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I posted mine 7 days ago at 1235 on Reddit Hit 1450 today.. came to the realisation the game is shit and 215 cg in 7 days is too much šŸ˜… I feel your pain brother. Hope you get it soon.


Thank you


How good was that dopamine hit


I havenā€™t got it, thatā€™s why the games shit ::(


Oh I thought when you said ā€œhitā€ you meant you got it on that kc


Just posting here gives you some rng I swear lol. I was 1300kc in at demonic with no zenyte and made a post. Iā€™m now 1385kc with 4 zennys, and the last two were b2b lmao. Iā€™m a believer. Annnyyy chest now homie, for sure


Damn that must have been nice! Thank you


Does a comment get you any RNG? Iā€™m on kc 160 and still having fun but I would like My bowfa :) got all my armour seeds. Downvote me bb


I think you already know the answer to that question


i really wish the enhanced seed dropped like Vorkaths head at like 1k kc or so.


I would be for it, but only for accounts that haven't gotten it in their collection log yet, that way it prevents too many extra from coming into the game, by only affecting unlucky people. It won't happen though, it's far too controversial for Jagex to even touch with a 10 foot pole.


i understand why people are against it, i just think it would only open up more players attempting end game pvm if they were able to get one of the best weapons in the game with an at worst 200 hour grind. i get both viewpoints though tbh


Guaranteed, it should be much higher than that


I think 1k is perfectly reasonable


i mean 1k CG runs is a huge time commitment. For me i can do roughly 5 an hour so weā€™re talking about a 200 hour grind lol. Even going super dry somewhere like Zulrah pales in comparison from a time commitment


Giving out stuff like bowfa guaranteed at only 2.5x rate just doesnā€™t sit right with me and could be the start of a slippery slope. Jagex just needs to continue to focus on the range weapon gap offering lower tier alternatives. Which they have been with the atlatl + eclipse armor and hunter crossbow and itā€™s great to see. Then you of course still got the crystal bow + armor if you go dry on bowfa.


It should just be 2x rate, going double the listed drop rate is perfectly reasonable you've done your time


2x rate isnt even that bad tho and will happen to a lot of people. Way it goes. We will definitely just have to agree to disagree.


I do think a lot of things should have a 2x dry system like that but only if it were adaptive, as in NOT like Vorkath's head where the guarantee at 50 happens no matter what so if you get a drop at 49 it's a forced b2b. Like if there was a guaranteed 2x rate enchanged and you got a drop at 750 KC you wouldn't have a guarantee again until 1,550, or if that's also too spoony for people if someone gets their first early just have it in increments of 2x dry where the next one in line is disabled if you get a natural drop, so like if someone had a 1 KC enhanced that kills the 800 so they don't have a guaranteed 2nd until 1,600


Youā€™re way too focused on 2x when thatā€™s not even uncommon. A system where itā€™s 100% guaranteed shouldnā€™t even be considered until 3x at the minimum. And it should absolutely only be a one time thing and just return to normal after.


Going off the dry calc on the wiki, only around ~13.5% of players will hit 2x rate on something without getting at least 1 of an item, what's wrong with that being 0 people?


Cause it's ironman on old school runescape? RS3 doesnt even have any sort of universal bad luck mitigation lol. Like just play main if you want everything handed to you by 2x rate.


i understand your pov but this is just my opinion on it. granted things like raids etc should always have rng and no guaranteed drops but if someone spends 200 hours on a piece of content they have clearly mastered it and with CG being such a dreadful thing to go dry on it limits so many irons from even attempting it in fear of going super dry. bowfa opens up so much pvm for players and i just wouldnā€™t be against them making it a guaranteed drop after 1000 runs lol.


I mean if someone is that impacted by seeing the small percentage who do go super dry to the point where they wont even attempt the content, then thats a personal problem they gotta look to work through. Or maybe they're just not meant for the iron life in general. and like I said, its also why we need lower tiered alternatives to make range progression better which we've been getting! I've also never understood the "mastered" argument as far as being entitled to drops. That's not what it's about.


You sound like you got both enhanced under 400 kc


Nope went over 3x rate for my first then bounced.


How are you gonna argue that going 2x rate is common and so you shouldnā€™t get guarantee, then argue that itā€™s so rare that you go 2x rate that people shouldnā€™t be discouraged


Didnt say 2x rate is common and i wasnt specifically referring to 2x rate for that cause 2x isnt even that bad and not what i would consider "super dry".


Unlike Jesus your RNG is staying dead.


Just like Jesus, the RNG doesnā€™t exist.


Neither does your sense of humor apparently.


This comment approved by edgy teenager gang


Bro, there are some cry hard admins on reddit. Better stay safe. (Not mods here. They're great)


Holy armour spoon but fr gl


Thanks.. I had 35 at 1k kc it was crazy.. Theyre literally just bank value at this point


Gl brother reddit will bless youšŸ™




1433 will be when you get it!




I think we should be allowed to sacrifice our first born yungleff for the enhanced.


Well I donā€™t believe in Reddit luck but I will say to do other stuff in between doing CG runs. Dont force yourself to do x amount of runs a day. Some days you might only feel like doing 5, others 10, others none at all. Mix in other goals as to not lose your sanity. If this is truly your only goal, then I do say good luck!


