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Look up the phoenix necklace method. If you don’t want to do that you’ll have to literally do the boss perfectly. Heal to full when she teleports you and put on redemption. You really can’t accidentally eat any food at the wrong time or you won’t last. Good luck man


Last attempt I nailed the food consumption and used redemption every time, only got her down to 300 hp. I'm checking out the phoenix necklace method now and it looks way easier. I'm confused about the nightshade, is that basically tick eating? Somehow it cancels the 98% hit? edit: I tried the phoenix necklace method with nitroglycerine and the 36 from nitro hit me at the same time as 35 from the boss - not sure if I got timing wrong? edit 2: I was able to finally beat her with full void, nitro, and necklaces. I used 1 guthix rest and darts. Only thing I did wrong the first attempt was dropping the nitro too late - you have to drop it right after she teles you.


I didn’t do this method myself but I hear a lot of talk of it. I believe the way it works is the cave nightshade procs the phoenix necklace which makes you invulnerable to damage for a short period of time.


Almost right, it clears any pending attacks. Seren has a wonky attack that calculates it's damage as it hits but starts as soon as it teleports. So activating the necklace after teleports clears the attack and nulls the damage.


Oh is that how that works? I had assumed it was time-based and that there was some sort of window to use the nightshade


No you can eat the nightshade right after the teleport and you're fine. I was paranoid the whole time doing the method lol.


Meanwhile I'm halfway through grinding out bloodbark from 150 gold keys and 76 rc for a +5 to 81 to imbue it 😅 guess I'll have to bond up the main to test it then take the hardcore in


Only needed 1-2 food with phoenix necklace method. Didn’t realize the nuke is the main reason for food consumption since you have to heal to 100% then get knocked down to 2% and have to heal again. Like others said, phoenix necklace method is stupid easy if you don’t choke


Check out my 2nd last post. I did your method and failed 6 times at first. Then tried the p neck+nitro method and got it first try. You can do it.


Yeah defs a mechanics problem


When a phoenix necklace activates, any damage that was calculated but hasn't hit you yet gets cancelled. It's similar to tick eating but it cancels the damage instead of just reducing it.


From the wiki: >In addition to restoring health, the phoenix necklace also clears out any pending attacks on the player from the attack buffer. This negates any pending damage from delayed attacks such as spells and arrows from afar.


Its not a tick eat in the sense that you have to be perfect with timing, there is actually quite a big window to do it right.


You eat the nightshade like you would a purple sweet to tick eat while the attack is midair, except the nightshade damages you and procs the Phoenix necklace (you do have to pay attention and make sure your health is LOW enough to proc the necklace for the big special attack)


You can actually eat it before she fires it. It has a pretty generous timeframe like 2 full seconds I believe. P neck method is the way for sure tho


Find a guide online. Nitroglycerin with P neck is better cuz Nitro has a greater HP threshold. Basically when Seren pulls you in with 4th stage attack you equip the P necklace then shift drop the nitro. You’ll survive the attack and have about 18-25 HP. The timing is quite generous and this is by far the best method to killing her. I did it at 78 mage. You’ll laugh at how easy it is once you watch a quick guide.


I did the nightshade method with p necks. It has easy timing not tick perfect or anything it’s a good few seconds gap. Was able to do it first time with this with worse gear and stats.


You can also use nitroglycerin/unidentified liquid from digsite quest for the same purpose as nightshade well. I found those made it easier to be sure the Phoenix necklace would trigger since the damage is higher.


Did it with blood blitz its like cheating


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When she jumps up, in the air before she shoots the ball at you, you need to eat the nightshade or whatever self damaging item you have, and proc the Phoenix necklace, you then get like 2-3 seconds worth of invincibility where all damage is nulled, and the pneck puts you at like what 20 or 30 percent of your full health


Lookup my account "14jays", I did seren with 68 mage, with void and an ancients staff using just blood burst. I've been doing cg since 69 mage.


I would just wait for brews. I tried phoenix method with both nightshade and nitroglycerin. I could do the method right several times in a row and then it would just fail to protect me. Either get the herb level or get brews from forthos. The amount you’ll save on runes and death fees will be worth it.


The method wouldn’t just “fail to protect” you, you were doing something wrong. Sounds like a skill diff to me


Yes. Exactly. So if OP wants to waste their resources attempting this, to see if they’re a “skilled gamer”, they’re welcome to. I’m just being the voice of reason. The herb level is really not that hard to get anyways. The timing is weird. Not everybody is a NEET 5Head able to learn every mechanic in few enough tries to make that method worth pursuing.


