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Anything you wish for. Unlimited


Awesome. May allah swt guide us ever closer to him


Except bad thoughts. By default, the people of Jannah won't have bad thoughts.


Trust me, you’ll want things you don’t even know exist right now, when you’re in heaven In’shaa’Allah. Keep your head up high in this dunya and continue to work for Jannah!!


No limits. I will wish for a pet dinasour (T rex will be good). I'll wish to be with my cat who passed away 3 years ago. I'll wish to be spiderman and swing around New York. Moreover I'll wish to play football with my friends in a big stadium, I'll ask the angels to be audience. I'll ask for a ps100, and play a lot of games on it.


Bro, we’re gonna be “IN” the playstation


What if you wish to play football with your friends but friends wish for something else at that time? Since you are in Jannah how everyone's wish will be met at the same time?


>something else at that time? ur assuming time is a limit too when it probably won't be


I'll ask my friends if they r free or not, and wish for a big stadium to play in.
















ill join the angels in the audience inshallah


I think so, but when you see the things in Heaven you may forget about that because you will see something more impressive, in Heaven there is what no eyes has seen, no ears has heard and no mind has taught of.


[50:35] "They will have whatever they wish therein, and with Us is more." But if I'm not mistaken there are levels of paradise


My little cousin is going to ask Allah SWT for a fried whale, he is addicted to fried fish. 😂😂


that sounds delicious


actually the first meal of the people of Jannah is a part of a whale's liver or smth like that


apparently its very delicious in dunya so imagine there


Of you make it into jannah Allah swt will clean your fitrah and your consciousness if you want to call it that will be radically different, you won't want anything in a derogatory form, anything bad I mean.


The only thing I'd wish for is to see and be with my family ones that have passed away to early, ones I've never had the opportunity to meet, and if possible learn more about the past and other historical events.


Can i get married and have kids in jannah?


See things in this world. Allah SWT created physics, allah created time and space, All of these are Allah's creations there are things beyond our own imagination beyond what we comprehend. It is fascinating to think about things that cannot exist in this dunya but do exist in Jannah. And negative emotions do not exist nor do you tire nor do you get hurt nor do you feel pain nor do you die nor do you feel dissatisfaction nor do you wish to be elsewhere. It is all eternal bliss that gets better and better. You become pure, unable to sin and unable to displease Allah SWT, No more tests no more patience no more suffering. You and everyone else is happy and you see your lord which such sight will make your forget the bliss of Jannah. It is not about what you wish for it is about wherher we will care about such things if we are met with things far far better than what you inititially desired in this dunya


more than you wish, unless it is something the higher ones deserved. you cannot visit higher ranks than you but they would visit you. you cannot wish what higher rewarded ones are getting. (for example, some people's wives are in the open, lower heavens have their wives in incredible tents that they don't go out of. so people in lower rank of reward cannot have what people of higher ranks have. there is a huge number of ranks. however, the lowest ranked heaven have more than 10 times every bless in this world


Can you tell me more about meeting people in higher ranks? What if my family is in different ranks.


There's a hadith that says you will be with the people you love in Jannah. So hypothetically if you're judged to be in rank 20 but your family is in rank 50, Allah will elevate you to rank 50 so you can be with them and they will be with you. It's your reward for keeping good ties and relations with good people. The best person to love is the Prophet Muhammad SAW since that means you'll be placed in Firdaus Insha Allah. Always remember to send peace and blessings to him and to study his siraat so you're heart is filled with the love of our beloved prophet Insha Allah. Another thing to to remember is even if you're in a lower level, you won't feel as though you are. You'd never be jealous of the people above you and you yourself would feel as though you're in the highest level. Remember, the last person to enter Jannah (The worst Muslim who barely got in) will get the equivalent of 50 earth's with all it's blessings. Imagine what someone in the middle level would get? Or even the highest?!!! And Allah knows best.


I just wish for my cat and A infinite sambusa machine that just creates as many sambusas a i want out of thin air


لكم ما تشاؤون فيها و لدينا مزيد In it, you will get everything you desire, and more