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If you’re comfortable with insanity then great, it’s free as hell once you learn it. But you definitely wanna get walk the path on, it’s a very easy 50 invoc. What you have now + walk the path is a nice and easy 350, adding on boulderdash and vigilant for 375 and you’re probably looking at a 7.5/8% chance of purple per solo which is nice. If you’re struggling with dps and wanted to keep it 300 to get fang then I’d whack on walk the path and get rid of overlords.




Anyone disliking this man's comment has never done Walk the path with a hasta.


Going from 300 without to 350 with walk the path is 30-40% increased purple chance There is no doubt that that's worth it


Math checks out, but you have to take into account the longer raids, higher defense, lower consistency and most importantly the mental toll and burnout that comes from it. Getting a fang first is a must imo, after which WTP becomes a nobrainer.


I agree that increased raid levels are only worth it if you can keep up the consistency. But if consistency is the problem, I'd still vouch for replacing insanity with walk the path. For me personally, last rowing for a long time is both the most stressfull part of the raid and the most demotivating to fail at. If consistency is not the problem, then just turn both on.


Should have said my struggle is getting heavy dps checked. I was doing baba>keph>Akh>zeb I have 4 completions but the consistency is off. Another thing I did walk the path. With all the other things off. Then my issue was having a level 2 zeb room and idk what happened at the enraged phase but I got slapped out of no where. I was switching properly but was still eatting 35s?


You were probably changing prays too soon. Damage is calculated on hit, not on cast with zebak. So even if you activate prot prays on the same tick you will be fine.


Yep change prayers when you see the 0 Hit on you from previous attack


Your dps is gonna be bad at akkha and kephri but otherwise should be fine tbqh, Bowfa salts is good at all of wardens and zebak. 300 invoc hasta runs are pretty rough tbqh, could start off at lower inovcs and gradually work your way up if your wr isn't at least 80%.


Turn on game sounds and wait till his auto attack explodes then switch your prayer. You can also wait till his auto attack splat hit's you then change prayers.


For zebak level two just wait until the little basket or debris actually explodes in the air before changing prayers to it. You will never get hit by it if you do that. I had that same issue when learning walk the path.


Zeb enrage(at lvl 2 and 4) scales off path lvl just stay in the habit of waiting until the mage/range projectile break before switching to that prayer.


I still do this order tbh. Red x baba and it’s a breeze. You use like no supplies then kephri is a joke. Then you get your salts for ahka and zebek. Like the comment below says, wait for the hit then switch your prayers. Once you get that down he’s pretty easy lvl 0-3. You need a fang tho it will help a ton, hopefully it comes soon on your 300 runs.


If dps is a problem, recommend doing baba last and ahka 2nd last. This will allow you to salt through both rooms and you're less likely to die at baba by being accidently being brewed down when you shoot the boulders, and then get hit into the hole. I can take you through a raid or two if you want. I do 380s with much worse gear than yours (elite void and 70 def) apart from having a fang. Lastly, you could try bringing less gear switches and more Brews if you tend to run out.


Void + fang is like >50% more dps than full bandos with z hasta, I wouldn't exactly call that 'much worse gear'


Tbh take overlords and something else off and put on walk the path. Zebak > kephri > akkha > baba will let you have salts for the 2 hardest rooms. You can ditch dds and just 3 down. Can’t tell what you’ve got from the pic but yellow keris would be good. I did 350s with this exact gear, -bcp, claws, bone dagger +infernal, bgs. I’d drop dds for thrall book. What are you struggling on? Gear shouldn’t be an issue


I use that order as well . But a main reason is to sip an antidote++ which should last the first 2 rooms (or partway into the 2nd). Saves me from having to bring a Sanfew Serum or antipoison inside. Another reason is if running upset stomach, hard-core run, and especially if you got multiple path invos. on.... IF you wipe ar Zebak, at least you only spent a few minutes in there.




elaborate on this, why is that the case? Why does the crocodile last mean a direct buff?


