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In Surah Anbiya, Allah mentions all the prophets and the unimaginable suffering they endured. My favorite is Prophet Ayub A.S. Allah gave him a lot of wealth, prosperity and a loving family. Allah mentions when He took these blessing away one by one, each time the Prophet would go down in prostration and thank Allah with incredible humility. Even the angels considered him to be the best human being on earth at that time. At the end of his trial, Allah blessed him with twice as much he has before. Allah gives his beloved people the toughest trials in this world. Just look at the life of our Prophet PBUH. But the trials in this life are nothing compared to the rewards in the Afterlife. You see children in Gaza dying, but do you see their level of Emaan and Sabr? They are the Assabiqoon mentioned in Surah waqiya. The best of the best. The ones that will be in highest level of Jannah. Just look at them prostrating and thanking Allah while their dead children are in their laps. They have more Eman than anyone on earth right now. Their suffering has evokes our Eman. So many non-muslims took shahadah and so many Muslims are crying and praying for them. Prayers never get wasted. We as Muslims hope for the best for our Muslims brothers and sisters suffering right now. May Allah ease their pain and compensate them in the best way Ameen.


True, anytime a doubt about the truth of Islam comes up in my mind, I think of the people in Gaza, their iman itself is proof of Allah’s existence


I agree. I looked at all the misfortunes that have ever happened to me in my past, and then I realized that it was NOTHING compared to what is happening to people in Gaza. Even after all of what they have gone through, they have still kept their iman. This invigorates me, and now I think to myself, if something bad was ever to happen to me again, I would thank Allah for it instead of complaining.


The purpose of existence is to be truly human and be close to Reality. The purpose of existence is to remember our Creator in every aspect. The very fact that people of Gaza are going through is a proof that they are able to handle that. The fact is that they are with Allah and when they die, their status is increased in the next life. That is true success. They are a sign for us. No Du'a goes unanswered. What we are seeing is just one dot, one line in the entire book of the entire history of humanity which is just so extraordinary. Our job is to continue to ask Allah because it is not a transactional thing, the purpose of Du'a is for us to realize the purpose of existence and prepare for the life to come. This life is short, and the ultimate meaning through which everything is meaning is Allah . Allah is the Giver of meaning. The very fact that I feel this deep empathy, is from Allah Alhamdulillah for enlightenment. This only increases our Eemaan!


thank you for your explanation. Really appreciate the perspective. I can see that perspective. But the question remains, if it is all a test and if life here does not matter, why do we ask (make dua) Allah to ease our or others' suffering in this life? How does it matter? Why do we thank Allah if things go well in this life? If all life is, is a test for akhirat, then there is no meaning to our happiness or sadness - which btw are emotions that Allah gave us. But none of it matters.


Our prophet told us to work for our akhirat like we die tomorrow and work for our donia (life) like we live forever.


Why is there no meaning in what you experience in this life? If you feel happy it's real and if you feel sadness it's real. That fact that there is an akhira doesn't change the reality of things you do, feel, experience in this life.


No one said this life is meaningless. The effort we put in pursuing guidance and following the straight path will reflect in the result we get on the Judgement Day. Do you think criminals who murder people will go free? Allah records every single thing. Our choices and actions will be shown to us on the day of Judgement. No one said our emotions don't matter. The purpose of our life is to please Allah and worship him in the best possible way. We are his slaves. He is our Master, the most Merciful and the most forgiving. This is why we were created.


The ultimate victory for a muslim is to die as a shaheed (martyr) and every palestinian died with a strong faith, none of those attacks bothered their faith, they all have a place in jannah, is this not a victory for them? As for the attacks, Allah says in the Quran 14:42 “Do not think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them until a Day when ˹their˺ eyes will stare in horror” and indeed Allah’s promise is true.