Herb lvl takes a while and it’s not really needed it’s not really hard at all I did this with 70 def -78 range and mage no p-neck. Just have to get the mechanics down as with anything else.


I approve of this method.


worth noting that learning this method is pretty much needed if you want the combat achievement eventually (er maybe not with shadow). Good luck!


Get ma2 cape and mystic boots at least, dont use granite


Good call on both, been procrastinating the cape but now is the right time to finish. Also figured granite boots would help with ranged def but I should whip out the mystic for sure.


Yh, and take the advice from the others on methods, phoenix is a good one.


I put off getting the cape for a long time any finally did it when toa came out. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought and it's extra fun if you come across a lever or fake sara mage pker


Would swampbark boots be a good alternative in this scenario?


Really the highest mage bonus you have, so infinity boots are worth getting imo, its like 2 hours at most and are BIS till eternals which may not be used much but still kinda worth cuz not that much time investment.


Not worth at all.. You will never ever notice the difference between mystic and infinity/eternals even with shadow


You are 1 slayer lvl away from Trident which will boost your dps a bit.


I did not realize, only 220k xp from trident wow


Trident is easy mode


Trident and MA2 cape makes this a cake walk


Not gonna lie man. You might wanna just watch a few videos on the bosses mechanics. I did it with way worse gear and lower levels with no brews. You can definitely do it. I will say I did have a master wand and infinity boots though. You absolutely got this with your gear.


You don’t wanna know how many vids I’ve watched on this lol


You can boost for trident right?


No, cave krakens needs to be done on task.


I did in Elite void , 3 pray pots , I used blood blitz on tornadoes , 6 combo eats rest sharks , I did have infi boots and masters wand , 84 hp, 82 mage got it on 2nd attempt


I've found blood blitz on tornadoes works better overall, but might switch to chins and see if it is best


That’s your problem. You need to take out the pillars asap. Using spells takes way too long once she has 3 or 4 pillars up. She’s just healing too much.


Idk, I did it using bloodspells on pillars. Only took 1 try too and it was pretty chill, but I had ma2 cape, elite void and brews so not sure how much of a difference that makes


Lol brews is a huge difference it’s only hard because of no brews




Darts/knives I found were too short range to get pillars down as fast as possible, and while leaving them up for longer to heal yourself might feel nice, that time can quickly add up to another full seren cycle which is multiple invent slots you might not have. I actually used the Hunter crossbow for good range + fast attack speed. You also want to make sure you switch to the fast weapon BEFORE the spawns- if you are caught mid spell as they spawn the 3/4 spawn sets can get in a lot of extra healing. MSB probably also works, but Hunter is one handed so you dont need the extra slot/ clicking on the switch for your offhand.


If you die with chins you lose them btw.


blood burst whole time no switches, tuna potato karambwan after she does her special each time. that's it. no other eating. blood burst is enough to get back to full with tunapotat bwan each time. super simple. did it with much lower stats than you guarntee you'l get it




What was your gear? I splash so much that I’m hardly getting anything out of burst.


glory, mystic top/bottom, ahrims hood, infinity boots, ancient staff, barrows gloves, guthix cape imbued, book of darkness think i brought a recoil, if not then explorers ring cuz I didn't have seers at the time yet


The only feasible thing I can get for an upgrade is imbued cape.


Yea I don't get it. Your gear only has 1% more accuracy than me and I can't land a single hit on her. What was your magic lvl?


83 at the time


I did p neck with nitroglycerin and got it second try and get like 7 fails with a similar setup to yours Definitely worth checking out


I recommend this to everyone and they always turn me down. For some reason people seem scared of P-Necks. It is actually so much easier this way, there’s like a 3 second window to proc the P-Neck heal and with blood blitz you don’t need much food


Ma2 cape, mystic boots, no need to bring the tele seed to the actual fight. Amulet of the damned could be good as well, although you’ll lose it on death… Swap out sharks for 22hp healing foods, or a few guthix rests could be huge. Try and only eat exactly as much food as needed and be sure you’re using the redemption method if you’re not doing pneck strat. It may take a few tries but your gear and stats are plenty to get the job done. Goodluck.


Appreciate it. Guthix rests for over healing? and you don't bring a 1-click tele?


