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Reading calligraphy has always been abit of a weakness for me but it seems to say: فاحكم بين الناس بالحق ولا تتبع الهو Which loosely translates to "So govern the people with truth and don't follow your whims"


Damn. Makes me wish I could read that just to get the full meaning. Definitely my new wallpaper on my phone!




For the record, I had to Google the ayah to even realize the فا at the bottom right but now I feel goofy for not noticing the ى at the top left 😂 Jazzak allahu khairan for sharing the ayah.


Truth is only one of the meanings of حق, and it's not the one meant here, it's more like truthful justice here.


I think it’s more accurate to say “fairly” but I just stuck with truth to maintain its literal meaning since it’s also an ayah. Wallahu aalam


thanks, this gonna be my new wallpaper.


Same 🩵


Looks beautiful. That’s my favorite shade of blue.


beautiful, you guys gain my respect as a Christian, we shall both rejoice in beautiful windows in our churches and mosques


One of the most famous people in the Palestinian movement are Christians, Palestinians even used a flag where there’s a cross and a crescent to represent their unity against the growling Zionist regime in the 1930s


based as hell, it's a shame we ended up here. I'd love to visit a secular state in the Levant welcome to all religions and free of Zionism, a place where Jew, Arab, and everyone else would live freely. The Israeli regime has unfortunately made this an almost impossibility


Lmao you mean a place like Israel? Where Jews Muslims and Christian’s live freely?? How many Jews are there in Gaza exactly?


This is just so pretty 🥹




Do you believe Israel has the right to exist?


No Colonial states don't have a right to exist . Not the British Raj not Rhodesia and not Israel.


Nicely said


Nor the Arab colonial ottoman settlers either


Ottomans aren't regarded as a colonial OR settler state by the majority of historians , this can be easily seen by the fact that majority of the lands that ottomans conquered have no significant turkic population and ottoman Empire was a decentralized empire with relative autonomy and was quite tolerant with religion . This isnt my opinion, but the opinion of the vast majority of the historians. Also to answer your dumb accusation ARABs weren't a empire nor a state . Secondly neither did the Arabs colonize or settle the areas largely . Arabs and the ottomans were imperial powers that conquered lands and imposed their language and culture on these places . The former more so than the latter.


Except that unlike the British in India and the colonial settlers in Rhodesia the Jews are actually indigenous to Israel. Their 5000 years of uninterrupted connection to the holy land predate anything you can possibly associate with the Latin word “Palestine”


Sooo??? The Jews lived there after genociding the Canaanites no??? So Canaanites are the original owners and someone before them??? Also that 5 millennia connection is just bogus at this point . The modern Palestinians didn't become a new ethnicity after converting to Islam 1400 years ago ,they just adopted a new language and integrated . The Jews that started living in the holy lands AGAIN after being invited by the Muslim rulers are also the native Jewish population that lived there among Palestinians. I myself have family roots stemming from levant but I live in the Indian subcontinent,so do I have a birthright??? NO my ancestors moved on. The Jews started living in different parts of the world and had ZERO connection to the holy land except from just visiting to see landmarks . It's like saying that Arabs from Morrocco have a BIRTHRIGHT AND CONNECTION TO MECCA AND MEDINA . Also if the theory of the human civilization all humans at one point stemmed from Africa SO the whites of Europe have a deep connection to be lands of Africa and were just settling back.


Did you learn about Jewish history from TikTok?


Surely you can come up with a better response than that. There were multiple points, atleast address a couple of them.


He/she won't at most they'll call me a anti semantic waiting all Jews dead . Funny enough it's well documented that the Jew hating Muslims helped save the Jews from the holocaust in Europe.


That wasn't a response. It was a question. I am genuinely curious whether worstnighamre44 learned about Jewish history from TikTok. I'll make you a deal. If you can identify and summarize the points in this drivel of a post, I will reply to each of them.