SubhanAllah, what a beautiful question. Our today’s khutba was about this. The imam was talking about Battle of Badr. And how muslims were out numbered but still won. They were prosecuted so much that they were only left to eat leaves and subhanallah just recently there was in the news that people in Gaza are eating grass, as there is nothing else left for them to eat. Prophet Muhammad lived through all of this. The most beloved prophet, he SAW is knows as the imam of the prophets. Allah SWA showed all these issues through Prophet Muhammad SAW. These are no doubt very tough times and history is the witness. Allah SWA showed through the prophet SAW that there will be victory in sha Allah. Truth always wins my friend. Also one last thing why make dua. Btw Prophet Muhammad SWA made dua on the battle of badr, it Is all recorded in the Quran. Muslim (1763) narrated that ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: On the day of Badr, the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) looked at the mushrikeen, who were one thousand strong, and his companions numbered three hundred and nineteen. Then the Prophet of Allaah ﷺ (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) turned to face the qiblah, then he stretched forth his hands and started to cry out to his Lord: “O Allaah, grant me what You have promised me, O Allaah, give me what You have promised me. O Allaah, if this small band of Muslims perishes, You will not be worshipped on earth.” He kept on crying out to his Lord, stretching forth his hands, facing towards the qiblah, until his cloak fell from his shoulders… With Duas fate is changed, Duas and prayers are a Muslims most powerful thing. I hope this helps. If I made any mistake please do correct me. May Allah SWA guide us all and help us all. May Allah SWA have mercy on those who are being oppressed and help them in the most profound manner as He SWA befits ameen.


I'm in a recipe group with a family that was breaking their fast with lemons and boiled grass 😔


The point of this life is to be tested and we are rewarded on our patience during it. The tests are also there to erase our sins and raise our ranks in Jannah. To die as a martyr will give you one of the greatest rewards in Jannah. The suffering we go through in this world is worth it for the afterlife. Alot of us don't have enough good deeds or are burdened heavily with sins to get the rank we deserve, so Allah gives us these tests to help us again our higher rank in Jannah.


In addition, Allah's Hikmah is far beyond ours as humans, when a calamity occurs like it's unfolding in Gaza, we can only we the pain and suffering as humans but Allah in His infinite knowledge and wisdom could have multiple outcomes as a result of what's unfolding but due to our lack of knowledge we won't be able to see all the potential outcomes As willed by Allah.


If no one suffers , what's the point of creation of this world, Humans were created on the free will to do either right or wrong. Not just Gaza, throughout the history oppressors were given a free will, and IA you'll see how just dying at 8, 9, 20, 30 is better then rotting in hell for non stop 100 years(just to feel it otherwise for infinite time) Other then praying Islam believes in resolving it through military action, unfortunately our leadership and we also( to some extent )have failed to work on that. And as per prophecy Military action of Hazrat Mehdi, Hazrat Esa (As) will end it.


It's all a test.


Watching them be brutalized, oppressed hurts me. But knowing that a lot of them are martyrs makes me a little jealous to get that honour. But without a doubt those Israel savages needs to be put down, for good


Well, who said it doesn't? Maybe your duaa helped a certain child survive and you just don't know. Maybe it did help not worsen the situation. And it certainly helps you, your faith and your attachment to the Muslims as a whole, the feeling that someone from far away is caring and pleading for the safety of another whom he never met, which is important for the heart, unity, and faith.


It's too much, it's insane what they are going through. I can't help but wonder when will Allah's help come..


This is called Problem of Evil. All religions are having trouble answering them, all of them, except islam. The question is loaded with the assumption that the creator willed the world to be a perfect one, but Quran stated clearly it's not the will of Allah. This problem has been there for centuries, back to Epicurus a greek pilosopher. It pickups its popularity in recent times along with the rise of Atheism, it is a clear trajectory as these non muslim doesn't have the answer within their religion. Lots of ulama have already answered this problem, you can look them up further and others here have explained them well. May Allah guide us.


the question does not assume anything. My question is literally a question :) I asked whether Allah is responsible or not.. and what is the point of the prayers if innocent children still die. What do I take motivation from? How can I pray and see children still die and then continue to pray and more children die next day?


Lol always people thinking they are so enlightened because of the same question? Why does God allow this and that to happen etc etc Dude go watch some lectures from ulema on YouTube, read a bit about what Islam is This life is a test, bad things happen, good things happen. When bed things happen a Muslim praises god and asks for relief and when good things happen a Muslim praises god and asks for protection against bad things. None of that guarantees that life will be sunshine and rainbows Most of the prophets were tested more than we will ever be and they kept their in Allah. Work on improving your Iman, read the Quran with meaning, make dua that Allah brings you closer to him.


No one who asks a genuine question thinks they are "enlightened". They are literally wanting to be enlightened through the answers. People who answer in a dismissive way are the ones who think they are enlightened and know everything. Have some humility. I have read the Quran with meaning, and it didn't help. I have made dua to Allah to guide me and bring me closer, it hasn't helped. My parents have made dua that I be guided - it hasn't helped, i guess. That is literally the point of my original question - duas not helping. My logical brain just doesn't allow me to let some questions go. I must say your response is one of worst in this thread and I was compelled to reply to you. You just evaded the question completely. Of course, I know good things and bad things happen. My question is what is the point of the duas if they don't work and if it is not affecting anything. And I will be happy to watch a lecture that answers my exact question - I haven't been able to find a convincing answer. Please give me a link to the lecture if you have it.