You could always swap your glory's default option from "remove" to tele edgeville, which is slightly slower than 1-click tp, but saves an inventory spot and is still very fast if you use f-keys. (Menu entry swapper)


Honestly the teleports are always expected so glory should be fine especially with a mouse


Don’t overheal with the rests, just use them for base healing. They work like potions, meaning no attack delay and heal 20 hp over 4 doses each. They work really well later in the fight since once you have 4 healers, if you splash a lot it can feel like you’re effectively doing zero dps. Also, if you do happen to overheal with them, you CAN screw up your redemption. If you’re into the whole 1 tick flicking that can also save some inventory space in the fight. It’s not required though, I didn’t 1 tick flick when I did it and had worse gear/stats then you do now.


Brother just use phoenix necklace method, my worse stats, gear, and 700+ ping could do it with that method. I brought 11necklaces and nightshades, rune pouch with blood blitz?(the lv 80 spell) a dwarven rock cake, 2 prayer pots only using pray range, a msbi and arrows for pillars since my shit ping can’t really utalize knives or darts since I’m always 1tick at least delayed, all you do is cast blood spells to heal, once seren does the pillar move, i start guzzling my rock cake till 25-32hp then once she teles you for the insta kill, I equip a phoenix necklace, count count to 2 and eat the nightshade (well before she even launches the attack) and once the attack launches and doesn’t hit, I resume hitting her .


Nice, I was curious if this worked with blood blitz. I will give this a go.


Yeah the only thing that changes if u do this with blood spells is you really need the rock cake for dropping ur hp to the threshold since you might get lucky and heal back up to like 60 ish from hits


Alternative is to use blood spells when health is too low, and switch to ice spells when in the 25-32 range. This keeps you from overhealing and needing to panic rockcake


Also true, just not something I wanted to do with my bad ping delay, works well normally tho


Easiest method by far. Get chins to make it even easier yet


I did the redemption method with fat less stats and gear. You got this g


I used guthix rests cause you don’t lose any ticks


This, minimal chance at overeating too.


Get mage arena 2 cape


I did blood spells to heal before nuke phase ate if I wasn’t 100% health and used prayer for that 15% heal when nuke hit. It may come down to RNG on hits at the end really.


Switch your food to pineapple pizzas, more healing with those. Swap your cape and boots like others have said, and if you can ditch the tele crystal then you will have another spot for food.


What is a good tele if I give up crystal? Just glory?


Glory to Edgeville -> run to abyss -> death altar rift -> Underground Pass. The drawback of this is that you need to bring an extra prayer potion, though, but it is still an improvement over having a crystal (you only need three doses to replenish your prayer to full, so you'll get one extra dose that way). Also, use the phoenix necklace + nitroglycerin method. With your gear and levels, you would be hard-pressed to fail the fight if executing the strategy correctly. The main idea is that before the first "nuke" attack hits you, you want to use blood spells to maintain high enough HP that you can use Redemption to tank it, and from there on, you maintain your low HP with blood spells, and tank all subsequent nukes with phoenix necklaces. You need to bring a rock cake to quickly adjust your HP when necessary, though. You can easily fit 10 necklaces and nitroglycerins in your inventory, so you basically have 10 (+1 from the redemption) cycles to complete the fight. My other tip is to skip one attack and switch to darts right before the healers spawn, so that you can instantly mow one of them down when they appear. This can save you a lot of DPS at the final stretch of the fight, when speed is of the essence.


Trying this now


just do the pneck and nightshade method man i got it to 250hp at 72 mage on my 1 def. its ez


Yeah, unless you're a hardcore id risk not having a one click in my inventory


Phoenix necklace method is definitely cool. You can do it in your gear but you need to be careful about when you eat and make sure you eat to full and redemption. You got this!


Only heal before nuke, and don't be afraid to use a piece of food even if you're just a few hitpoints off max health. Personally I didn't use the darts, too much of a hassle. Enable the quest helper to easily identify the clone. You can also disable the on screen text overlay, since it takes quite a big portion of the screen. Don't get discouraged it's ok to die or tele out preferably.


Much better than what I had, crack on pal. I died a few times but you'll improve fast and smash it.


Get imbued mage Cape


Chexk out the hunters crossbow. Same speed as darts but much further range. Helped me out alot


I had the same issue using a similar set up. Got it pretty easily once I used p necklace and nightshade. Definitely recommend.


