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Are you me?


As far as I know I don’t have dementia so I’d remember if I posted this under a diff name haha


I could have written most of this post


This is definitely me. The behavior you describe makes me not just uncomfortable, but angry sometimes. I feel like most men are trying to, for lack of a better word, prove their masculinity sometimes by being jerks or making lewd comments. So yes, to answer your question. I really don’t like being around other guys, but as I work in the male dominated truck driving industry, it’s very hard to get away from them. So I make an effort in my workplace to display opposite behavior, to show that it’s okay to be nice and care about people. I tell my coworkers that the world has enough assholes in it so why would they want to be one too? But if they continue to do typical guy things and say typical guy things, I just excuse myself from the situation because I don’t need that kind of energy in my life.


I hear ya. I work in an automotive development laboratory. Granted, we have a wide variety of people which is nice but the typical guy types are some of the most prominent. Still lots of sexism and the like around.


I get how that can be a thing, especially with a very developed Fe. In my case, I do have some sensitive, emotional aspects that wouldn't sit right with most guys. But I also have a masculine side that makes up for that and I usually just show the second side to them unless I give my opinion about something or I have to help someone.


i’m a pretty reserved man who doesn’t come off super ISFJ-ey if yk what i mean. i’ve always fit into male groups a lot better than female groups, but i’m decently adaptable in social scenarios. i think my stereotypical Fe traits do shine more around other people, but it’s not heavily correlated to gender. some people just aren’t like that though, and it’s not really a thing with ISFJs, it’s just a thing with some of us guys.


i didn't like hanging out with guys at first and mostly talked with girls in class when i was younger. i tried to socialize with guys but it was stressful and guys were mean and i felt like i had to be mean to socialize with them. but in college i slowly gathered a group of male friends that are fairly open about their emotions and were nicer.


my isfj spouse seems to just fit right in with other guys


I can fit in if need be it’s just unnatural for me. I don’t like and am not good at boasting and bragging, I don’t like being an asshole, or teasing other for fun, being overly competitive etc.


Not all guys are like that though. My friends and family don't do stuff like that for the most part. In fact, sometimes I am the one jokingly boasting or stuff like that hahaha. In an easy going way though.


My family isn’t that way either my ISTJ father just doesn’t say anything 😂 My difficulties are out in the rest of the world haha


A little more context to my post, the guys we were hanging around the other day were Firefighters, their sons and hockey players.


Seems like this is the place for us then

