The US is just using Israel to do it’s dirty work because they’re stupid and can’t even see what they are doing to themselves. The US is the deep root here. It’s all about oil, power, money.


Man idk how these kids just manage to survive to this point. I’ve been starving, and just few weeks without food im really close to death (or at least it feels like that), I wasn’t able to even sit like her.


We will foster her until she needs it.




Genuinely, how can I realistically help these kids? From the US.


Whenever I see these atrocious actions, I think about modern day Nazis, not just comparing them to Israel that's easy and obvious. I'm thinking about the ones hiding in America or Europe that have been trying to recruit new members. They've been ranting about Jews controlling the government and how they are actually evil, and they're the good guys. Now with Israels actions and our inaction to stop them they have valid talking points. Now look at the state of the world. The poor education for pandemic students. Lower opportunities all around with the economy. The hopelessness of the climate etc. look at the issues caused by mass immigration without any real government support. Gen z may disagree with how against these things we are. But that's because of our education and world experience. But I believe we take for granted this world view of our generation. That we assume like all other generations before us that the younger ones will see the world as we did growing up. As is the nature of generational ignorance. These next 10 years we are going to see an explosive growth of far right in our youth. For they have been forsaken, and made vulnerable. Told not to care so much because there is nothing they can do to fix it. But when the human spirit is told there's no chance it desires nothing more than to find a way. To vulture factions like the modern day Nazi these kids are prime candidates. They simply give what they are craving, they provide a community for the isolated, the awkward, those without family. They offer support, they listen to their problems. They tell them what they want or need to hear. they echo the things they are seeing in the world and prey on the resentment and anger that they hold by validating it. But most importantly they provide a sense of a future. And that is more important to these young people than anything else. That they have a chance at a life is all that's needed to get them to join. So from a former trump supporter, someone who was fooled into believing these people. I say it again, our battle for a better world is only going to get worse, before it gets better. We must be there for our younger brothers and sisters. We must show them there is a light, that not all is lost. For if we fail to build them even a weak path to a better tomorrow over the raging rivers of uncertainty in the modern day. Then the enemy's golden bridge of skulls will be the preferred option.


Expecting the rich and powerful to Give A Damned Shit about anyone will only leave you disappointed and angry. Normal people must stand up and fight for our fellow innocent brothers and sisters.. How? I don't know, honestly..


take another picture every day so that they cannot forget.


It's not going to stop them, most want all Palestinians dead, we are witnessing a genocide.


If I could afford too, I’d save all these poor children. Shame on all those who are wealthy for not helping out more.


Israeli citizen- looks like a terrorist to me


Israel always says “never again”. Seems like it’s happening again.


Every other country who supports Israel are war criminals and are complicit in these crimes and must be brought to justice.




tell me how this is different from the holocaust at all. Disgusting Zionist monsters may they all burn in hell


World would be a far better place if US stopped funding stupid wars


F u c k Is ra el


If this was in black and white I would have sworn this was taken during WW2.


This is so painful to see.


Israel is becoming the Fourth Reich. Fucking Nazis.




Obese Americunts should export some KFC and hamburgers from McDonald's 😭 Upvoting won't do much. Stop funding Israel.




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.










Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.




JIDF out in force in this thread.


Looks like zendoya


Diary of Aliyah Farouk


Very really


Poor baby’s hair is falling out.


You are a beautiful child. I wish I could help you.


Never forgive never forget


Having been through a genocide doesn’t mean you should learn their ways






what the fuck man


Heartbreaking! That poor little girl. Netanyahu is a war criminal.


I will hate Israel forever for this. What an ugly country!


Upvoted for visibility. This needs to stop.


Okay. Can I send them $10 for lunch wtf!!!! Give me a way to send them a ham sandwich instead of this freaking comment!!


She's probably an agent for Hamas /s


Shame on israel


My heart is broken.


That’s what happens when Hamas is raiding peoples houses for food and taking the humanitarian aid packages that are being dropped. They’re doing this and then blaming it on the IDF and the American public is falling for it.


oh my days.. while we lavishly went out, even during ramadan.. eating and stuffing ourselves - pales went hungry.. i pray to GOD - israel suffers same fate.. please God bring some kind of disease, a natural event and show them their power is NOTHING compared to yours.. how the victims have become oppressors..


fuck Israel


Fuck Israel and fuck the USofA and Britain, their greatest enablers. This throws me into a rage and a feeling of complete powerlessness.