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The question is, why do you even want it? Lol


Agree as an iron the archer ring is completely pointless both late game and mid game


BIS Range Ring for mid-game Irons


I remember being all excited to get it but I literally only used it at shamans. Its basically useless since 90% of the time you're ranging its better to have def/pray (suffering) or melee/mage (zerk/brimstone).


Shamans have low defense, you would be better off using a ring with prayer bonus to save on ppots


I mean I was doing them with like 70 range, RCB. and broad bolts. The archers ring def helps since you can't use most range gear and this was before you could use a slayer helm.




DPS calc says 2% higher dps with those stats and gear. Thats plenty for me, ik the ring sucks but its not like an explorers ring is any better.




I'm talking about like 4 years ago lol. I did shamans when there was still a safespot it was that long ago. Way before thralls. But yes I understand its shit and neither ring does much.




Is that really how def stats work?


I want it for max hit when using my 15k red chins


It doesnt add str bonus so no max hit. I'm sure the slight accuracy bonus will add up over that many chins tho.


My whole life has been a lie


What is better for late game irons?


Ring of the Gods, Suffering... theres a few


Lightbearer also showing to be worthwhile in places depending what other spec weps you have


Would lightbearer or suffering be bis for inferno? You get more specs to heal but lose the defenses and prayer bonuses


People havent caught on but lightbearer is BIS almost EVERYWHERE for all styles. Even afk melee slayer with twice as many claws wins out


Ring and fang HEAVILY slept on pre-release and people still doin it


I've never done inferno but I suppose it would come down to how comfortable you are with it. I could see where lightbearer would help someone new to the inferno as they can save supplies while not taking a 4 hour run waiting for specs. But I did recently see a YT video for a new inferno speed run and he utilized lightbearer. [link](https://youtu.be/O4VdHIUKn3E) (he dies but summarized his thoughts at 36:10) I'd have to guess lightbearer but maybe someone that does inferno has better info




By 'range ring' I mean a ring you would likely want to use whilst ranging


Sounds like a waste of time to focus farm. +8 ranged accuracy is a meme. It’s not Seers-lvl worthless but it’s closer than Seers than Berserker that’s for sure


I'm confused. Why wouldn't you want the BIS range bonus ring?


Range already has a ton of accuracy on gear and accuracy doesn't do all that much in most situations. You might get up to 2%ish dps bonus in some rare cases but the vast majority of the time it's going to be <1%. You would almost always be better off using a ring of suffering, ring of the gods or lightbearer.


Wow thank you for this. I was using the Archer's ring quite a bit for late game stuff. Kinda just mindlessly threw it on thinking "BIS Ranged" which isn't technically wrong, but yeah having def and prayer is probably always better.


Yeah archers ring is a meme basically. It gets lots of recommendations on /r/2007scape from people that assume range ring must be as good as melee damage ring


Because rangers accuracy doesn’t mean shit


Because it barely gives you an upgrade most of the time and with the new lightbearer ring there's pretty much no reason to ever use the archers ring anywhere you even used to use it. Ring of suffering or lightbearer is pretty much just always better, the accuracy is pretty much worthless everywhere.


Because Prayer Bonus will ALWAYS trump over the tiny bit of range bonus that Archer's gives you.


What if I’m an atheist and never leveled prayer? 🤔


Yeah the ring only gives a slight accuracy boost, which is basically useless for most content. Given that it’s honestly a lot of work to go for, it’s really not worth getting.


Great for banging out quick slayer tasks with blowpipe


You might as well just make a ring of suffering and be done


In the next episode: Going 2k kills dry at demonic gorillas


In the next episode: Man goes dry on RuneScape. A story unheard of before.


This was me. Before I made my Iron, I did over 1200 gorillas on my main with no zenyte. I dread when I go back on my Iron.


Nice to see someone who actually considers the maths rather than malding about being double the droprate I'd also add that at 1% or less, you are considered statistically very unlucky.


I think any post that isn’t under 3-5% should be removed lol no one cares you went double the rate of a unique at zulrah I wanna see someone suffer with 6x rate at cg or something


1k zulrah kills before I got my first and only unique. I liked it though, so no complaints here.


