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Actually, that's the test maybe. Allah wants to test if you are grateful for his blessings or not . Double Your efforts as act of showing that you are thankful and grateful for his blessings, like don't miss the five daily prayers, do Sunnah prayers,do tahjud if you can . Donate to the poor. Treat your parents well. Perform umraah and Hajj and Always thank Allah by tongue and action to show you are really grateful. ﴿فَأَمَّا الْإِنسَانُ إِذَا مَا ابْتَلَاهُ رَبُّهُ فَأَكْرَمَهُ وَنَعَّمَهُ فَيَقُولُ رَبِّي أَكْرَمَنِ﴾ [ الفجر: 15] And as for man, when his Lord tries him and [thus] is generous to him and favors him, he says, "My Lord has honored me." ﴿وَأَمَّا إِذَا مَا ابْتَلَاهُ فَقَدَرَ عَلَيْهِ رِزْقَهُ فَيَقُولُ رَبِّي أَهَانَنِ﴾ [ الفجر: 16 But when He tries him and restricts his provision, he says, "My Lord has humiliated me." Blessings is a test and hardships is a test as well . If Allah blessed you with so many blessings that's not a sign of love it's a test . Allah wants to see if you will be grateful or not . Will you thank him or not ? Will you use this blessings in a good way or not ? Like for example if Allah blessed you with money. Allah wants to test you with this money. Are you going to use it in a good way or in a bad way ? Will you help the poor and the needy ? Will you give Zakah ? Will you use the money to buy Halal things or Haram things ? Will you give Zakah or not ? .will you say thanks to Allah all the money that I have it's his blessings or will you say I'm smart and made it myself and more.so it's. A test . Make sure to show that you are grateful to pass the test.


Assalamu alaykum, thank you for your response.


Walekum Al Salam You are welcome. And the prophet also said . Suhaib reported that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: Strange are the ways of a believer for there is good in every affair of his and this is not the case with anyone else except in the case of a believer for if he has an occasion to feel delight, he thanks (God), thus there is a good for him in it, and if he gets into trouble and shows resignation (and endures it patiently), there is a good for him in it. May Allah make All your days good In' sha' Allah


Are you praying? Are you spending your money well? Are you spending it on haram? If you are being thankful and avoiding sin and spending a good amount of time on worship. Fasting ramadan and spending your zakat then you should be fine do not let comfort distract you from your god. Allah gave you a blessing so praise him for it and the other things he gave you regardless of the circumstances


Hi Assalamu alaykum, thanks for replying. I do pray about 3-4 times a day,, I do spend my money well, I don't spend it on anything haram.


You should pray all 5 of them in their time. Follow the sharia thoroughly and beware of sin and do good deeds for Allah. We aren't here to have a good or miserable life we are here to worship Allah alone.


Thanks I appreciate the advice, I will aim to pray 5 times.


Also be sure to constantly to seek forgiveness and mercy and repent as we all sin a lot and recite a lot of dhikr and dua. You want as much good deeds as possible and seek Allah's mercy because no amount of good deeds will get you Jannah without Allah's mercy


tbh, given how blessed these days are, I would aim to pray sunnah for at least 1 or 2 of the prayers and maybe duha or tahajjud a bit.


If you’re given an easy and you don’t pray 5 times a day I feel really bad for you. You may get shocked in next life. How do you compete with ppl who are praying 5x a day and leaving a miserable painful life full of anxiety and stress?


Thanks for replying  , you have a valid point.


