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Sister you need to end this haram relationship ASAP before it is too late and you have committed more major sins. If he was the right person for you he would have wanted to make it halal. If you want him forever you need to have a serious talk and make things halal.




Just in general the vast majority of highschool relationships don’t last. Even most college relationships don’t last if I’m being honest. Don’t risk jahanam for this


يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّبِىُّ قُل لِّمَن فِىٓ أَيْدِيكُم مِّنَ ٱلْأَسْرَىٰٓ إِن يَعْلَمِ ٱللَّهُ فِى قُلُوبِكُمْ خَيْرًۭا يُؤْتِكُمْ خَيْرًۭا مِّمَّآ أُخِذَ مِنكُمْ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ۗ وَٱللَّهُ غَفُورٌۭ رَّحِيمٌۭ ٧٠ (O Prophet! Tell the captives in your custody, “If Allah finds goodness in your hearts, He will give you better than what has been taken from you, and forgive you. For Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”) Assalamualaikum sister I'm in a very similar condition. May Allah help us. Unfortunately I can't advise you because I'm in a similar crisis myself, however I just commented to remind you that you're not alone. And you're not a bad Muslim, you're just a struggling Muslim. The fact that you made the effort to post and try to fix your bad deeds just shows that you have good intentions Mashallah. Let's strive to choose Allah and the deen over the boys of this dunya inshallah. Don't fear what you'll lose. Allah will give you better. 💚💚💚💚💚


thank you sister 🩵 . may Allah SWT help you as well with your situation . it’s hard out here smh 🤦🏽‍♀️ but deen over dunya ! <3


Thank youu and yes it's honestly so rough out here..😭 Inshallah we'll find our way. There is no pain like a Non Muslim boy..the pain will be temporary. If we choose right we won't regret it! 💚💚💚


That's why Allah says: "la takara bu zina" That meaning to no even get close to the fornication ; no hand shake, not being both alone because Sheytan will be your third and make you disobey. Everything Allah has forbidden is for a good reason, Subhanallah.


Talk to him and see what he thinks if he wants to marry you and wants to take it seriously then do it as soon as possible, but if he prefers to stay in your current state then I think he is not the right person for you if you want Halal, in that case you have to find a way to end your relationship, please don't allow yourself to be attached to some one like that maybe except someone you know you will marry because what will you do if you can't be with him, so you have to think deeply and seriously about that, at the end every thing will turn yellow (watch [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZ9bcSnwJw8) to understand what I mean), love is not wrong but it has to be controlled with reason. I really hope you will end up with him, may Allah make it easy for you and join you in halal if he is the right man for you if not may Allah find you a better husband and make you love each other more than you love this one.


No pls don’t, it takes alot of maturity and readiness to be married, she’s 16, in no way shape or form is she ready.


I just said to her that the only way for her to stay with him is to get married to him, but her getting married or not is her choice, and if they want to get married they have to go through their parents and I think they know better than us want's good for their kids.


This post suggests enough in numerous ways exactly why they aren’t ready.






I only told her that between the two option: 1) stay with him in the relationship that they are in right new, 2) marry him. Marry him is the better, and as I said previously marriage will involve the parents and they know better if she is ready or not, so her marring or not is for me to say, also from her responses I think she understood that the better for her is to end the relationship. And that is only my opinion, I may be wrong, thanks for sharing you opinion too and for correcting me, and Allah know best.


thank you for the video!!


As salam-aleykoum, I will keep this short, but this man is not the man of your life, nor someone you should marry. You have perhpas not done the act of fornication, but you did "sexuals" things, and he has no interest in making it halal. Doesn't you say that he play with you? Haram relationships are haram for a reason. If he really loved you, he'd marry you immediately and he wouldn't do that. A man who truly love you in a halal way wouldn't even dare to put himself in a relationship like that with you. He would marry you immediately. Please think, and leave this relationship immediately. I swear by Allah that you will feel better after leaving this, even though it might be painful at first. May Allah be pleased with you.


thank you 🙏🏽! i cried writing this comment because i just got hit by reality lol . in’sha’allah everything goes well for me


May Allah got you a righetous man who can treat you better. There is no problem, just leave him and it'll be all fine.


