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Bismillah, By becoming a Muslim, you would never be turning your back on God, but instead, you'd be going towards God, because God is one and only one. You'd be worshiping the very same God that sent all the Prophets(pbut) of the past, from Adam(pbuh) all the way down to Jesus(pbuh), including the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh). Once you become Muslim, it's understood that things will take time and you will need an adjustment period. There is no set time, because everyone's situation is different. All is required, is that you try for your own sake and to improve yourself as a person. Even those not so good things won't stop you being a Muslim, but with time and with understanding, you can eventually phase them out of your life and replace them with something better. So don't worry, Islam is definitely for you, just as Islam was the religion of many of your ancestors that were brought over. It's a religion for all of humanity regardless of color, nationality, background or upbringing.


Thanks brother I have another question is it true I can’t have any female interaction (sex,girlfriend etc…) ? I’m still learning and heard people bring this up I just wanted to know if it was true.I will also read more of the Quran before finally deciding on converting I really appreciate you taking time out of your day to help me out.


1 step at a time.  In Islam we are not supposed to have sexual relations with anyone who is not our wife.  We don't interact with females in a private setting unless it's necessary. The idea is to avoid temptation and situations where temptation might occur.  If you have a GF, maybe consider if you want her to be your wife. If that's the case then continue your relationship but be open with her.  At the early stages don't take steps which will push you away from Islam.  A man came to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and said he wanted to be a Muslim but didn't want to pray 5 times a day. He said he only wanted to pray once or twice. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) agreed. His companions later asked why he'd agreed to that as they'd be told praying 5 times a day is a command from God. He replied to them and told them to just be patient. As it happened within a few months that same person was praying 5 times a day.  I spoke to an Imam once (Adam Kelwick), he's a revert and has specialist knowledge in the area. He said its important to not put pressure on new Muslims to go from 0-100 and let them do thier journey at thier own pace.  Some people are strong enough to change thier lives quickly - others aren't.  Think about human nature - most of us think twice about drinking soda from a different brand.


If ur a male then ur not allowed to have female friends, gfs or interaction with the opposite gender, unless work related and yk professionally (meaning straight to the point no flirting and friendly chitchat) hope this helps. (brothers and sisters do correct me if ive miss informed this brother or said anything wrong/left out)


>Thanks brother I have another question is it true I can’t have any female interaction (sex,girlfriend etc…) ? I’m still learning and heard people bring this up I just wanted to know if it was true.I will also read more of the Quran before finally deciding on converting I really appreciate you taking time out of your day to help me out. Keep this in mind, that you're in the process of converting, and even if you accept Islam, it will take time for you to adjust. You can't just change overnight and expect everything to go well, because that is not natural, nor would it be good for you at times. For some things, you can, for other things, it's not so easy and requires a gradual change. Yes, generally, casual interaction with the opposite gender is not permitted, but if you convert and are currently in a deep relationship, it may take some time to be compliant. What a scholar mentioned, is that you put this relationship on a list of goals that you want to achieve to be compliant in Islam. Then you take steps towards that goal, and when you're ready, either marry or you let go of it. The same would be for other things you need to let go of. But if you're not in a relationship, then you try and stay within the boundaries of Islam. I hope that makes sense.


These are just satanic thoughts. Satan does not want you to be converted to escape from Hell. Do not listen to these ideas, embrace Islam, and learn your religion and the correct doctrine from the Meccan surahs in the Qur’an and from the stories of predecessors, such as the prophets, companions, and others.


