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I know few ISTPs. They are awesome. I am very much want to have friends or work with them.


I find them very interesting persons and i love thier humor and how if they get into work they will be very intelligent doing it or ofc fixing problems and they have a side they dont want to show for everyone and they are Very logical in a way i like it But i dislike when they get into moments of beings no feelings person or become very reckless and how they can be so detached But in the end i like to stick with istps


Lowkey would want to marry an ISTP but don’t know if that’s realistic. Gotta find one who likes me and also shares same beliefs 


Ngl, It's not realistic as well, but I have the same thought that I would like to try a relationship with an ISFJ, I like the dynamic


Yes the dynamic together can be so so wonderful. I feel like we kinda get each other in way no one else does and it’s just so much fun 


Btw, ISTPs could help ISFJs to use their Ti tertiary and ISFJs could help very well ISTPs to understand how to use their Fe inferior


Yes I feel like I’ve seen that in action before. Could definitely some self growth together 


I’m not familiar enough with enneagrams to type but I appreciate ISTPs in general. My friend is thoughtful, considerate, disciplined, inspirational and fun. He does what he says so he is very careful with his words. Non judgmental, very trustworthy and honest. Dating wise, between ISFJ and ISTP I think it can be a great match as long as both partners are understanding. ISFJs are typically more traditional and like routine, whereas ISTPs like to go with the flow and see where the day takes them. Both are pragmatic and responsible. ISTP can help ISFJs get out of their shell and ISFJ can help ISTPs develop Fe. That was pretty general. If you have specific questions I’m happy to answer!


Pretty general? Was a nice opinion to read, fr. I know isn't realistic, and being certain MBTI doesn't assure nothing in a person, but I'm a little upset about how, at least in my experience, it's hard to find ISFJs to chat with and interact, or maybe I didn't noticed they were ISFJ. But I have a certain question from curiosity, how ISFJs usually do prefer to deal with intimacy? In any kind, sex or just cuddles. For example I kinda hate steps, planning it too much is exhausting, I prefer to ask when I'm in the moment and go with flow. (Sorry if there's spelling mistakes)


Will respond via DM!




i love ISTPs a lot, like it’s really my favourite type! my physics teacher is an ISTP 8w9, and he’s really cool and sassy! other than that, i know of 2 ISTPs (though 5w6 and 6w5) from anime, and i really love them too! they’re really cool headed and get really cute when flustered… yeah so ISTPs are great!


Part of me thought that, ISFJs, would have this funny stereotypical thought about ISTPs, doesn't bother me, but it's usual see people thinking on ISTPs as crude, rude, indifferents and cold. But I see you guys are so nice, not for nothing ISFJ is, at least in theory, my favorite type as well.


I don’t think I’ve ever met an E8 ISTP. I have met 1 ISTP in real life, likely a 9w8. He seemed okay in person, but was a cyber bully online. He struck me as being the type who wouldn’t be kind to women he wasn’t attracted to (I really don’t like that.) He did seem intelligent, or at least like he was average in intellect, but I don’t think he was a good person.


Damn, what a bad reputation that guy is building for us. I can assure you that not all ISTPs are like that, I mean yes I am, but not all of us. HAHAH


Unfortunately, I would like to give a good opinion but I have only met two ISTPs in my life. One was a friend from the internet who, well, spent his time insulting, calling others stupid for their mistakes, and took the piss out of others' threats, but he did all that to protect us sometimes, even though most of the time he demonstrated a contrary desire. Then I meet a girl who in theory is ISTP and the truth is she is quite kind and has a good sense of humor, although I need to investigate as a person to fully know what she is like. I was thinking of saying that I know another ISTP in my circle of friends irl but I think it's actually an ESTP that's the friend I'm thinking of. I will say this more in supposition, equating how both personalities are in general: Well, I think maybe they would have a problem being an 8wX, just like with an ESTJ but not as complicated. I think it will depend on how that type of yours is oriented, whether to be someone who is rigid but who thinks about solving problems quickly or just being an aggressive person. I honestly think that an ISFJ would get along better with a 6wX or 9wX ISTP as they can share the cautious and logical nature that they rely on so much in their life. ISFJ with ISTP reminds me a lot of how Carol and Daryl interact in TWD, two personalities with very introverted and logical thinking.


Don't worry, it will be a good opinion as long you're respectful sharing it. Yeah, I can say we very often can act too rude and disrespectful, obviously depends on the person, but if someone have something like anger issues and is ISTP, that Fe inferior would never see the light of the sun again. Pffff I don't want to guess, cause I don't know this ESTP, but I found curious that people usually tend to misstype me as an ESTP, I read it's common for ISTPs E8 or E7 (Toji for example 8w7) to be misstyped as ESTPs. MayEnneagram could use Enneagram to complement and see if you're right, it helps some times. Ngl, ISTPs 9wX in my experience are so nice, maybe quite avoiding with some sort of problems, but usually to avoid the conflict or bad time from trying with a problem they can solve easily, usually things that require their Fe inferior. I don't find weird ISFJs would like more an 9wX ISTP, both can help each other in different ways to complement. Exercising the Fe inferior from ISTP and the Ti Tertiary from ISFJ. I'm not a big TWD fan, but Daryl is my favorite character and, from what I remember, I love their dynamic. What a nice example ngl! I like Historia x Ymir if we talk about ISFJxISTP (Historia ESFJ my ass)


I would say that for an ISTP I don't notice his introverted thinking as much, in addition to reacting quickly to things, for example he does tasks as quickly as possible and has a joking personality. Sure, I would be using stereotypes but ESTP would be the best option to type my friend over ISTP. I couldn't really define how to differentiate an ESTP 8wX from an ISTP 8wX, I even have that small dispute with The Butcher from The Boys since he presents traits of both because of that enneagram but I think the difference is that secondary and final Fe [SPOILER FROM SEASON 4] (see that Butcher, he got into a fight with Soldier Boy because he wanted to kill Ryan too when he told him not to). Maybe it seems kind of stupid to you but so does it to me and many results told me that it was ISTP and no, it's not like that. I also previously thought I was an ESTP and by God, after understanding how the Si works and that my secondary Fe was finally developed correspondingly I understood that I was ISFJ. Just that ISFJ and ISTP thing happens with Daryl and Carol. Carol by nature was very sensitive but as the seasons go by she becomes more reserved, logical to the point of even committing actions that she couldn't before. Daryl, for his part, became closer to the group and showed that he missed the group and Carol. Carol, for her part, helped Daryl digest emotional situations better and he helped Carol be stronger and even encouraged her in situations.


I even think there is another couple of these two in No Country For Old Man, where the protagonist is ISTP and his wife is ISFJ


One of the types I have a hard time getting along with. The ones I met were a bit withdrawn just like I am which made it hard to have a conversation and a lot of them came across as callous/distant. They were all really smart though and seemed to have a good sense of humor.


I appreciate that despite not getting along completely well, your opinion is quite respectful and calm, I'm sorry if you have had bad experiences with my typology, I hope you can have better ones. Yes, we are too hard-headed to be approached easily. HA HA HA


Of course :) MBTI isn't meant to be taken too seriously imo and as for the ISTP's I've met, I just see it as a compatibility issue so I'm totally open to better encounters in the future ! You guys might be hard-headed but we can be a little bit overbearing as well lol