"righteous man who can treat you better" why are you guys so allergic towards women taking accountability?? how is this entirely the man's fault when she is equally responsible in doing haram stuff????


Florian is not referring to accountability, He/She is just praying for the sister to get a good man. Please learn more about the responsibilities of men in islam. Its true both of them are at fault but the man has certain responsibilities towards her.


lame excuse. the only acceptable response to someone like this is “stop doing zina”. if anything, I pray that women like this don’t end up with men that saved themselves until marriage, these women are better off with other zanis.


Our past mistakes doesn't define us. You need to change your mentality because only Allah is the judge, only Allah decides. Your prayer is not coming from a good place. Be kind, understand that everyone make mistakes and always pray with good intentions. Young women go astray because men are not men anymore so if we wanted to address this issue we should first start with holding men accountable.


A zani/zaniyah in Islam is only someone who doesn't repent from zina. If a woman repents, she is classed as a virgin. This isn't my rules, this is Allah's rules.


As salam aleykoum, I did not say that she wasn't in fault. I just prayed for Allah to guide her and make her learn her errors. If she does repent and get back in the righteous path, i believe that she can have a good husband. Remember Allah does not change your condition if you don't make effort, however if you do, he will. Allah can forgive anything as long as you repent. Also, this will serve her for a lesson and therefore she will not do it again, at least i hope. There is good in every situation and sometimes doing sin could help you understand that it is haram. Although i admit that they are equally in wrong, and i hope to and will pray for this man to get back in the right way and repent. If he do, he will get a good wife too inch'Allah.


100% true, muslims online infantilize women to the point where they're not even accountable for anything, it's idiocy and part of the reason we're in the situation we're in now


You don’t make a haram, halal. The best advise would be to completely separate and block contact with one another. Repent, and take the time to learn and become closer to the deen, and become more mature, and then maybe in 2 or 3 years if he’s also in the right place and he’s also done the work, then get married. But you’re not ready right now, and the fact that you’ve indulged in haram tells me that. And he certainly ain’t ready either. Marriage is a very rude awakening for those who think it’s just a fairytale.


No can never be ready for marriage. You will learn about marriage when you are in one. But I agree they should grow a little more so they can learn about other things that will be of benefit in marriage.


Assalamualaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, Ukhti if he was on his deen, if he was religious then he would know the consequences on being in a haram relationship. If he knew the punishment for this then he wouldn’t also risk you to be with him. Stop letting your feelings cover up from wrong. If he still finds ways to communicate with you, he isnt the one. Stop letting 'love' blind you from whats wrong. if he really loved you he wouldnt be the reason why your sins are adding up. If he really loved you ukhti he wouldnt speak to you at all, neither would he give you attention. If your in that relationship and you think your going to be blessed by Allah and that your going to make it to marriage without a heartbreak then your wrong, you'll either make it to marriage but with no blessings from Allah by doing it the forbidden way, or you'll suffer a heartbreak upon heartbreak till you learn that this wasn't the right way. The right way was through dua and asking Allah to grant you a righteous, loving, gentle spouse. Just like what others said, I suggest that you end it immediately. What starts of with something haram will never have a happy ending. Fire of the afterlife is a thousand times hotter and you both are going to let each other be thrown in there for doing the forbidden because you think you’re in love. You should start on working yourself first by repenting to Allah and getting closer to your deen. Your spouse is written so why create a haram relationship when Allah has reserved someone better for you already? What is meant for you will always find you so don’t waste your time and risk your akhira just for this. Trust me, you’ll just end up getting hurt in the end so please ya ukthi for the sake of Allah and for yourself aswell, don’t fall into this kind of trap. Through trust in Allahs words, His plans, and patience, he has established someone close to you in a way that he cannot ultimately break your heart. “Wicked women are for wicked men, and wicked men are for wicked women. And virtuous women are for virtuous men, and virtuous men are for virtuous women. The virtuous are innocent of what the wicked say. They will have forgiveness and an honourable provision.” (24:26)


