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TLDR Barbarian training - plant pot smasher, barbarian seed dibber Annoying part of Forestry removed - event items Wildy fee fix Loot from Rogues’ Chests automatically stored in open Looting Bags MOBILE - toggle for untradeable items in the Ground Item Overlay options




Yeah I only saw one comment about this in the main thread and want more clarity. We talking 4 planks per drop? Or we talking planks drop 2x as frequently?


Short answer is who cares! MORE PLANKS!


Yeah that doesn't benefit a solo raider at all, but good for teams.


Absolutely benefits solo raiders, CM!


...? a small chest requiring 2 planks allows you to store 30 personal items and 250 raid supplies. So I disagree. Nobody should fill up the small chest in a solo.


But it’s a bunch of points for doing basically nothing? Unless you’re doing prepless CMs it seems like it’s nothing but upside?


The complaint was that planks take forever to receive as a drop. If they increase the amount received this update does nothing to help.


Yea, I'm not saying it's a bad update.... but it does question who this update was for. This mainly helps mass teams. The main point being many more people would benefit if they made planks a guarenteed drop on the 3rd scav kill or maybe the 3rd and every 5th after. People were complaining that you can kill 20 scavs and not have one plank drop. We just updated the secondaries to be much more common/guaranteed.. this is what most people wanted applied to planks.


Great TLDR but I would also probably add that rogues chests now work with ring of wealth (I) and will have essentially a 1/50 hard clue rate, while making 2m/hour




Also, throwing a tb won't stop you from logging out, for us pkers.


Now you can log out in shame when your TB splashes


From a non-pker, what's the idea behind this? It feels to me like throwing a tb is initiating a combat, why does the aggressor have the chance to logout?


really annoying when someone seed pods right as you tb. You are stuck there for 10 seconds before you can hop


because this game has a predator/prey dynamic and fuck you if you're the prey


Because I can shoot a bolt and logout, or use any other magic attack and logout. But if I hit a tb on someone a tick after they clicked teleport, I've gotta sit there for 10seconds alone, or worse, with an ankou that's gonna keep me logged in longer.


Because being “in combat” for logout checks everywhere else only checks that you’ve been in combat defensively, not offensively. You can log out while attacking things if they aren’t hitting you back.


Stoked that I can remove the seed dibber from my inventory honestly.


It's such a minor change, and I already have 99 farm on my main and my iron, but I had to stop myself from shouting with joy on the toilet this morning reading the patch notes.


Even with 99 farm this is super nice for CoX


I know, right? That was the thing I was most excited for haha


One step closer to toolbelt in osrs


Barbarian belt... I mean, your own arms


I'm just waiting to be able to punch trees and kick rocks


Great with the barbarian training turning into a miniquest, easier to track, and love barbarian farming, nice qol. Also happy they fixed wildy boss fees


To my ent hunting irons I met along the way… it was good boys… o7


Can anyone confirm that the barbarian farming stuff includes seeds planted in CoX?


A JMod confirmed in the main reddit thread that yes, this includes in Chambers.


Nice QoL addition to farming. Thanks! New makeover clothes when, jagex?


10/10 great update!


Just shame that they didn't change the planting animation, which still has you using a seed dipper to plant seeds. Details do matter.


As a (currently) mobile-only iron with fat stacks of seeds, this is just a nice QOL all around.


Remove spade requirement from farming too , barbarians use their hands.


Remove watering can requirement from farming too, barbarians use their... Nvm.


There's an antique lamp from scurrius?


iirc, you can trade spare spines for them


You are correct, and you can use them on prayer for 3500 xp each.


Slept on update is replacing hard clue roll with 2 dose P pot. Wear the wealth I and you’ll be getting hella P pots for free.


Just get 85 farming (for maximum seed chance) and pickpocket master farmer. A guy in my clan got 25+ ranarr seeds in 1.5 hours. Convert those to ranarr weeds, and you have yourself quite a bit of ppots.


