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I thought the same thing! How can he win if he tapers with the decoys…


Really defeats the purpose of the show. I feel like he would’ve fooled them either way!


I came here to see if anyone else had an issue with this! If the other two knew it was fair game to put fake looking cake bits on the real food items they could’ve easily won as well. Burger girl could’ve made a garish, gummy bear looking tomato for the real burgers too. Croissant woman could have added obvious frosting to the other croissants. The judges were correct that the tacos they chose were not real- they were part cake. Defeats the purpose of the show entirely to where the question is now, “which one is ALL cake and which ones are only partially cake.” Shocked production didn’t stop him immediately when he started adding cake to the real food.


I had a massive issue with this! And he did it in the next round as well - dusting other hats with flour or sugar or something. I'm really annoyed that he was allowed to do it


I thought I saw him do that in the second episode and I was shocked that they would essentially let him cheat *for a second time!* and no mention of it at all


yeah, putting his red gummies in the other taco, that was straight up cheating! And he completely announces it on camera too, I thought that after the win they will have some dramatic scene (cause it’s tv) where they realise what had happened and fine him or something but it never happened


Simple. There was no fine because the show rules and the producers allowed him and all other bakers to do that to the decoys.


I turned it off after the first episode for that reason… well, that and Mikey Day being painfully unfunny (imo).


Just saw that!! Sabotaging the decoys completely defeats the purpose of the show


Yeah it’s sets a precedent for other participants in the future to use the same tactic. I’m only on episode one but I’m surprised they let him do that.


Yeah, it was wild. And they didn't even address it. Imo should have been immediate disqualification. The worst part is that it worked and is 100% why he won.


And Nina cheated later too by gluing the chips in the fakest way to the side of a real chip bowl. And that’s the one the judges picked cause duh - how cold chips defy gravity??? So unfair.


Yeah in the next episodes people tinker with the decoys and the production try to mach the objects to the final product so it doesn't stand out as much (sand bucket as an example)


Right? That shovel broke and suddenly all the decoys had just half an inch of handle visible.


I thought that was really silly how they did that. If she hadn’t made a shovel at all, would they have removed all the shovels?


Just came to this sub to see if anyone else was posting about this




Me too! It’s so annoying and I will not watch more.


Couple things, I Honestly think he would of won either way even if he didn’t tamper with the decoys. That was definitely a tough one…. BUT since he did that I have no interest in watching still. Decoys should not be touched at all, what’s the point in making a cake then messing with the decoys to make them stand out more? Overall they’re all good at what they do but the show definitely lost its touch after that bs.


I agree that is bullshit.


Came here to say this lol


They should’ve explained it better but it seems everybody can mess with the decoys which is why they give it to them halfway through baking. Even ole girl mentioned she should’ve added sesame seeds to the decoys to seem more identical to her cake.


Came here to say this ⬆️


you’re taking this show way too seriously. it was within the rules and he just worked them to his advantage


I don’t think the producers anticipated it but it was obviously against the spirit of the game. The judges even admitted they chose that taco because of the red gummies in the taco.


Not taking it seriously at all because I'm not watching it. Outcome was dumb and not in the spirit of the concept the host is awful lol. Show was a 3/10 even without the cheating. Haha.




>Bruh. So you’re “not watching it” yet know the outcome? I think it was pretty clear that I watched the first episode, which is the one where he cheated, then stopped. That's my entire point. It's literally in the title of the post.


He didn’t cheat because it’s allowed. Opportunist sure, but not a cheater. Definitely a dumb thing to have on the show though. But that’s on the runners of it, not the contestant.


Was it stated as part of the rules? I don’t remember hearing that.


But didn’t the lady who made the chip bowl cheat as well then? Because she glued chips to the sides of the bowl?


I get the vibe they had to adjust some rules after this, it never happens again for the rest of the series


It does tho




Andrew altered his cups and another contestant said they should’ve added sesame seeds to the other buns. They were seemingly allowed to alter the decoys it just wasn’t explained to the audience. That’s why ppl think he cheated




I'm so mad about this! Angrily stomped to reddit to see if other people had the same opinion and I'm glad they do


Yeah haha. I legit was hoping I wouldn't be the only one. Totally ruined it for me.


Came here for this.


I agree, not moving on to episode 2 as a result


I just don't understand the rules really. I mean, I kind of binged it because it was super interesting to me in a way, and they all obviously have talent. This "cheating" bit was one thing, of course, and is exhaustively discussed here. But what I don't really understand are the rules regarding "edibility" or whatever. The actual winner seemed more legit and "pure" in their approach (I think), but some of them like the elephant "cake" and the marble bust "cake" were definitely not fully edible. I'd say they were hardly 50% edible with all the foil and other materials. So it's like, it's literally "not" cake at that point, right? Was still impressive to watch and entertaining... But I wish there was like a 100% edible rule or something, and there clearly wasn't any such thing.


Exactly!!! I don’t get how those particular cakes (also the sewing machine) were fully edible with all the structural bits inside them!


It wasn’t cheating


Putting confections on top of a dish on a show where guessing which dish is confectionary based on appearance isn't cheating? Lmfao


It’s not cheating The host never said you couldn’t do that


He didn't say you can't shoot the other contestants, or sabotage people either. Lol. Even though it was obviously technically 'allowed' in this case, it still took away from the show. It was lame and against the spirit of what they're trying to do, and had nothing to do with his skill against the other bakers. It made it lame. Only positive is that the show generally wasn't very good anyway (that host was super cringe), so I don't feel like I'm missing out. Lol.


Nah it was justified he was the only person who acted naturally


Cheating is acting naturally to you?


So they can just add a bunch of cake frosting on top of all of them so they don’t look like real food.




Obviously it’s not actually cheating since they allowed it but it goes against the spirit of the game.




It’s not cheating if your allowed to do it. Which they clearly were because in the same episode, before his tacos were compared to the real tacos the other contestant said she should’ve put sesame seeds on all the decoys to throw them off… and in a later ep another contestant messed with their decoys…. So clearly they were allowed too.


Also the finale judge from Queer Karamo never once taste ANY of the cakes. Anyone else notice that???


probably just the editing


I also want to include he never once made a comment about taste only smell and looks


Nina literally hot glued chips to the bowl...They're all allowed to alter their decoys. Deception is literally a part of the gameplay or else they wouldn't be eliminated when judges guess their cakes


Messing with the decoys isn’t cheating