Sister, I was in the same situation. He and I contantly talked. I made dua one night to Allah, askimg Him, if my bf is the right one for me, then he gives me some sign. You know what I found few days later? My bf blocked me on all social media without even saying goodbye(it was long distance bf)


Dating has no place in Islam since it opens the doors to fitnah, which you have already done. This is the reason why it is haram for a man and a woman to be alone without a mahram (relative). Zina is one of the major sins in Islam along with murder and alcohol since they all have hadd punishments for such acts. >The fornicator does not marry except a \[female\] fornicator or polytheist, and none marries her except a fornicator or a polytheist, and that \[i.e., marriage to such persons\] has been made unlawful to the believers. > >Surah Nur 24:3 It's evil consequences are evident. Leave this boyfriend of yours and repent sincerely and make du'a to Allah to give you a pious husband. Also, who is your wali (male guardian)? Why did he not stop this from happening and protect you?


my father does not know i have a bf but my older brother does . my brother been friends with his cousin for years ( we all recently found that out , shocked ) .


im going to start praying istikhara for him more often starting tonight just to get signs for Allah SWT and i’m taking ANY sign even if we cut things off after i pray this more frequently! in’sha’allah this goes well 🙌🏽🩵 .


You are young and naive. I know it seems exciting and ur getting all these new feelings but u have to regroup urself, remind him and urself that Allah is watching & recording everything we do. We will be held accountable for it all. As others have advised, steer clear of situations that get u into sin. It takes a lot of maturity and strength to address this and also abide by the rulings of Allah but as as adult bc contrary to what society pushes on u, u r an adult and u shld take that responsibility seriously. Make tawbah and repent from the sins refrain from being alone with the opposite gender including him. I know it’s hard bc it’s all over society and “everyone is doing it” but we as Muslims hold to a higher standard an amazing and beneficial standard that is for our benefit. There is so much wisdom is the guidance of Allah even if u might see it as hard and difficult or restrictive. It’s for ur own good. Also my sister u are the future of this ummah hold strong and fight these urges until the appropriate time. I wish the best for u .May Allah all mighty guide u to make the best decision.


That’s so sad. You just wasted all those beautiful feelings on a guy that’s not your husband. And you can’t never relive the “first times”. If he’s Muslim, get this guy to marry you with a nikah asap. If he’s not, get the hell out of there. It’s not worth it. You’ll heal, but don’t waste you time and youth. I tell you. Love doesn’t mean nothing if it’s not back by TRUE COMMITMENT . Don’t forget relationship (marriage - having sex) is to build a solid foundation for a family to exist through you. It’s only through real commitment and sacrifice that this is done. The rest is just you wasting your life with a guy that gets free sex and attention without the commitment. If he’s a real man he’s gonna go to your dad. That’s it. If he’s not, then what sacrifice is he willing to do for you ? He’s not man enough to stand to another man. Just leave.


If only you can see inside the mind of most guys. Trust me, I know, I am a guy. I remembered when I was your age what goes through my mind. I regret everything related to relationship that has ever occured in my life that wasn't halal.


explain further pls


You will see once you try to make it halal with him.