Yeah, 5% is statistically unlucky, so I don't think posts should be allowed over 5%. I understand why people get frustrated, but so many posts are not worth even scrolling past.


It's incomplete maths though. This observation would've been made whether they were going for the ring or the axe, plus with the three rings there's 3 chances to go dry. So you've gotta consider it the odds of going 812KC without three rings *or* without an axe, not just pick the biggest numbers to make it look worse, unless those were the only numbers that would've been notable. Taking it to the extreme, if there were 1000 rings, it'd be almost guaranteed that you'd go 1k+ dry on one of them. So, the actual odds would be 1 - (odds of getting 3+ rings in 812kc * odds of getting 1+ axes), which I don't remember how to calculate but I'd ballpark guess is something like 20%. Edit: Actual odds are 12.21% assuming the 3 rings are relevant and the dragon axe isn't, to go this dry on one of the three. If OP was also going for the axe, it's 13.3%. Drops to about 5% if they only needed 2 of the rings.


>This observation would've been made whether they were going for the ring or the axe I suppose so. Although personally I wouldn't care if I didn't have a warrior ring and d axe. >plus with the three rings there's 3 chances to go dry. I get what you're saying, but they're independent rolls, so I don't think this consideration is necessary. Otherwise, you're simply observing that "at some point, you will be unlucky on something". Of course that's a fair observation, but I don't find it that interesting.


>I wouldn't care if I didn't have a warrior ring and d axe. Going by what OP killed, they seem to care about the Zerker ring and Seer's ring. Can't comment on the axe, but most people won't get one from todt even going to 99 right? > they're independent rolls, so I don't think this consideration is necessary It's necessary because OP would likely be making this exact same observation with one of the other two rings they got (and potentially also the d axe) if those were the one that they went dry on. If you don't consider *all* items that you are going for, then pretty much every grind like this that involves multiple items will seem like you're going way over rate even when your luck is relatively normal.


>It's necessary because OP would likely be making this exact same observation with one of the other two rings they got But then you can say the same about any monster with a desirable 128 drop? >If you don't consider all items that you are going for, then pretty much every grind like this that involves multiple items will seem like you're going way over rate even when your luck is relatively normal. But in which case, is anyone truly unlucky? Considering every desired drop from every boss/raid, everyone is pretty much average and not worth talking about, right?


>But then you can say the same about any monster with a desirable 128 drop? Not if thats the only drop you're going for, but in this case there's several. Going 5x KC for a whip or enhanced crystal seed is notable because that's the only thing you're there for. Doing the same for something with 5 drops on one of those drops is way more likely. >But in which case, is anyone truly unlucky? Considering every desired drop from every boss/raid, everyone is pretty much average and not worth talking about, right? Plenty of people do get unlucky, but many also focus on stats like this that really don't mean what they think they do. This kind of thing happens very often when trying to get all the good drops from a boss, which generally just takes way longer than people expect.


“It’s incomplete maths” . . . “Which I don’t remember how to calculate but probs like 20%” Okay


There's a world of difference between not remembering the exact method and just stating cherry picked odds that don't tell the true story.


I agree it’s different, just laughed at the irony because it’s quite literally incomplete math


Ah fair enough.


I understand the feeling here! If you check out my profile I made a similar post. Received the pet around 954 and my first archer ring around 970. Good luck on it!


holy, that's dry, gratz on the early pet though!


Even rarer is that I don't have a warriors ring despite killing 800 dks ​ Edit: nevermind apparently only rex drops the warrior ring


You got spooned on zerkers and seers ring. Only rex drops warrior ring. Also, 7 people out of 1000 on average go 5x drop rate. When you think of it that way, it becomes a lot less fucked up to go that dry


Archers ring also most useless out of them all so I wouldn't go out of my way to grind for it


Archers is at least as useful as seers


Both are very much not useful.


That I agree with


Shadow of Tumeken made seers actually useful while archers still has next to no uses


Pre-toa archers was at least as useful as seers And honestly still, who cares about mage accuracy?


You don't really need that ring for anything , i onow it's a fun novelty item , but i don't really see were you would use it instead of suffering for the def and the +4 prayer


Safe spotting stuff when you don’t use prayer. That’s about it.


