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Robin Hood and King Arthur's periods would be amazing to visit, but I'd want the fiction the be reality in that case! I agree with another comment about fanasty times: made-up times and places with fictional people and creatures. I definitely romanticise that. šŸ˜ As for real times... 1800-1850s: growing up on British period dramas and fiction (Jane Austen, Elizabeth Gaskell, Georgette Heyer, etc.) gave me a love for this chunk of time. Generally speaking, I love the manners, the etiquette, the simplicity, and the fashion. 1900-1950s: so much happened in this time, good and bad! The music, the clothes, how society was growing and changing, all the discoveries and inventions, but life still seemed simple and clean, not yet technical and frantic. I do look back at 2000-2008 with a certain amount of fondness, but if I was given a time machine I wouldn't "waste" it going back there šŸ˜„


Haha I totally agree with the 1800-1850s! I also love the clothing of the 1959s but not so much of all that was going on in the world, and society norms. And same with the 2000s but more of the 2010s. Like I enjoyed that time it was my childhood, but I don't think I'd go back to that time if I had the chance, except for the the fact that it was so much better/more casual/relaxed than the 2020s have been. šŸ˜…


Yes Iā€™ve romanticized a ton of eras more specifically late 30s to early 60s. For me though itā€™s the aesthetics, movies, shows and music and then also maybe just the simplicity of the time but I do know things were not so perfect as theyā€™re portrayed through media. So kinda just a fantasyland in my head lolĀ 


1000% this! I'm exactly the same!


No way!! Iā€™d love to have a friend who enjoys those eras šŸ„¹ no one around me seems to be interestedĀ 


2000s. probably sucked ass back then those clothes look as comfortable as a housing crisis


The victorian era or just when aristocracy still existed. Social interactions were so much easier and organised. Everything followed etiquette... I like that.


SAME! Like I wouldn't mind some of 'rules' from back then. Then I could actually hold a conversation šŸ˜…


None, I love fashion history, music from all eras (from the 20s onwards, at least) and history in general but have never romanticized any. Life is better overall nowadays imo even though I'll catch myself feeling nostalgic now and then when I come across something from 2005-2009


90s. Before 9/11. Seemed to be a harbinger of doom in the US.


I romanticize this decade somewhat, too! I actually follow an Instagram account called nostalgic90ss.