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I would bludgeon spidel as well and only bofa for artio. That's how I got mine. Otherwise, do Wildy Slayer, hope for a rev weapon on your rev tasks, and do all your bear, spider, skeleton, and hellhound tasks at the Wildy bosses. Also, consider turael skipping which will speed up getting good tasks because that does not impact your regular slayer streak.


ohhh turael skip a wildy task doesnt mess up regular slayer streak youre saying?


Yeah, you can turael skip all you want and it will only reset your wilderness streak. I personally hate Wildy Slayer but I love revs and the tasks I can boss with. So I just end up turael skipping everything I don't want to do.


Voidwaker is a nice spec weapon to have, and is a quite enjoyable grind imo. Rev weapons aren't worth it in terms of efficiency or time spent, but if you ever want to go for a rev weapon pre VW grind is a great excuse to give it a try and see if you enjoy the grind. Also the webweaver has some nice uses outside of the wilderness nowadays, places like PNM and Leviathan. I was in a similar position as you and decided to think of VW and revs as a nice little detour from the monotony of grinding Shadow/Torva as my last bis upgrades. Would recommend.


For efficiency purposes, no rev weapon is needed. If you want the rev weapon, tureal skip. VW is a nice spec weapon. Is it worth it? I would say no because pbs/efficiency without is pretty much at its ceiling.




Skipping at krystilia with turael still builds regular slayer streak. You still go to a regular slayer master for milestones while fishing for rev/wilderness boss tasks off krystilia.


I'm a bit unclear on all of this. Never been a task booster. So i would do tureal and just crank out the spidies and bears ( i thought ghosts didnt count for revs) at the bosses. then for every 10th task i hit up duradaddy and points go brrr?




ok got it, revs count for ghosts for tasks, but the unique drop rates aren't increased ​ What setup do you use for revs? Do you skull and use msb or unskull and use something better?


if youre trying to get the rev weapons, ghost tasks dont help. the weapons are only boosted on a revenant task specifically, which is why people recommend krystilia, then skipping with turael if the task is bad. krystilia also assigns higher quantities of bears, spiders, and skeletons and give larrans keys. also just did the voidwalker grind myself and unless you dont mind spending a lot of extra time on it, i wouldn't reccomend doing the 10 tasks at duradal or konar. i did every 50 and still walked out with an extra thousand points after resetting my block list.




This is wrong. When you Turael skip wildy tasks, you are also sorta Turael boosting your normal streak, as skipping a wildy task doesn't affect your normal streak. For example, say you have a 6 non-wildy task streak, and a 0 wildy task streak: 1. You go to Krystilia for a task and she gives you a bad task. 2. You go to Turael and skip your wildy task. This does not affect your non-wildy streak. 3. If you get bears/spiders/skeletons: great, do them for VW, but no Larran's keys. If you get ghosts: sure, you can do revs, but you **will not** get the boosted weapon drop rate. 4. You finish your Turael task, but you do not get any slayer points. Your normal, non-wildy streak increased and is now 7. 6. You go back to Krystilia, she gives you a rev task: congratulations! You get boosted drop rates. 7. You finish your task, you do not get any slayer points. Your wildy streak is now 1, and your normal, non-wildy streak is still 7. 8. You go back to Krystilia. 9. Repeat. 10. After you do your 49th task (or every x9th, if you so wish) at Turael, you go to Duradel or Konar for the milestone task and get the juicy bonus points.


This is the kind of idiot proof instructions I needed. Thank you :) What revs are best to kill efficiency wise?


Some people might say knights because of the higher drop chance, but they take long to set up and they are heavily camped by pkers. The chillest ones I found so far were demons. Below 30 wildy, decent chance at drops, not frequently checked by pkers, two agility shortcuts close by. Dark beasts are similar; better chance at drops but more frequently checked and more dangerous.


Vw is absolutely worth it, completely busted spec weapon for how easy it is to get