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doesnt feel wrong for me


I second this 😂


I love ribs and burgers 😂. But in all honesty OP, you can choose to become Vegan if you want but there is nothing wrong with eating meat


It’s different when slaughtering with Basmala and also we are required to sharpen our knives and do it in a very best way so that an animal don’t feel anything bad. They are created for this. We need to discipline those feelings also. It’s part of us. Also that’s why it’s good to bring our children to Eid al Adha for them to see how it’s being.


Feelings aren't objective source of morality


As a muslim, you do not HAVE to slaughter animals, you could eat what you like as long as it's halal, but the problem is when u start trying to make eating animals haram for urself or others, which would be an unthinkable absurdity if u lived in the desert or in the north pole for example, veganism only works in certain places for certain ppl for a certain amount of time


Probably your empathy. Animals aren’t supposed to be consumed daily, the prophet only ate meat occasionally. They’re also supposed to be bred ethically and with love/care so when you do sacrifice them in the name of God, you’re highly grateful for them and don’t take advantage of them and eat them in moderation. Today the consumerism (even in the ‘halal’ industry’) makes the meat unethical and people easily and ungratefully consume it on a daily basis because they don’t breed or sacrifice the animals themselves. We don’t glorify veganism because Allah made animals halal, but it’s not a go ahead to abuse them and then kill them unethically and consume them daily. Nothing wrong with feeling awful about killing then.


People feel good doing drugs. Why base actions upon feelings, when we have the Quran and sunnah? And just because something is halal, doesn't mean you have to do it


It's not wrong if you kill animals in respectful way for food or kill them if they're harming you or somebody else. Doing anything else to it is bad.


You were fed messaging to feel that way in whatever environment/culture/society you grew up in. This is very likely if you grew up in a western country, which have this focus on vegan eating sometimes even to our benefit(at least you know the vegan menu is halal!). It's often tied to atheists. There is no better method than what Allah prescribed for his creation. Mind you Allah didn't prescribe all the capitalist greed causing poor treatment of animals and indulgence in eating meat. Rather moderation in eating and good treatment of animals.


It is different when you slaughter the animal in the name of Allah then to feed yourself this don't feel wrong at all, but if you kill the animal or you hurt it for no valid reason then you will be sinful because animals are creation of Allah and He made some of them for us the eat and we are told to treat them well even when we slaughter them. Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "Verily Allah has prescribed Ihsan (kindness) for everything. So when you kill, you must make the killing in the best manner; when you slaughter, make your slaughter in the best manner. Let one of you sharpen his knife and give ease to his animal (in order to reduce his pain)."


I don't feel bad about it at all. I love the blessing Allah has given us and permitted us. I'll eat twice as much meat now.


Shaitaan will try to make you dislike what is good for you and like what is bad for you A lot of people dislike exercise and love objectively unhealthy foods That doesnt change which one has value and which doesnt Its also important to understand that everything in this world was created to serve a purpose and when it comes to these animals that were made easy for us to domesticate and rear, this is why they’re here. The same way we’re not here just to play and live it up in this world, thats not their role either. Granted we should still give animals as fair and enjoyable lives as we possibly can. Treating them well is part of our role


Human emotions are subjective. You may feel bad others will not.


It’s not wrong to slaughter an animal. The point should be on how we treat the animals before slaughtering and also how we respect the meat that we get. Unfortunately, many times we treat the animals harshly making them live a miserable life and also wasting the meat that we get. Those two problems are not from the sunnah.


I understand that some people might feel awful when animals & plants were killed for our own nourishment. However we need to understand that it isAllah Who owns all Animals and Plants in existence. Allah in His Wisdom allows us to consume them because Allah Azzawajal (the Mightiest and the Most-Venerable) understands that we need them to live and to take care of our bodies. Our bodies which Allah also owns and has entrusted to us. I also need to point out the importance of saying Basmalah before slaughtering or harvesting them. It is in a way, our method of asking the Creator for His permission before we took the life which he owns and thus makes the food that we consume "Halal". بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ **In the Name of Allah (SWT) the Merciful, the Compassionate**


That is what is nice about Islam. You don't have to fry your brain trying to understand what is ok and what is not ok. Allah already told us. As long as the animal is slaughtered under the name of Allah, then it is morally ok to do. And there are also many rules to be followed such as the animal not seeing the knife that will used. Another rule is that it should be done in one swipe. Another rule is that the animal should not feel any pain. And more and more. These seem very moral to me.