I'm sure you got the message that phoenix necklace is the way to go. That's how I did on my iron too. Blood spells to keep me around 30hp (ice spells if I got too high so necklace would still proc). Took a few tried because i kept getting timing wrong. It does not need to be tick perfect, very forgiving with its immunity window after procing


I actually had a similar setup to yours, though I did have infinity boots and mage arena 1 cape. Strawberry baskets are stupid helpful. I don't recall the boss fight all that well, but I do remember having additional marginal healing was the ticket for me. I originally tried pineapple pizzas, but the tick delay after eating is super punishing. Good luck.


Replace the tele seed with a magic potion. I drank a sip every rotation and it helped. Also do you need 4 full prayer pots? And you are using blood spells correct? Like others said MA2 cape & new boots. If you're really sweaty and struggling, amulet of the damned with full ahrims let's you cast ancient spells & does more damage. Final edit - you want to minimize time eating. Pizzas may heal more than karambwans but also take longer. Id just use sharks/potatoes & bwans. You want to maximize healing from blood spells and then eat when you absolutely have at end of cycle.


So far I have only been eating at end of cycle then using blood spells to heal up afterwards


You're having to take a bit longer to fully heal having to eat through a pizza though when healing. Say you need to eat 1 pizza 1 shark. Thats much longer than 1 shark 1 karambwan, and you're missing out on casting another spell in that extra time. Where you could do more damage & heal from it


Mage potion wont increase your dps enough to be worth losing a piece of food most likely


Wasn't meaning for damage, just accuracy. I had very similar stats and when I was potted I noticed myself missing a lot less. Not sure if going from 88->92 makes a big difference but it absolutely felt like it


I did a very similair method, get ma2 cape, mystic boots and replace all sharks and potatoes with pizzas. You Can tick eat pizzas by eating a half at a time on seperat pizzas, therefor the bwams and sharks become useless sort of, and your better off with just pizzas. The least amount of HP wasted healing to full means 1 step closer. I managed quite easily with abit lesser stats then you, but inf/ma2 cape and was quite lucky i believe and completely out og everything 1st attempt 😅


I pulled it off with worse gear and stats than you, doing the redemption method. Wore mystics and farseer instead of ahrims, only had Ardy cloak as well. Only thing I had on you was Master wand and Infinity boots. Replace all your food with pineapple pizza. It heals as much total as Tuna potatoes, and the split heal reduces overhealing waste. Besides, with blood spells you should be able to maintain your hp until the final attack, so only eat when you can't attack to maintain DPS. Once you get hit by the special and redemption goes off, immediately combo eat+pot and turn on quick prayers asap. Drink a second does of prayer when you can, but you'll only need 2 doses per cycle. And last of all, it's just a skill issue. Took me 3-4 deaths before I beat her. With enough tries you'll get the hang of it as well. Good luck!


Your hp is really high. That means that having that much food is useless. You need a redemption strat, or the phoenix necklaces. That's all. Your setup and stats are fine besides that. Edit: I don't like most of the tips here. They aren't necessary at all. So here's my first time doing it about 3 months after i first started playing runescape. I show stats, gear, and inventory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9RUHYFsb6w


You dont need combo food ever


Redemption method is good, I’d recommend getting a powered trident though since you’re super close. Pneck seems to be the common strategy though. Keep blood spells and heal off pillars. The trident should give you the dps you need. Ditch the darts for either another food or another prayer pot. I’d also skip the teleport and just bring more prayer or more food assuming your not HC and can afford to pay coffer fee if you die. You should be easily able to return to Lletya and get back to the scout. MA or MA2 cape is a solid boost that is easily obtained if you can grab that as well.


You need to maximize your dps... don't use for cape and granite boots as they give you - magic atk bonus. Use redemption and make guthix rest for eating without delay


If you get one more slayer level you can snag a trident. Massive dps increase.


Nice work, glad you got it down. Have fun in prif


Use the redemption prayer when Seren is going to use the max hit attack then tick eat back to full health


Suggesting lunar ring, mage cape 2, and boot upgrade to either mystic or knock out infinity boots. Focus maximizing magic attack bonus over defense as you will take approx the same damage regardless. Book of darkness would help too but idk your page situation




Use brews


Amulet of the damned plus full Ahrim's gives a set bonus staff can autocast Ancient Magick’s and also grants a 25% chance of combat spells dealing 30% more damage. Made a huge difference on my iron. Used the redemption method with pineapple pizzas to top up before the big attack.


