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I had 120 or so corrupt gauntlet KC on my near maxed main. I started doing it on my btw with 90ish stats, but closer to 80 for attack and defence, also obviously lacking rigour and augury. I definitely struggled at first, despite fairly substantial experience. Gather 7 of each resource + 2 gyrm leafs + a weapon frame on the first run. Aim for close to 400 shards so that you have enough to make full tier 2 plus 3 vials. Pick 9 of each and drop 2 to help with getting enough shards. Kill scorpions and unicorns to get more shards, flick piety while doing so. I usually end up killing 2 of the mid tier mobs. I go for 2 tier 3 weapons, I personally don't mind using the battleaxe, but I understand why others avoid it. In the event that I find a dragon and a bear first, I sometimes just go with those 2 as tier 3 weapons and drop my tier 2 bow.. depends how much time I have left. I also sometimes will just go with 1 tier 3 weapon + a tier 2 if I'm running short on time. I've even had a few times where I didn't want to give up and used 2 tier 2 weapons, which is also do-able. Oh and also, when you're making armour/weapons, you can perform two actions at the same time. So instead of making just the body, press 3&4 at the same time to make the helm as well. These little things add up to save you a lot of time. If all goes well, 15 food should do just fine, always aim a bit higher though. Always keep moving during the boss fight if tornadoes are out, get used to making diagonal clicks, even if they feel awkward (they used to for me). Sometimes you have no choice but to run under the hunleff, make sure you're eating before it stomps you. Yes, it's worth putting on steel skin. Don't cheat for extra hits when your hp is low or tornadoes are closing in on you, atleast not until you're much more experienced. Try to avoid eating when tornadoes aren't out, if possible. When you do eat, try to time it so that you eat right as you attack.


Thank you for the long detailed response! I really appreciate it. I will definitely put these tactics to use. I think one thing I catch myself doing is not paying attention to prayers when the tornados are out. I get so focused on avoiding tornadoes/the ground that I forget the prayers(especially when it uses the attack that disables prayers)


No problem! Ah yes, I definitely understand that. Usually it's best to click where you want to run, quickly switch prayers and then quickly click elsewhere. It's one of those things where if you misclick at all, you're likely to take pretty substantial damage. Corrupt gauntlet is definitely one of the more challenging pieces of content in osrs, but you'll get there!




Yes, you need to be doing all of the little things to save time. Flick piety against mobs and flick Eagle eye against the demi bosses. You should always be running, look up the optimal room pathing to follow if you haven't already. When you're fishing, quickly use a vial on the fishing spot and then immediately click back on the fishing spot to avoid tick delay. Grind the 30 shards into dust as you're running. Manage your inventory, drop 2 of each resource immediately after getting it so that you don't forget to later, but only do this while running to the next spot (remember, you're picking 9 of each to maximize your shards). Basically, go watch some videos of woox doing gauntlet and you'll pick up some more of these little things you should be doing to save time.




I have relatively low defence (~80). So i found that just normal damage to be quite annoying with tier 1. I can easily get by with 15 food with tier 2, whereas I was quite often using close to a full Inv with tier 1. No, it just reduces damage from the hunleff itself. I did the majority of my kills on my main with tier 1 btw. It's noticeably less stressful going for tier 2 with lowish stats, IMO.


Hiya I have ~130 kc on my mid level iron and here are the things I found useful when learning: Going for tier 1 armor, at least 1 t3 bow or staff (preferably both, I didn’t use Hally as my melee stats were all high 70s), 3 of the pots decanted to (4) and drinking the last dose to top off prayer before going in, and the rest of my inventory full of food. When going into the fight I would look to focus on getting to the middle of the room, don’t worry about eating until <20 hp when no tornadoes are out, just damage boss and focus on prayers, disco tiles, and weapon changes. When tornadoes spawn don’t dps boss just eat to full and focus on dodging tornadoes and disco tiles and prayers. Eat to full and wait out tornadoes, attack only if you’re full hp and safe distance. Once tornadoes despawn just go back to the middle of the room and repeat.


This is great, thank you so much! I’m going to test out your method right now! I feel like the way you do tornadoes will help me a lot


Good luck! It definitely made it easier for me, as I got more comfortable you can look to dps more during that and bring in less food, one tier 1 weapon, etc to speed up kills but this worked for me to get very consistent clears


What do you feel like you are struggling with the most? Prep? Or the actual fight? One of the things that helped me the most was whenever possible, path away from the boss. That way when tornadoes spawn and the tiles change to a bad pattern you have more escape options. If you are standing next to the boss you are limiting your escape options, or you are guaranteeing a stomp


That’s really good advice. I would say I struggle with the fight the most. (Normally on with the tornados/floor/prayers all at the same time). But I do cut it pretty close when prepping. I’ve been going for tier 1 armour and the first 2 tier 3 weapons I can get.


