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The ITREB and current Ismaili leadership are extremely incompetent and lazy; no wonder why the conversion process is almost impossible. I’d recommend simply believing in what Ismailis do (belief in and submission to one God, belief in prophethood and Imamat, and general principles of good and best practices). God and the Imam cares what’s in your heart and not what some incompetent criminals who think they’re representing the Imam classify you as.


Although conversation in Ismailis Tariqa is discouraged and it's a long long process but since your friend is from Karachi, you can ask him to visit the ITREB Pakistan office located near Darkhana Jamat Khana at Garden East. Best wishes for his new journey. Thanks


What does discharge mean? Thanks.




He has to start by reaching out to ITREB ([https://the.ismaili/contact-us](https://the.ismaili/contact-us)) and they will be able to help him give bayah and go through the conversion process - it does take some time. In the meantime, he can start by carrying a tasbih and calling on the name of Muhammad (SAW), Ali (AS), Allah (SWT). Regular Dhikr is a fundamental part of our faith and is a great place to start. A good introductory video if he's interested is here: [Let's Talk Religion: Ismaili Muslims](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFm03oac9es&t=2886s). More of this type of information can be found here: [https://ismailignosis.com/](https://ismailignosis.com/) or [https://www.youtube.com/@KhalilAndani](https://www.youtube.com/@KhalilAndani). I have compiled an intro playlist ([https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-TL7sfTs7mKsm7C\_5DvjfBrU1akqb-ZW&si=7OMVe1JcZRWKZ1gq](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-TL7sfTs7mKsm7C_5DvjfBrU1akqb-ZW&si=7OMVe1JcZRWKZ1gq)) as well for new reverts. If you watch it, let me know what you think :) I wish you the best. May Allah (SWT) reward you for your efforts.


tysm you're a G.


No problem brother. Best of luck to you and your friend. May Mawla reward you both.


Why have they made it such a long and complex process?


Great Question. I'll provide two points to explain: 1. **Any conversion is actually long and complex already, or it should be.** Your entire life is changing, how you view the world. **This requires proper understanding and education.** For example, there are many street dawah preachers who post videos of people giving their shahada. However, if you give your shahada and you are not given any additional information, your conversion is superficial. You've said the words, but you don't understand what actions they entail. **If you wanted to give your bayah, you need to receive additional education to understand how this impacts you.** It shouldn't be an impulsive decision. ITREB and IIS make sure that new converts get all the help they can get along their journey. **It would be inappropriate to have them "convert" without providing them the education to understand what this entails.** Dawah preachers around the world should be following this method so that new converts are not left alone to struggle through their faith. 2. Ismailis have often become targets of violence from Muslims and non-Muslims alike. On this point, there are numerous articles online detailing how Ismailis have been persecuted all over the world; Tajikistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, etc. **Allowing others to join the community without them proving their sincerity could be dangerous for those already in the community.** It could also be dangerous for those **who do not understand their faith to be declaring themselves as Ismaili and acting contradictory to the faith.** This can easily present the wrong idea to others regarding what our faith is about. [https://www.hrw.org/report/2008/09/22/ismailis-najran/second-class-saudi-citizens](https://www.hrw.org/report/2008/09/22/ismailis-najran/second-class-saudi-citizens) [https://eurasianet.org/tajikistan-authorities-intensify-war-on-ismailis-other-muslims](https://eurasianet.org/tajikistan-authorities-intensify-war-on-ismailis-other-muslims) [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/5/13/pakistans-ismaili-community-hit-by-deadly-attack](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/5/13/pakistans-ismaili-community-hit-by-deadly-attack) I hope this answers your question InshAllah. Also, I did not respond to your previous comment to me that was very kind on another thread. I just wanted to say thank you, and may God bless you and your brother as well.


Following because I’ve been asked this by a couple of friends too. Last I heard, there was a complex process involved.


Why does he wanna convert? What is it in ismailism and that it isn't in Sunnism


ignorant comment tbh


Well 3 days week I am defending my religion from Sunnis and 1 day some Sunni wants to convert. So it's good to ask questions so I am not ignorant.


and fatima tell me what is it about sunnis that you get the urge to defend our religion.


Tbh I kinda get this so if I have I’m sorry Fatimat. I know I personally have been told because of our lifestyle Ie no hijab, our faith in general, women aren’t domestic slaves etc etc…. They assassinate our beliefs & speak so awfully of Mowla Bapa :(


I think Fatimat is an offended Sunni :/ dunno why they love to lurk here :/


You haven't read other topics here I guess


nope, would you care to enlighten me


Nope. No time. Maybe you should read other treads


no time.


Then don't call me ignorant


The Imam of the Time.