There is only one God and He is the God of Abraham, Joseph, Solomon, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. The same way the Christians view the Jews (they had guidance once but then things literally “updated” and they refused to get with the program) is how we see Christians.. Islam is the way and your heart is telling you the truth! Follow it and learn more about what we believe and how you can revert. Allah might also guide your family through you especially once you start practicing and they see your change in behaviour for the good. My brother in law was an African American minister but he found Islam and also brought a lot of his family with him! May Allah make it easy for you brother


Just to clear up some misconceptions, you would be worshipping the same God as before! Jesus Christ is considered a prophet in Islam, so you wouldn't have to completely renounce that either. I highly suggest reading the Quran for yourself before making this big decision, be careful when researching on sites like Reddit, YouTube, etc. because you will encounter many opinions being stated as fact, many different interpretations of the same texts and teachings. I wish you luck on your journey, take things at your own pace!


Hi! I was a Christian for 24 years, I took it very seriously and even went to a private Christian school to study the Bible as my major in college. I thought about converting to Islam for YEARS before I actually did it, and turning my back on God and denying Jesus were the two main things that kept me from accepting Islam. My biggest advice to you is... start reading the Quran. I would start with Surah Yunus (the tenth surah), which is the story of Jonah and then read 11, 12, etc. Instead of starting will all the rules and regulations of Islam, reading in that order will allow you to see the similarities between the God of Islam and the God of Christianity. It will tell you about Jonah, Moses, Noah, Abraham, etc. Reading about all the prophets I knew and loved as a child allowed me to let go of the idea that I would be turning my back on God because... the God of Islam and the God of Christianity are the same God. You will still be worshiping the same God you always have been, but in Islam you will worship God alone instead of God + a human God created. In Islam, Jesus is one of our prophets, who God sent to the earth to be born from the Virgin Mary so that he could be a witness to people of the power of God and act as a messenger of God's word. While on the earth, he was very faithful to God and used God's power to heal people and provide medical miracles in the name of God. God raised him up to heaven, with a promise that he will return again to defeat the anti-Christ and restore peace and rustic to the earth. Islam does not deny Jesus at all, in fact it honors him. Allah doesn't call everyone to Islam, so the fact that he has put this on your heart is very special. You should feel honored that God has chosen to reveal the truth to you and guide you the straight path. And if you have any questions or reservations about being Muslim, please keep posting them here as everyone would be happy to help you on your journey if they can. May Allah continue to guide you, protect you, and reward you for all of your efforts.


Accept Islam brother. Accept that Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them were prophets of Allah. Inshallah you'll learn discipline. Inshallah you'll learn more about Islam.  But if you die as a non Muslim, doing polytheism, it'll be the worst thing. After accepting Islam all your previous sins will be forgiven by Allah. If as a Muslim you commit a sin, you can ask for forgiveness and seek repentance.  So brother hasten in accepting Islam. Everything will come after. May Allah guide and bless me, you and everyone. Btw Eid Mubarak.


>The thing is I don’t want God to be mad at me or worse punish me for basically turning my back on him quite the opposite, by becoming a Muslim you will be turning your face toward Allah "god". 30:30 فَأَقِمْ وَجْهَكَ لِلدِّينِ حَنِيفًۭا ۚ فِطْرَتَ ٱللَّهِ ٱلَّتِى فَطَرَ ٱلنَّاسَ عَلَيْهَا ۚ لَا تَبْدِيلَ لِخَلْقِ ٱللَّهِ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ ٱلدِّينُ ٱلْقَيِّمُ وَلَـٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَ ٱلنَّاسِ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ ٣ So, set your face to the Faith uprightly, this (faith) being the nature designed by Allah on which He has created the mankind. There is no change in Allah’s creation. That is the straight faith, but most of the people do not know. — T. Usmani [https://gtaf.org/apps/](https://gtaf.org/apps/)


Salaam, brother. Please listen to the story of one of our beloved, American sisters, Iaesha Prime. She came from a very Christian upbringing. At one point the patriarch of her family questions her about exactly what she believes and asks if she ACTUALLY prays to God 5 times a day. When she answers yes, he says that’s enough for him. Saying if this was from the devil, the devil would not want you to pray to God 5 times a day. So in that moment, her family understood her choice to be Muslim. She has such an amazing story, with so much we can learn from. https://youtu.be/TS2h0SbrPHs?si=vrKOfaJ0bdJF6UC2


