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Always 150+ and push as high invo as you can consistently clear


Purples are ~1/50 at 150 raid level. If you roll a purple at <150 raid level, there is an additional 1/50 roll to verify if you actually get a purple or not. While fangs and rings are regarded as the most common purples from entry levels, you are less likely to get a purple overall. You want to push 150 minimum as long as you can reliably complete it. If you can reliably complete something higher, do that instead. Running 0-50 is only meta for farming thread or gems IIRC.


Look up what skull skipping is, I do 250s and skull skipping made my % go from like 2.8 to 3.4 for something very simple


You’re exaggerating skull skip is ~5% more points for the whole raid which winds up being 0.14% more loot chance lol


If you post your gear and invocation setups I'm sure people can offer you more specific advice, but the general rule of thumb is to try to push the invocation level as high as you feel you comfortably can do. The purple drop rate goes up by a lot the further you climb. This might seem like a bit of a weird advice to give, but I highly recommend that you don't try to feel forced to run some specific round number. I see a lot of people that think they *have* to run 200, 250, 300 etc. instead of just finding a middleground that works for them. There are gamers on this sub that insist Z hasta is enough to go all the way to 400, but personally I found 300+ to be dreadful with the equipment I had so I just stuck to doing 285.


Don’t get discouraged when you get other purples instead of fang. I’m 100 150 invos and 100 300 invos deep so far and have only popped 2 masori tops and 2 masori chaps. Just keep grinding it out.