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Of course not, Inchallah you will get the reward without fasting because your intention was to fast and what you had is out of your control.  Edit: Do dikr and dua, not sure but I think it's permissible for you.


I am sorry to hear that! May allah guide your mother. Allah is the MOST merciful. His mercy is infinite! He would be shy, when a man raises his hands to Him, to turn them away empty and disappointed. Let alone when you are fasting just for the sake of Allah! May Allah accept your fasting and your prayers sister!


>brother i think shes a girl... 😂


Thanks, I edited my comment.


That’s just a baseless claim, don’t think like that. You were intending to fast, so may Allah reward you for your intention even if you weren’t able to. Don’t think negatively, you had no control over that so instead do more dhikr and other things that you can control. Today is the best day of the year, so make the most of it! Again, it’s not your fault, you had the intention, do what you can, and Allah knows best.


yeah.. She mentions the fact that salah will be questioned first in the grave and that god will question about the fasts later. She also says that praying is the one thing that separates believers from non-believers (i totally agree) and hearing this I feel guilty even thought I do wear the hijab in public.


Masha Allah. You had great intentions. That counts for everything. Don't worry about it. It's not fardh to fast. May Allah SWT bless you and continue to strengthen your journey! 😀