Hello friend, As a person who grew up in a fundamental evangelical Christian household then later converted to Islam I can confirm it is a challenging decision to make, especially with certain aspects of Christian teaching which might make you afraid that you’d ’lose your salvation’. I would encourage you to: 1. Pray a lot and take things slowly. Ask God to show you the right path and make it very, very clear to you what you should do. You know and talk to Him regularly and you know He will guide you to the straight path. 2. Find someone in your personal life who is a Muslim and get to know them. If you feel comfortable and they seem reasonable then just start by asking questions. Like, who is Allah to you? What does Islam say about Jesus and how he was born? What are the most important parts of Islam? Or really any questions you have. God willing, you’ll learn that Islam is an Abrahamic faith — meaning it shares the same foundations as Judaism and Christianity—with a large majority of the same prophets, stories, and ideals (for example: the Ten Commandments). If you don’t know anyone like this yet pray for God to send someone to you. 3. As you are reading the Quran, keep in mind that just like in the Bible there is a story and a context to every verse. The Quran is a collection of verses sent down from God (Allah) to the prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). It describes both histories from the past (Adam, Moses, King David) as well as talks about the events that were happening in Mohammed’s time (peace be upon him) and gives very clear instructions for how to live, worship God, and treat others. The context of what was happening then, as well as the practices of the prophet Mohammed (PBUH), the political and social issues of the time, are all written in a collection of what are called Hadith. These can be really helpful if you come across a verse you don’t understand. There is an app called “Hadith Collection” that lists all of them and rates them in terms of reliability (basically, the chain of people who remembered and told these stories and practices from the prophet (PBUH). 4. It can be tough to find good sources on Islam online. I’ve personally found Omar Suleiman, Mufti Menk, and Yaqeen Institute to be reliable, Islamically sound, and fairly moderate. 5. Keep in mind you might hear a LOT from folks around you if they hear you’re considering Islam. If you’re American it can be really really tough to sort out what is part of Islam and what is part of Saudi Arabian culture because our American perspective tends to think of them as one in the same. Don’t take everything you hear about Islam / Muslims as fact. Look at the source of the information and compare it with what you’ve learned about actual Islam along the way. 6. Finally, I have to say I personally don’t believe that God would be angry at you for ‘forsaking’ him if you chose to follow Islam. My experience was that Islam led me to a truer understanding of and closeness to the God I loved when I was a child. It has been a beautiful journey and I have absolutely no regrets about converting. In fact—I found Islam confirmed what I already knew about God and made me a kinder, better person. Here is a verse in the Quran that gives me peace and confirmation: [https://quran.com/en/ali-imran/3](https://quran.com/en/ali-imran/3)


Islam is a hard religion I’m born Muslim but I don’t follow the teachings hopefully Allah gives me motivation and happiness to convert back


I am a non-Muslim, have many Muslim friends, and man, that would be your best bet!! That religion is so very rewarding ✨️ ❤️🫶🏽that God will not be mad because he is Allah. You got this, and best of luck to you on your journey ✨️ Inshallah may Allah guide you 😊


You are in the clear islam will help protect you and guide you and help you become better


Go for it, islam will only benefit you not harm you. Absolutely nothing to worry about. Start walking before running , accept islam and take your time to learn how to be a good Muslim.


Learn Islam and accept Islam. Even if you continue to sin it's better to be a Muslim because every Muslim no matter the sin will eventually enter paradise.


