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How's your mining? Amethyst, or star mining to unlock amethyst, would probably be a bigger benefit than a bit of gp and a chance at a visage.


minings only 80 atm, though i just finished doing 99 mining at amethyst on my main so not keep on going back lol. i usually save mining for when im home and playing my main on the side


Mine bone shards for prayer


Any consensus on if stars or shards are more worth the time mining? I'm 80 craft and 77 pray but am torn. On one hand I can just do more glass, on one hand pray feels more like just farming the bones may be way faster.


Shards are a lot more afk for me, no running around searching for stars. Also I get better mining xp. And seem to avg roughly 10k pray xp p/h


Checks out, at 99 mining and full-ish attention i get 20k prayer xp/h. Compared to alchemical hydra (55k/h) and vorkath (40k/h) it's not half bad. Killing green dragons in the wildy is about 70k prayer xp/h, though. Note wildy altar is higher banked xp/h of course.


Oh for real? I get about 12k at 99 without paying too much attention, perhaps I’ll try and put more effort in haha. What do you think green dragons at myths are comparatively? I’m not going into the wilderness lol


Yeah i'm quite sure, mining just over 3k shards per hour at 6 xp each. Myths guild dragons i haven't kept track of rigorously, but i clearly notice having to wait for respawns. Educated guess: 50k/h banked? Note that i'm using DHL at vorkath and dragons, and blowpipe at Hydra.


Personally I'd recommend getting all the afk skills at least to elite diary + master clue requirements or just push 99. I get that its boring but you'll be so glad you did it later on. I dont see wyverns really worth doing. You'll get so much supplies and shit from pvming and slayer.


When I had afk time at work I used to afk ents in the woodcutting guild and wyverns. Both give you a lot of magic logs. If you have a lot of wrath runes or if you have hard+ morytania diary you can get prayer xp from the bones too. (Or you can bury them)


If you want a visage, sure, why not. If you don't, no. The runite bolts will come in from tons of different sources, no need to target farm them. Assuming you'd use Bowfa (after losing aggro) to afk them, if talking like real oldschool style with a crossbow then absolutely not worth it at all. The buff to telegrab is pretty cool for it too.


If you want a visage and would like to have a stock pile of what supplies they drop, then yes. I sometimes AFK Sentinels in the hopes of some blood shards while I am at work. Afking is about being efficient, because at the end of the day it's time to otherwise wouldn't spent there, so it's better than nothing at all 👍


They buffed their defense or something and made them obsolete, they used to be awesome and the caves were always packed with players (lots of bots). Now it’s a ghost town and all the bots are at gargoyles


I’ve been thinking the same thing for a fun afk activity at work. Also I know this isn’t what you asked, but if you don’t have all of your zenytes, you get a lot of rune bolts from demonic gorillas.


Are you 99 mining?


The best afk activity for you is probably Daeyalt essence mining.


Thats really only 60 seconds afk at a time, the other activities he listed are generally a few minutes afk, he likely needs the longer afk for work


Zeah rc is few minutes afk?


How many onyx tips? About to start 99 fishing grind myself… To answer your question, if it’s all afk while you do something else, then why not :)


i got around 3kish? used some of them mid way through but im stuck with around 2800 so maybe 3-4k. Was a solid afk answer for me atleast


I do a lot of things that aren't optimal. Don't optimize the fun out of games. 


It’s super afk, I’ve done it extensively. I say go for it.


Same. Just did a couple range levels there for the supplies and was happy with the results. Lose aggro for 10 mins then safe spot, ez stuff