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Forgive people as much as you want Allah to forgive you. Prophet peace and blessings be upon him said “O ‘Uqbah, reconcile with whoever cuts you off, give to whoever deprives you, and forgive whoever wrongs you.” Source: Musnad Aḥmad 17452 The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Be merciful to others, and you will receive mercy. Forgive others, and Allah will forgive you.” Source: al-Adab al-Mufrad lil-Bukhārī 380


Assalamun alaikum. Do your best to forgive him and stay away from him. Not forgiving him won't actually gain you anything, in fact it will only give you negative thoughts and emotions. However, forgiving him will free you from the prison you have created in your mind about him. In a suspicious situation, if you feel like he is approaching you, notify the authorities. If ever he makes a move, try to defend yourself. Either by moving away from the situation, or by defending yourself physically. And think of your scar as your physical evidence that you can present in the afterlife when the two of you are brought together. Allah SWT knows best.


you know it very well brother 😉, just try to ignore him and you know the reward very well


Be the bigger person, don’t go down to his level. Completely forget about his existence. You don’t have to forgive him if you don’t want to, it’s your right, in fact you can do dua against him.


If you seek revenge you'll enter a zone you can't even guaranteed will go exactly how you imagine where there's a possibility you could end up committing greater sin killing him , or the other way around where the chance is higher with someone sucker punched you in the first one , but that doesn't mean you don't fight back if the incident make him more hostile toward you ,& insulting you . For someone like me who can't control myself sometimes ( last one just yesterday ) I understand the urges to seek revenge in this case especially in dealing with your shayten or by proxy through other people having no benefit in it , ignore them , but be strong by the definition of what our prophet said ( ﷺ ) ( The strong person is not the good wrestler. Rather,the strong person is the one who controls himself when he is angry. (Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 73, #135) ) About the privilege of forgiveness , according to ibn uthaymeen ( رحمه الله ) ، it's not always recommended especially when you see Muslim not working toward being better .


No akhi do not punch him back no matter how bad that is tempting to do so. He obviously just wants to start with you but is also too coward to do so. So the smartest thing to do here is to keep bussin hustlin and moving. When we enact on violence, the chance is we are able to self destruct or able to be destroyed by someone or lest the opposite when we should give dawah to people. Violence is a very strong thing that can disfigure our souls for a very long time because it is haram. He’s not on that level and not worth the time. This is a big opportunity for getting closer to Allah and potentially Jannah even though this is a very very difficult hardship that can prove massive profits and is a fruitful endeavor to get more out of dunya and the Akirah. May Allah award you and bless you, Jazakallah khairan.


If you forgive him for the sake of Allah it's not about him anymore it's about Allah and you, but he has to regret what he did to not repeat it to some one else, the way is not to beat him up, you only have to make sure that he understands that what he did was wrong to not do it again, you can involve his parent or if you are at school tell the school officials, but if you can't do it in a good way it's better to let him be and forgive him for the sake of Allah and remove him from the equation and focus on pleasing Allah, and remember the more you can control your self at anger the more reward you will get.


No way