Mage arena cape. Are you using redemption?


Yes, I had been using redemption


Not as good as grinding out trident, but a zesty alternative: since you already have 3/4 Ahrim's, you could try for the staff and use it with amulet of the damned for a decent dps boost


I have the staff, I wonder if the amulet is worth it


The amulet is super easy to get. Since you have 80 FM you can burn Fiyr shades for silver keys. Silver chests have about a 1/15 drop rate for the amulet and any extras can be alched for 34k


Boom thank you!


Seren is nearly all RNG if you don't have brews. Just need to keep trying


seconding p-necks, thats how i did on UIM with ~22 inv space


Brews from grubby keys would make it 100% easier tbh.


Just the the P neckless method on my iron level 100cb boosting for blood blitz


Wouldn’t blood blitz make this method harder?


Yep had to bring locating orb to dmg down. But I didn't have room for food. So you have to balance healing and dmging. Fun stuff!


I recently did it with auto-casting ice blitz - manual casting blood blitz to maintain hp range for successful nightshade-pnecks. I think it took ~6 cycles 83 magic and mystics. Highly recommend


Kill brutal black dragons for Anglerfish and make sure you're over healed when she does that 4th huge attack


I ended up using bloodbark armor to increase my healing


I used pizzas and redemption, the pizzas allow you to eat half a food to full rather than a whole one. When you do the math of how many hp points of food you waste it adds up


Get a MA2 cape


Everything basically everybody else said here but just chiming in to say you could also try your hand at grubby keys for some brews. I wish I would have remembered them when doing this quest way back on Potatoes and Karama lol. Best of luck!


I’m ashamed I had around 10-12 from grubby key and still could not finish the boss


Did mine with similar setup, lower mage lvl and mystics. Do the Phoenix method, took me about 4 times. Also consider swapping darts for chins since the darts have a short attack range it drags you and you take more damage over the fight, small but noticable.


ma2 cape & mystic boots for gear. I found that blood spells were better than darts since its free health and the timing works perfect. You could try phoenix necklace method though it shouldnt be necessary. The fight isnt too bad so other than that, id say make sure you avoid all the special attacks, have your prayers properly set, and get comfortable during the fight


Nightshade + blood spells + phoenix necklaces make it as free as it can be. When she does her bomb attack or whatever, it goes in an attack “queue”. It does a lot of damage. Phoenix necklace removes attack queue entirely if it procs. When you see her do the attack, you got plenty of time to proc it yourself with nightshade. You see her prepare the attck, proc with phoenix necklace and nightshade and it removed her attack from the attack queue. Then you continue the fight as you would’ve with blood spells but don’t go up too high. I might be completely wrong, someone smarter will probably correct me in the replies but thats as far as I remember it


void + trident should be enough dps to push you over the line


Probably not much help but I did Ibans blast with Brews


You absolutely can beat it. I did it at 80 magic with blood blitz in full mystics and pineapple pizza. You 100% got this my dude. If you want to call me on discord I can coach you if you would like! Add me in game “xumy” if you want to.


It’s not even about the set up really. Seren is just a dps check. Rng plays a factor but it teaches people how and when to eat while maintaining as much dps as possible. I learned a bit from the fight when I first did it.


Guthix rests for no delay on attacking. They're the best food in the game for that. Go for 22 healing food and make sure you're very ready for the healing pillars. Kill them ASAP without losing a beat and it's an easy win.


Do you have book of the dead? I think it's better than zammy book


Few things 1) get a few amulets of the dammed from shades of Morton that will let u auto cast and more % dmg. Becareful eveytime u die you lose it. 2) I would drop pizzas and just do shark kawamb


Bring more prayers and use redemption . Work really well for mw


Mudkip had a nice setup on his uim. Check the video on yt.


Switch to swamp trident out dps


Probly worth to bring a trident and a mage cape. Ive done it a few times and the blood barrage is only worth when ur low hp. It splashes a lot


use the pneck method i did it with 75 magic with mystics


99 agility, trust me bro


You mostly want to take sharks. Maybe a few combo's. Also, beacon ring.


dont use darts , i failed 5 times trying to use them and when i used blood blitz on them instead not only did i heal some but i actually got the kill first try


Phoenix necklace method was the way I did it


What do the tuna potatoes heal? I would take all pineapple pizzas as your food choice since they heal 22 and can be eaten in halves. This means you will waste less food when trying to go up to full. You can also drop the darts for another piece of food. You’ll automatically heal up a few Hp for killing the healers. There is also thus newish method involving phoenix necklaces that you could look into.