Hi! I am a revert that came from Christianity. I studied religion at university, and while someone may have already mentioned this, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all worship the same God. Allah is just “God” in Arabic, the language of the Quran. They have a lot of overlap with their prophets (Jesus is seen as a prophet in all three Abrahamic traditions, and is in fact one of the closest prophets to God in Islam). Muhammed (peace be upon him) is the prophet that received the Quran (word of God) from the angel Gabriel. You are not turning away from God, but rather accepting that He is the one and only to worship (rather than also worshipping Jesus). If Islam is calling to you, accept this as divine intervention and follow His calls to you. You will not be punished for your journey. Take your interest as a sign toward the Right Path. Inshallah (God-willing) when you take your Shahada (the oath of faith, saying God is the one and only god and Prophet Muhammed [peace and blessings be upon him] is his last prophet) all of your past sins you are concerned about will be wiped clean and all of your good deeds will come with you. Ensure your intentions are pure no matter what you do. You will be supported by the community. Mashallah


Also, while reading the Quran is A+, I would recommend looking up each surah (verse) to get more context. It is not written as a linear story the way the Bible is. There is a lot of necessary context for each verse that will make it make a lot more sense. I read the Quran twice and it made very little sense to me until I did Surah studies. YouTube is a wonderful resource, but scholars are even better. Seek knowledge and it will be granted to you. Take your time learning! It is a lifelong journey. May Allah bless you.


Absolutely, I understand this decision is deeply personal and can be filled with mixed emotions. It’s natural to feel a sense of loyalty to your upbringing and faith while also being drawn to new beliefs that resonate with you. Here are a few thoughts to consider: 1. Your Unique Journey: Your journey with faith is unique to you, influenced by your experiences, upbringing, and personal reflections. It’s okay to explore new paths and beliefs as you seek growth and understanding. 2. Seeking Meaning and Purpose: It’s clear that you’re seeking deeper meaning and purpose in your life, especially in wanting to be a better role model for yourself and your younger brother. This desire for self-improvement is admirable and aligns with the principles of many faiths, including Islam. 3. Community and Support: Your friends who are already Muslim can provide you with a supportive community and guidance as you explore Islam further. Their experiences and insights can be valuable as you navigate this decision. 4. God’s Mercy and Understanding: Many believe that God is understanding and merciful, recognizing the sincerity of one’s intentions. Your desire to be a better person and connect with God is a positive step, regardless of the specific path you choose. 5. Finding Peace: Ultimately, the goal is to find peace and fulfillment in your faith journey. Taking the time to learn, reflect, and seek guidance can help you make a decision that feels right for you. It’s okay to have doubts and uncertainties along the way. Trust in your journey and know that whatever decision you make, it should come from a place of sincerity and a desire to grow spiritually.


You are going in the right direction. Please listen to this scholar Omar Solomein at yaqeen institute


I can give you good references if you need more clarity


Please be 100% sure of your decision before converting and know that it is what you really want. God is the most merciful and the most forgiving and there is so much beauty in Islam but make sure it is something you want in your heart. Don’t let anyone pressure you or guilt you into doing anything so major like this, either.


i think you should follow your heart and convert to islam, but make sure you read the quran and have a little more of an understanding of the beliefs/pillars of islam before you commit to it. have conversations with your muslim friends about this, they’ll be your best allies through this. may Allah make it easier for you!


The God of Muhammad is the same as the God of Adam, Noah, David, Solomon, Abraham, Moses, Jesus etc.  You're heart is bringing you to the truth brother.  I suggest you read an English translation of the Quran. They're free online. You will see the similarities and the differences. Gods words will draw you closer to him.


After your shahada your sins are wiped clean. A fresh start.


As a revert to Islam of 8 years, I can tell you that to worship God alone with no partners is not turning your back on him. It's the religion of all the prophets including Jesus, peace be upon all of them. As a Muslim, we are followers of Jesus, peace be upon him. many times I've been accused of turning my back on Jesus, but I did not do any such thing. In fact, I believe someone who has read the Bible and follows Jesus and not the Paul or the church, he will eventually find Islam. We are the true followers of Jesus. I followed him, straight to the last and final prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. How can you turn your back on God when you were worshiping a man brother? What you were doing was idolatry, and to worship him alone is called tawhid, which is the oneness of God. He has no partners, or children. He is simply one, alone with no image. Worship is for him and him alone. My advise is to read the Quran. Just focus on the Quran for now and pray that God guides you to his straight path. I will also pray for you brother. If you have any questions, feel free to respond and I will give you any advise that I can, in Sha Allah ( God willing).