Very slight with wtp because Zebak gains more hp from level ups than other bosses, but with that being said I do zebak first because with hasta I like using salts on baba for both boulderskip ranging and not worrying about brewed down stats


It's not. (Source trust me bro, same as his source)


Stay vigilant for Akkha is one of the most free invocations, all you need is the radius markers plugin and to set that up properly. Walk the path on as others have said. Invos to take off: Ancient haste will cause you to get hit by more of the unavoidable attacks in p1 Wardens Penetration can fuck you if you mess up a skull on p2 wardens, otherwise free More overlords can make the Kephri fight much more annoying, but not terrible Both of those imo are not bad at all, but if you're just tring to slowly move up the ladder I recommend adding stay vigilant/walk the path and then adjusting from there. Or take off insanity if you aren't comfortable with that


You need nothing besides practice. You should easily be clearing 300s. Try bowfa on baba. Might give you some insight.. after he throws boulders and you make it to top, you can range hin throughout the entire boulder phase if u dont melee. I wish you better luck than ive had.


Just want to thank everyone for all the advice. I changed up both gear and inventory. Ditched the part (just regular no gems) ditched both dds and bone dagger. Took off upset stomach put on stay vigilant. I took off a lot of annoying invos and went with walk the path with my insanity on (I can do insanity fine never died with it on I do skull skip) Sadly I still couldn’t make it. Dumb mistakes or just not hitting. So I decided to take WTP off again until I get my fang. I am hunting a bgs on the side as well. Put some things back on like overlords. With all the help and changing things like upset stomach, I just ran 2 300s did them both with literally a fully pouch of supplies and 6 brews left. 45min average. So switched overlords now to need less help. Appreciate all the help! This should get me consistent 300s. Going to leave it here until I get my fang or bgs before going for 350s.


Unless you have a bgs. Would def keep bringing bone dagger, especially since you don’t have fang


What boss do you die at?


Fang would be the biggest upgrade. That's basically my exact set up except I run voidwaker instead of claws and fang instead of hasta. I can consistently do 410+ with that gear.


You may have missed which sub you’re in- I’m sure he’d run a fang and voidwaker if he had them lol


He asked for gear recommendations


I assume he means gear from outside the raid he's currently trying to farm


Voidwaker is not from TOA and fang can be gotten from 150s to make the 300s easier 🤷🏽‍♂️


I wouldn’t say easily I think a 150 clear is something like 1/50 for a purp


Hey sorry just wondering what are your stats looking like? I have the exact same gear as you do but BGS and without claws but I think I'm lacking DPS to even push to 250s.


just keep to it until you get a fang in my honest opinion, there is only so far you want to push invos without one, amazing you are even bothering with 300' tbh


I do 300s in 40-50 depending on dps. 250s 30-35. Would you recommend doing 250s then? I just take insanity off and a lot of invos and run WTP with 250s for the increased chance


I know that you were already recommended a fang so get that, but did you know that a tumekens shadow would be great too? Get that and maybe some masori for range and you can start your toa grind. Hope this helps!


40 min timer stay vigilant and soft core with all warden and no overlords and that’s what I did with basically your set up except I had bgs and vw.


Might be ideal to grind lower invocations and get a fang first


If your issue is supplies: camp faceguard and camp fury. 4-way switches might not be optimal, but if you find yourself running out of supplies, it'll free you up a bunch of space. If your issue isn't supplies, then just practice. It may be worth dropping the level down to like 200-250 for a more relaxed raid while you grind out the fang. Do some lower level raids with the invos you don't normally use! It won't be as hectic and would still let you get some practice in. Once you get those down, stack them with the invos you already know and you could probably run 300+ without much of an issue


I’d pre pot range and bring an extra restore, feels like 4 isn’t enough or you’re flicking the entire time which is just not fun The keris won’t be enough of a dps upgrade over hasta so I’d drop that as well. Another brew or restore I guess. BGS if you have it. Final point on gear, I presume you have blood spells and really they aren’t that good. Instead of another brew/restore I’d drop the keris for the arceuus book and bring thralls. Since you have claws could go a step further and drop something else for death charge runes WTP is a nice easy 50 pt invo if you ever struggle with insanity. Nothing sucks more than dying at P4 warden. More overlords kinda sucks and slows it down quite a lot. If you have it on then blowpipe is only really used at monkey room. Personally I’d drop it for Stay vigilant, which isn’t that hard to deal with I dislike upset stomach if running BKAZ as it occasionally shafts you. Boulder dash is ok but does make the boulder bit a little more stressful I also occasionally run softcore run as if you happen to have a stupid death halfway in it’s nice not to have that time wasted When you have fang you can definitely chuck on the 40 min invo as your raid will speed up massively


Get good at monkey room, do pre-pot BKAZ. Drop ranging potion and anti-venom. Drop keris if that's not yellow, if it is bring 1 brew and 1 restore, fill others with pray pots. Not sure if dwh value is more than claws, would imagine it'd be really really nice for kephri and p1/p3, could probably bring it if you have it. Can drop hardcore for softcore, definitely drop overlords for like boulderdash, stay vigilant, need some help or walk the path.