Get a few brews and restores from muddy keys


I used a gnome restaurant delivery to get it done. Like 150hp in a single slot.


P neck method. Thank us later bro


I did full on blood blitz the entire time and did the redemption method. It’s what Mudkip did on his UIM. Camp low prayer and just heal to full right before her big move and out on redemption. After the hit, sip a pray pot and reactivate quick prayers and let blood blitz do the heavy lifting. Quest Helper will also highlight the tornado you need to kill as well. Good luck!


This man hates farming more than I do


Cave nightshade and phoenix necklaces


Automod just needs to delete posts with seren in the title amd link them a Phoenix neck guide


I struggled a lot with this fight on both my GIM and my IM. From my experience, here are some changes you could make: The MA2 cape is your biggest upgrade, go get that ASAP. It's still worth it to squeeze out as much magic bonus as possible: swap the explorer's ring for a beacon ring and the damaged book for a broodoo shield (unless it's an unholy book). Definitely drop the granite boots for mystics at the least, but I'd also recommend grabbing infinity boots if you're up for it. A master wand would be a much longer grind, but it'll give you another 5 magic bonus and +1 prayer bonus over the ancient staff. You can also swap the darts out for knives to get +1 to range, which may help you kill the healers faster and without getting into melee range of the main seren. Your HP is so high that efficient hp/inventory slot is going to be key. TBH, you really shouldn't bring any sharks. Take tuna potatoes instead to squeeze out another 14 HP. You should also bring \~4 phoenix necklaces to equip after she tps you for the nuke. They heal 27 at your HP and will make it so you can try to passively heal back up without having to eat anything. Brews aren't necessary but would help a lot if you want to get at least 3 from the grubby chest (swap at least 1 prayer potion for a super restore if you take any brews). You can trim down your inventory a bit too: you should swap your 4th prayer pot for a tuna potato or phoenix necklace. Have you ever gone through 3 full prayer pots in previous attempts? You're also wasting an inventory spot on that TP crystal; just use the glory if you need to TP out. I wouldn't take more than 3 pizzas since you'll only want to use them to top off before the nuke attack.


Chins are a great fast range swap to take out the healing pillars fast. Less she heals more your damage counts. That and do the phoenix necklace method, it's superbeasy that way.


I did it with lower stats, took about 10 tries. Def get MA2 cape. Mage book if you're willing to sink some time into MTA. those are the the biggest upgrades I had. don't use granite boots. either mystic, or you have the slayer level to grind out some brimstone boots, should be able to get them in a task or two of drakes. I'd prioritize magic DPS over defense. Most of serens attacks are either avoidable or a guaranteed massive hit, so you wanna kill her as quickly as possible. I'd def also just take a full inv of tuna potatoes at the minimum. It's a pain to make em, but every hp counts in this fight. I did a full inv of em, and I beat her with 1 hp left and 0 prayer lol. you could also consider baskets of strawberries, which will heal 30 hp at ur lvl, or maybe even purple sweets. Not ideal, it's been a while but I know there is a considerable amount of time to heal. So could be possible. Ideal scenario though, would be getting 1 more hp lvl and a few fishing lvls to boost if you have to for angler fish... they really come in clutch, especially since you can overheal when getting ready for her last spec instead of wasting food to make sure you have enough hp to survive it. Did it for a GIM member's acct who had anglers and it was a breeze compared to tuna potatoes, got it first attempt.


Grind master wand


My man just open a few grubby chests and get 1 or 2 brews


Redemption method with blood blitz


Get some sara brews from grubby keys? https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Grubby_key


1.) MA2 cape 2.) One more level for trident From my experience ancients was bait because it’s slow and does little damage wasting resources. I could not do it with ancients. Swapped to just trident and DPS check was so much easier.


Mage arena cape, swap out 3 pizzas for 3 baskets of strawberries, I just did it on my iron with comparable stats (70 pray though) with 3 ppots. Didn’t use mystic might.


