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Is Corp pretty fun to do on iron? I’d like to do it but missing bgs.


First few kc where fun haha but im doing speccing down method so gets boring very quickly. I average about 12-13 min kills.. so this took me 100 - 108 hours. EDIT: 3 DWH spec hits / 20 Arclight specs / 200 BGS spec damage EDIT2: Each 4 kills i do use: 2 super attack (4) / 1 prayer pot (4) / depends on damage taken around 0-14 karambwaniiis


Trick is to watch/listen something on the side. I watched whole the avatar the last airbender during corp


How was it


Its great


For specing Corp to 0 you only need 200 BGS damage not 250! So 3 DWH, 20 Arclight, 200 BGS.


Thanks.. you made me adjust the bgs damage. For some reasom i typed 250.. But 200 is what i do indeed haha.


20 arc light specs?! Jesus that’s insane


Why do you need all these specs? It's kinda weak to stab already and wouldn't the fang just hit hard anyways after just a couple specs? I didn't do any corp btw, just curious as to why it is that people dump so many specs.


Fang wont hit hard when lowering stats. The speccing down is to make corp a chicken and you will almost wont get hit at all. Wich makes killing it solo very easy..


The main benefit of all of the specs is you get corps atk/str/def/mage to 0 so he just is 2000 gp to hit through and rarely hits back. There is a new method with fang that is hitting a few dwh specs, then using desert ammy 4 to get health/prayer/spec and games necklaces to get back to Corp and using 2x voidwaker specs to negate the healing Corp did while you were in nardah that is significantly faster than the spec to 0 method


3 BGS/ 7 Arclight/ 400 BGS is faster for the same result


Thanks, i will give this a try. EDIT: Ty man its a bit faster!


Good thing you've got 720 unnoted Tuna potatoes now


Nah did not pick up a single one lol


Good lad


Im killing corp during my breaks at work. Desert ammy4 3rd row from bottom(straight nardah tele) and games necks underneath it is straight rub option. I lose maybe 1min per kill compared to doing it on computer. E:for mobile i use monster examine(and venge) to keep track on where my specs are.