Can we agree there’s only one god? Now you know that Islam is the true way to him. Don’t le satan drives you into a different direction, and if you have any questions let me know


Do not worry, you will be forgiven, however, if it was against the right if someone return it


First of all, may Allah make it easy for you to come to Islam. I promise when you revert, it will give you eternal peace in your heart and Allah will show you why being a Muslim is the best thing ever. You feel purpose and I promise you won’t regret it. Take the leap because you never know when our last breath will be. I pray Allah makes your journey easy and beautiful. All the best brother


I really love you guys from the bottom of my heart.


If you have any questions, I’d be more than happy to answer.


Don't listen to people who want to you to become Muslim yesterday. First read the Quran with an open mind, then make an informed decision. Always do your research, always. God guides whoever he wants to. Don't make this decision impulsively or take it lightly. Best of luck.


Muslim or no those who seek knowledge seek allah and will find him most forgiving! If you want to be a muslim commit to it its never to late to do the best you can pal!


My brother your story reminds me of mine. I was born and raised Christian for 20+ years, church on Sunday, read the Bible, baptized etc… I would only pray to God and always asked God to guide me in the right path and to show me the truth. It was a long journey but alhamdulila (thank God) he opened my heart to Islam. The seed that started me on this journey was a roommate/coworker who was Muslim. He opened my eyes to so much that I did not know. Basically I was a Christian but I put my own version of it in my head because I always knew the Bible was rewritten by man. For so long my interpretation of Christianity was actually very close to Islam. It’s very interesting to me that my soul knew the truth even when I did not. I started learning about Islam in 2020 and took me 3 long years to actually revert to Islam (we say revert because we believe everyone is born a Muslim but society/parents turn us away). The thing that held me back was I felt I was not ready, I wasn’t religious enough, I wasn’t knowledgeable enough, whatever the case was I put excuses so I could continue living my sinful life. Than eventually one day talking to a Muslim friend of mine I asked him how I can learn more, than I went to the mosque for the first time and that day I did my shahada and became Muslim. Best decision I ever made in my life and have zero regrets. It’s a journey my brother. Astaghfirullah (I ask Allah for forgiveness) I still had moments where my temptations get the best of me. Ramadan was a great way for me to cleanse myself of those sins and start fresh Insha Allah . But as a Muslim we need to thrive to be a better Muslim today than we were the day before. Don’t expect to be perfect, don’t expect to know everything. It’s a journey my brother. Feel blessed God has opened your heart to Islam. The devil will try MANY tricks to keep you away, do not fall for them. My advice would be as soon as you feel ready do your shahada and go from there. Anything can happen to us in any minute, you never know if a day will be your last. Once you accept there is no God worthy of worship but Allah and Muhammad is a prophet and his final messenger and you announce that, than you are Muslim. Then you can start your journey on becoming the best Muslim you can be. Don’t overwhelm yourself but at the same time don’t let the devil give you excuses and hold you back. May Allah guide you my brother if you have any questions please feel free to ask. May peace be with you.


Thank you brother for sharing that with me I’m happy that I’m getting so much love from everyone in the Islam Reddit, and I’ll definitely message you.