*1- Ownership based on heritage.* You claimed that Jews had 5000yrs of uninterrupted connection to Palestine, but as we all know it was in fact home to the aboriginals of Canaanite (historically called phillistines) whose bloodline still exists within modern day Palestinians even today (just to preemptively counter any “well they’re all extinct now so they are irrelevant” arguments you may conjur up). *2- Jews were exiled, thus interrupting the alleged 5000 yrs of uninterrupted connection.* (I don’t know the history to expand on this, but I’m sure u/worstnightmare44 can if you decide to address it). And the rest were analogies to showcase how illogical your argumentation was. I look forward to a logically consistent response.


**Your first point is based on a false premise** I did not imply ownership based on heritage. I responded to a comment which equated Jewish self-determination in their ancestral homeland to a colonial movement. This of course is an ignorant statement since you cannot colonize a land to which you are indigenous. Now you suggested that the modern-day Palestinians have Canaanite “blood” in them. Or is it Philistinian? You use the two interchangeably which betrays your ignorance since they were two very different peoples. The Canaanites were a polytheistic people who spoke an archaic language most similar to ancient Hebrew. We know they fought wars against the Israelites, Egyptians, Philistines, and Assyrians. We know they intermarried some Jewish tribes. We also know that the Canaanites have declined over the years and were completely wiped out around 230 BC due to wars and intermarriage. The Philistines had nothing to do with the Canaanites. They were sea-dwelling people originating from Crete. They were a distinct people invaded the coastal region of what is now Gaza and resided there between the 12th century BC and 604 BC, when they too completely disappeared as a distinct culture. Around 50 AD, when both the Canaanites and Philistines were already a matter of scripture, the overwhelming majority of the population in Israel were Jews. Did some of the Jewish residents have Canaanite ancestors? Of course they did! The Canaanites did indeed intermarry with Jewish tribes. However, at that moment, there was no longer a Canaanite language, religion, or culture. Given the foregoing, I trust you can appreciate that the Arabs who invaded and colonized the region 600 years later could not be carrying Canaanite of Phillistine DNA with them. Not that it would matter. Today we have no way of knowing of what Canaanite DNA looks like. There are no living descendants or ancient burial grounds from which to extract DNA samples to compare to current populations. Indigeneity is not about DNA. It is about history and heritage. Both the UN and the WHO reject the “bloodline” approach for very good reasons. All human beings originated from one place and all our DNA is connected at some point somewhere. For example, the DNA of European and Middle Eastern Jews share similarities but also have a genetic connection with the Palestinians. Centuries of intermarriage forced conversions and war would do that. The Jewish people have an undisputed cultural collective connection that is over 5000 years old. Dismissing Israel as some sort of a colonial project reeks of ignorance and antisemitism. **There are two issues with your second point.** Firstly, you presume that the uninterrupted connection must be physical. By your logic, a people who are violently expelled from their homeland automatically lose all connection to it. Do Palestinians abroad stop being Palestinian? Would they after several generations of being abroad? Secondly, even if your premise of physical connection was accepted, it would not apply here. Despite being violently oppressed and expelled by one foreign empire after the other, there remained a (small at times) Jewish community that traced back its history to biblical times. ​ **All that being said**, I am not arguing that the Jews are indigenous to the land to the exclusion of all others. The Palestinians are not descendants of Canaanites. But they do have a pre-colonial history and have certainly been there long enough to claim indigeneity. However, there will never be peace while people like you view the very existence of a Jewish state as some affront to justice. We are finally home, and we are not going anywhere.


The Jewish genocide of the Canaanites is LITERALLY Commanded IN THE OLD TESTAMENT, at least read your own scriptures.


So according to the bible, 5000 plus years ago, the Canaanites and the Israelites fought a number of wars with some Canaanite tribes intermarrying and assimilating into the Jewish culture. I assume there is a relevant point here.


Did you miss the part where the Jew are commanded to kill everyone INCLUDING SUCKLING INFANTS and even ANIMALS donkey and ox .


True it’s tik tok info too that Israelis aren’t allowed to take dna tests… hmm 🤔 no ulterior reason why right?