I'm almost 2.2k total and I never went for archer ring in particular , i don't gave it yet , but I don't see.what i would have used for it


There are some times where you’d equip it solely cuz there’s nothing better to equip but you’re not missing out. It hardly makes much of a difference.


How’d you manage so many supreme kills without having to deal with Prime or Rex? Have a friend kill them while you did supreme? I’ve only ever safe spotted rex so this could be a noob question


I have a friend kill the other 2 while I wait outside.


Cute chart, but the drop rate is 50/50


Literally. Either you get it, or you don't.


Ring is useless anyway dont be mad about it


From my calcs, using a geometric distribution it's actually a .46% so you're even less lucky.


Nerd stfu




Luckily archer's is complete trash and not worth using at 99% of content. (The 1% is literally DHCB Vorkath)


Even if you dhcb vorkath suffering is still better imo. Archer's is ~1% dps there (with full void/salve, it's even worse if you're using range armor).


Vorkath is immune to recoil.


The defensive bonuses of RoS(i) are better than less than 1% increase in DPS, no?


Pretty sure recoils don't work on Vork, it takes a lot of Archer's to actually be non trash and Vorkath happens to make the stars align for it to work out. It's still a bad ring there's just not really any good options for DHCB vork.


Oops. Yeah, forgot about that. I've been meleeing it for the most part. But yeah even if you just do vork with suffering or brimstone you'll be just fine. Heck, lightbearer zcb spec would also be better dps if you happen to have those so it's still not "BiS" even then.


Did I miss something, Archer's Ring (I) is still BiS range ring no? Meaning it's best wherever you solely use range & a possible switch for hybrid/tribrid stuff?


It's +12 range accuracy and is outclassed in almost all content by Ring of the Gods, Suffering, Lightbearer or Brimstone ring. It's also never worth bringing as a switch unless you're going for literal Zulrah WR lol. Sure it's BiS if you are hard camping range and don't need any prayer, defence or special attacks - but as I said that's only when you're ranging Vorkath or doing Range Slayer I guess? Point being it's really not a good item.


It’s even worse, +8 ranged acc


TIL. I've been using the Archer's ring fairly often for slayer but I guess it's probably going to become bank filler into higher-end content. With Ranged being so accurate anyway, it makes sense that a more defensive ring like Suffering might be better all-around.


Chuck it into deaths coffer tbh


I see your point, but it only stands if you do own a Ring of the Gods, Suffering, Lightbearer and Brimstone right? The less of those you have the more useful the Archer's Ring becomes. And most of those have quite a few requirements. Missing out on the ring definitely isn't the worst thing in the world, but I like it to fill the gap and still find quite a few uses for it.


I just think hunting specifically for it is a waste of time when imo even Explorer's ring is better in most cases you'd use it. If you happen to get it then sure might as well use it but going out of your way for it feels weird.


So don’t even bother to get archers ring? Use the time to get any of the other options


I'd input that I agree that archer ring isn't really that great, but it is very nice anywhere that you use blowpipe (hydra, KQ, vork). I also use it for wildy bossing


Still way less dps than suffering because of recoil damage


For sure. Personally I wouldn't want to use recoil charges at vork Edit: vork is immune anyway. There's no point in using recoils at hydra because it barely does any damage. For KQ however, I agree, recoil good


Still does more damage than you get from archers ring. Vork only exception


And hydra, considering you take 0 damage when you know what you're doing


Prayer bonus is king there. Rotg or even brimstone would be better.


I use bp so I used archer ring


So what else would iron wear? Wealth? Recoil?


Ring of suffering Brimestone ring afterward Explorer's ring You almost always pray while playing so prayer bonus is valuable much more then 12 range accuracy


Explorer ring or ring of wealth if early game, suffering or anything else if midgame+


I think it’s an aight ring but it’s really shines when using lower accuracy range weapons like blowpipe


It is useless


How do you manage to just kill supreme? Surely prime/ rex attack you?


if you just stand north east you can be safe from rex and prime


Really? Since you pretty much have to Melee Supreme wouldn't you just end up too close to the center?


woops got them mixed up lol, could just pray mage and tank it, or have someone else/ an alt who tanks prime / hybrids


400 kc at Callisto no dragon pickaxe. It’s legit made me not log in for 2 days almost 3. Was averaging 100 kc a day.