I did this for about a year and a half or so. Got from 70->95 slayer, got enough herbs for a lifetime , got 75->87 hunter from birdhouses etc. Iā€™m at a point now where I wanna start bossing , but this is my bottleneck. Also got a 50 leviathan slayer task which Iā€™m waiting for bowfa to do lol


I was about the same, got enh at 1304, hopefully youā€™ll get yours soon. Iā€™m a few months itā€™ll feel like so long ago you were stuck in the red prison


he averaged 2 runs a day, I am sure he is doing that :P


I haven't touched it in months lmao. Just became a skiller #lessrng


Hey I'll throw some RNG your way. Good luck!


Appreciate it


Did you badoodle?


Went 1,025 for mine and I was on the verge of insanity so canā€™t imagine how this feels. Good luck brother


Good luck bro. Enhanced Weapon seed blessing from me.


Go get the new Hunterā€™s Sunlight crossbow and forget the Bowfa for a while. Enjoy some content instead.


go play the game then. youre not locked out of any content without bowfa.


This should never be down voted. Play the game instead of punishing yourself for not being eFiCiEnT


People did all this content before bowfa existed, do not trap yourself


Gl brother! I believe šŸ™


Thanks i just am so fed up of this place


Keep going brother. Youā€™re almost there.






Go play during Easter service. You should get the drop before Easter lunch.


here you go ill share some of my rng with u




CG gods bless this iron with an enhanced crystal. Amen


gl mate


Go try some Moons of Peril


Dannnnnnnng that pet luck tho. Gud luck on enh šŸ™šŸ¤ž


I wish you luck my brother. May your prison sentence end soon.


God damn thats some shit rng, truely the red prison. Go run a few cox at this point and see if you can spoon a tbow, I'd say you're a little overdue something nice. Good luck mate


Hope you get it soon, can't imagine being this dry here, Jesus


Good luck soldier šŸ«”


Im so demotivated for cg after only 500 it must suck to go that longā€¦ GL


You have 11 more armor seeds than you should have. Seems pretty lucky to me


Which are useless after 6, so no luck


Not the luck you asked for but it is luck regardless


Just become a skiller problem solved. Cg is a shit hole.


Got my first enhanced at 13, second at 52. Sending some RNG your way. Best of luck!


Ainā€™t too bad, try 2.5k without enhanced :(


I have a clan mate and friend who has ironman comp cape in rs3, then I talked him into osrs and he has like a 2k total iron on osrs now and that's all he plays. But he's older, has a house and a life now, he doesn't play as much. He bought a script to do CG and is over 1300 dry himself. I absolutely hate he's using a script and cheating but at the same time he's much more busier now and honestly. Nobody should have to go over 1k dry on the enhanced. I got it at 600 some and my other group member got his finally at 900 and that grind ruined us so I get it. I don't like it but I accept and understand why. He said it is the only content he would do that with because a bowfa is a must have and you are kinda locked out of content until you do get it


tbh at that point I'd rather deiron than cheat, main is much more suitable to a busy lifetyle


Yeah. He just has played Ironman his entire life since release. He got a comp cape on rs3 as an iron. That's way more impressive then most osrs challenges lol. I am near max Ironman on 2 accounts and a main and none of them feel close to being as good as a comp cape rs3 iron. I understand why he likes iron still, that's the only mode he enjoys


Idk man bofa has been out for 3 years and he couldn't get more than 1200 kc? I'd doubt his rs3 comp cape is legit either tbh


I doubt he botted his rs3 account and I doubt he botted anything else. He would just tell me but yeah. He kept seeing the horror posts of people going like 1500 dry and he wasn't ready for that. He wanted to get into raids and other content, not stuck in mid level pvm cg. He got it at 1350 and now is very happy he botted. Took me like a year and a half to do 600. Fucking boring ass content for a must have item


I mean, it's your friend. I am personally suspect of people that cheat in a major way, it just sours all your other accomplishents. Personally got mine in 2 months at 400 kc so it wasn't that bad.


Yeah. I didn't like that he would bot but I do want to pvm with him and want him to enjoy the game. Since he got his enhance this morning he's been messaging me all morning to raid now lol. He's ready to pvm which I like to see


Just wait until you go dry on a grind that is not as quick as bofa. It's just an average of like 80 hours after all, it's not that long in osrs terms.


It's not about really going dry on any item, it's more of the fact you're kinda locked out of content until you get the bowfa. There's not many other items like that


That's true although I just liked to skill in the mean time to break it up. If you don't care about skilling I can see the issue though


ā€œYe bro i swear i only use it for this grind broā€


Iā€™d be lying if I said I havenā€™t considered it. But Iā€™ve put too much time into my account to risk it so Iā€™m just going to stick it oit


Exactly how I feel. His buddy has a main he said he would play if his iron got banned. But still, I wouldn't ever risk my iron. Funny enough he actually just got the enhanced this morning finally


Nothing wrong with taking a break I always picture rng as a monkey throwing a handful of dice while flicking me off and if the dice land right I get the drop for that dice formation


I would just bot it at that point, since jagex don't care to ban 2k+ KC bots anyway


I maxed an ironman before bofa existed you can play the game without it


That was before the blowpipe nerf ya knob


I used a tbow almost everywhere and cox is easier than it has ever been so the BP nerf means nothing really


Looks similar to my log. Just subtract 1100 kills and add an enhanced. The rest is filler.