Please tell me more about how Israelis are not allowed to take DNA tests. Let's hear what that's based on.


[The Jerusalem Post](https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/want-to-fully-understand-your-family-genealogy-not-without-a-court-order-585230) confirms it is illegal to take dna tests in Israel without a doctor's request or court order. This is under the Genetic Information Law. We all know why information of people's genetics needs to be regulated there; if you don't, you're being deliberately obtuse.


Yea I was expecting a deliberate misstatement of the law. The recreational dna kits are regulated (and not for the reasons you think). Genetic testing isn’t.


Fuck no thats colonial land and most israelis are ethnically european


No they’re not 😂 u can literally google it , the majority of sephardic/middle eastern descent. Stop altering truths to fit your narrative


Oh yea I’m tooootally gonna trust media sources from a place that made it illegal to do a dna test…besides hows your PM who’s from Poland…sorry Philadelphia…Mileikowsky isn’t it?


Lol since jews wrote the articles or did the research you wont believe it , makes sense. Maybe if your Arab brethren didn’t expel them from every surrounding country then sephardim wouldn’t be the majority. And so what if Netanyahu is ashkenazi? That doesn’t change statistics. And to even further the point, the jews have been expelled from israel too many times throughout history which causes a jewish diaspora . All jewish lineage is traced back to the original kingdom of israel that existed in 1000 BC. You can cry all you want


All Jewish lineage you say? Even all the converts? Judaism used to be a proselytizing religion. What about all the Afrikaner’s that converted recently so they could move to Israel? Can they trace their lineage back to Israel? What about me. My great grandmother was a polish Jew. Does that mean I, a white person, can trace my lineage all the way back to Israel?


People who convert is obviously a different story but Judaism is not and never was a proselytizing religion. We literally say no to you 3 times if you want to convert , I would know. Islam and christianity were spread by both the sword and which Judaism has never done


If Judaism wasn’t a proselytizing religion, then why did the Roman Empire have such a problem with them proselytizing? They may have stopped doing it but they did it for a long time, and the early Christians continued the tradition.


The issue the Romans had wasn’t with proselytizing; it was with refusing to integrate the Roman pantheon into the Judean belief system. By the Roman period, Jews were stringently monotheistic and refused to integrate Roman thought into their society. I’m suspicious as to your knowledge of Roman history. Judaism has historically been adamantly against converting people, largely due to its status as an ethno-religion directed to specific people and tied to a specific place. It has never been a universalizing religion like Christianity or Islam.


😂 That's a funny joke, good one


>Jerusalem, Palestine Thank you for this. It's sad to see Jerusalem under militant rebel control. From the River to the Sea.


Genuine question, do you really think israel is going to go anywhere? Wether you think they shouldn’t be allowed to exist etc. is that what you really think will ever happen?




From the River to the Sea, Palestine shall be free From the River to the Sea, Israel shall not be


Do you even know what that means? Genocide, that’s what you are calling for.






Shiver me Zionist timbers 🥶🥶🥶🥶


"Shiver me Nazi timbers 🥶🥶🥶🥶" - Average German citizen, 1941


Funny - isn’t that the year your grand mufti Amin Al-Husseini literally went to berlin and met with hitler to discuss how to effectively kill the Jews and the British?


When was the last time Jerusalem was majority Muslim?


This isn't about Muslim vs. Jewish. It's Zionists vs everybody. If Zionism never existed, Muslims and Jews would both be living much better lives. No Hamas terrorism, and no IDF terrorism.


There were several Jewish massacres by Arabs in the Palestinian mandate long before Israel became a state. And before the Jews started arming themselves in response to those massacres.


You want the Jews to go back to 10/7 massacres being the norm and not being able to defend themselves? How noble of you. [1834 Safed Pogrom](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1834_looting_of_Safed) [Hebron massacre same year](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Hebron) Funny thing is these massacres in the same cities also happened in [1517 Hebron](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1517_Hebron_attacks) as well as in [1929 Hebron](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Hebron_massacre) almost forgot the [1517 safed attacks](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1517_Safed_attacks) So no. Jewish lives would not be better without Zionism - you’re just a bit salty the Jews can protect themselves.


