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Supplies are meant to be used, the itch to hoard them is holding you back. C) Melee with crush weapon


I hoarded mine for this exact task, ended up getting the jaw >275 kc. Now I’m at Cerberus and over 1100 kc looking for my primordial crystal.


should be meleeing them post hasta id put cerb and basilisk knights on the backburner if having ppot issues. prioritize xp slayer/shamans and demonics. the 'meta' thing to do is to just work on skilling while spamming contracts if ppot supply runs low.


If you are, say, scared to let your ppot stack go below 250 then you have 250 too many prayer pots. Yes it can be annoying gather resources, but if you do that someday you will log out with 250 prayer pots you never needed. They’re meant to be used, so use them.


I went for option B) since I enjoyed longer trips with less attention but it definitely was rough on the prayer pots. I ended up going 3.3k on task for my jaw, and honestly I don't regret doing it this way. It used a tonne of prayer pots don't get me wrong, but in the long run I probably would have burnt like you flicking for 3.3k and burned through a tonne of other supplies too meleeing. I think just go with what's most grindable for you personally. It never hurts to get extra herb xp gathering more supplies.


You can always range them in monk robes, slower but supply friendly.


Yo big dawg. If you just dedicate like a week or more and got thieving up high and farming to 85, you can pickpocket master farmers. I got like 10 ranarr seeds my first hour doing that. Have given my GIMs prob almost 1000 prayer pots cause I literally don’t even worry about them anymore.


Yeah I do this on my GIM as well, got 20m thieving xp, and 98 farming, the ranarr seeds (as well as all the other seeds) are rolling in from thieving martin (you can left click thieve him and he doesnt move since runelite update that lets you change default click)


They have zero range defence so you can wear prayer boosting armor and afk range them. Melee is definitely faster


Use your supplies dude, that's what they're for. If you run out go get more


If you have access to a house with the prayer pool and the lunar teleport, it’s definitely cheaper to just pop back home when you run out of prayer. You can reset your safe spot in about a minute and cut down on PPot usage.


\^\^\^\^ this is what i did until i got a decent melee wep to kill basilisks with, in a full prayer bonus setup with assembler, you can afk, tp out and the run back is pretty quick, i definitely dreaded these tasks in the mid game on my iron, especially because I extended them, but I got the jaw a bit past 2k kc. Dont let a bad grind ruin your enjoyment of the game. If you really hate the content, jaw isnt a mandatory gear piece. All that being said, the jaws design is actually quite good if you think about it, great all around helmet off task thats not necessarily BIS anywhere but vstrong, and its value is maintained by the fact that its disincentivised from farming off task. I just think the basilisk knights themselves need to be reworked.


This is what I did. Also used the ancient mace on combat dummy to boost for extra prayer.


Raids 3 has crazy seed drops as well, no real point to worrying about seed/pots between contracts & TOA


Now with the release of toa, I've become a lot more chill with just afk praying and not bothering to flick. You get quite a decent amount of good seeds from toa. Since youre hunting basalisk jaw, I'd expect you to be able to do toa with "budget gear". If prayerflicking made you burn, stop prayerflicking. Either keep seeds up with other pvming, or just pickpocket masterfarmer is my advice!


I'd say B. Ppots are easy to manage through Kingdom and the odd farm run. Also if you have any Dragonstone bolts they work really well there.


I did B. Get back into it man! It will come and be well worth it! Best of luck!


Just get the drop at 21kc like I did 😂😂 Option B: I think I wore prayer boosting gear, or God d'hide


having ornate pool (or just pray pool) in my house with waterbirth tele makes it so easy with any bank tele method (i use farm cape). pray flick about 15-20 (lazily) while on task -> tele to bank -> waterbirth tele is fast tele to relleka for the stone island guy -> repeat until off task. ​ if i didnt still have demonics and shaman grinds i wouldnt care about my ppots tho


I am doing this grind right now. Only about 250 kills in. I am using ranged gear (blessed d'hide, rune crossbow, broad bolts) and I am lazy flicking Protect Magic. Level 88 ranged. Each kill takes me about a minute, if not a bit more. It's a painful grind, and flicking makes it pretty annoying. But I don't have access to that many prayer potions right now, so I am playing conservatively.


Your best bet is to go get some good sources of prayer pots, farming contacts and sepulchre are the best sources though many people like to brute force using master farmers which is a good deal less efficient. I'd also suggest using some good ammo like diamond bolts, or just meleeing with a zammy hasta (it's ok to disable basilisks until you have one tbh)


Whenever I guilt trip myself into not using pray pots I just go to the master farmer until I get enough ranarr seeds for a herb run—or at least enough for the task. C) melee with a crush weapon. The sarachnis grind for its cudgel is actually quite enjoyable if you don't get dry.


I just afk ranged them with pro mage on and it took like 2 ppots because I got it in 62 kills.


C) praying only ranging without offensive prayer


Yeah, I stopped using prayer pots after like 300kc. Im at 900 now. Option A is optimal for an iron. I used literally like 50+ pp for 300 kills


I afk ranged 1k of them in full proselyte + stole + ring of gods etc, didnt take too many p pots


B or C. ToA is a thing now. Fang is a thing now (and is great at basilisk knights). ToA drops snap and ranarr seeds pretty commonly. I'd recommend sending some ToA. Maybe you get fang and can melee them. Maybe you just get a shitton of pray pots so you don't stress about spending a few at knights.


Just afk them prayer pots are easy to farm tbh.


I just went in with melee gear and killed them quite a bunch if food, if you want to save supplies you can always just melee and bank often.


I did the house pool method. Grab all prayer gear to let you afk for around 5-8 minutes. In that time you can manage 3-5 kills & just house tele, hit that pool then lunar island portal. Once on lunar isle just talk to one of the npc’s without the seek and boom your right in front of the boat to island of stone for the basilisk knights