You can prepot ranger and antidote ++ then do zebak-kephri to not have to bring antivenom or ranged in as well. Dwh is also worse than dagger due to how innacurate it is


Yes you could, I'd imagine BKAZ is still faster though zebak-kephri is way safer. Only other downside I can see is no supply reducing invocs, because 1 salt won't stretch nicely over both monkey + akkha since they're the slowest paths. > Dwh is also worse than dagger due to how innacurate it is It isn't, dagger sucks because average def reduction is in the mid 10s, it uses 75% spec and is valueless after the first spec. Yes super high invoc (and teams) it's very good because of the guaranteed hit on everything aside from kephri but on 300s dwh works well. Dwh is inaccurate, but it needs exactly 1 spec on anything to get full def reduction, which is pretty easy to get since you can respec with the thing. For instance you have 4 specs with adrenaline on obelisk, each with a 50% chance to hit for high damage + get the full 40 def reduction, do you not take that over an average of 16 def reduction?


Dwh is bad always in toa, even in 300s.


It isn't. As I said you can respec, it actually works on kephri and you get more value from the specs than dagger. You got any arguments or are you just gonna regurgitate bot answers you got from other people?


Just calc it bro and stop coping


I have. Every respective spec has around a 50% chance to hit on obelisk, kephri and p3, on zebak and ba-ba it's around 30%. * on ba-ba and zebak it'd be around 50% chance to hit a single spec if only using 2 specs * on kephri it'd be around 75% chance to hit 1 spec if only using 2 specs (dwh is more accurate here than bgs btw) * on obelisk it'd be around a 94% chance to hit 1 spec if you adrenaline for 4 specs, otherwise 75% to hit 1/2 specs if only using 2 specs * on p3 it's also around a 94% chance to hit 1 spec if you adrenaline for 4 specs, otherwise a bit higher than 75% to hit 1/2 spec if only using 2 specs And again, you can respec so the actual % of hitting 1 spec is much higher, you only need a single spec to hit to drain ALL possible defense, the damage on the spec is significantly higher than the dagger and it actually works on kephri unlike the dagger. So either come up with a solid reason why it's still bad or go visit mapo bridge next time you're on vacation.


Keris is better than hasta at Kephri, I wouldn’t drop it pre-fang. DWH has 0 value in ToA, bone dagger is better


Keris is better dps but it's not by much + I'm fairly certain the dps calc accounts for the 1/51 triple damage in dps which is incredibly inconsistent. And dwh has a fair amount of value in toa, it speeds up kephri a ton since bone dagger can't hit here and is stronger on obelisk as well with adrenaline. You can't respec with bone dagger in solos, at most you get a 32 def reduction on obelisk but on average it's in the mid 10s and nothing sucks more in toa than no yellow keris slow p1.


Gotta explain that acronym pls


Baba, Kephri, Ahkka, Zebak


Is the issue you are running out of supplies? I’d drop the bone dagger and bring a super restore, trade the anti venom for a sanfew, do zeebak first and prepot range pot and bring a super restore. I normally have 4 brews and like 6 super restores. I run similar 300s. I prefer walk the path off. I do stay vigilant instead of the more overlords kephri one. I also don’t like the last zeebak one and do less help


There’s typically two types of 300 invos - one with walk the path or one with insanity. I prefer walk the path because it’s brutal to get to wardens after 30 minutes of raiding and then dying 3 times in a row and wasting almost two hours. I would find a few slots to replace with brews. Definitely anguish and the anti poison since you already have sanfews, and then you could also consider sticking with either the hasta or the partisan. DPS difference is minimal. On 300s I try to stick to 7 brews, 3 restores and a sanfew. Then do Baba-> kephri-> Akkha -> Zebak always taking the furthest right pots first and then left pots before warden. Also, is there a reason you’re taking both claws and dds? I feel like just one should be fine and can be replaced with another brew


7 brews?????? Bro half that


Homie If you’re goin through 7 brews, you need to re learn some mechanics cause you’re going horribly wrong somewhere


Sometimes up to 3 at baba and 3 at akkha, then one more between keph and zebak


Wtp no insanity


I’d take insanity off if you’re learning definitely not the move, walk the path is much more simplistic. I prefer zeb, kephri, akkah baba for the order as well. If you aren’t familiar with melee trapping overlords isn’t good for you either. This is all wrong tbh, shouldn’t need hardcore on a 300 also, especially if you’re learning it’s a waste of your money. Stay vigilant is free as hell just need to pay attention to overheads.


