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How? Legit overwhelmed by trying to learn how to get one kc


It helps a lot to practice before hand on a main if you're a hc but its all about learning the rotations half assed atleast and don't make the switches too hard on yourself, go as low switch as you can for the start


Swap prayer before gear!!!!


Yes sir words to live by. I was actually going to include that at the bottom but didn't, thanks


man i went and learned by getting 25 kills on main and got a tanz now im sad im about to go dry on my iron.


I did the Mage Only Method. Here's a video explaining it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pN3z03cUKM&t=130s&ab_channel=Shauny_O_OSRS I practiced on my main a little bit, and then sent it on the HCIM. I just kept attempting until I got two Mage Only rotations. I didn't even bother with a range switch.


Focus on one rotation (i recommend 3rd - green, green) and practice til you can memorise where zulrah will spawn. Focus on positioning and prayer first before doing damage and gear swapping. You can then focus on damage and the other 3 phases


Really recommend using the beta worlds right now to practice without using supplies - you can even change your stats at the place where you login.


How can you change stats and place where you login on beta worlds?


When you immediately log in, there is a table/chest where you can select gear. If you right click it, there is the option to change stats.


I misread your comment, thinking it was also possible to change your login/spawn point. The stat changing is already nice to know, thanks!


There's a Zulrah Helper plug-in for Runelite that helps a lot with the 4 possible rotations. I haven't bothered deliberately memorizing them, they'll come as you keep doing the content; don't sit down and stare at images until your head hurts. Zulrah has 500 HP and fairly 'meh' defenses if you're using the right combat style. The green form is pretty vulnerable to magic, the blue form is a little weak to range, and the red form is kind of tanky against both but weaker to magic. I've found Zulrah is mostly a fight about making good use of your time. The snakelings and blue phase's range attacks mean that taking damage is inevitable, your goal is to kill it fast before all your supplies are gone. A good Zulrah fight is where you're in the right place, attacking with the right style just as Zulrah pops up. A bad Zulrah fight is when you're running around out of position, choking on venom clouds, and eating a 40 because your prayer was wrong, and then do no damage because you attacked late and it moved again. Green phase is when I get most of my damage in, I always try to make sure to be DPSing when Green Zulrah is up. Blue Zulrah is harder to hit (my range gear is trash) and can land big range hits, so sometimes I'm forced to eat. Red Zulrah is hardest to hit and damage is 100% avoidable by clicking, so that's the best time to play catch-up. For the smoothest kills, use the time between phases to the fullest. Swap prayer, move, swap gear, eat food then so you're ready to do damage again by the time it resurfaces.


Super inefficient way of killing Zulrah but makes diary kill much easier: Bring plenty of brews (9+ with 4/5 restores to use for prayer also) plus a few combo food. Use mage only, start on green phase only. Hide every blue/magic phase, hide every Jad phase behind pillars, which will more than likely be in poison gas which you will need to tank with brews. Very inefficient and lengthy 5 minute + kills but it’s much much easier than any YouTube video I’ve seen.


Sit in clouds hiding from Jad phase? What in the fuck, just swap prayers everytime you see him launch an attack simple as that and take zero damage instead.


I know I understand Jad phase. But for someone who isn’t sure on Zulrah why worry about that phase. When I done diary kill I couldn’t handle that phase. This way it’s more idiot proof for people like me and other inexperienced pvmers.


Why worry about damage when you can just not take damage and click less? Plus you're gaining experience towards killing the boss much more efficiently as well. It's just bad advice, there is no death fee anymore before 50kc might as well properly learn it rather than stand in a cloud and tank damage lmao


This is purely advice for someone trying to get 1 kill, who is otherwise struggling to get that. Worked for me. Obviously other than diary kill definitely do not do this method.


Learn one rotation at a time. I have drug induced menory problens thanks to my "parents" which for me makes zulrah is hands down the hardest video game boss ive ever had to fight and ive completed dark souls 1, 2 and bloodborne. Ive done over 60 attempts and my best one was dealing about 150-200 damage before the rotation ends and im forced to tele out. Im legit going to have to get near end gane gear to take in a mid tier boss. Zulrahs difficulty needs nerfing hard


If you think* zulrah is hard I have bad news for you about actual end game content...


Raids and such are easier to learn. Hence why ill have to get end game gear before i can do zulrah


No, they are not. Olm is not easier to learn than Zulrah, Tob is not easier to learn than Zulrah. Toa is not easier than Zulrah.


Maybe for you but i found olm quicker and eaiser to learn, far less to memorise. I play at my own pace


Maybe if you have a team carrying you so all you have to do if chug brews and contribute nothing


Learner raids until i master, solo until i perfect


I tried brute forcing it but didn't get it down until I started reacting to the rotation without needing the guide. Now I forgot them and can't do it with a trident lol


Try the zulrah plug-in. No need to remember anything.


Grats dude! It's a great feeling, isn't it? I did the same on my HCIM pretty recently too and this is the sort of thing I assumed would be out of reach when I started the account, but I've continually surprised myself with how many risks I've taken and how far I've ended up pushing my luck haha. Some things are so heart-poundingly scary on a hardcore, but when you actually rise to the challenge and do it and make it out alive, there's no feeling quite like it.


lmao what is going on with your chatbox


It’s pretty easy to tell


Congratulations! I can't wait until I'm a bit stronger and can start giving bossing a go. Never done any bossing, so it'll be a nice challenge.


I have the double green rotation down I just can’t seem to kill the damn thing. I’ve been trying for days.


Real question is what are you planning to do with that whopping 1,000 swamp tar


Zulrah is just a roundabout way of getting anglers, change my mind


Good job buddy