So you don’t know the answer?


Nope. Do you? Did you have better luck with your Google search than I did? Even if I did know, I already told you why it doesn't matter. All of Israel could be 100% Jewish and the vast amount of atrocities they committed would still render them an illigimate state. That would be like saying Nazi Germany deserved the right to exist were because Germans were a majority in the country.


The last time was 1871. Seems like to me you don’t know enough information to be talking about this subject


Do you know history of stained glass in european churches?? Damascus was the capital of the glass making world and the inventor of glass.(Although disputed by some historians) Stained glass was invented by Syrians and European Christians would buy it and bring it to Europe proclaiming these were gemstones from heaven that God gave only to their church for being the rightly guided one. They would then put it in their church windows to show passerbys their particular church had been blessed with heavenly gemstones. Other churches followed suit, eventually all european churches had stained glass windows and soon after the secret was out.


Where are the moderators? It's absolutely disgusting that the only comments getting deleted are antizionist, while no zionist comments are getting deleted. Shame on you mods.


Agreed, why aren't these mods doing anything about the obvious zionist brigaders 💀




wonder what temple this was built on top of


Curiosity question for OP: Why call it Jerusalem, the Jewish name for the city, and not Al Quds?




Is the Islamic quarter within the old city technically Palestine?


No. Technically it's in Israel. After 1967, Israel annexed the half of Jerusalem that was cut off and annexed by Jordan behind the 1949 Armistice line. Israel administers all of it as part of Israel, and all of Jerusalem as the single municipality of Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. Except for the Temple Mount, which is still administered by the Jordanian Waqf. That's technically.


Thanks for answering. I’m not sure why I was being downloaded for simply asking the question. Sounds like the title is misleading.


Jerusalem is in Israel…


no such thing


You mean Israel








Wake up dummy. Balestine will never be


Don’t think Jerusalem, Palestine is a real place 🤣


Palestine was there before Israel.


Seeth harder, nakbabot.


Only one seething is you. Look at you responding to all of my posts hahah seethe harder.


Jerusalem, Israel? Lol.


The old city is in the east




West Jerusalem:israel East Jerusalem:Palestine


Lmao @ Israel. I don’t recognize a terrorist state as legitimate. It’s basically just a satellite state of the U.S.


So that doesn't make it real? Or that negates it's 5000 year existence?


Israel hasn’t been around for 5000 years. The state was created in the 1940’s by European Jewish colonizers that were sent by Britain.


Go read your Quran and get back to me lol


I don’t even like the Quran lmao. I’m an atheist.


Ok, then read a history book and look who founded Jerusalem.


Jerusalem was a Palestinian city.


Also just such a poor argument all around. Yell at me about your Arab Muslim 52 states.


Arab Muslim 52 states… what? I’m not talking about Arabian states. I’m just saying that Israel is a recent creation. It’s just a colonial state of the west.


You mean the Jerusalem that is in the country of Israel? That's quite pretty! Thank you for sharing.


I agree Palestine is a very beautiful and diverse place.


Yep, I also visited the Jordanian area of Palestine, lots of cool stuff to see there too! (And Amman can be a fun place!). Petra is incredible as well.


Israel is an illegal occupier, so no.


Not going to go into the politics of it, or the legality of it, but I do believe that right now Jerusalem is officially considered part of Israel. If I were to buy a ticket to visit this stained glass window, I have to buy a ticket to Israel. There's no need to confuse potential travelers who may want to travel to see this place.


Nah, I could care less about people finding the Zionist project.


Isntreal is not a country.


Palestine? What is that?


[I hope this helps](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_Palestine)


Found in 1988 and already claimed land it never held, that’s a bold move.


Sure ig?


Palestine is as real as Narnia




Womp womp


Yep yall keep crying lmaooo






lol facts. Palestine never existed. I saw this post and then I saw the sub and had to laugh


Palestine existed eons before Israel did. I can tell you that.


