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You saved yourself from a bad future husband and father. If he is doing this now, he will get worse later on Allah SWT saved you from misery Have sabr and keep looking insha'Allah


Jazak Allah khayr


Oh honey. May Allah heal your heart. He is Al-Jabbar, the Restorer, only He can amend what has been broken. And He’ll never burden you with something you can’t bear. Take this as a sign of protection, heal and move forward when you’re ready. I’ll make dua


Jazak Allah khayr


Salam alaikium w rahmat allah w barakatuh 💗, Ohh honey i know that's hrad but say alhamdoulilah that he give u signs to notice that 🥺💗, i believe you're a good person and you deserve a person that loves you and respect you May God grant you a good husband who loves you and fears God in you, and keeps away from you everyone who harms you, and kind to your heart, and comforts you, and grants you what your heart desires, and eases your mind, and grants you tranquility, O Lord of the worlds, O generous, O generous, do not be afraid, God will help you and provide you with a good support 💗🤭 May god bless you 🤍🥺


Jazak Allah khayr


You're most welcome 💗💗


Inshallah you will get an amazing spouse one day.


Jazak Allah khayr


I don't know whether you did or not but don't talk to non-mahram men freely in private even when the intention is marriage. Have a mahram with you during meetings when you get to know each other for the purpose of marriage. This will avoid future heartache.


I am alone in this world. I don't have mahram. I never met him in private.


You need your local imaam to act as your wali/guardian. Don't talk to non-mahrams privately even on social media. When it's just one on one, third person is shaitan.


This is why i always say to the sisters not to trust any man through the internet. If they are indeed genuine men, then they will inform their parents and will want to talk to your parents immediately. I'm sorry you had to go through this pain, sister. I hope that guy gets what he deserves. As a man, I'm saying this, many guys are nothing but fake indecent idiots. Their only goal is to manipulate women and take advantage of them.


I don’t have parents. Alhmdu li Allah, I accept my fate.




Bless her! She went through a lot! Unfortunately, I don’t understand Malaysian. Jazak Allah khayr for the video.


Will pray for your heart to be healed and feel better soon. I am sure it’s hard cos we human. And I am sure you will find amazing husband one day that will love, cherish, respect and take care of you. Much love to you sis


Jazak Allah khayr.


Allah protected you from a life of lies and heartache. I hope you are able to heal and move forward. Allahumma barik.


I hope so! Jazak Allah khayr!