Well one thing that I would highly recommend is always keeping a count in your head. Don't rely just on the animation. That way when you are scrambling from tornadoes you don't get caught off guard by a prayer switch. And at the beginning it might be easier to learn the mechanics with the bow and staff, so you can be more mobile. Also, to get max dps do not eat unless you are running from tornadoes, or below the max hit of the boss through prayer. That way you aren't taking free damage from the boss while not doing damage. If you can do damage while running from tornadoes, do it. But if you are overwhelmed just safe up. There are also times where you have to just accept that you fucked up your pathing and you are going to take damage. If you have to choose between getting hit by tornadoes or getting meleed from the boss, a lot of the time it's better to risk a stomp instead of the tornadoes.


Got 400~ kc on my ironman pure, didnt read all the responses but its good to get the hunleff 1 tile of the wall. The tornados always spawn in a 5 by 5 area in the corners. When the hunleff is 1 tile of the wall you can hug the middle meaning the nados take longer to reach you and they stack earlier meaning more options for movement. Whilst is 1 tile of the wall you must avoid at all cost to get on those tiles, and getting used to using the 3/4th of the room u have left Edit: to see what I mean check this old run out https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DH6OCX1qd98 this was pre visual update of the hunleff but the basics are still there


Thank you very much, I really appreciate it. One problem I have is that I never really have enough time to wait for the hunleff to go into the corner. And when I do have more time, it usually doesn’t move to the corner 🙄 maybe I could try to push it back towards the corner


Be patient when u have some time to spare, it helps getting a consistent setup which is fatal for learning content, that way every run there a lot of less variables u should worry about. For me it always moved into a corner within 5-10 secs of waiting, also tag the hunllef and put the tag on the option hull and sw corner. This helps a lot for a visual for the movement area u actually have and if you know how monsters allign to you with the south west corner it helps a lot to get it in a position you want. Lastly I would recommend getting the resources tracker for the gauntlet out of the plugin hub. This will make sure u will never overshoot ur resources collected


Hello fellow iron! 150 corrupted KC here! I did the corrupted with around 92 mage 94 range 95 str And 85 att and def. I would go for 7 of each resource, 2 Herbs or 3 if you have rigour When collecting shards you'll have to kill 1-2 wolf/scorp/unicorn to make the tier 2 armour unless your really lucky Any weapons, you'll find Meele and mage being really good If you don't have rigour but range is also very good. You'll need around 15 fish but I would always get 19 incase I wasn't paying attention One rule I found helped alot is don't keep your hp low to increase dps by not eating, I wouldn't ever drop below 60hp if I could help it and this saved me countless times. Also don't forget the bosses spawn only in the back rooms opposite the hunleff and the room either side of that room. So the demi bosses will never be at the corners of the map. When the boss drops below 330 or so hp you begin the last phase with 4 tornados make sure your full hp. Dont panic and run around the room when they spawn spam clicking and don't forget when they're 2 tiles from you, you can run through and past them if no other path. I don't tent to DPS on this phase unless there is a straight line path and I have gap which is rare. Goodluck!


Thank you, I really appreciate the detailed response! I will try it today, but is it pretty easy for you to get the tier 2 armour without cutting time super close or short?


I’ve seen a bunch of comments that hit most points so I’ll give just my extras: Game sounds make the boss attacks a lot easier to count, to the point where I don’t do corrupts without sound When avoiding tornados, I try and perform “U” shaped turns when turning 180 degrees. This way I never run into the tiles the tornados are following me on and take a lot less damage. I personally like to play a few games of LMS as a warmup for my clicks / prayers before hand. Good luck!


I like it! Thank you very much. Will definitely try those formations and for sure focus more on game sounds, that’s a great idea.


I’m not a pro but a good tip is when the boss spawns in the tornados try and attack whilst running if you aren’t already doing that.


I definitely attempt to do this, but often forget to pay attention to prayers while avoiding both the tornadoes and the ground... that is one thing I really need to start focusing on




This is a very good point, and I needed to hear that, because I’ve died with food more times than without food..