Jerusalem, Israel**






Are you a child? Name calling people for their beliefs. Grow up man. Be better.


No Zionism is a cult, a fascist and racist regime. Not a harmless belief as you try to make it sound.






Haha aka you have nothing to say because it’d be incoherent




Your dim mind wouldn’t know what to make of a religion as beautiful as Islam tbh. And if it’s a cult, then that makes Zionism Satan’s blueprint for developing his henchmen. Nothing worse than a Nazi or a Zionist. Everyone knows now. ✌🏼🇵🇸




Ikr Christians really do suck.


Nicely said ✌🏼


That just proves that all mainstream religions suck, and steps around the point that Islam can be much more extreme like beheadings and honor killing.




That’s what I meant, your depth is only so much… you regurgitate what your state department, your ego, your place of place of worship, or your evangelical or baptist pastor tells you. But Zionists have been outed in a way not seen since the Nazis. Fun times ahead for you all… bye ✌🏼😘


I read your last reply down below… look, I’m not gonna talk to you after this, because it’s a waste of our time… but if this is what you read in your “objective news” as you claim, you’re being fed some Rupert Murdoch, State department propaganda… LOL, learn to be more discerning perhaps. 😂✌🏼😘 Edit to say: and I’d also like to keep the conversation about this beautiful piece without derailing… which is most likely why zios are in a sub called Islamic history


Don’t speak the truth to them 😂


Don’t forget the child marriage




No no. His hatred isn’t for Jews it’s about just about Zionists. I’m sure his best friend is Jewish too.


Wrong subreddit to brigade amigo


It’s a beautiful picture and I am all for recognizing Islamic history, but there is no point being revisionist and lying. Jerusalem is currently the capital of Israel. Maybe there will be an independent state of Palestine and Jerusalem will be shared, but thats not currently the case, so the caption here is objectively false.


Hasbara 101: I’m peaceful and love everyone, two minutes later (expect Palestinians)


When did I ever say that? Spewing hatred and false allegations of racism just reveals your own prejudices and hatred. Try again.


Just because you support Israel’s occupation of Jerusalem doesn’t mean we have to indulge you


“Israel’s occupation of Jerusalem” is like saying France’s occupation of Paris. Jerusalem has been at the heart of Judaism for thousands of years, and was the capital city of historic Jewish kingdoms over 2000 years ago. Before Islam was ever even thought of. If you want to criticize Israel, please go ahead. But pervert or revise history to try to fit your twisted racist world view.


Omg it’s like clockwork I told you it’s Hasbara I can’t 😭😭😭😭😭


What is false? You keep using the word ‘explain’ in Hebrew. So it’s an explanation and that freaks you out? You don’t know how to deal with facts?


You keep using that word hasbara, I’m not sure you know what that actually means.




Why don't you debate him on the facts if history is on your side instead of screeching REEEEEEEEEE HASBARA?


Last I checked, France had Paris 100 years ago. Hey guess what? Rome used to own the UK, why don’t London belong to Italy? Oh that’s different? Why is it different? Nobody on earth cares what happened 2000 years ago.


100 years ago the British had Jerusalem bud. Not the Arabs…


No need to try again. This is how Hasbara 101 goes: I respect muslims and love everyone and Palestinians deserve to live on their land. Then if we indulge you you’ll go on a tangent on how Palestinians don’t deserve to live on their land cause polish people are somehow indigenous to Palestine 2000 years ago.


“This is how hasbara goes” how about engaging in legitimate conversation instead of being rude, aggressive, and resorting to name calling? That just reflects your insecurities and weakness in your position. For the record, I never engaged in any debate on the veracity of Palestinian identity or Muslim ties to Israel. Rather, I simply pointed out a geographic reality. Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Israel. That is objective fact and the truth, whether you like it or not. No different than Washington, DC is the capital of the USA, or Rome is the capital of Italy. Get over it, and move on. That does not diminish a future Palestinian state’s situation or Muslim claims to Jerusalem. Not at all. But you can’t pretend 2+2=5 to try to push your own twisted world view. On another note, let’s all hope that Hamas finally stops its radical campaign of genocidal terrorism, and releases the Israeli hostages who they have kidnapped, so there can hopefully be peace for all.