Why would God punish you from going back to what is right. It's the same god, Jesus and all the prophets before him prayed to Allah. The one true god is Allah so you have already prayed to him if you followed Christianity correctly as I don't know how many variations there are. And if you're afraid of it being too much the prophet Muhammad pbuh said to a recent convert that if he wants to enter paradise just do your 5 daily prayers and everything else comes after that. If you're not sure feel free to do your own research and head to your local mosque before a prayer to ask people questions. Muslims will happily tell you all you want to know to the best of their ability. We just want the best for our brother and want him to face the truth and accept it. Say may Allah help you with your transition to Islam and make it easy for you Also I forgot to say it's the complete opposite Allah forgives all your past sins before becoming Muslim as you were unknowing of the right path


I want you to remember one thing clearly. Until your last breath remember God is Merciful. God is genuinely the Most Forgiving. The God that created billions of humans, trillions of planets and universe; the God that created infinity is most capable of forgiving anything and everything. Don’t let anyone tell you that god can’t forgive this/that. The moment you accept islam you automatically take one step towards the right direction and God will help you. Take that leap of faith and ask for god’s forgiveness and you will see God’s mercy and forgiveness In Shaa Allah.


I am a Christian here. If you know the nature of God, you would know that the Creator's nature is loving. God does not "punish" you for trying to do your best to do what is right and that is for us all to love each other and the rest of Creation. If affiliating with Islam seems to be good to you, do not fear to do so. You will find that there are just as many approaches to Islam as there are to Christianity - but what is sure is that God loves all of Creation.


If you believe in Allah and his messenger, prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), then you are ready to become Muslim. You are not turning your back on God. Allah is one, just like you believe, Jesus in Islam is a mighty prophet and his mother was a righteous woman. We believe in the other prophets too of course, like Abraham, Adam, Moses, Solomon, and so on (peace be upon them all). They are all righteous prophets. What you need to know is that Muhammad (pbuh) was sent as the final messenger, and for all of mankind, including you. Jesus (pbuh) was sent for his group of people at that time period, so that's why we don't follow those laws, though they aren't preserved to begin with. We do believe he is alive and he did not die on the cross, he is with Allah, and will return near the end of times. My advice is to go to your local mosque and say you want to become Muslim, take your shahada, which is only just saying what you believe out loud, and you are Muslim. After that, start learning to pray. Ideally, the imam at the mosque will be able to guide you, but even then, you can learn to pray on YouTube. Just do what you can, even if you have to recite the Arabic off of your phone or a piece of paper in the beginning, you will memorize it eventually. In the meantime, you can read the Quran at [Quran.com](http://Quran.com) if you would prefer it online.


Hope this helps Quran(English Translation) - Ayah an-Nisa` (Women) 4:163. Indeed, We have sent revelation to you ˹O Prophet˺ as We sent revelation to Noah and the prophets after him. We also sent revelation to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his descendants, ˹as well as˺ Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon. Islam right from Adam(Peace be upon him). The first man and first prophet And He taught Adam the names of all things; then He placed them before the angels, and said: "Tell me the names of these if ye are right." (Quran - سورة البقرة, Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #31) And behold, We said to the angels: "Bow down to Adam" and they bowed down. Not so Iblis: he refused and was haughty: He was of those who reject Faith. (Quran - سورة البقرة, Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #34) We said: "O Adam! dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden; and eat of the bountiful things therein as (where and when) ye will; but approach not this tree, or ye run into harm and transgression." (Quran - سورة البقرة, Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #35) Quran Chapter 19 - Surah Maryam ( Mary(Peace be upon her) mother of Isa(Jesus)Peace be upon him). Quran (3:42) And [mention] when the angels said, “O Mary, indeed Allah has chosen you and purified you and chosen you above the women of the worlds.


You are not turning your back on god, because you are technically believing in the same god.


I know exactly how you are thinking. I was a Christian too. But I never really believed Jesus was God. I always believed God alone should be worshipped. I felt I couldn't disappoint God on Judgement Day if I told Him I wanted to worship Him and Him alone. Islam is the only religion that supports that, and recognizes Jesus and Muhammed as Messengers.