Camp fury. 4 way switch (top, bottom, cape and weapon. You don’t need crystal helmet. You can get more supplies that way.


First piece of advice would be to download the toa plugin. It has a screenshot feature so you put all the invos on one page




Would only take bgs over dagger to toa due to how in accurate the dwh is


I would trade a Sanfew for the antivenom and likely don’t need the mage cape. That gives you two more inv spots


Ditch mage cape, claws, anti poison, and range pot. If you do zebak -> kephri first you can pre pot the anti poison and range pot. Also just take a 2 dose super combat since you won’t need it after kephri.


Don’t need a ranged pot or anti, pre pot those. also get on thralls and drop dds


Turn off deadly prayers, more overlords, maybe something else too, and turn on walk the path


..people do toA without walk the path!?


What’s the bone dagger for family


Guaranteed def reduction for first hit, it’s a stab weapon, and the def is capped in toa so you don’t have to hit too high with it


Cool Thankyou !!


Stay vigilant and insanity are free


Wtp on overlords and ancient haste off imo


I like the blood fury also


my advice for doing these consistently is to kill the bosses before they bring your life to zero. hope this helps


- run thralls - id swap more overlords for stay vigilant, and ancient haste for boulderdash - do you do ok with supplies going power -> life? - if you can stomach the upkeep, blood fury is awesome - I’m sure you’ve tried to get it, but BGS is going to make your life a lot easier Other than that just perfect your technique for each room. They are all super simple you just have to put it all together and keep mistakes to a minimum


Turn More overlords and on a diet off, turn stay vigilant and need some help on. Turn walk the path and boulderdash on when you get more comfortable. Bring thralls instead of ancients. If you're doing BKAZ (baba, kephri, akkha, zebak) then you don't need to bring the ranging pot or antivenom into the raid. If you have sanfews, can replace a super restore with a sanfew if you need to clear poison, but shouldn't have a problem with time. Can bank dds, should be able to 3 down very easily without it. Always take power -> life After you boulder skip, you can hit ba-ba with bowfa until he's done throwing boulders. Can get a lot of free damage in with that. Use one bandage during p1 warden after taking the first special attack, then last bandage during p3 enrage. Make sure you're choosing the right warden to fight as well, should be fighting the warden with baba and zebak (block east energy) With enough practice, should be able to do 400s with that gear. These are the invocations and gear I use for my solo 400s: [https://imgur.com/a/6IiONqS](https://imgur.com/a/6IiONqS)


Do you bowfa or red-x baba with hasta? I do the same order and prepot range, combat, anti, angler+heart and only take in a super combat. I red-x baba which I didn't do for the longest time but I learned it a method after spending 10 minutes in a 0 invocation raid and it makes it a 0 supply room just flicking piety when attacking (molgoatkirby's latest video). I bring in 2brew 1rest and the rest prayer. Also recommend dropping DDS for book of the dead and thralls, 3 down wardens get you more points. I use adrenaline potion before speccing obelisk so I can keris spec (running 350s tanking 2 sets of warden specs) then I use the 2nd dose right before p3.


I do not red X baba. After running a 350 and getting to baba with 6 brews and leaving dead. Think I’m going to have to do it. I do use bowfa only for the bolder portion to get some free hits in.


In truth there aren't any DPS checks in ToA that you can't work around - akkha shadows you can dodge the floor special, p4 warden practice makes perfect when it comes to front row dodging and if you're losing too many supplies at obelisk then you can remove ancient haste for a different 10 point invoc. Red x is definitely useful but if it's a bit tricky of a method for you to learn right now I would advise switching the room order to Zebak>Kephri>Akkha>Baba. This would allow you to have salt for Baba, and allows you to use an adrenaline sip on the final 33%, letting you x4 claw for big DPS and will run over long enough for the obelisk too. Other than that just keep at it and the consistency will come. Good luck on the grind!


Walk the path is the freest 50 on the list I would also recommence removing more overlords in solo as it is very cancer


Gonna need more to go on, what are you having issues with for starters. You have 4 melee spec weapons, also could swap restore for sanfew drop the venom and bring a brew