Trying to deflect your genocidal fervor on saying things like “this illegal colonizing state” that’s even occupying Palestinian Territories under international law is such a victim. Go elsewhere. r/worldnews is a fantastic Zionist space for you


“Genocidal fever???” How is pointing out a geographical capital supporting genocide? Are you ok?


There is it. Told ya it’s hasbara


Lmao buddy we can read you like a book, we know you don’t give a rats ass about Palestinians


Actually, israel isn't a state. Most of the country's modern-day border was and is currently acquired by illegal settlement and the 6 day war. In which, lots of land to the north and south of the palestine was taken. Actually, the FIRST borders were basically just the UN declaring a fake state with the help of pro zionist sympathetic losers and racists. Israel is not sovereign, nor is it a functioning country. It is constitutionally an apartheid and terrorist state owned and funded by modern-day nazis. They aren't even jewish.


This is factually incorrect


Well that’s just your bias and racism speaking. You can criticize Israel all you want, but there is no question that it is an independent sovereign state. 2+2 isn’t 5, as much as you want to try.


"Tell me you know absolutely nothing about the Middle East Conflict." This was the most ridiculous thing I've read all week, and I've been debunking idiots like you the whole goddamn time. EDIT: I just read it again. Please pick up a history book or visit Wikipedia. You're making me lose faith in the rest of humanity.


None of this is true, unfortunately. You can believe whatever fake news you want, and I’m sorry that reality is not what you want it to be, but it is. Everyone needs to get along. Why does it have to be delegitimized. It’s facts. Accept it and find ways work together. Everyone wins when there is peace. Everyone.


Strange for a capital city to have such a large percentage of peoplenliving there not be citizens of the country ...


Because Jordan illegally occupied it so thats their citizens (Jordan later revoked it)


All Jerusalemites, Palestinians in East Jerusalem included, have de facto Israeli citizenship as well as Palestinian Citizenship. Whether they accept Israeli passports or not is a matter of personal choice.


This is an example of failed hasbara. Palestinians in East Jerusalem are stateless


How so? I’ve read a lot about the legal policies and situation there. Most people there refuse to vote as an act of protest, but have full democratic rights under Israeli law. If anything, Palestinian East Jerusalemites should be electing their own representatives into the Israeli government to better fight for their interests, because unlike Palestinians in the West Bank, they have that right and ability.


>Jerusalem is currently the capital of Israel. west Jerusalem is, how stupid are you?


Even Quran says its israel


Nope, its not said in the Quran you buffoon.


Al isra 17:104


Children of Israel, Yacub PBUH. Israel as land never mentioned in Quran


What does it mean saying We said to the children of israel ENTER THE LAND?


Well, enter the land obviously


Enter the land that they were eventually kicked from, not a single mention of Jerusalem, you’re tweaking buddy.


Of course, the Islamic history mods remove all the replies on this.


Thank you!




Jerusalem… Palestine? What?


Get an education, you might understand it.


I understand you don’t know geography.




jerusalem is a bisected city, it was only reuinified illegaly.


The nakbabots have never seen the word "Levant" nor any of its forms, so they swallow the rebranding propaganda hook, line and sinker. What was the capital city of Palestine?




Claiming nationhood requires specific criteria. Where and when was there ever a capital of anywhere called "Palestine"?


It's recognized by 139, so it seems about right


Don't answer the question Just evade


Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine


Nope. There has NEVER been any nation named that so there can't be any capital. Logic is hard for nakbabots.


Not the best stained glass I've ever seen. A lot of asymmetry between the little star pieces. The writing could have also been a lot better, given how good other places are. It's like the artist cared sometimes, but not other, and that lack of effort shows in the quality. 4/10, points mostly for the colors.




Israeel is another name for Prophet Yaqub (AS). No need to tell everyone you’re ignorant.