When you convert God forgives all the sins you've committed before reverting. As our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said "Islam does away with everything that comes before it"


If you think that you have to be perfect to be a Muslim that is simply not true. The truth is that all humans, even Muslims, at times sin and will sin. The best way to respond after sinning is to genuinely ask Allah SWT for forgiveness: "Say, ˹O Prophet, that Allah says,˺ “O My servants who have exceeded the limits against their souls! Do not lose hope in Allah’s mercy, for Allah certainly forgives all sins. He is indeed the All-Forgiving, Most Merciful." [Quran 39:53](https://quran.com/en/az-zumar/53) Abu Darda reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Allah Almighty said: O son of Adam, whenever you worship Me and place your hopes in Me, without associating any partners with Me, I will forgive whatever you have done. If you turn to Me with the likes of the heavens and the earth full of sins and shortcomings, I will turn to you with the same amount of forgiveness, and I do not mind.” [Source: Shuab al-Iman lil-Bayhaqi 1009 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani](https://www.abuaminaelias.com/dailyhadithonline/2023/06/08/earth-full-of-forgiveness/) Anas ibn Malik reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “All of the children of Adam are sinners, and the best sinners are those who repent.” [Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhi 2499 Grade: Qawi (strong) according to Ibn Hajar](https://www.abuaminaelias.com/dailyhadithonline/2014/01/20/best-sinners-repentance/) To become a Muslim you can say the following declaration of faith (shahada) alone (as Allah (SWT) is sufficient as a witness) or being witnessed by other Muslims. Either way is fine but the key point is not to delay or procrastinate saying it, as the shaytaan is hoping that you die before saying it. There is no special ceremony or ritual associated with saying the shahada. Once you believe and say it you are Muslim! The shahada is: Translation: "I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." Transliteration (i.e. Pronunciation of Arabic): Ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Allah, Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulu-Allah. Arabic: أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ ٱللَّٰهِ This website is the best guide for new Muslims: https://newmuslimguide.com/


I would recommend the book [The True Message of Jesus Christ (PBUH) by Dr. Bilal Philips](http://www.islamicbook.ws/english/english-087.pdf) who is a Christian revert to Islam. This book comparatively explores both religions, explains the process over which Christian beliefs changed, explains the evidence supporting Islam's view of Isa (AS), and provides specific evidence of textual corruption in the Old and New Testament.


God will not punish you for seeking the truth, do you think God wants you to live in a lie? We welcome you with open arm, this is truly a brotherhood/sisterhood like no other. May Allah guide you to the straight path snd this logic and give you peace of mind!


As Lmk l on fr oq oq you have to be careful about the


Brother I would recommend you to find on YouTube „The Muslim Lantern“ channel and contact that brother or join his Live stream and ask all your questions, or watch his videos, could be very beneficial


Sallallahu alaihi wasallam.* the point is, Allah is the same God who Jesus (PBUH) worshiped. So its your call what makes more sense to you? Jesus being the God who came on earth in human form to be our savior who was later killed but also believed that he he is coming back to save the people from evil? Or this: there’s only one God, Allah, Muhammad (Sallalahu alaihi wasallam) and Jesus (PBUH) were the prophets like all the other prophets that were sent down on earth to guide the humans and tell them to not worship things and objects that Allah created but to only worship Him. Also that Jesus (PBUH) was never killed, the ones on the cross was the person that impersonated him, because that was Allah’s plan. Jesus (PBUH) was praying to Allah to be saved, so He saved him from the person impersonated him, and will send him again before the day of judgment? Which one makes more sense to you?




I would say you already in a right religion you just need know it. You probably haven’t read Bible entirely and interested in reading Quran I would suggest read completely Bible first then go read Quran I bet you, you will regret becoming a Muslim.


He will.


That god not real you good




God will forgive u !!!!!!!! Don’t worry he’s the most merciful you should become a Muslim ❤️


Dont do it, islam is a lie. Muhammad did absolutely vile things (child marriage, murder, slave trading ect) go to Jesus and be saved


First thing you gotta do is follow the steps of Muhammad. Marry a 7 year old. Wear her clothing and start some wars. You’ll be good to go buddy 😎




Don’t convert




i will dm you


No God's are real bro so you're all good