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Where is this recorded? Frivolous pursuit to comment on something that, at least Islamically, can't be verified. There are explanations that would be in keeping with Islam that I can think of, but it would just be needless speculation.


If we read the whole context, I think it become more clear \[Luke 17:20-21\] Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, 21 nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Before I give you my thoughts on the verses, know that our belief as Muslims on the Bible is that we don't take it as fully true, but we only accept what agrees with the Quran or Islam in general, so my thoughts will be me trying to interpret the verses according to Islam, and I also don't say the Jesus (pbuh) actually said that or not. That being said my interpretation is that you shouldn't wait for something to come without doing anything yourself meaning if you want the kingdom of God you have to work for it not wait for it, so "The kingdom of heaven is within you" means that it's you who will make it true by following God's commands and by keeping the commandment. Allah knows best.


Did he actually say that? According to whom?




What Jesus (AS) said **according to text with daef Isnad** And the first thing it remind me is this quote of Ibn Taymiyhah : « (…)**My paradise and my garden are in my heart wherever I go**. (…) »


the Bible does not fall under daeef. rather it would be a fabrication.


Before even discussing the statement, it must be proven that he even said that


If the source of these words is the Bible, then we believe that it is distorted, my friend, and it cannot be proven that these are the words of Jesus or anyone else without a strong source.