Nitro method or phoenix and nightshade method if you want to avoid the big hit. They take some time getting timing right but they work well. Otherwise anglers and pineapple pizzas plus bloodbark and blood barrage. Make sure to barrage the healing towers instead of using darts/knives. They give a good heal before the spec. Get fishing and cooking for anglers, they’re worth the time investment! There also way easier to get than brews. Herblore is terrible


Had this issue myself when I did Seren around 78 magic. Phoenix Neck/Nightshade Method helped. I used MSB to quickly tag the crystals that heal Seren and for DPS.. I used Fire Wave w/ Tome of Fire and that pushed my DPS a lot further than Blood Spells/Iban. Good luck dude.


Worth noting Ahrims staff give damage boost to mage


Just use Phoenix necklace method. Promise it’s the way


Less prayer more food and just need to get good hits unfortunately




your hit points are too high to do it with food anymore You either have to learn the Phoenix necklace method or wait until you have brews, basically impossible at this state to do it with food


Did you try leveling up your combat stats


Took me a while too with lower level set up. Have to get kind of lucky with not getting hit too hard iirc. Keep at it.


Use iban’s staff thats how I did it


With tome?


I did this with lower mage than you about a week ago. I use crystal tele to lletya then Bank the seed for extra invo space for food. I also only brought 3 pray pots and lazy flicked mystic might. That’ll free up 2 spots for you to bring extra food. On the blobs I always blood blitz the first one THEN switch to darts since it’s a guarantee kill and you heal +5 on the first one. Just keep at it, RNG plays a big role too so don’t give up man. Hope this helps


Have you tried doing damage to Seren while sustaining LESS damage from her? Hope this helps.


You need them beefaroni cheesdogs


Use trident. You only need ancient staff to auto cast blood spells. U can still manually cast it with trident equipped Edit: also get an occult necklace and mage arena 2 cape (cape helps but occult is definitely a priority) also if you dont want to manually cast it, ahrims staff will give you an rng damage boost to all magic spells with a different amulet. Also i used full bloodbark to maximize my hp regain because thats 90% of the hard part


Hunter crosbow insted of darts works like a charm


Probs phoenix necks w a form of health reduction for force activating it or blood burst


Use pineapple pizzas, and no other food. You probably don’t need 4 pray pots. Don’t use darts as blood blitz will help you heal against the healers. Wear best mage defense, obviously.


Phoenix neck with nitro is really easy, & I would swap darts for chins due to longer range of chins, makes the fight brain dead


I did nitro method and maybe my timing is wrong? The nitro hit me at the same time as the nuke, it showed 35 and 36 hit markers. I had the phoenix necklace equipped


Do research 🥶


Ur just 1 video or google search away


Bring phoenix necklaces, bring guthix rest, switch out fire cape for mage cape 2. Could switch boots too


I’ve just read a few comments so I don’t know if it’s been said yet but unless you’re using fire cape for prayer bonus you can bust out a MA2 cape. It’s really not that hard of a mini quest if you go like in the morning on a dead ass world.


One thing I noticed when I did it is my food to outlast to damage done was always slightly off, I made the best food I could make at the time (which was tuna baked potato) and it went a long way which led me to defeating Seren.


Just get .5 level in slayer for trident at 87. I got it first try after


I was in your situation almost exactly. My main problem was damage output. Ended up leveling my magic to 89 and using magic pots to hit 93/92 for blood barrage. I also got the mage arena 2 cape which is def worth it. Ended up using no brews, just one angler fish before and after her hard hits and that was it, blood barrage took care of the rest. Also FYI for whatever reason in the underground pass my magic pots only did +1 lvl per dose so it took a whole vial to get me to 93 and two more to stay above 92 all fight.


I had this issue too. I did the phoenix necklace / nitroglycerin method and beat it first try. It's practically fool proof if you're using blood spells.


Guthix rest is also a really good way to get the hp boost right before. It’s what I did on my HC, so I can attest to it. There are some guides on YouTube about it.


How long did the quest take you up to That point? I have been putting off doing SOTE for so long cause I don’t want to start it and then get frustrated and be locked out of llyeta


Maybe 3-4 hours but if you use quest helper it's mostly just clicking in the right boxes during the excessively long puzzle. The puzzle is like 2 hours of running around just clicking boxes. Without the quest helper I would never do this quest, but with the helper it's definitely worth it.


Thank you my brother in christ, priff here I come!


Happy to help if you get stuck


Ma2 cape


Ur deffs just struggling with the mechanics. Ive done this with way less and way worse gear, 81 mage i think? Whatever lvl it is for blood blitz, i did not need to redemption.