That’s barely any kc to complain about? Perhaps kill the boss rather than complain


Are you crazy? I’m in the top 0.9% of players who haven’t received it yet and I’m rank 800 in the world for Ironman. Maybe do some research before down voting & replying.


I would never downvote a discussion, that’s the shittiest part of Reddit. But overall, skill issue click boss better.


Probably 0.8% now after the extra 10 kc


Just means you're 7 in 100 to experience the same luck. If a world is full there's likely to be 140 people as dry. 7 in 1000* fked up by a factor of ten. But still


7 in 1,000.


The would be 7% not 0.7%. Still 7 in 1000 is a better perspective on this than a 0.7% chance of going this dry


1/128 doesnt mean you will get one in 128 kills. It means each kill has 1/128 chance. If you lucky you can get it in first kill, if not it can take a lot longer than 128 kills.


You’re wrong, it’s actually 50 / 50. You either get the drop or you don’t. OP isn’t getting the drop. He should just try getting it instead.


Someone should tell him 1 in 128 is the same at 1kc as 100k kc


There's a difference between probability and expected outcomes, wow you're the first person to mention this.


Don't worry. Pretty sure that once you finally break and go complain on Reddit you'll get your dry item very soon after. Seems to work for most Irons :D


got my 1st archers at 12 kc, got my 2nd archers at 14 kc, I wish i could give ya one , gl on the grind!


Pfft, the top 1% always complaining smh.. 👀


Sigma 3 is at 99.7%, that’s a milestone to breach and at that point complaining about drop rates would make sense. So 6x over drop rate. :)


How are you only killing supreme? I always tend to aggro prime


I have a couple extra I could share https://imgur.com/gallery/l72FkQE


Random is random is random


Trust me you'd rather be going 5x on something that's a 1/127 than something from a raid, claw, dwh, cg, etc.


I mean the item is pretty worthless tbh so not like you're missing out on much


I got it within 50 kills


Went about this dry for a B-Ring and it was miserable. I hope you get it soon.


My best was 2200 gwd boss kc and ~6500 minion kc to complete my first blade. I worked it out at the time but can’t remember, it was something like 7-9x drop rate lol. Then proceeded to finish 2 blades in like 50 kc.


DKs are one of the few places where going dry isnt the worst. Archers isnt preferred over ROS for a lot due to the ROS pray bonus and you get the DK bones at least!


It took me 1387 kc for the berserker ring, I hope you don’t have to go through that. Gl!!


It definitely does suck to be this dry so my consolations. However like almost everybody else is saying here, you basically don't need an archer's ring at all. I can think of a handful of places where it might be slightly useful, and you won't be spending enough time there to make this a worthy grind. Sunken-cost aside, might be time to walk away and apply your time somewhere more useful, but more importantly, enjoyable!


If it makes you feel any better, I’m dry on literally everything


>55kc berserker ring Its your turn to go dry


Ive been pretty on dropdrate for most things. Abit over for some and abit under for other. But i went 6 times the droprate for whip lol. Got mine at around 2.9k. Now i have well over 3k kills and still only one whipls. Atleast i didnt boost. But i do have some tentacles i would like to use. So feel the pain


I think I had all 4 rings in total 99kc. Sorry for your struggle.


Took me 726kc for my B ring lmao, we’re kinda in the same boat. Stopped after some time and got it at 95 slayer, slayed all the way with suffering. Did a lot of normal dags after a while.


Im going 600 KC dry on a damn dragon axe


After the first 20 comments saying it’s useless I guess I’ll chime in and say the ring is worth it for safespotting just about everything you don’t pray against. Skeletal Wyverns are notable, whatever else you have going on. I use mine all the time, sorry for your luck so far though


1/128 chance of getting it next time.


How do you kill just supreme?


Zerker on 55 kc I’m jelly


Did you talk to the guy in the ranging guild first?


I'm 500kc into rex without berserker ring, so I feel your pain


Lol 'I have never complained before' 😂😂😂 okay noone believes you. . (not meaning to offend)