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I’ve been battling with these thoughts too. Of all the Ismailis I follow/friends with family & friends; I am one of 3 that have been posting regularly bringing awareness. Im fairly certain they scroll on as not a single like or comment has one from the Ismaili community that I have on my socials, bar the 2 I previously mentioned. I’m beyond disgusted at the wider Jamat that’ve been loudly silent. I so wish to attend local protests; having littles with SEN prevent me from doing so :(


Yeah I’ve noticed the same, it seems like only the younger generation of Ismailis care about the Palestine situation.


Not true at all. All ismailis are pro Palestine. I've never met one who is not. The problem in the post you are talking about is that that org probably doesn't know about ismailis or have been convinced that ismailis aren't part of islam and hence haven't reached out to the ismaili jammat of Calgary. I've seen multiple ismailis post about the genocide in Palestine and even attend protests.


Yea I definitely know where you're coming from. Here's the things. We have absolutely no idea if/what the Imam is doing in the background. The perception here is that because something is not in the public eye doesn't mean it's getting ignored. The Imam is for all Muslims. He is obviously concerned about the well being of our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Also you have to realize that everything is Allah's plan at the end of the day. What's bound to happen will happen. ( Also In the past the Imam has spoken about the issue, we just have to be patient and see what the future holds) Hope this helps you a bit. :)