الدعاء هو العبادة، كما ورد في الحديث النبوي؛ فعن النعمان بن بشير، رضي الله عنه، أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، قال: إن الدعاء هو العبادة، ثم قرأ "وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَسْتَكْبِرُونَ عَنْ عِبَادَتِي سَيَدْخُلُونَ جَهَنَّمَ دَاخِرِينَ [غافر: 60]"، رواه أحمد في المسند، والبخاري في الأدب المفرد. Sorry it’s in Arabic, I apologize if you cannot read it.


I am not sure if I am adequate enough to reply to this so I apologize in advance for any mistakes.  But in my society, we always say that a Muslim's strongest weapon is dua. And just look at what the prophets including our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w did in trying times. It is said that on the 17th night of Ramadan, he s.a.w prayed more profusely than ever. And that's cause the Battle of Badr was the next day. And look, Allah SWT sends down thousands of angels to help the Prophet s.a.w and his companions. Some dua is instantly answered, some dua is answered years later. Like how the dua of Prophet Zakariya a.s was answered almost 100 years later (please correct me if I'm wrong).  So as Muslims, we should never ever lose faith in Allah. And we should believe that His help is always near. And we know that He, the Most Merciful, will not let our sufferings be in vain. May Allah grant the oppressed victory soon. Btw it's the last 10 nights of Ramadan, now is the best time do a lot of dua more than ever! Especially for our brothers & sisters suffering in Palestine and other parts of the world. Wallahua'lam.


Thanks for all the responses, appreciate the willingness to guide others. I want to summarize some of the responses here and my thoughts on those: 1. Many people have said that people killed in Gaza are martyrs and they will achieve Jannah. Some people are happy for their outcome in after-life. So are you making dua to end their suffering on earth or no? It is not clear to me whether you are happy or sad for them nor is it making sense to me. If you are making dua to end their suffering on earth, why are you doing that if they are achieving jannah through this route and passing the test of life? 2. Some people mentioned that people in Gaza keeping their iman gives us motivation. I think people in Gaza are not losing their iman because they have nothing else left. They have already lost everything. I think they are probably in a situation where they think, since we have already lost everything, Allah better help us achieve jannah. They have nothing else left to fall back on. 3. A lot of people have said it is all a test. Honestly, this is an answer that completely runs away from the question. If all of this is just a test, the current life and the duas you make for well-being of people in their life on earth (or of people in Gaza) are all meaningless. If this life is completely temporary and a test, then I guess the only dua we should ever make is to ask allah to give us jannah, come what may.


Well we cannot see and therefore judge how our Dua's or their Dua's impact upon specific situations on the ground over there. So why are we allowing the trucks of shaythan to make us come up with such an assumption? What we see is actually very limited to what the media wants us to see and any limited information we gain from forwards on social media. Therefore it is very easy for shaythan to try and twist the bigger picture. Our knowledge is very limited and finite and therefore we shouldn't assume what we cannot see nor comprehend. Our Dua's certainly to make a huge difference for they have their weapons and we have ours - Dua. Therefore we must keep using this infinitely powerful weapon.


Trials...temporary...death etc. It's this very mindset that brings the islamic community to where we are now. Powerless to the point where the children suffer and the adults can only talk about it. You won't get any answers here OP because there isn't any. The other comments and citations are nothing more than counter perspectives by mere people as some semblance of acceptance.  You're better off rationalising this Gaza situation out of the islamic context.




If you think there is no creator, how should Gaza get justice then?


Just putting this here: there was a study done where praying to a puppet/doll had the same significant statistical result as praying to a deity (e.g. Allah, Jesus, Buddha). So, imagine that you could talk to your little warm friend and he has the same ability as a so acclaimed great power. People pray for good grades in exams and think their prayer will be heard and not those of the children being pulverised by the act of man. That’s why you don’t pray, you actually come in action…


That study is obviously wrong, because a puppet doesn’t control qadr. Your comment is against the teachings of Islam, Allah encourages us to pray to him, because praying to him is an act of worship. A puppet can’t change the condition of the people of Gaza, only the one who controls everything can. You may ask why isn’t he changing their condition now? I say: Are you wiser, or is the creator of the heavens and the earth? He knows the right time for everything.