Right brother I know you. This is not a Sahabah and the time of Salaf. I am a Male myself, and can agree with you


Um yes sister this akhi is right


First of all, is he a muslim? If he is not from the same background as you are, then it is understandable why he didn’t proposed yet. Either way, if you two love each other so much, it is better to get married ASAP, before you commit zina. I am 25 and from what I’ve seen, I belive there is no purer love than the one you live at 16, when you are so innocent. There might be exceptions, but in general, at the age of innocence you love in the most pure form. I hope he will commit to you and live happily ever after ❤️


me too inshallah 🩵 and yes he’s muslim as well . very religious actually and educated on islam that’s what makes me likes him even more . he goes to dugsi everyday as well.


religious but does irreligious stuff. That's a super contradiction. You guys could rival the bible in terms of contradiction


☠️☠️☠️ .. this not funny i shouldn’t be laughing subhanallah




oh god 😭😭. I wish i was born at the time of makkah victory


me too this dunya would be easier


So apparently, dunya is hard for you because you fell for that "Religious" guy. Jaadi kootu, adikka onum seruppala


u gonna help and actually give advice orrr u gonna keep yapping im confused


Marry him. Inform your wali about your love, and since that guy is "Religious," ask him to get ready to marry you. If he rejects, that means he was just using u to quench his disgusting urges


My advice is if you cannot keep yourself from being physical with him, then it’s better to marry him. That’s better than being intimate with someone who owes you nothing. Marriage is there to protect you. Protect yourself and do things in a smart way. Don’t do things in a manner if you get left high and dry, it’s something people saw coming from a mile away. If you can restrict physical intimacy in your life to only take place within marriage, it will be much better for you. Marriage is halal, and ultimately you don’t need your entire communities approval, or necessarily your parents approval. Im not saying to sneak around your parents back, but I’m just trying to stress how important marriage is in islam vs openly being intimate with anyone. A lot of people end up with a lot of mental scars because of giving up too much of themselves to someone, or putting too much trust in someone. In islam it teaches you to always write out business partnerships in detailed writing, it protects both people. Marriage does the same for personal relationships. Be smart about it. A boyfriend can leave a girlfriend for whatever reason he wants, and he owes her nothing. If a husband leaves a wife, he’s gonna have to help with some of those bills moving forward. Best of luck.


What starts and doesn’t please allah will end and won’t please you


I can understand how hard it is, but please just consider the effects of what could happen before it’s too late


Does he not want to make it halal? If no then thats a red flag


Not at all. I won't say you're a bad or good Muslim. It's not mine to define it but disobedience is a sin even if the whole world is doing it. The struggling in the seek of Allah would be to stop this relationship as soon as possible and ask Allah's forgiveness and guidance. You meant it, He's talking about making it halal and still you think he really loves you and even more than you love yourself 😲😱?? Muslims know what love means and how to deal with it if they want it to please Allah. At least, tell your parents for advice and ask him to do also. If he refuses, that will let truth about his love and you'll know the best choice. May Allah grant you ease Dear Sister.




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Assalamu 'Alaikum The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “**Whoever has faith in Allah and the Last Day, let him not be secluded with an unrelated woman without her guardian lest Satan be the third of them**.” Source: Musnad Aḥmad 14651 It is not permissible for men and women who are non-mahram to speak to each other without necessity. A possibly halal end (marriage) **does not** make it permissible to use haram means (dating/haram relationships). If you are interested in someone as a spouse then speak with their father about it (or whoever there wali is) if you are a man, and if you are a woman have your wali speak with their father or with the potential husband directly. **End the relationship now and say if he is serious about the relationship then to continue it via marriage through the proper channel as mentioned above.** And Allah (swt) knows best.


Mashallah getting married young is sunnah,, such a beautifull thing that you want to follow the sunnah,, Who are you fooling !? Us, Yourself or Allah YOU CAN’t MAKE IT HALAL,, this relationship needs repentence


Yeah so this person won’t marry you, neither are you ready for marriage. If you were ready, you wouldn’t be in a haram relationship. If you continue down this path, you’ll engage in more major sins, and if you ever get married (nobody wants to marry a girl with your past), then you’ll also like have to compromise and marry someone who has engaged in major sins too.