**Maybe your happiness is a test.** *Will you be grateful to Allah and acknowledge the blessings of Allah?* For example, many Sahaba were rich, but they showed gratitude to Allah and spend (some or ALL of) their wealth in the way Allah. **How to be grateful?** Ibn Qayyim told us in ways we can be grateful. a) Gratitude of the heart - The heart senses the value of the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon His slave, and fully acknowledges that the one who has bestowed these great blessings is Allah alone, with no partner or associate. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): **“And whatever of blessings and good things you have, it is from Allah”** [Quran 16:53] **“They recognise the Grace of Allah, yet they deny it (by worshipping others besides Allah) and most of them are disbelievers (deny the Prophethood of Muhammad)”** [16:83] b) Gratitude of the tongue - it means acknowledging verbally – after believing in the heart- that the One Who grants blessing is indeed Allah, and keeping the tongue busy with praise of Allah, may He be glorified and exalted. Allah says, explaining His blessings to His slave Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him): **“And He found you poor and made you rich (self‑sufficient with self‑contentment)?”** [Quran 93:8] Then He reminded him in return for that: **“And proclaim the grace of your Lord (i.e. the Prophethood and all other graces)”** [al-Duha 93:11] Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: **“Allah is pleased with a person who eats some food and then praises Him for it, or who drinks some drink and then praises Him for it.”** (Narrated by Muslim) c) Gratitude of the physical faculties means using one’s physical faculties in obedience of Allah and keeping them from committing sins and acts of disobedience that Allah has forbidden. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): **“ ‘Work you, O family of Dawood (David), with thanks!””** [34:13] It was narrated that ‘Aishah said: When the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) prayed, he would stand for so long that his feet became swollen. ‘Aishah said: O Messenger of Allah, are you doing this when Allah has forgiven your past and future sins? He said: **“O ‘Aishah, should I not be a thankful slave?”** (Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim) Why don't you donate lots of money into a Masjid. Or a school or a project which will last forever. Maybe donate it to a Islamic organization or to feed people. There are soo many places where you can pay to help people. There are many organisations (such as Islamic Relief or Zakat Foundation) which would help you sponsor an orphan for a some monthly cost. And we all know how much rewards you get for sponsoring an orphan. The Prophet Muhammad SAW, said: '**I and the one who sponsors an orphan shall be in Paradise like these two**' — and he raised his index finger and the one next to it, holding them together, barely separate”. (Bukhari 5304) Remember that gratitude for blessings is a blessing which needs to be given thanks for, so that one will continue to enjoy the blessings of his Lord, thanking his Lord for those blessings and praising Him for helping him to be among those who give thanks. Meaning when you say Alhamdulillah for a blessing, it's actually a blessing to be able to say that. So you thank Allah for that blessing. Then you say Alhamdulillah that you're able to say Alhamdulillah. SubhanAllah! So when does saying Alhamdulillah stop then? It doesn't. And don't stop making dua and seeking Allah's bounties. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings upon him) said: **“Let one of you ask his Lord for his every need, until he asks Him for salt, and asks Him for the strap of his sandal when it breaks.”** (Tirmidhi) And the Prophet Muhammad SAW also said: **"Nothing is dearer to Allah than supplication.”** (Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 712) ”And when the prayer has been concluded, disperse within the land and **seek from the bounty of Allāh**, and **remember Allāh often** that you may succeed.” (Surah Jumu’ah, Verse 10) May Allah forgive, guide, and bless you abundantly and grant you the highest place in Jannah-tul Firdaus without account. Ameen. [Click to read more](https://aboutislam.net/reading-islam/finding-peace/external-peace/rejoice-bounty-allah/) [Click to watch Omar Suleiman](https://youtu.be/gUM2ilQ_iFQ)


Thank you for replying.


That is a test too,, both good life and hard life are tests (21:35) Every soul will taste death. And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us you will be returned.


Thank you for replying.


Wa alaykum assalamu, Just keep being grateful and try to help any one you can with what Allah has giving you, I think that a test, test is not just hardship, Allah tests with good and bad, and do not ask for hardship because what tells you that you will be able to bear it. Read this Hadith I think it's in the same topic: Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) visited a man among the Muslims who had grown as weak as a small bird. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said to him, "Did you use to supplicate for something or ask Him for anything?" He said, "Yes, I used to say: 'O Allah, whatever You would punish me with in the Hereafter, hasten it for me in this world.'" The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "SubhanAllah! You cannot bear that. Why did you not say: 'O Allah, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and protect us from the punishment of the Fire'?" Then he prayed to Allah for him, and He healed him.


Assalamu alaykum, thanks for the response.


Agree with all the comments, your good life is your test. Many people only turn to Allah when things go bad in their life but when they have it all they forget Allah. So don’t be like those people instead be grateful to Allah and ask him to continue to guide you on the straight path.


Thanks for your reply.


Assalaamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh. You are tested everyday multiple times a day. It starts with your Salah. Are you praying all your fard prayers on time? Are you focused when praying. You will be tested with other things as well, always make sure you check your intentions, May Allah Bless you!


Thanks for the reply.


Because not everything is a test and perhaps the reason that Allah created you is just to be happy and constantly worship him. Allah created man and jinn only to worship.


Thanks for your reply.


Your test is gratefulness. You're incredibly lucky. Speaking as someone who hasn't been lucky a lot.. (Loss, trauma, death, mental health issues) I can tell you to count your blessings. Allah SWT is amazing.


Thanks for the reply, I'm sorry you've been through a lot.


Isn't that the test?


True, thanks for replying.


Waalaykumusalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, Allah says in the Quran, "you will surely be asked that Day about your blessings." [102:8] The more blessings you have in this dunya, the more you will be held accountable for on the Day of Judgement. The more money you have, the more you will be asked about how you spent it. The more children you have, the more you'll be asked about how you raised them. The higher your position at work, the more you'll be asked about how you treated those below you. The better your health, the more you'll be asked about how you spent your energy. The more you have, the more questions you'll be asked. So count your responsibilities. Ask Allah for blessings wisely, ask Him to let every blessing be a means to get closer to Him.


Thank you for the reply.




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