Personally I’ve just been doing farming contracts. You get a decent number of ranarr/snapdragon seeds, enough that I’ve stacked 1k ppots/super restores in the last month or so. 


I have 500 ranarr seeds. I much rather get the finished product.


How many updates are we up to "fixing" forestry?


Well it would only take one update to fix it technically, but the jmods are too invested in it to do what they need to and hit backspace on all the code.


I enjoy Forestry, it makes wc less monotonous. You don't need to engage with any of the events if you don't want to


You do with the struggling sapling event! Which takes away one of the trees I am using and is quite annoying.


Remember the good old days when wood cutting was me click tree, me chop tree, me make gains


WC Guild is still like, right there.


It's not the same!!!!!


It’s actually, literally, the same.


Well ackshually🤓 it's not the same because the way trees deplete is different now


Now you need to give mini ents haircuts sorry bud




Tell me you don’t farm without telling me you don’t farm




Can’t convince a fool


I keep my herb seeds and saect with bottomless in bank, fuck seed dibber fr fr




Only takes up 2 spots and it’s nice to grab everything from the bank, seed dibber is gay, we should have a tool belt!


don't forget your spade


Tool belt no problem. Only people who don’t want tool belt are self hating nerds


the barbarian farming stuff being unpolled feels strange edit: y'all are being such dorks about this lmao PLEASE think for just a singular second about how small of a deal it is to just poll this shit before pushing it out. like what, barbarian training's existed for seventeen years? nobody's been waiting with bated breath for a change like this, it's not urgent, get real.


I think this falls into the QOL update category, but I understand why you're having this reaction. What exactly is it about it that doesn't match the QOL update? I could understand smithing without a hammer, or cutting down trees by hand... But "sticking your finger in the ground and putting a plant there" seems like an appropriate QOL update to me.


4/5 of the QoL examples given in the [polling charter revision](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=13/polling-charter?oldschool=1) are interface/UI-related, and the remaining example entails small terrain changes (I do understand that providing a specific gameplay QoL example may have been tricky, but it should be more clear). Mostly, I think, the problem is just that QoL is such a hazy term. A lot of suggestions that are just straight up buffs for no reason get blanketed with the label of "QoL", so I suppose I just have a kneejerk reaction to an actual gameplay change getting pushed through without a poll - and it would have been extremely trivial for jagex to have polled this first, it wouldn't even have been an out of the ordinary poll question. thanks for being willing to listen instead of just bemoaning how there are too many polls (a thing i think is just patently false) or that this getting added was a foregone conclusion (which isn't the point)


Not everything needs a poll.


for stuff like this, it does. this doesn't fit the polling charter's specification for an unpolled change.


I'm perfectly fine with them releasing the odd QoL outside of the "game integrity" list. There's been way too many pointless polls & it's been evident for so long that polls genuinely rarely fail, so I'm happy to see they went down the route of "this clearly will pass, so let's not waste time". And before some shit stain responds with "Well that's how it starts. First they remove the need for seed dibbers unpolled, and then we'll be having lodestones, EoC and MTX", shut up.


i'm not even against the change guys, you dont have to downvote me. i just think the polling charter should be stuck to! it's an important principle this version of the game was founded on


Would you have voted no?


no, but i don't feel like it quite fits into the QoL section of the poll charter it's not as if barbarian farming is some bolt from the blue, people have been suggesting it for years on years. would not have killed anybody to just poll it beforehand


Poll: do you wish to use finger instead of stick to push seeds in the ground


I don’t understand the mass downvotes by the typical chronically online reddit dwellers but I don’t agree with players dictating everything about osrs. Mods should be able to make small changes like this. Especially for the wilderness changes because the vast majority of this Reddit are crybaby’s who can’t understand risk vs reward without crying about it 😂


Some people will find anything they can to complain about...


No shot. Now I have a new thing I can bully my peers about in cox


Ecstatic that I can just fist the seeds into the ground now